Long term dancers (10 plus years) vs former dancers

avatar for Jimmybigtits
Western PA
So, I think we all know that most long term dancers...have issues. Whether it's daddy issues, addiction issues, self esteem issues, or issues finding a good life partner due to a combination of these or just behavior and lifestyle developed from being a long term dancer, there are issues. But does the problem child turn to dancing or does dancing make them the problem child? Is it chicken, egg, or both?

I was thinking about this because I've been close OTC partners with quite a few dancers who retired and who I still did OTC with for a while or kept in contact with. Even those who've been out of the game for five years or more and still exhibit the same problems and sometimes the same behavior.

Only one had been married for 7 years (with a friend of mine), became a lawyer later in life, had kids, and up until recently seemed to have a decent life with him. But she recently confessed to him that she had to make money to pay for some of her law school expenses while they were married by continuing to see guys OTC early in their marriage after she quit stripping.

I'm thinking the business attracts certain types at least a little more than turns them into those types.


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avatar for wallanon
3 years ago
"and up until recently seemed to have a decent life with him."

Do you think she told him because she felt guilty and wanted to set the record straight or because she was tired of being married and wanted out?
avatar for Jimmybigtits
3 years ago
And yes I know this has been discussed a little in various threads but I try not to be repetitive and I don't think there has been a specific thread about this in a while
avatar for Jimmybigtits
3 years ago
@wallanon that's a good question. I think they've had a fairly normal looking relationship and I think she felt guilty
avatar for psycho_trick
3 years ago
not criticizing, but my perspective is that whatever 'trauma' led her to become my otc is a good thing. i don't humanize them, and am only paying for jezebel from the club not jane the emotional trainwreck.
non-paying boyfriends/spouses can deal wit that shit.

avatar for Jimmybigtits
3 years ago
Oh yes wasn't judging or saying it's a bad thing
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Cacaplop. You're asking the same thing you've asked before.

Do you think there's something wrong with men who obsess over dancers like this? Why do you want validation that there's something wrong with dancers who don't see you as more than a customer?
avatar for Jimmybigtits
3 years ago
I already answered your question just above your comment. No not at all. I don't think there is anything at all with troubled dancers seeing guys OTC or OTC. And yes in the past I've def fallen for SS and had feeling but that's been a while back and I've learned my lesson for sure. No more

And this is the second time you've called me Cacaplop. Is that an acronym? Or a poster? I have no idea.

I believe in freedom of choice and I don't think I'm taking advantage. She needs cash and I need ass
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ why would you pay an idiot like Iceefag a nevermind, he’s just stirring the pot because he’s bored
avatar for Jimmybigtits
3 years ago
Good point 25. I'm still learning who is real and whose a pot stirrer here.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
20fag keep defending cacaplop 🤡
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
There are certainly more temptations when it comes to drugs, alcohol or sexual promiscuity in the stripper profession and there is more of a chance to come into contact with dangerous, abusive or criminally inclined males. If someone has addiction problems or problems of being attracted to bad boy types, then being in this profession tends to exacerbate those problems. I've also seen strippers, though, who lead fairly normal lives. The long-time ones seem to have fewer problems. The ones who quickly get fired are the ones who drink too much, take too many drugs, get in fights or hang around with undesirable males. My all-time favorite had a boyfriend who was in and out of jail and he got her fired from her stripper job because he came into her club with a baseball bat and smashed up the car of another stripper who had borrowed money from her and not paid it back. That's not the kind of guy you want as a boyfriend.
avatar for VanessaM
3 years ago
This is another weird question

SW are the only women who cheat or who have failed relationships or bring baggage to a relationship?

The wife did what most don’t and came forward with something she did in the past. You don’t think majority of people aren’t hiding things from their partner. Financially/sexually.

Do you think men who stay on forums about strippers are of sound mind? Asking about the psychology or how to get extras from strippers?

