
Strip Club Etiquette.

Canadian Entertainer.
Please remember to follow strip club etiquette, guys. This article says it all...


  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    after reading the first two, you have no credibility here, this ain't stripper web you aren't going to be popular.
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
  • Longball300
    2 years ago
    That list is a set of Goals for the mongers of TUSCL.
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    Remember guys, pay up, bow to us and go fuck yourself!
  • wallanon
    2 years ago
    Not going to troll you for now. Looked at your links and saw no pics. Here we are now, entertain us.

    Welcome to TUSCL.
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    So I guess walking around the club with my dick out is not proper either ???
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    I'm pretty sure that this article (plus other's like it) have been posted here before. There's stuff that's useful and correct (especially regarding consent, asking about real names, etc.), but there's also stuff that amounts to wishful, blue-sky thinking from dancers. It's telling that this article written by a former dancer.

    1. Not Tipping. Vague... I tip dancers on stage when I'm at the rail. I occasionally tip dancers on stage even when I'm not at the rail if I like their performance, think they're hot, etc. I tip dancers for dances or VIP. But, there have been times when I've I haven't tipped anyone because there was no on who interested me, it was dead, etc.

    2. Going Just to Get Drunk. Eh. That's not my thing, but there are plenty of strip clubs that are as much neighborhood bars as they are strip clubs. Also, it's really no one's business how a customer decides to spend his money.

    3. Bargaining for Dances. For standard lap dances, the club often has a set rate, and I get that. But if the dancer is going to try to charge over that rate, then the customer gets to push back. Also, VIP is a lot more fluid, which this article doesn't even get into.

    4. Shopping for a Girlfriend. Agreed. This is a bad idea.

    5. Being Rude or Disrespectful to the Dancers. Agreed (unless the dancer fires the first shot...).

    6. Negging the Other Dancers. Agreed. I generally avoid the subject of other dancers. Club gossip is tedious.

    7. Asking for Extras. This is not in touch with reality. Guys will ask (and this article won't change that). And dancers can say 'no,' which is fine. Dancers get to pick their boundaries.

    8. Not Getting Consent. Agreed.

    9. Insisting on Knowing a Dancer’s Real Name. Agreed. This is a rookie mistake.
  • SerenityNight2
    2 years ago
    @twentyfive I was a stripper for eight years so how am I not credible? Wow it's like you guys think that strippers don't deserve to get paid what we ask for. Why not go somewhere else if you don't like it? I bet if the tables were turned you would be singing a different tune. By the way the second point wasn't saying don't get drunk it was pointing out that if your only goal at a strip club is to get drunk you're in the wrong place. Go to a regular bar if all you want to do is get drunk.
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    1. Not Tipping - in most places, sure. In seattle, it’s an LDA/VIP game. Stage tipping is less common. Then again, when in Rome…

    2. Going Just to Get Drunk - another “doesn’t apply in seattle” point. No one and I mean no one is going to a seattle club just for the Diet Coke (no booze in wa clubs). That said, I’d probably prefer a regular bar for just getting drunk.

    3. Bargaining for Dances - low balling dancers, or any service worker, is tasteless. Pay them what they want to be paid, or find another dancer/landscaper/carpenter/mechanic. That said, there is a zone of reasonable and brief negotiation when a dancer quotes a number that you know to be very high. There’s nothing wrong with giving her the opportunity to come back down to earth.

    4. Going Shopping for a Girlfriend - totally agree. Who does this? Actually there are a few guys on this board who do. I disapprove. Enough said.

    5. Being Rude or Disrespectful to the Dancers - couldn’t agree more. Abusing the client / service worker relationship is the most obvious sign of low class and gnawing inadequacy. Always be a gentleman.

    6. Negging the Other Dancers - a pointless exercise if there ever was one. What do you want to do next, braid her hair and trade lipstick secrets?

    7. Asking for Extras - whoah whoah whoah there! Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves, Miss Manners. Many dancers do extras, and many will happily provide a menu when asked. There is nothing wrong with politely asking.

    8. Not Getting Consent - goes without saying. The new sexual politics applies in clubs as well. I will point out that in the 80s, if you were about to kiss a girl, and then asked if you could kiss her, she’d be very likely to not kiss you, make fun of you in a high whiney “sensitive man” voice, and tell her friends you were a pussy. My most hard assed 90s feminist girlfriend once said of these men “lf you have to ask the answer is no. Pussy.” I can only imagine how that would have played out in an 80’s sc…. “Pardon me Misty, may I touch your lovely breast?” Peals of laughter, I would imagine…

    9. Insisting on Knowing a Dancer’s Real Name - why even do this in the first place?
  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
    What Call.Me.Ishmael said, with this addition wrt tipping.

    It's my money. I'll decide whether and who to tip, and your desires in the matter are irrelevant unless we're talking about a tip for service specifically provided by you to me, and the limit for each of us is agreeing or declining to proceed. Your choice of employment model in no way, shape or form entitles you to my money, and if you think it does, you're in the wrong business.

