What do you do when you see someone you know at the club?
Bitch, Don’t kill my vibe
What do you do when you see someone you know at the club? I’m not talking about dancers or club staff, or close friends or family, but maybe you see someone you know from work, the neighborhood, the country club, or church? Is it awkward? Do you go up to them and say hello? Or do you avoid them and act like you didn’t see one another?
For me it’s awkward, but thankfully it doesn’t happen very often. But when it does, I will typically walk up, say hello (subliminally acknowledge that we are both there for the same reason), but then go about my own business and not hang out together. I might give a wave or say goodbye when I leave, but then when we see each other again in civilian life, never speak of the encounter or acknowledge that we both share the same hobby.
Just curious how other PLs handle this.
For me it’s awkward, but thankfully it doesn’t happen very often. But when it does, I will typically walk up, say hello (subliminally acknowledge that we are both there for the same reason), but then go about my own business and not hang out together. I might give a wave or say goodbye when I leave, but then when we see each other again in civilian life, never speak of the encounter or acknowledge that we both share the same hobby.
Just curious how other PLs handle this.
if they aren't, then my only issue would be if they tried to interfere with my lone wolf m.o.
Once with the brother of a friend where we just acknowledged each other, and went on our way. He never mentioned it, and neither did I.
The other time was with a co-worker at a club that had $10 dances in an area not visible to the rest of the club, along with an informal agreement with the other dancers that the area was a "one customer at a time" area for day shift. I was at the bar shortly after work let out, and he walked out of that lap dance area behind a dancer well known for extras. I just nodded my head as he hurried out the door. He never once spoke to me again for all the years I worked there after that except via email.
School of Rock, real good! 2nd song in has a girl signing lead for Song Remains the Same
I guess I'll cross that bridge if I ever come to it. I hope not, at least while my kids are still young. I'm really living two lives right now and I'd much prefer that they stay separate.
Obviously the 6 year old girl didn't understand why this happened and was invariably very hurt. As unfair as it was the the little girl though, as a parent I can also understand the concerns that the parents of the other child might have had, notwithstanding the potential hypocrisy of the situation. I would never want my kids to experience any potential social fallout because of the things that I do. 10 years from now I probably won't give a shit, but right now I do.
I'll probably say hi, how's it going regardless. I can't think of many people who I would have more to lose from being at the strip club than they do. Most of my friends and coworkers are married, and they'd have more to explain.
"Oh, I saw Tetradon at a shady strip club?"
"Wait, Bob, what the fuck were you doing at a shady strip club?"
So, I'd probably strike up a conversation, "fancy seeing you here, Bob!" I'd stay on good behavior (in the front room, at least, no getting wasted or FRMOS, lol) but not act much different.
After a while the guy left and I took her to VIP, where she was indeed an awesome fuck.
At work on Monday he simply asked me if he was right on Saturday. I just nodded and said "Awesome!"
Ohhhhh, Reactions !