
Why Do Young Women Dress Immodestly?

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Friday, July 29, 2022 10:37 PM
Serious question - don’t laugh I stopped at Five Guys for a cheeseburger and there was a group of college(?) (Maybe high school) kids. Mixed male and female. Matching khaki shorts and blue T-shirts with writing that I couldn’t read One girl, a super attractive blonde wore these extremely short and painfully tight shorts. Back in my day you’d say she was poured into those shorts. What are they trying to achieve. Do they want guys to notice her.because if I hit on her for P4P she’d have me arrested


  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    They dress immodestly because they know that I love it. But athletic clothes only so so. I like them in high heels, short skirts or dresses, and makeup. [view link] SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    The high heels are what matters most, cause the rest will be coming off. [view link] SJG
  • Jimmybigtits
    2 years ago
    Because they can. If my fat ass could get away with it I would too
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    I'm glad they do !
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Agreed! [view link] SJG Eric Clapton - Wonderful Tonight [all electric and with special vocal solo] [view link] TJ Zona [view link]
  • nicespice
    2 years ago
    Freaking harlots have been exposing their ankles out in the open for like a century now 🤯
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    I like it when women deliberately are going beyond current norms, which I think is what nicespice means. In a strip club is fine, but why can't the whole world be a strip club! SJG
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    Those darn flapper girls and their ankles!
  • CJKent_band
    2 years ago
    @motorhead You wrote, and I quote: “One girl, a super attractive blonde wore these extremely short and painfully tight shorts.” Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen. :D Good Times.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    Who doesn’t like (positive) attention? It’s easy for an attractive (particularly) young-woman to get attention – kinda a quick/cheap ego-boost whether consciously or subconsciously. Similar thing w/ guys that work-out and walk-around w/o a shirt or a tight-tanktop or tight-shirt to show off their physique – or people that like to roll-up their pant-leg or shirt-sleeve or do other things to show off their tattoo(s); etc - or the guy w/ fancy sports-car or fancy-jewelry; etc. Not everyone is wired the same way – there are people that are “more into themselves” per se and like being noticed, and may have things worth noticing; and there are people that even if they have things worth noticing/showing-off it’s not their nature to do so.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    I'm not complaining, but I understand what the OP is asking. I met some contacts at a chamber event. One office manager in particular was an incredibly sexy, flirty, young blonde in what was essentially a sun dress. I had extra incentive to reach out in person to the practice she worked at to start sending and receiving referrals. I went on a Friday. A casual Friday. She was wearing the tightest jeans that showed off a gorgeous ass and legs, but her top stole the show. It was a green spaghetti strap top that almost like swimwear in sheerness. You could plainly see that she had some nice lower abs and no bra. Her perfect large Bs/small Cs threatened to spill out the top at any moment. I had no idea how anyone felt that was appropriate office attire, but I sure as hell would not have changed the dress code because of it.
  • mike710
    2 years ago
    @gamma. I'm sure the purpose of the outfit was to get you to say "I'll take 10" of whatever she is selling. Probably works most of the time.
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    i dont mind the immodest shorts. just all of the inappropriate farm animals in them.
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    Because they can!
  • Estafador
    2 years ago
    when old men get together at the roundtable for bingo night.
  • goldmongerATL
    2 years ago
    What Papi said It’s easy for an attractive (particularly) young-woman to get attention – kinda a quick/cheap ego-boost whether consciously or subconsciously. These are the same girls that constantly take bathroom mirror selfies and have all their friends post how beautiful they are.
  • MackTruck
    2 years ago
    Shit! I gotta fart!