    Mind you, I don't <em>understand</em> people who habitually go to clubs and don't tip, but that's their money to do with as they see fit.
  • SerenityNight2
    2 years ago
    @Call.Me.Ishmael So far you look like you're the most reasonable guy on this thread. There's nothing wrong with a stripper posting an article like that. She's not being unrealistic and having worked in clubs it's obvious that she knows what is going on. You have no idea the frustration that strippers go through and before you say then why work there remember that this is all that some women have. For the longest time I had a heck of a time getting hired at an actual job which is why I stuck with stripping. I started back in the early nineties when lap-dancing wasn't even legal yet and the prices of dances were cheaper. Then when lap-dancing was legalized it became anything goes, which made working more difficult for me (this is in Ontario Canada). I agree that strippers shouldn't overcharge. I worked in strip clubs long enough to know that guys ask for extras but there are plenty of places where a guy can go and monger now a days.
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    @serenity: members here have strong opinions, and have no problem voicing them bluntly. If tuscl is your bag, you will either ignore the tone of aggressive comments or give as good (or better!) as you get. Many people decide that tuscl is not for them, esp females, which kind of sucks. That said, we do have the most complete and honest reviews in the business, and many very experienced sc patrons (called PLs or Pathetic Losers), so if you’re wondering what that old guy who comes to the club 3x per week is really thinking, you will get your answer here. You may also come to realize that you don’t want to know what he’s thinking. Hahaha.

  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    No aggression from me, sorry but when some ex-stripper comes on here with a list of rules or how to behave I know, for a fact that they haven't been here before or they're another troll, before you come on this particular website, you might be better served by introducing yourself, maybe even lurking a bit, rather than coming on like gangbusters, with a list of rules as your very first post.
  • uniquename
    2 years ago
    8. Getting Consent

    Always. I always start each dance by asking “What are your rules?” and then following them. It’s only polite, it’s respectful, and on occasion I’ve been thanked by a dancer for doing so. She’s a fellow human providing a service and she’s entitled to her boundaries. If you don’t like them then you can find another entertainer.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    Serenity ... I have no problem with someone writing or posting that article. But, the moment you put something like that out into the world, then you open yourself up to debate or disagreement. So, here we are.

    I'm selectively critical of that article. There's stuff in there that make perfect sense. But there's also stuff that isn't in touch with reality. If a guy wants to sit at the bar, drink, and not tip, I can see how that's frustrating for a dancer, but it's his time and his money. And, really, most guys don't do this. If they did, then dancers wouldn't work there. So, stop focusing on a minority of customers that annoy you and focus on the guys who walk through the door fully intending to spend money.

    Extras. Sure, there's other places to go for P4P... sugaring, escorts, massage parlors, etc. But in another thread ( https://tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=7978… ) it's pretty clearly shown that certain guys see advantages in going to strip clubs for extras ITC and OTC. An online article isn't going to alter a guy's preferences (at least not when it comes to this). And (depending on the region/club) there's no great struggle to find willing dancers. So, with regard to the existence of extras in clubs, it takes two to tango..

    Interestingly, you started dancing at about the same time that I started going to strip clubs more regularly. In all that time, I've asked about extras countless times; I've only had dancers react badly twice. Aside from those two, even when dancers say 'no', there's no great shock or surprise involved.

    Believe me, I know that dancers are working a job and paying bills. I prefer to pay them a fair rate for whatever we negotiate. Partly because it's the right thing to do, but also because I don't enjoy sullen robot dances from a stripper that I badgered into a bargain-basement rate.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    Tipping is a lame practice typically. People should be paid fairly to do their work, and find different work if they won't or can't do it properly. Shouldn't be on the customer to motivate someone providing a service. It's hypocritical to say both that customers can't ask for discounts, and are obliged to tip. If the cost is fixed, it's fixed. Tipping makes sense when the dancer gives an exceptionally good dance. If a club sets its dance prices below what's typical, I tip to make up the difference. But, if the club has too high house fees or cuts from dances, that's not the fault of customers.

    The best way for a dancer to avoid unwanted touching is to tell the customer beforehand what her boundaries are. A scrupulously honest dancer would explain her boundaries before the customer agrees to do a dance. So far, haven't met one who does that 😼 .
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    Serenity, just straight-up promote yourself here. It's fine. Saves us the TLDR. Teaser pics would be nice.

    Do you have a hot legal daughter?
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Strippers deserve to get paid what we ask for?? No, you don't. No one does. No one "deserves" anything at work, you earn it, or you don't. My favorite club has a huge contingent of guys just there to drink. So, while this may violate a rule, they're the only club I know anywhere with a full day shift and a crowd at noon. As far as asking for consent at each step? Sound a lot like the rules at religious Oberlin college and the day I have to do that, I can be done with this. Now if my hands roam and the dancer removes them, I can live with that and my hands won't return oto the prohibited area.
  • Subraman
    2 years ago
    Agree this is a self-serving stripper's view , but of course a stripper wrote it, so not quite a shocker. That said, I've seen far worse than this. Among the ones I'd take issue with:

    --- Asking for Extras. This is the biggest howler. If you're a customer who wants extras, of course you should ask for extras. Nothing bad will happen to you for doing so, and in fact, something very very GOOD might happen to you 🤣 It might be an annoyance to non-extras girls, but it's part of the SC landscape and always has been.

    --- Not tipping. The biggest quarrel I have on this is that when strippers write this, it's always an imperative on customers, with no obligations on the strippers' part. The fact is, you as a stripper need to build an experience that motivates me to tip. If you don't, I'm not a bad person for not tipping -- you're a stripper who isn't motivating me to tip. I personally tip for extraordinary dances only, not average, but if it's average or better I might do another dance with her sometime and see how it goes. In any case, other than when a customer is sitting at stage when it really is an imperative to tip, it's on the stripper to motivate the customer to tip, that's her job.

    --- Going Just to Get Drunk: The fact is, it's management's call, no the strippers' call, on whether they're okay with this. And they always are, so that's that. I do understand why strippers get annoyed at these guys though, so vent away. That said, I personally NEVER go to the strip club just to drink, but to reference the point above, sometimes none of the strippers motivate me to do more. Tipping and the like are not one-sided obligations -- you can complain *if* you're attractive enough and put together a great enough experience that the customer indulges.
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    If the guys who just sit and drink weren't there, then you would just have more empty tables in many cases. Clubs do try to limit that by charging an entrance fee and the entrance fee usually goes up at busy times when there might be a shortage of available tables.

