
Strip clubbing is a luxury. Expensive wine is a luxury. Vacation is a luxury. An expensive car is a luxury. Name one luxury that you feel would diminish your life if you cannot have it, but that other people you know think is dumb. An example: Wife and I love seafood. It's Friday, I just had fresh seafood delivered to my house. Fresh, never frozen, packed in ice, put in a cooler and left on my front landing. Alaskan King Salmon, Monkfish and Cod loin this time, with a few Vermont farm products like uncured kielbasa and hot Italian sausage as well. I cannot do better in any restaurant and a I cannot go 2 weeks without it. What is your luxury?
last commentMy luxuries besides clubbing is traveling and gambling. I guess I could live without gambling but my loved ones cannot live without traveling and I always go with them.
Dinner at Skibum's place!
Uber Eats. I hate putting money in any big tech company's pocket, but I love being able to try a new restaurant and not have the extra time commitment to drive round trip, wait at the table, wait to cash out. All I need is to go downstairs, grab the bag, and come back.
I'd say strip clubbing but my clubbing drive waxes and wanes. If I get a different job, I'll miss the convenient FKK trips, but I don't go often enough to "miss it." Out of sight out of mind.
Eating out. And I’m not even talking fine dining. I used to like to cook but as I get older, I rarely feel like cooking. I would rather pick up something, even if it’s just Olive Garden, or Outback or a Cuban sandwich at the deli.
I spend a lot of money on dining out that I could be saving by cooking my own
My biggest luxury is being able to spend my time how I want.
^ Scrub, I didn't call it a "dick" or a "cock." Yours doesn't meet size requirements to be called a "dick" or a "cock." It's an "itty bitty teeny tiny little pee pee."
I'll add doing martial arts to the list. I could do cheaper non-weightlifting exercise activities, but I'd get bored out of my mind.
Why do you care about his dick though?
Where's sjg??
I have lots of little luxuries that I enjoy, my favorite is because I live in South Florida I can swim and go to the beach all year round, and the pool in my backyard over looks a small lake and is heated, so even when we get a cold snap I can still get in a few hours of sun in the water, Eating well is another luxury, not having to cook when I don’t want to is another, we’re surrounded here by great food stores and restaurants and that’s another beautiful thing. But I have to say the greatest luxury of all living here is we have so many beautiful women, and many are so friendly they make us all glad that they dress so casually the view is so often spectacular.
I will play along and answer your question:
Q: What is your luxury?
A: My luxury is being “white”…
“It is the sufferings of the many which pay for the luxuries of the few.”
~ Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg ~ Born: 3rd January 2003 Stockholm, Sweden ~ Occupation: Student, environmental activist
Awards: ~ Fritt Ord Award (2019) ~ Rachel Carson Prize (2019) ~ Ambassador of Conscience Award (2019) ~ Right Livelihood Award (2019) ~ International Children's Peace Prize (2019) ~ Time Person of the Year (2019) ~ Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity (2020)
^ Welcome to #FridayBait.
Rare books (a tiny collection).
Top-end tools (hand and power).
Craft beer.
Strip clubs, obviously.
There's probably a few other things that cross the finish line as luxuries, but not many. I haven't got extravagant tastes.
I think this could be considered a luxury. I will only buy new cars. I won’t purchase a used vehicle. I’ve purchased three new vehicles (one for me - and one for each daughter) in the past 3.5 years. I’m not buying expensive vehicles. I look for practical transportation, but I don’t buy used.
Ordering take out whenever I want it, is likely another luxury.
Collectible cars. I'll get a new toy which brings me great joy. I'll spend way too much time and money getting it just right. For some reason, when it's finally there, I will get quickly bored and start looking for a new toy to spend more money on.
Booze. Over the years have gradually developed a taste for high end tequilas and whiskeys. I have some bottles that really should have been maintained as a collectibles, but I always end up drinking them.
Good wine, butcher shop meat, and titties. Otherwise I’m pretty frugal. I could say “buying records” but I see that as more of a drunk in my chair after 10 pm addiction. Discogs has me like a sucker on a string.
among other things, higher end brushless cordless power and lawn and garden tools, i have more than i'll ever need but continue to buy/upgrade.
what's your luxury maggot? a few hours outside your truck stop gloryhole so you can pump the cum out of your ass is your ticket, lmao
always deflecting like the pussy punk that you are, what's your luxury maggot? a few hours outside your truck stop gloryhole so you can pump the cum out of your ass is your ticket, lmao
Why is this thread so toxic I can't believe what's going on in here.
If this keeps happening I might have to go to stripperweb.
Spending time with the only parent I have left.
I try to limit how much I indulge in ostentatious luxuries, mostly because I want to set the right example for the kids. There is something to be said for teaching kids the discipline of delaying gratification.
With that said, I do have a handful of luxuries that make life better:
I special order my preferred brand of mayonnaise, which is not available in stores in this part of the country, for $12 per bottle on Amazon. I have tried every single brand carried locally, but none of them come close. Hellmann's is a vinegar bomb and Dukes, the brand that many Southerners swear by, is tasteless to me. A great cold cut sandwich can be made or ruined by the mayo used on it.