I’m a woman and all my friends are squares. They have baggage. They do some questionable things.
avatar for VanessaM
3 years ago
One of my very well to do never had to sell sex a day in her life friend invited me to a light orgy party that her boyfriend at the time didn’t know about.

But everyone thought I was the bad influence
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
They don't care about stripper hoes. They're trying to make them out to be mentally deficient so they can justify their own inability to even get extras or why they get rejected when they want more. It's about them not the girls.

Cacaplop asks almost the same questions with how many profiles. It's stupid.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
IME the number one desire that keeps a girl working in the industry for a long time is a powerful need for personal and financial freedom. Sure the money is definitely a big part, but so is being in control of their own lives and choices. The need for personal freedom is often so powerful that it keeps them going even when the clubs slow down for a while and they are feeling burned out.

But over time these needs come into conflict with competing desires not be lonely and sometimes to fit in. IME for this reason very few seasoned vets work a decade continuously. At times their loneliness and/or burnout overpower their desire for freedom, leading them to try vanilla jobs and to live a more settled down life with SOs and often kids. But for certain types of girl, the desire for freedom can't be suppressed forever. As much as they may try to resist, eventually it reasserts itself and they end up back on the pole, often after blowing up vanilla jobs and SOs.

As far as addiction, I don't think that's fait accompli by any means. Indeed most dancers I know who have made it to a decade or longer usually left the worst of their addictions in the rearview mirror.

Now it's no state secret that a lot of girls who dance have challenged backgrounds. Whether that feeds into their psychology I couldn't say. But as far as daddy issues, I see this more often in the younger ones than I do in those girls who have made it a decade or more.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
^ So one of the takeaways from that longwinded post is: You can't turn an alley cat into a house cat.

Or applying this lesson to Icee's situation, you can't turn a crack whore into a housewife. 😂
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
I don't buy the premise here.

We all have some level of instinctive fear of falling. Some people can overcome it, and enjoy things like riding roller coasters and skydiving, some can't.

We all have an aversion to doing sexual stuff with people we don't find attractive. Sex workers are people who overcome that, with the motivation of money. There are those who have psychological problems that prevent them from holding a conventional job. There are those who need money for a substance dependency, but general something other than booze or weed. Booze and weed habits are relatively inexpensive to feed. I don't see clear evidence that most sex workers fall into either of these two problem categories. I don't reach negative conclusions about people without clear evidence. If you do, you are the one with the issue, specifically wallowing in negativity and pomposity.
avatar for psycho_trick
3 years ago
"is it chicken, egg, or both?"

how bout neither.
it's all just rationalization so they can explain/live with their choice of stripping/otc/being a problem child.

nothing *made* them do any of this.
it's a constant victim/sympathy rob.

men, on the other hand, have been after easier sex since cavemen learned to sneak up on hoes to save the energy of chasing them.

avatar for Huntsman
3 years ago
“ So, I think we all know that most long term dancers...have issues. ”

^ I don’t know that. I don’t presume to have people figured out all that well. Also, even when I think I see a general pattern about any group of people, it gets to quickly become problematic when applying the supposed group characteristic to any given individual in the group. I prefer to evaluate anyone on a case by case basis, including dancers.
avatar for Jimmybigtits
3 years ago
I feel the same way huntsman. And over 15 years I, to quite myself, have found most "long term dancers..have issues". Not a negative commentary btw
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
IME dancers who make it 10+ years actually have their shit together much more than most other dancers. You don't make it 10 years stripping unless you can learn to manage around the worst of the pitfalls and temptations. The girls who I've seen with heavy duty issues often spiral out of control and go off the rails a lot sooner than that.

Heck I've seen girls buy houses and put their kids through college on the poll. The ones who can hang in there that long and learn to stop spending it as fast as they earn it can accomplish a surprising amount.

IME those who actually harbor this view of long-term dancers are usually not customers, but dancers who consider themselves short timers on their way to bigger and better things. We all know the type - a part time or other tourist dancer who will likely one day be trying to seem edgy on some blog or at a party because she once showed her titties inside a strip club.
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