    Many girls are not going to make it as a stripper. I regularly buy lap dances in clubs but I sometimes have an obese, old or unattractive stripper get angry at me because I'm not tipping her, buying lap dances from her or buying her drinks. She's usually gone forever the next time I visit the club. I don't feel bad about it at all. Their anger came from unrealistic expectations. It would be like me getting angry because the hot stripper half my age won't be my girlfriend.
  • iknowbetter
    2 years ago
    I generally agree with these “rules”, however, I really resent being reminded of them. Most men of a certain age don’t like being told what to do by anyone- especially a former stripper telling them how to act in the club. This might explain the hostility toward the OP.
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    deceasedshrubbery above left himself out probably because he doesn't like women to know that he's a catcher not a pitcher. Example, he proudly posts, even brags of his desire to take objects up his ass but the sad sack of shit doesn't have the ability to realize that women can also see his posts not just the men that he tries to recruit in his pursuit of his form of ass nirvana.
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    'Sound a lot like the rules at religious Oberlin college'

    Ski, oberlin is in my area, I often drive through the town on my way from point A to point B.
    Trust me, the only religion that the college and the majority of the town follow is the religion of progressive wokeness. omar and aoc have nothing on them but then again maybe that was your point and I just misinterpreted it.
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    @Ski:” Sound a lot like the rules at religious Oberlin college”… ahahahahahaha!

    @serenity: as you can see opinions vary here, but the saltiness of posts is rather consistent and even entertaining. Depending on your sense of humor.
  • wallanon
    2 years ago
    "@Call.Me.Ishmael So far you look like you're the most reasonable guy on this thread."

    What were you expecting? Somebody we've never heard of posts an article like a CJKent drive by with no context? Were you trying to start a conversation? A conversation is easy to start with something like "What do you guys think?"

    "There's nothing wrong with a stripper posting an article like that"

    Nobody said there was. And you were pretty much given a pass by everyone, even desertscrub.

    Somebody covered this already, but from the looks of your profile you're trying to drum business. Which is cool. We're all here and some of these dudes are probably into feet (or will buy just about anything lol). But leaving everyone guessing what you're getting at isn't a super helpful way to introduce yourself...being optimistic that your actual goal wasn't to lecture a bunch of strangers with an Internet link.

  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ >>optimistic that your actual goal wasn’t to lecture<<

    Boy it sure sounded that way to me.
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    I’m sorry, but that rule number 6 sounds very racist!

    I know my n*gga Icee will agree! Who tries to pull a n*gga on another dancer!
  • BubbleYum
    2 years ago
    Coming here as a new member and telling them things they definitely all ready know isn't the best move to introduce yourself to the forum.

    Furthermore, the men that article is meant onwrgey don't even read this forum - they're on USASG.

    Most of a guys are "okay" albeit some excessively troll.

    Many also scope out StripperWeb and r/stripper on Reddit.

    And some also cross post at r/StripClubs and r/stripper where they get to learn from and interact with more dancers.

    My point is, they know, but they just don't care. This is a community of male customer locker room talk.

  • BubbleYum
    2 years ago
    How the in the hell did "for" become onwrgey? Okay swipe to text. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    #6 Also strongly agree. I've never been a negger.
  • Champphilly
    2 years ago
    Subramani, It looks that you are not aware that extras are illegal in a gentlemen’s club in this country. May be in your country, but not here. So, please do not recommend people to ask for extras in a gentlemen’s club in this country. Please leave the gentleman’s club alone as a gentleman, and know brothels are the place you can get extras. They are located in Nevada.


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    ^ Uh huh. Seems like you were also "not aware" of it 2 days ago: https://tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=7980…

    At this point, I'm assuming that you're cacaplop, but who knows for sure. You're definitely a troll, though.
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    deceasedshrubbery wants someone to stuff some ONWRGEY up his 146 ignore as. HE LOVES THAT!
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    up his 146 ignore 'ass' that is
  • BubbleYum
    2 years ago
    😂😂😂 I'm sorry my phone is uneducated.
  • Dolfan
    2 years ago
    That article has been linked here before. Aside from rule #7, I really don't have any big objections. Just minor stuff.

    I tip when it's warranted. It's strip to tip, not tip to strip for me. I don't tip girls I don't find attractive. But other than that, if I'm interacting with a stripper she's very likely to get tipped, it might be a few bucks on stage, it might be a few hundred in a room. Mostly its in the middle. It's my money though, if a stripper doesn't feel I'm compensating her enough she's free to move on.

    I like to drink at the club, but its clearly secondary. I'm there for tits and ass, booze is way lower priority. Lately though, more and more clubs are focusing on the non-stripper aspects. Selling bottles is clearly a bigger push than selling rooms. Hookah's are a hot item too. Clubs and strippers can't have it both ways, when you push the party and club aspect as your identity you can't bitch about customers coming in for that.

    I don't haggle over dance prices. I don't even negotiate room prices. If it's too much, I say no. If she negotiates, I'll participate sometimes.

    I don't go girlfriend shopping. I do the whole favorite stripper thing, sometimes relationships evolve into a little more. On a few occasions I've clicked with a stripper and we've gone out on dates. But I'm not going into the strip club thinking I'm gonna meet a nice girl to be my girlfriend, and I don't jump to that the second a stripper compliments me does something nice. 99.9% of the time, I want to settle up the bill and go our separate ways just as much as she does. I understand this can be a problem, but frankly I think strippers just need to accept it as an occupational hazard. That doesn't excuse guys for being idiots or worse stalkers, but to some extent some dudes are going to get attached.