Real maple syrup, which is almost $20 for a 32 oz container and even more expensive per ounce as you go to smaller sizes. But it's worth it. There's no Aunt Jemima or Log Cabin sugar syrup in my house. I can practically hear the cash register cha ching every time my kids pour it on their waffles and pancakes, but fuck it.
Family vacations and weekend outings. Very expensive but very worth it. Before I know it they'll be grown and gone.
Once a week we take a night off from making dinner and have it delivered. For a family our size that's a definite luxury. Even with the discount on the delivery fee I get with Grubhub courtesy of my Amazon Prime membership, with service fees and driver tip I'm lucky if I can order almost anything for less than a Benji.
Never walking into a Walmart. I like the prices, but hate the stores. Every single time I go to one of the local Supercenters it's a major time commitment. I either place a large order through my Walmart plus membership, which cost me $99 per year plus I pay driver tip on each delivery, or I bite the bullet and pay the higher grocery store prices for staples that I could get from Walmart. Either way I could pay less if I went to the Walmart myself, which is literally < 10 minutes from me, but soooooo worth it.
Whisky/Bourbon is probably my biggest one. I don't get too out of hand with it, but I do enjoy it. It certainly fits the other people thing it's dumb criteria, I've got friends and family who love to make remarks about how many starving kids I could feed with what I spent on that bottle. Saying not having it would diminish my life might be a bit much though. I'd miss it if I had to give it up.
I'll +1 the no Walmart thing too. I gladly pay a premium for many items at Publix to avoid going to Walmart. In general avoiding the discount stores is something that would diminish my life if I had to give up. I can't tell you how often I get dumbass remarks about that shit, but I hate those stores.
Flying is probably my only luxury (if we're defining it as "expensive and not strictly necessary"), even if my airplane is the equivalent of a 1977 Toyota Tercel and not "luxurious" by any means. To go further with the original "other people think it's dumb," yeah, others' reactions to finding out I'm a pilot are pretty evenly split between "OMG that's so cool!" and "OMG you're gonna diiiiieeee" and "OMG HOW VERY DARE YOU GO AROUND SPEWING LEAD AND NOISE AND GETTING 10 MILES PER GALLON YOU PLANET-KILLING BASTARD".
So, yeah.
Scotch, cigars, and tits.
Organic food. A lot of people think it is dumb to spend more money to buy something like the organic blueberries instead of the regular blueberries.
Books. I have five hundred books and that is always the first thing people comment on when they visit my apartment for the first time.
Lap dances. My best friend is a rich guy who owns an expensive new car, a large art collection and travels all the time. He thinks even $25 is too much for a lap dance and almost never buys one. I'm the exact opposite. I own a twenty-year old car, don't own a single painting and have only been outside Indiana three times in the last thirty years. I've spent large sums of money on lap dances and think it was highly worth it.
Being happily married ☺. I know many on here think that being married is dumb, but I got a good one and would hate to not have that. Every day I enjoy the treasure I have.
3somes with Sugar Babies. Yes, I know I only have one dick. But there are certain pleasures that can come from being with two girls at once.
Strip club bimbos for otc. My best friend balks at the cost of an otc overnight, but it's about the same price of a weekend getaway vacation.
my luxuries?
rickdugan… Hellmann's mayo ain’t good? so what is a good mayonnaise?
maybe i don’t know what a ‘vinegar bomb’ is.
Exotic vacation with girlfriend
I came back after an absence of nearly ten years. I have already had to put a guy on "Ignore." Sheesh.
There are some high end liquor im into, but its more for collection purposes. I dont plan to drink anytime soon.
Materialistic things like watches, cars, sneakers.
But as far as luxury that most people consider pointless or stupid, probably milk. I pay a much higher amount ($6 per half gallon) for higher quality milk. I try to eat organic when I can, or eating at higher quality restaurants. More expensive doesn’t always mean higher quality though.
Docsavage, does your rich friend get a lot of lapdances or something similar for free? Does he get a lot of women throwing themselves at him to where it would be pointless for him to spend on otc or a lapdance?
The food delivery services become more valuable the more valuable your time is.
Rick I’m curious what brand of mayonnaise are you getting for $12 and is it organic, using olive oil? An issue with mayonnaise is most are using soybean oil nowadays, the pricier ones will use avocado oil or olive oil.
Regarding maple syrup, cant you get the real high quality stuff from costco for a better value? I think its around $10 for 32oz.
With maple syrup, the Amish farm type websites often sell Grade B maple syrup which is basically unprocessed and hasn’t been purified. Its basically more natural and raw, but can contain more allergens.
One thing I get off amazon which is also insanely pricy is raw honey, $25 for 16oz. Its priced well above even raw honeys you’d find at whole foods.
There was a big article written about how olive oil, honey, and one other food item are the most faked food items in grocery stores in the US. Some olive oils apparently have other oils mixed in somehow and they still bypass the vetting process. Honey also has some issues with it because of honey makers being allowed to mix honey from different sources. The one root brand on amazon is organic, and single sourced only from some mountains in Canada. There are other much cheaper organic raw honeys that are usually from brazil, or uruguay or a mix of Canada and Brazil honey. Some of those honeys like costcos kirkland brand and whole foods store brand, taste horrible even when certified organic and raw.
Cigars. I have about one a week. Great way to slow things down relax, chill out with buddies. Could I live without them? Easily, but no need to.