Dipped into retirement (401 K, IRA, etc) to support your stripper habit?

avatar for Jimmybigtits
Or even reduced your savings for retirement to pay for your clubbing?

I have not and I'm a stickler about this. I have a budget and stick to it in a disciplined way.

But I smoke cigars with a couple financial advisors and brought up my clubbing. And they both had stories of multiple clients who told them to cash out part of an IRA (With early withdrawal penalties) to support their sex worker habits including strippers and escorts. While I'm not surprised I was shocked that they knew quite a few.

Has anyone done this? (I hope not) or known anyone to do it? The more likely scenario is someone making a decision to save less for retirement to support the lifestyle

I know many of you vets are retired. I'm partially retired but others here are still working stiffs


last comment
Never. That's well past having a problem.

Last year, I might have spent $9,000 on strippers, and thought that was excessive. None of that came out of 401(k), all of which comes out before it hits my checking account.

Once you start wondering whether or not you have a problem, you have a problem.
Tetradon could not have put it better.
I use my entertainment money on this. Retirement money is for retirement.
I"m pretty sure I'm not even touching my retirement funds until age 72. And that is because the rules say I have to start taking out then.

But I have to admit I don't have the discipline of Tetradon. I've spent well north of $9k YTD on mongering activities. All of that might be inside a strip club. Most of mine goes to OTC and Sugaring. But I consider all of that as similar activity.
^ All might NOT be inside a club. Wheres the edit button ?
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Yes, been doing that some. Not from retirement accounts though, just from regular savings. But not going crazy with it. Worst case, it will mean fewer future lap dances because more current lap dances. Instant gratification seems wise, when your country looks like it may be on the verge of becoming a failed state. Use to be, some of my favs would be too busy to get around to me. But, with the clubs being slow, they've all got time for me, so I end up spending a grand or more during my weekly visits.
I have spent some of the kids inheritance though
Not retired - if I don't have the income to club, then I don't club - once I'm retired it's possible I may dip into my retirement-account in order to hit the clubs - but given my gusto for SCing has been diminishing over the last 4 or 5 years, and currently haven't clubbed in 6+ months; I assume I won't have as big a desire to club in retirement to where I'd need to dip into retirement-savings in order to club (or at least dip to a large degree); but anything is possible - if retired and I was in the mood to club and didn't have the funds, I'd likely dip into retirement savings but doubt I'd go thru all of it - although I don't have children, I'd still like to leave something for my two nephews, or a family member(s) that has it rough financially.

I started clubbing semi-regularly in 2000 - but after joining TUSCL in early-2012 I started clubbing hard till about 2017 - during that time I did decrease the contribution of funds into my retirement-accounts/investments where I was not putting away as much as I wanted to, but have made-up for it in the last few years.
Nope, I'd never even consider for half a fucking second to reduce those contributions or withdraw from that account to support any sort of entertainment, at least at this point in my life. I have in the past forgone other more wholesome forms of entertainment so as to have more money for tits and ass. On some level, every cent I spend now is money that could be put away for retirement so I guess I do save less to support having fun now, but that's a conscious decision I make with the confidence that I'll be able to support having fun both now and later.

I know a plenty of people in my age range and income bracket that spend significant portions of their income on non-stripper entertainment but live paycheck to paycheck with no rainy day fund, much less a plan for retirement. Poor financial planning is not exclusive to strip clubbers. Some are just dumb, others know better but care more about the instant gratification.
I make sure to max out my 401(k) and IRA contributions every year. Both are Roth. Any money left over after paying bills is for play whether that is gambling, entertainment, hobbies. I work two jobs, so lack of time is more of a problem than a lack of spending money.
I have 10% of my normal paychecks and 25% of my monthly bonus check that gets direct deposited into a separate checking account for all my hobbies. (It used to be 15%/25% but inflation is a bitch so I had to adjust it) This is the only money that I ever use for strip clubs, gambling, travel, concerts and my other hobbies. How much of it gets spent on each hobby varies based on my mood but I would never consider taking from either my primary checking account that I use for my normal expenses or from any type of retirement account for strip clubs.

The only people that should be spending their retirement money in a strip club are people that are already retired and have more than enough retirement income to pay their normal expenses. In that case live it and enjoy your retirement.
Pics and Vids of the shares and bucks and juciebox69 investment advice or it didn’t happen.


Good Times, Good Times.
Tetra put it exactly right. Once you are asking yourself if you have a problem, you've already answered the question.
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
I kind of knew an economic crisis was coming so I cut my strip club spending in half a couple years ago. I now plan to cut it in half again by just going every other week instead of every week. It's easy to do this because I've been going almost every week for the last 12 years and I'm getting bored with it. Also, all the clubs here in Indianapolis are becoming more ghetto as the middle class flees to the suburbs to get away from increasing crime and a corrupt poorly run city government. Boredom plus declining strip club quality plus inflation eating into my paycheck equals less desire to go to a strip club.
avatar for Lockjaw
3 years ago
You would think that level of stupidity doesn't exist, but after seeing how pathetic some people are on this website, I believe it.
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