    Being disrespectful goes both ways and extends beyond the strip club. My default setting is to be polite and respectful. If I'm not treated with the same, It won't be too long before I stop. If guys are badmouthing girls for being strippers, they need to look in the mirror.

    Negging other dancers? I don't know what that means really. I mostly don't talk about other dancers. If saying a girl is the hottest one there is taken as an insult to the others, I'd suggest that's her mistake and not mine. If it means saying shit like all the other dancers are disgusting pigs or a bunch of crack whores or whatever, then okay I agree. If that's the kind if place I'm in then that sort of thing doesn't really need to be said.

    #7, well sorry but this wasn't written for the south Florida market. Sexual favors are commonplace here. I feel like it's okay to ask, but not assume or pressure. I've never had a girl seem shocked or offended when I asked. I feel like the there is enough overlap in the industry where it should be expected. It's common in many industries. Dry cleaners get asked about alterations, HVAC techs get asked about plumbing.

    Getting consent, I think this should be more about respecting boundaries. Assumptions that can be made, I'm going to assume some contact is okay because I know the area and the norms. For things that aren't so clear cut, I'm still probably not going to ask explicitly "can I touch your breasts please" or whatever, but I'm going to be deliberate about it and give her the chance to indicate she doesn't want that. And I'm not gonna push the issue and keep trying to do something she said no to. I'll respect her limits, if they aren't in line with what I want I'm going to quickly move on.

    Real names. I don't understand why this is an issue. I don't give a flying fuck what some random dancers real name is. I don't care what her real name is if I've been seeing her regularly for months. I don't understand why guys do. I also don't get why strippers don't just hand out a second fake name either. While we're at it, I especially don't understand the strippers who come over and introduce themselves with their stripper name and immediately tell me their real name or what they claim is their real name.

  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    Hey dirtbagshrubbery, you'd have to be the baddest man on the planet to act out in real life like you do here, but my bet is you're really a punk that talks big here only because nobody will kick your ass like they would in real life!
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    It appears our guest lecturer has left the building, you may exit to your right, have a safe trip home.
  • Dolfan
    2 years ago
    Wait, you dance in Mississauga? #7 doesn't apply in your area either.
  • wallanon
    2 years ago
    "I especially don't understand the strippers who come over and introduce themselves with their stripper name and immediately tell me their real name or what they claim is their real name."

    The academic term for it is "confidence game". Build a connection and separate customers from more of their money.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    I've seen this list before.

    Being cheap with the women is not a good idea. But the women who dance in strip clubs are ordinary women, they usually can be gotten to.

  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    re: #6 Also strongly agree. I've never been a negger.

    I have warned other dancers (and they've warned me) about a ROB and to watch their/my stuff. It's appreciated.
  • Liwet
    2 years ago
    <p style="font-size:50px;">#1. Not Tipping</p>

    Be worthy of being tipped. You can't show up fat, covered, and old and expect us to spend money on you.

    <p style="font-size:50px;">2. Going Just to Get Drunk</p>

    Clubs don't mind it and other bars don't have naked women dancing on stage.

    <p style="font-size:50px;">3. Bargaining for Dances</p>

    Market rates for sexual services exist and have to be bargained for. An air dance should cost significantly less than full service and it's incredibly immature not to discuss with a stranger your planned sexual activities together. You wouldn't touch my dick for $1 and I wouldn't pay $10,000 for the same thing but there's probably a price in between that we'd both be happy with and the only way to find that price would be to bargain.

    <p style="font-size:50px;">4. Going Shopping for a Girlfriend</p>

    Some of us want the <em>experience</em> of a girlfriend and are aware the experience ends when we leave the club. OTC is also a thing and sugaring relationships are very similar to a typical boyfriend/girlfriend experience. A strip club is one of the cheaper ways to shop for a girlfriend (experience).

    <p style="font-size:50px;">5. Being Rude or Disrespectful to the Dancers</p>

    This is why your #3 is wrong and your #8 is off base.

    <p style="font-size:50px;">6. Negging the Other Dancers</p>

    This is kind of a large topic on its own.

    <p style="font-size:50px;">7. Asking for Extras</p>

    Asking for extras is being responsible. Without discussion beforehand, one of you is liable to get hurt as boundaries are crossed. Sex work is not a zero sum experience and it's possible for both parties to get what they want if discussed beforehand. This includes asking and talking about extras.

    I'm also not on board with the whole arresting thing. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp… TALK TO THE POLICE</a>. I'm in Las Vegas where the current situation regarding stripping was determined by a court case almost 2 decades ago which arose out of arrests at the Crazy Horse II. Since then, there hasn't been any further arrests or sting operations; dancers, customers, and the clubs themselves have all been able to conduct their business unmolested ever since. Being arrested would be a good thing in the long run because Reason, Logic, and the Constitution are all on our side.

    <p style="font-size:50px;">8. Not Getting Consent</p>

    Implied consent is a thing. This is also why you ask about extras. If a girl is going to let you put your penis inside her vagina, it's implied that you're allowed to feel up her vulva with your hands. There's no need to ask for it and it can take away from the experience (and the amount of money the customer would spend).

    <p style="font-size:50px;">9. Insisting on Knowing a Dancer’s Real Name</p>

    Ever heard of the phrase, "The Customer is always Right?" If a customer wants to know your name, figure out a way to give him that information, even if it's not actually your real name. Come up with a fake name that you only give out to customers who give you money and use that name for your stripper-only social media accounts.

