
Things that make you happy.........

avatar for skibum609

We all know naked women make us happy but is there anything else that makes your day? For example: the mail just came; we're both working from home; there was a large envelope labelled "IKON"; we smoked a bowl and opened it; inside are our seasons passes for this upcoming ski season. We are beyond happy. What besides naked women makes you happy?


last comment
avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

My kids

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

The October drive to the strip club with sports radio on and the leaves changing colors. Rolling down the window to the wind hitting me in the face. Walking in from of the heat/cold to music and gaudy lights. I'm happy before I see a single titty.

Achieving a personal best on the weights, or tapping out someone more skilled on the mat.

Watching my cat, nestled into my blankets, slowly open her eyes, then giving her a treat.

Seeing a paycheck, from my main or side gig, hitting my bank account or mailbox.

Trying out a new restaurant, when the first cocktail or appetizer reaches the table.

Getting a phone call, and seeing my mom, dad, or siblings' name pop up.

avatar for Warrior15
2 yrs ago
  • When my sports teams win.
avatar for rickthelion
2 yrs ago

Good question Skifredo. You should do more posts like this and fewer where you prattle on about stupid shit nobody cares about.

Anyhoo, many things make this rick happy. The simple joys of two-fisted drinking while driving around in my Tesla, watching the hairless apes bounce off my hood as I hit ‘em. Bangin’ sexy female hairless apes. Going wildebeest on those who annoy me. Indulging in a might ROAR!!!

I’ve also got a soft spot for Taylor Swift. Also, there’s nothing’ like combining your passions. You know…drivin’ your Tesla, bottle of Jack in one hand, gettin’ a BJ from a sexy female, and listening to Queen Tay Tay on the radio. That shit make me wanna ROAR!!!

avatar for Mate27
2 yrs ago

Seeing ignoramus like SkiDumb tell us inflation is ramping up even higher, because get this, he sees his clients balance statements!! Now we all now SkiDumb is a divorce lawyer, right? Not exactly what you call dealing with clientele who got their shit together, but I guess shining a light on his stupidity may be the funniest thing on here! I mean you’d think that the Bureau of Labor and Statistics would be enough of an objective source as anything out there, but he read “Freddie Mac”. How stupid do you got to be to confuse the Bureau with Freddie Mac? Anyhow, the Bureau reported 9.1% in June, then 8.56% in July followed by 8.26% in August and wait until September’s # coming out next week to provide further evidence, but SkiDumb will say his shit foresaken spiraling losers of clients statements are an accurate report of current inflation. Lmfao at his stupidity. No wonder Cowboy48 want to fuck his ass without lube. It’s ritards like him that make me happy to know at least I’m not him!!

avatar for Mate27
2 yrs ago


I mean, you can’t make this shit up or pay for any better entertainment than SkiDumb. I guess facts lie, because we know SkiDumb does it for a living.

avatar for HannibalSmith
2 yrs ago

Pretty much fall makes me happy: deer season, college football and it’s harvest time. Not to mention I’m fat so there’s Thanksgiving. Also the adult version of Halloween.

avatar for Cashman1234
2 yrs ago

Spending time with my family. Seeing my daughters do well and become young adults.

I enjoy college basketball season. The NFL is worth a watch from time to time too.

avatar for NinaBambina
2 yrs ago

Mail typically makes me very happy, too. I do a lot of online shopping and often track my packages easily and get SO excited when they arrive or are out for delivery! One of my regular deliveries is a weed subscription box. Comes once a month, each box is a new theme and they send you all sorts of weed related stuff (blunts, rolling papers, little gadgets like bong mats, grinders etc), there's always a glass piece, lighter, and t-shirt included too. I have a collection of small bongs from them). Makes me so happy when it arrives.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ Cashman's stories of debauchery and depravity make me happy.

avatar for rattdog
2 yrs ago

-constructing a daily sports fantasy lineup that is the top one for the day and winning anywhere from 5000-20000 bucks. doesn't happen that often but when it does it's fucking glorious!!!

-enjoying the excellence of execution of a musician on a string or percussion instrument.

-enjoying eating something in which every bite is just as enjoyable as the first bite.

-sunshine, especially during the cold seasons.

avatar for rattdog
2 yrs ago

yes cashman is indeed one filthy but real cool dude

Sunrises on the beach.

Working out

Smoking weed with stripper hoes snd instathots

Good bread

The ocean smell

Desert sunsets

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Gas went up thirty cents today in Washington. That will continue the inflation slide lol.

avatar for misterorange
2 yrs ago

Riding my Harley in the rain.