  • MackTruck
    2 years ago
    Dis site is about hot women and dis guy is complaining about hot women and wants to talk about 5 dudes. Founder! We need da faggot sectional
  • motorhead
    2 years ago
    Lol. I’m not complaining. It was all I could do to stop staring at her ass while I waiting on my food. She was right in front of me. But the shorts were so form fitting they perfectly revealed her butt cheeks and butt crack. It was weird because they were khaki shorts not yoga pants. They couldn’t have been comfortable being so tight and shoved up her crack And it had to have been either a church youth group or maybe a school band from their t shirts - it said something about Spirit
  • Dolfan
    2 years ago
    I'm going with residual instinct. We're still animals at our core, many of the things we do are about reproducing. She's signaling her desirable genetic traits and ability to rear children. Those same instincts are what made you look. We've been successful enough as a species where we no longer have the typical priorities of not being eaten, getting something to eat, and then reproducing above all else. We've developed societal influences that reflect those other priorities but those desires still exist, even if we've developed lets say more evolved ways of doing it than other species. With sex relegated from a core survival activity to more of an ancillary entertainment one, the strategy and selection priority changes. She might be trying to get laid subconsciously, but its for fun not survival. She's not looking to earn a meal by becoming the mate of the proven old bull, so yeah she'd have been upset if you offered a buy her a burger in exchange for some pussy.
  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
    When I see someone dressed in a particular way, I assume it's because they want to dress that way.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    ! [view link] Locally SJ does not have SG like this, and I am not aware that SF or Oakland do either. Nicespice talked about exposing their ankles. I think this is like what she meant: Intolerance (1916) Full HD Movie [view link] "The vestal virgins of Uplift" "We must have laws to make people good." A factory owner cuts wages to be able to pay the costs of his sister's moral uplift charities. There is a strike and many workers and their families are forced from an industrial suburb to the slums of a nearby big city. Watching in hope that a wilted geranium will make it. [view link] Noticing a street hooker in the market place and all the attention she gets, she reflects, " I walk like her and maybe everybody will like me too. " "Imitating the walk of the girl of the street" [view link] "The new walk seems to bring results" This entire 1916 silent movie is worth a careful viewing. And the date is significant because soon US troops would be deployed to Europe, and then in 1919 the 18th Amendment would be passed. The Uplifters are now getting so much money from the industrialists that they have great influence and they go into action. [view link] "No more dancing in the halls", and the Uplifters get all the pretty young SG arrested. SJG Jane School of Rock [view link]
  • Hank Moody
    2 years ago
    For a bunch of guys who spend a lot of time in strip clubs you old fucks have a lot of weird thoughts about a woman’s appearance.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    :) :) :) [view link] SJG
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    It's just fashion trends. It's not a big deal. And it's summer and it's hit. Also since the shutdowns ended Women are easy af
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    What if you saw a woman in Five Guys wearing "proper" clothing, and a pearl necklace worth several thousand dollars? You might think, overdressing for Five Guys. But, would you think, how improper to potentially tempt somebody who lives paycheck to paycheck? It's a perhaps shallow but extremely common (among males as well as females) trait to want to be seen as attractive/above average when in public. Generally does not mean anyone wants to be rolled up on, or rudely leered at.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    Seems to go over OK if you take lingering glances that don't turn into full on stares. Look at her face and use peripheral vision for other points of interest. Look away if she looks directly at you. Unless she smiles and/or says hi, in which case you smile and say hi back. But do not stop or move towards her. For every woman you might meet by doing so, you will badly creep out at least a hundred.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Today every woman wants to sometimes look like a street hooker. Figureoa [view link] Awesome [view link] SJG Joe Bonamassa's Pentatonic Sequences [view link] Joe Bonamassa Official - "Breaking Up Somebody's Home" - Live At The Greek Theatre [view link]
  • Lockjaw
    2 years ago
    I love women showing off their bodies, but the same slutty fashion trends trickle down to females that are teenagers and younger. It is repulsive seeing very young girls dress so immodestly. At least be 18 before you try attracting every man's attention.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    It's just fashion It's not a big deal. If you're sexualizing kids bodies. That's your big problem. Not the clothes they're wearing
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Sex workers know how to dress and paint up so that you feel you have got to have them right then. They set the standard which civvies try to imitate. SJG
  • JamesSD
    2 years ago
    "All the girls walk by, dressed up for each other..." In general young women want sexual attention from their most attractive peers. They also follow trends which often cater to the male gaze. If short shorts and midriff baring tops are in with influencers, it's what the girls wear. It's definitely an interesting situation when young women want to BE seen as sexy but not necessarily be hit on.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    They are showing off what they think makes them worthy.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    And sex workers are great because they instead are dressing to drive men wild. SJG
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