    You're really showing your age with this one. Back in the 90s, dancers wouldn't even give out their first name. Nowadays, they'll actually introduce themselves with their real names and will also give you their phone number, their date of birth, their social medias, the closest major intersection they live near, etc.
  • Liwet
    2 years ago
    Well shit, meant to keep the formatting smaller.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    These are common sense rules. Not sure why anyone would get pissed off hearing things like tip and don't touch without consent.
  • nicespice
    2 years ago
    —>”Implied consent is a thing.”

    Coming from the guy who got banned from a club.

    —>” Ever heard of the phrase, "The Customer is always Right?" “


    Dancers who behave *exactly*’how a customer is wants will either:

    A) no longer be a dancer. Because one of the customers will turn into a long-term boyfriend or more and she concedes and quits.
    B) will not be a dancer for long, because she doesn’t have enough boundaries and she psychologically breaks. Leaves the industry really bitter.
    C) gets killed by a psychopath.

    Doesn’t mean she has to antagonize dudes all the time. But I mean, middle ground dude.
  • nicespice
    2 years ago
    Computers? Are people not TUSCLing with their phones?
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    Geriatric tricks come from an era when computer screen size measuring was second only to dick measuring. We use phones for phone calls.
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    I appreciate the large print reposting. I was able to read it clearly in the article, but it’s a nice touch for some folks.

    These etiquette rules seem like common sense, which can be in short supply in a strip club.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    Liwet ... maybe don't html. It seems like you're not safe around others even with the blunt, fluffy toys.

    ”Implied consent is a thing.”

    Not when it comes to sex or sexual activities. In almost all states, (I think Idaho is the holdout, but I'm unsure) 'implied consent' has been eliminated by via case law and precedent as a legally viable justification in all cases involving unwanted contact, sexual assault, or rape. In addition, relying or believing in 'implied consent' when you're with a stripper and doing things that are probably/certainly not legal is an approach that is covered in moron sauce. If you're with a dancer and want to do something that you haven't done before with her, it takes 2 seconds to say "Can I [X]?" If the answer is 'no', either live with it or find another dancer.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    Bubbles told me her real name was Carbon. Carbon Dioxide.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    Before I go to the club to get drunk and spend zero $ on the dancers, I swing by McDonald's and steal napkins and ketchup packets.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Implied consent is tricky. But silence isn't consent. Its contextual. But you can't use implied consent as a defense when engaging in something illegal.
  • Jascoi
    2 years ago
    Liwet. You should have capitalized your points to make them stand out.

  • PinkSugarDoll
    2 years ago
    This is kinda like a “Read the Room” thing, you just came to the Dude’s Club to tell The Dudes how to act, unsolicited? And that’s your introduction to the site? And you don’t even dance anymore?

    What are we doing here….?
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    ^ You tell 'em PSD!

    seriously though, we should respect diversity of views.

    The article this is based on though I had seen before and I only partially go along with it.

  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    respect diversity of views you say?

    This from the same creep that says only chumps buy lapdances.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I don't see how anyone can oppose tge article. It's common sense.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    Takes all kinds. We do need some scoldy strippers for the PLs with mommy issues.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    And give her a break, how much can somebody from a country that got rid of their dollar bills know about stripping?
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    If you’re seeing a dancer who has “boundaries” and you got more than 2 dances from her you’re getting screwed and taken advantage of. The boundary dancers are full of guilt and won’t be fun otc or itc
  • bluejacketsguy
    2 years ago
    I'm going to chime in here
    1. Literally no job out there am I required to tip someone. I do it out of my own choice and that choice is largely based on how our interaction goes. If you treat me bad why should I pay you for said treatment?

    2. What I do with my time is no ones concern but my own. If I want to go to a club and just drink that is my choice, frankly its more appealing than most bars since I get to look at women in states of undress. Also a similar point to #1 maybe no one there is anyone I want to spend on and as a result I wind up just drinking.

    3. Largely dependent on the club and whether or not prices are clearly stated, plenty of dancers will try and gouge customers because they know the prices aren't readily available via signage and such. Also see #7 as that is most of the bargaining that tends to go down.

    4. A bad choice in my opinion but to each their own.

    5. Every story has 2 sides to it. While I generally agree on not being rude or disrespectful, I can tell you that if you treat me like shit I may just treat you like shit in return.

    6. I don't and I can't condone others who do/would.

    7. Naïve is the word for this point. While some men don't or even wouldn't this is part of the territory. Yeah, yeah prostitution and so on, but lets face it if you're not providing the services I bet one of your coworkers is. The guy is not implying you have to do such and such just merely asking.

    8. Generally agree, but still a bit naïve. While it is good manners certain touching is fairly standard. Touching the V and so on are the types of things you should definitely clear first.

    9. Something like this is silly if you get to know the dancer well enough it might come up without asking. If it doesn't then well its not your business.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    It's pretty sketchy to not tip servers (who do their work adequately), because they can't make enough to live on otherwise. But a four minute song, even at just $20 per song, is equivalent to $300 per hour. Doctor or lawyer pay, do you tip them? In under a minute after saying hello, I either ask for a dance, or start signalling her I'm not interested. I like it when dancers come sit and talk during dead times, but I don't try to get their time for free when they could be making $ with someone else. Yes, I know a lot of PLs expect a certain amount of free chatting time. And clubs force dancers to work during dead times in exchange for the chance to work during busy times. But I'm not God, I can't give anyone justice in an unjust world, I can only be fair in what I personally do. I give strong preference to clubs where management is fairer with the dancers.