Waking up with a boner... reminds me I still have some gas left in the tank.

Threw on a jacket I haven't worn in a year. Found $50 bucks in the pocket.

Every month on the 26th is another month since I quit smoking. September was five months.

Put a pumpkin out for decoration. A squirrel chewed a hole and climbed inside like a little house. Then a groundhog came and ate the whole fucking thing!

avatar for loper
2 yrs ago

Would you like us to give in to Russia? Do you think we can control OPEC? Sometimes you make your choices and sacrifice is the best option.

avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

Basketball, sex, and gambling (sports betting and poker). I don’t have to be good at any of them to enjoy them.

I love detailing my cars, it’s therapeutic for me. When I’m feeling frustrated or depressed cleaning and organizing relaxes me. Gives me something to focus on.

avatar for gammanu95
2 yrs ago

quit lying, you demented old fool, we all know your kids disowned you.

avatar for Studme53
2 yrs ago

Taking a half-day Friday, beating traffic to the shore, cracking a cold beer on the beach in the late afternoon with the whole weekend in front of me.

avatar for gammanu95
2 yrs ago

Honestly? Waking up each and every day. I do not mean "any day above ground is a good day." I am curious and excited to see what will happen each day. What friends will I say, what will I learn, what new factoid, food item, craft beer, or music can I discover? How much money will I earn? What will the sunrise/sunset look like?

I think if people learned to take joy in the everyday acts of being alive, we would live in a much better world.

But then you have the trolls, the liberals, the despots, and the demented old men who are so angry and so bitter that watching any of us enjoying our lives brings them immeasurable pain and rage. The only rational answer is to go on living your life and taking joy in every day.

avatar for tuskular
2 yrs ago

Yoga, meditation, going out for a long run, drinking with friends, having a whole day to yourself with nothing to do.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Anyone believing that they "know" people from what they post here is welcome to play poker with me any time. No one "knows" anything, despite what they lead themselves to believe.

avatar for rickthelion
2 yrs ago

Meat Ape or Mate Ape or whatever the fuck your name is, this rick gets where you’re coming from with respect to Skifredo, but you have to realize the paradox that is Skifredo.

The thing about Skifredo is that he periodically posts something at least semi-interesting and sort of behaves like a normal ape. The kind of guy you might have a beer with before you stick a “kick me” sign on his back and laugh as the other hairless apes kick him in the ass as he exits.

Anyhoo, this ricks advice is to encourage this behavior on Skifredo’s part. I don’t really care whether or not you are right regarding inflation because, as a frickin’ lion, I don’t really pay for things. I just kind of take shit and if somebody complains I say “what are you gonna do ‘bout it, wildebeest?” and then they let me take it, regardless of price.

But you have to realize that Skifredo is really invested in the idea that he has something interesting to say, despite being a frickin’ moron. So if you challenge him on anything he turns into an argumentative little bitch. And bitch boy Skifredo is not entertaining. Let’s encourage Skifredo to stop being such a lil’ bitch.

Are you with me? ROAR!!!

avatar for satsuma
2 yrs ago

I am a stripper, but what makes me happy outside the club is: Trying great food. Nice weather at the beach. Soft bedding. I like wintertime, snow, and dressing up like a Russian snow queen. Freaky sex and getting guys off. I am very affectionate and like being touched. Massages. I like it when I am gifted things by men in particular. I feel so taken care of.

I also help run a daycare and it feels nice to be taking care of the kids and seeing happy families. I also like playing team sports with my team members. I am aspiring to be a professional athlete which I finance with the stripping money, and also saving up to start my own daycare or buy the one I work at right now.

avatar for nicespice
2 yrs ago

Long drives out in the middle of nowhere and taking in the scenery, writing to-do lists of short and long term priorities (only going to follow through on about half the plans there), hookah, marijuana edibles, getting into a long conversation with people on some random topic, getting into hyper focus mode and diving deep into whatever my brain feels like focusing on, Cartoon Network shows, anime, people-watching, doing things just to see how somebody reacts (whether positive or negative), trying out food places I’ve never been, novel experiences in general, and watching my dog lose his shit because he’s off leash somewhere where it’s safe to do that and something caught his attention and now he’s sprinting and jumping all over the place and super alive and a ball of energy

avatar for ATACdawg
2 yrs ago

My boat is my happy place. I spent a lot of time on her this year. Hopefully, I'll spend another three years with her before it will be time to sell.

avatar for docsavage
2 yrs ago

Sleeping, eating, surfing the internet, learning about computers, reading nonfiction, playing the guitar, film noir movies, private eye detective novels, playing the piano, fifties and sixties rock music, the game of Go, Italian restaurants, hiking in state parks, coffeeshops, cats, watching basketball games.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

Cheat answer: hot women with nice smiles and form-fitting clothing.

