Icee Loco (asshole)
I'm a fucking loser
I'm high af and trying to decide if I should get chicken wings or Korean food. Craving kimchi chicken.
My high school crush lulz
<img src="https://tuscl.net/photos/62a05a0787761">
My high school crush lulz
<img src="https://tuscl.net/photos/62a05a0787761">
And her pic is relevant she's a stripper hoe lulz
And she's gorgeous 😍
There are thousands of images exactly like this posted to wholesale sites like Aliexpress and Alibaba. And that's where this image came from (or someplace similar). It's a 1080 x 1080 square image with big white margins on the left and right. This is a format used by bulk photo processors when they need to bulk upload dozens or hundreds of images to something like an online catalog where all the image dimensions must be identical.
The person operating Icee's persona has always been lazy or ignorant when it comes to image uploads. This ranges from the time he uploaded an image that he claimed to be him (via his now shuttered profile), but someone else did a Google Image Search and tracked it to a 4th-rate rapper. That disappeared quickly...
And then there was the time he uploaded images that he claimed to be his "bitch", but what it really proved is that he's the only gangsta pimp who doesn't know how cover-up tattoos work:
The only thing that might be true in this thread is that he probably got really high last night. Also, he's another TUSCLer who shouldn't HTML.
And you're just tripping coz that girl is amazing. What does your hs crush look like now?? Is she a stripper hoe? Lulz
But my tastes are contrarian. I rather have a Filet-o-Fish than the fresh catch at Red Lobster
But those lips just kill it for me. The face looks like a creepy doll, the lips are gross and look infected.
I'd do her from behind. Or with a plastic bag over her head.
I didn't end up getting a burrito today. Made some crab salad and fell asleep. Just woke up lukz
or sleeping in the pigsty, lulz
Then how could I say those things to her in person if she doesn't give me the time of day?
You need to think through your insults better, pimpy. Lulz
It's been a long day.
I don't need to ask anyone anything, you claimed that you know this girl, I don't believe that, nor anything else about you, (well I do believe you're a psychotic, meth addict) but being as you made the claim just like so many other false claims you make on an ongoing basis, put up or shut the fuck up, BTW plenty here have met me, your claims not withstanding are just plain stupid, I'm not fat, nor am I an alcoholic, and at 68 years old I'm both healthier and stronger than you'll ever be.
<img src="https://tuscl.net/photos/62a554bc49154">
Private sector greed is preventing money from circulating in the economy....and all those people who'd be working nights aren't now.
Something has to give. How much more will people just take.
Drove past the blade and even that was dead.
Most clubs are killing themselves off with $50 and up cover charges on a Tuesday night. And some dives are closed tonight or just as dead.
Truth is girls are barely making it. I'm proud of tge ones doing of cam work or selling drugs rather than hoeing.
<img src="https://tuscl.net/photos/62b3491e7d1a7">
<img src="https://tuscl.net/photos/62b349350ee3e">
A customer was high af and ended up overdosing.
The paramedics were so quiet and inconspicuous when they came in. Security and staff tried to shield them so no one could see. But they did and people were taking pics and filming it. It was a really young guy and he didn't make it.
What disturbed me was how people were laughing and viewing it like a spectacle and when they took him out through the back. Everyone just acted like nothing happened. A person just died there...
People always pretend to care so much. The indifference to seeing someone die in a club and just continuing partying made me think how fucked up and selfish people are. And the way the club staff acted. They have experience with it.
At least out of basic respect I left the club and went home.
I was clubbing with a buddy when he crashed out. Blood pressure dropped to dangerous levels and got taken away in an ambulance. He was ok after he recovered but it was scary for a few minutes.
Lots of guys just walked by but anyone who stopped, the paramedics just waved them by like "move along, don't get in the way."
One time I heard a dancer overdosed and died in a locker room. And a girl beat another girl to death during dayshift once.
If legit, why post it in a fucking thread titled '2ICEES STRIPPER HOE AND INSTATHOT DIARY LULZ'?
Don't expect shit like this on the news in Vegas.
Stripper hoe of the day...
<img src="https://tuscl.net/photos/62df16f46b413">
Pretenders, My City Was Gone
Jane, School of Rock
Skibum they're out of your league but for a 💰 💰 💰
<img src="https://tuscl.net/photos/62f81b3548610">
In My Dreams - School of Rock
Saved a girl from a pimp
Fucking a girl who calls herself loyalty. And has a loyalty tattoo on her face plus her man's name and picture across her heart.
Feeling like I just want a good girl. Without bad habits.
A lying fraud who used to post as dougster!
When is the official slow season for strip clubs? May through august, when people are on summer vacation?
Is this in clubs across the us the dancers are having a tough time?
But the thing is you gave to keep em in line and focuses. Fast money is addictive and makes it too easy to lose awareness.
Stripper hoe of the day