    And I don't go to clubs looking for a girlfriend. I'm old, I'll be dead soon, I can't waste time. When I meet a dancer I really like, I ask her to marry me. But only after 3 or 4 songs, to be sure she's right for me.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    1. Not Tipping
    If you want a tip, be worthy of it. I'm under no obligation to charity tip. If I don't find a girl hot and/or entertaining, I don't tp her. If enough guys feel the same way about her, she eventually gets the hint and finds a more lucrative line of work for herself.

    2. Going Just to Get Drunk
    See what I posted above. It's not my job to support stripper charity cases. If no girl in the club tickles my fancy on a given night then it is what it is. The worst outlook any silly girl can have is that she's selling a look at her tits and ass - she isn't. What she is selling is sexiness and entertainment and if she can't pull either off then c'est la vie.

    3. Bargaining for Dances
    I don't, but neither will I buy dances from a girl who is charging higher than the club norm.

    4. Going Shopping for a Girlfriend
    But where else will I find love? Heck "I'm In Love with a Stripper" is my most favorite song in the whole wide world! 😉


    5. Being Rude or Disrespectful to the Dancers
    Agreed. There's no upside to it 99% of the time. In the 1% where I have to be rude it's almost always to chase away a desperate dancer who won't take no for an answer.

    6. Negging the Other Dancers
    Honestly I've never understood this either. Act like you've been there before. Eager to please guys who try to curry favor like this often end up doing the opposite. Nobody trusts snarky hypersensitive guys with loose lips.

    7. Asking for Extras
    Silly girl, lol.

    8. Not Getting Consent
    Hey I hear that. In fact, maybe before the dance, we should have a 20 minute pre-dance consent consultation meeting. We could even have standard consent forms with check boxes for what is and is not permissible. OR...

    If you work in a place where you're going to have sexualized contact with a guy, then either learn to manage or get your crispy burnt out ass out of the club. That's not to say that you can't have boundaries, but you should be able to enforce them naturally in the flow of the dance and if a guy isn't respecting them, then just get up and end the session. This notion that guys are going to engage in some timid back and forth Q&A during their 3 minutes of sexy time is not very realistic.

    9. Insisting on Knowing a Dancer’s Real Name
    That's what a "fake" real name is for. Don't overthink it.
  • Studme53
    2 years ago
    I’m there for dance moves, the fashion (tasteful not slutty dance outfits, sensible shoes) and the tipping. I ask the girl, “How much should I tip you?” Whatever she says I double it !
  • Pussylicker2
    2 years ago
    Written by a stripper, her dream about how she wishes the world works. The points of her article:
    (1) She thinks guys should tip more. Even though these girls, with an 8th grade education, can make as much as a lawyer , she thinks we should tip more. Well, I think the girls should offer discounts.
    (2) She doesn't think guys should get drunk. The bar doesn't have to keep serving to a guy who's getting drunk, but they do. Dancers get drunk too. And drunk guys ofren tip more.
    (3) She thinks guys should pay full price. If we did how long until every dancer has gps? When a dancer wants $1,000 for a 30 minute blowie, what should the guy do? We're not going to pay that. If we say "i don't have that much" and she asks "how much do you have", what should we do then?
    (4) We shouldn't look for a girlfriend at a strip club. So should dancers be looking for a sugar daddy? I'm not looking for a girlfriend, but I might be looking for a steady whore.
    (5) Being rude, well gee, no one should be rude. This goes for dancers as well. Even though we're called "pathetic losers".
    (6) Negging other dancers. I've heard dancers doung this too.
    (7) Asking for extras. If a dancer doesn't want to do extras, all she has to do is say up front "I don't do extras". When they don't do yhis they're trying to pull a bait and switch. Dancers often bring up the extras.
    (8) Getting consent, if a dancer feel violated because a guy sucks her boob when she puts it in his face without asking "mind if i suck your boobies", she needs to find a new line of work. Of course that could involve making less money, getting an education, having to show up regularly and being able to pass a drug test.
    (9) Knowing a dancer's real name. That goes both ways, I have a fake name I use in strip clubs. Guys have been blackmailed by strippers, or their pimps.

    Yes, we pathetic losers might be a pain in the ass for strippers. But we're the guys that enable strippers to ply their trade and make good money without getting a real job.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    The misogyny in this thread. Some of you think paying her entitles you to sex or to manhandle her.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ nobody here thinks that, only you, an admitted rapist, and fake pimp.
    Most here resent the lecturing tone,
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    20fag you were the first to attack op. Do you have a problem with consent? With expecting sex and or groping just coz you pay? Fucking rapist.

    Had you read the thread most arguing against basic etiquette are arguing consent to grope is implied once they pay.

    But you're just a senile drunk troll
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ I don’t pay you no nevermind you have more ignores than anyone except shrub and I bet if we added all of your sock poppets and screen name you’d likely have even more than him.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    What part of tge article do you have a problem with? You were the first to attack op? You don't like the idea of consent? You expect sex or to grope coz you paid for a dance? You don't like tipping?

    Lying about me doesn't change the truth about you
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Consent is for faggots, pussies and cucks. Go fuck yourself you rapist piece of shit icee.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ Who’s lying , boy? How many times were you kicked off here by founder?
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^That was for the rapist ^
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Skibitch. You claim consent is for fags. Then call Me a rapist.

    20fag. You are lying. You started calling me a rapist for having consensual sex without having to pay for it.