Long walks in nice weather. Doing something creative. Learning something new. Watching something really good on Netflix. Eating good food till I feel fully satisfied (which will make me even fatter if I do it too often).

avatar for gSteph
2 yrs ago

I'm loving my guitar journey. Making friends, making music, not much yet, but enough to love it.

avatar for gSteph
2 yrs ago

Loving the wife. I know I'm one of the lucky ones.

avatar for drewcareypnw
2 yrs ago

Seeing a really good band. Ribs with perfect pullback. The vegetable garden full in August. A portal grande at Las Ventas in May, the smell of cigars and horses all around.

Getting so high I forget I'm holding the blunt

Trying new ethnic foods

Getting my dick sucked

Old skool gangster rap

Old skool house music

Ghetto Chinese food made by Mexicans


Getting lost in my thoughts

avatar for CJKent_band
2 yrs ago
  1. Snuggling with the love of my life and our little kids in our das Schlafzimmer das Bett

  2. A good meal when I am starving after getting an appetite from working around the house, playing or exercising.

  3. The thrill of personal achievement, when a light bulb goes on all my students heads and they can happily and easily solve all their math “problems”

  4. When I have time to myself

  5. When I wake up feeling rested and refreshed after a good night’s sleep

  6. Witnessing random acts of kindness…

avatar for Muddy
2 yrs ago

I just love road tripping. Making adventures. All that shit, just something new and different.

avatar for conan_mac_morna
2 yrs ago

Carving a perfect line through a decreasing radius turn.

Sticking the landing in tough conditions, or greasing it on with a nervous passenger who says "Wait... did we just land?".

100 shots in the X ring, so that the other old-timers on the range ask me if I get bored putting them all through the same hole.

avatar for azdd
2 yrs ago

Other than beautiful naked women in my presence, the other things that make me happy include:

  1. Great live music, especially blues

  2. Changing seasons, such as they are in the desert southwest

  3. Great food

  4. Cranking my Tele through my Fender Hot Rod Deville amp

  5. Being in the mountains, on foot or on a bike

  6. Grandkids, until I’m ready to give them back!

avatar for prevert
2 yrs ago

Thinking about the ex cunt in jail.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

Seeing my kids succeed. Bringing my kids to fun places and seeing their faces light up. just generally any of the positive moments with my kids.

Cooking, especially when I learn new things. For example, just yesterday I finally figured out how to make the awesome breakfast potatoes that I used to get in deli breakfast platters in the northeast - fucking awesome. My skill set continues to grow. I also enjoy filling the house with the smell of good food.

Football, especially when my team is winning.

I wish I had a longer non-stripper/club list, but honestly I just don't have a lot of leisure time nowadays. Most days I am tied up with work and personal obligations from the moment I get up until shortly before I crash, with momentary breaks to do things like goof off posting on here.

avatar for Mate27
2 yrs ago


Home builders dumping inventory by up to 20% to offload onto investors. Since housing makes up 30% of the inflation index, I’m happy to see it not ramping upward like SkiDumb thinks. Yes, I’m happy that it indeed is falling. Of course, the article isn’t Freddie Mac, SkiDumbs preferred choice of credibility.

avatar for theeastcoast757
2 yrs ago

Knowing a lot of the ignorant people on here are 60+ and don’t have much time on earth left to spread their bullshit opinions around.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

^spoken like a weak-kneed failure and a whiny little bitch. At 65 I will still be alive when this country becomes the shithole young people deserve. By the way colon cancer is increasing exponentially in young people and diminishing in older people. You losers can't do anything right.

avatar for crosscheck
2 yrs ago

dragging a nice pot in poker

watching wrestling with my nephew

good beef jerky

a great beach day

avatar for rickthelion
2 yrs ago

Skifredo, why can’t you just be aa normal good natured ape. This was a perfectly delightful thread that you started. People were posting delightful replies. And then some guy says something you don’t like and you suddenly act like you took some bitchy pills. Chill out fredo.

I tell you what Skifredo, I’ll buy you a beer and we can enjoy some strippers. I promise not to put a “kick me” sign on your back. Spoiler alert: Imma make you write “kick me in the balls” in sharpie on the front of your shirt.

But you should totally trust me when I say it’ll be really fun time. I know I’ll be laughing when people line up to kick you square in the balls. ROAR!!!

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Fall foliage. Amazing this year.

avatar for Mate27
2 yrs ago
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