    What do you have a problem with though since you hate the article? Consent? Tipping? Feeling entitled to grope?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    Consent is not for "faggots, pussies and cucks". At the very least, it's being smart if you don't want to wind up in the cross-hairs of a lot of drama, and possible involvement of the police (as the 2018 shutdown of the Foxy Lady in Providence proved). But really it's about not being horrible to dancers. It is possible to have *lots* of fun with dancers and not be horrible.

    No, I don't ask permission every time I move my hand. But if I feel like I might be coming up on a boundary, I check in. It takes a second, and keeps things from getting awkward or just plain ugly. With new-to-me dancers, I've often prefaced going into VIP by saying "If I start to do something you really don't like, then I want you to tell me right away. I'll stop." If anything, doing that often puts that dancer more at ease and makes the VIP experience ultimately better for me.

    People arguing against or denigrating sexual consent (particularly in a P4P setting with a stranger...) is not a good look for TUSCL.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    The safest bet to respect boundaries during dances is to see how she touches you. And if she starts guiding your hands on her body.

    Just touching or groping without signals or consent can be considered sexual assault.

    And p4p isn't a green light for anything. If you partake there should be a clear agreement as to what you're paying for.

    As a man I don't see how forcing yourself on someone can even be a turn on. Mutual consent is like the most basic thing to any contact
  • Champphilly
    2 years ago
    Bunch of crazy idiots changed this gentlemen club forum to extras brothels forum. Always write a about extras. Why all go and start extra site?
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    @ski: I don’t know what icee said, but based on past experience I’ll assume you’re right on with the gfy.

    However. “Consent is for faggots, pussies and cucks” …wow. That’s pretty extreme, and pretty lame. Dancers are human beings and deserve the same opportunity to grant or withhold consent as any one else. Maybe you were trying to be funny?
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    I think the article said don't go to just drink and stare, and never tip or buy dances. Don't drink enough that you start acting rude, for the sake of dancers, waitstaff, other PLs and your dignity.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Drew do you really, in the middle of a dance say "may I touch your nipples"? I treat dances the same as I would any other sexual interaction, never had a problem. If I roam too far and my hand gets pushed away, then they stay in bounds. Asking takes things off the table that might be perfectly happy sitting in silence. Being nice and pleasant to people works everywhere. As far as scrubby? Wow, dude your parents should be fucking spayed and neutered for the job they did on you. Why not go act like a little fag on the Desires board, which by the way was fucking awesome last night.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    As usual Iceefag misrepresents what anyone says, the guy's a born liar, no one here represents misogyny as well as his persona, really guy's who pays any attention to the shrub, that's one sick individual, he makes the case for retroactive abortion.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    It seems like its the dancers in LTRs who more often have an issue with touching the pussy. It would be better to discuss what you can and can’t do before the dance. If you paid for the dance and agreed on things that the danc
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    If the dancer doesnt do what was agreed on you got scammed. And you likely wouldn’t be able to get your money back if you already paid.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Skibitch supports the Buffalo mass shooter and opposes sexual consent ....damn.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    And 20fag et al run to his defense
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    hey Icee how did that affirmative action sheriff do in Texas? The uber-democrat Sheriff. The progressive sheriff. How'd he do boy?
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    Didn’t I call it Iceefag always misrepresents what is said, I’m wondering is it intentional or is he really that stupid, hmmmmm
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Lying as usual. Sheriff Ruben Nolasco is a republican.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    So, stupid, it is
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Icee, the dance literally is you groping her ass and boobs. You cant have a customer pay for a dance then say they need consent to touch your boobs or ass. If you change your mind on the customer groping you then you should refund them. That’s laughable to say consent is needed to grope when someone paid for a lapdance
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Rick debunked all the nonsense points made in that article
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Pussylicker, excellent name and good responses to the article. What kind of scenarios involved customers being blackmailed by the strippers pimps? What happened with the blackmail?
    How often do strippers have pimps...? Do you mean even strippers who don’t do extras or offer otc, still have pimps. Why would they need pimps
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Drewcarey “Bargaining for Dances - low balling dancers, or any service worker, is tasteless. Pay them what they want to be paid, or find another dancer/landscaper/carpenter/mechanic. That said, there is a zone of reasonable and brief negotiation when a dancer quotes a number that you know to be very high. There’s nothing wrong with giving her the opportunity to come back down to earth.”

    The thing is many clubs have a club fee, and there is a buying in bulk concept. If you’re buying otc or buying dances outside the club from a dancer, you can offer lower, or receive more time for the same amount of money relative to the club.
    If you’re a regular who’s gotten many dances or will be planning on regularly getting otc or dances from a dancer, then you should also be offered a lower rate per hour relative to a first time customer inside the club. Hence why escorts offer lower rates the more hours you buy or anything you buy is cheaper in bulk
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    20fag are you retarded? Skibitch said sheriff Nolasco is a progressive Democrat. He is not. I corrected him saying he is a Republican. And you called me stupid. Thats some pretty lame trolling. Lying bitch
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    Who cares dumbass, you are stupid it's, not just my opinion, it's the consensus view.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    According to icee the abuser of women only white people are Republicans so the sheriff cannot be a republican.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    20fag you called me stupid for saying Nolasco is a republican which he is. Then you say who cares. So apparently you admit to just saying shit for the sake of trolling
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Wah said little bitch Icee who used to troll but now gets bitch slapped trolled for being a liar all the time. Go suck joe Biden's cock Icee.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Skibitch. You lied saying Nolasco is a progressive Democrat when he's a republican. I said he's a republican so how am I a liar when you're the one lying?
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    ^It's ok that you're a liar; I mean it's not like everything you say you have done sounds like it comes off a third-rate website; except for the fact it does. How many more people will you Democrats murder? The Texas killer was an illegal.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Are you fucking retarded or do you think lying makes you look smart coz you figure everyone else is dumber than you?

    Nolasco is a Republican

    Ramos was born in North Dakota. He's American citizen
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    No that's just the lie the left-wing media wants you to believe. You need to get out of the house more. That would also be good for your blood pressure because you seem very, very angry. Not very woke to use the term "retarded". You're a bigot.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Fucking troll. Go back to preaching replacement theory
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    You're saying there's a conspiracy that hid Nolascos party affiliation throughout his career and Ramos birth certificate throughout his life. And its a Drmocrat conspiracy lmfao 🤡
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    The same new world order group that forged Obama's birth certificate, forged his. Don't you read anything other than comics???
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    Well, this thread has gone off topic in a predictable manner. Anywho, Icee is wrong about very many things, but not on this.

    Salvador Ramos was a U.S. citizen born in North Dakota. This has been confirmed by Texas state Sen. Roland Gutierrez and Texas Governor Greg Abbott. The claim that he was illegal started with a Facebook post that got wings, but was amplified by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Arizona) who referred to Ramos as an "illegal alien" in a tweet. That tweet is now deleted and Gosar has gone radio silent on the topic.

    Also, Ruben Nolasco is a Republican.


    And if he's not a Republican, then he certainly likes to cuddle them...

  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    ^ OMG!! Say it ain't so. Don't tell me all this has just been bullshit..........bullshit designed for one ........... not you.........
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    @ski: "Drew do you really, in the middle of a dance say 'may I touch your nipples'?"

    No. What I do is one of...

    * if the girl is young, I ask "is it ok if I touch you"
    * with more seasoned girls, when the tits come out, I raise my hands to touch them, pause, and ask "it is ok?"
    * with clear whores that obviously do this all the time, I do exactly what you do: roam gently, and if I roam too far and my hand gets pushed away, then they stay in bounds.

    I would say that I am very good at judging which of the 3 above I am dealing with, because I get a lot of thank-yous, feel up a lot of tits and ass, and get a lot of handjobs.

    All of these are reasonable attempts to establish that the dancer consents to being felt up, and take mere seconds to execute. I do not run down an Oberlin College style incremental consent checklist, which to me is obviously ridiculous on the face of it, and unnecessary. If I want the stripper to jack me off, and I usually do, I ask "will you jack me off?" instead of just whipping it out and dropping it in here hand. Again, because I asked, I've established to a reasonable level of comfort that she consents to having my delightful dick placed in her delicate little hand.

    I really don't think that what I'm doing is all that different from what you're doing. You are right that being nice and pleasant to people works everywhere.
  • bluejacketsguy
    2 years ago
    ^ A fairly reasonable approach.
  • Pussylicker2
    2 years ago
    Women like men who have confidence, know what they want, and go for it.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    ^ Sure, except these are dancers and we're customers. And what dancers want from customers is money and safety. And if they feel safe then they're more likely to offer more (even to a complete stranger). But if you're Captain Surprise FIV, then not so much.

    Also, I can be confident, know what I want, get consent, and then have all the fun I want. This hasn't been a challenge for me.

    If it's a challenge for you, then that's your problem.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I don't touch dancers. I let them touch me. Then let them guide me and pick up on signals.

    Like I'll sit with my hands to my side during a dance and the dancer will feel my arms up my chest my stomach. Notbanfan og them giving me hickey though. But young girls seem to be into it.. Then will guide my hands to her pussy ass titties wherever. Tbh you can probably do more during a dance if it's all their idea. But treating them with respect and respecting their boundaries is a given.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    ^god damn you are so gay.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    A woman, being a human, likes what she likes. If someone's not forthcoming about what they actually like, that's a mind game, good luck trying to have a non-toxic life playing those. And, you'll end up being an obnoxious asshole to those who actually like what they say they like.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    If you're really all that, you don't need to belittle others by putting them in categories like whore and non-whore. It's bad enough when we look down on somebody for doing something that doesn't hurt anyone else. Just kicks the fucked-up-ed-ness up a notch to look down on someone for filling someone else's basic human need.
  • BrotherFogHorn
    2 years ago
    Kum to comfessions op! We need to save you from the devil! He has gotten ahold of you and you need to repent and get on yur knees and beg da lawerd forgiveness and wail in sorrow with da head bobbin up and down in da lap of da holy one
  • Pussylicker2
    2 years ago
    So for the "woke" sensitive club-goers, when the dancer is sucking your dick, do you ask "would it be ok if I grabbed the back of your head and forced my dick down your throat"? Just wondering.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    You know, for someone who likes to accuse others of being "woke" or "sensitive", you're the one acting like your feelings have been hurt.
  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
    Tell me you have no talent at eating pussy without actually saying you have no talent at eating pussy.

    "My handle is pussylicker"

    @Pussylicker2: "So for the 'woke' sensitive club-goers, when the dancer is sucking your dick, do you ask 'would it be ok if I grabbed the back of your head and forced my dick down your throat'? Just wondering."

    Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. Especially if we haven't discussed it prior to the event.

    Given your apparent views on consent, I assume that you'd be just fine with a woman who had the "confidence" to walk away with your money without doing anything for it.

  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    @PL2 no because I don't do that. Long time ago, I use to see an escort who would deep throat so far you could feel your dick going between her vocal chords. No throat raping needed. She waited to do it till our second meetup, as I guess she appreciated a little wokeness. But after she'd done it a couple of times, I asked her not to, because I thought there was a risk she could injure herself. She told me her sister was an NFL cheerleader, believable if they resembled each other.
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