OTC Dancers in Philly

Perfect Gentleman
Any experience of hot dancers from Philly clubs coming to your home or hotel for a OTC or FS? What would be allowance? Which club is east to pick up dancers? Advise appreciated
Any experience of hot dancers from Philly clubs coming to your home or hotel for a OTC or FS? What would be allowance? Which club is east to pick up dancers? Advise appreciated
last commentBoy, you really changed your tune for no discernible reason...
Also, Champphilly, as often as you like to change your profile name, anyone can still see your posting history.
Still the Champphilly. Any advise appreciated
Hey Champ, I know that you're not really interested, but "my friend" tells me that, if you've got game, really good OTC experiences are possible from at least 3 of the clubs you've reviewed. Hope you're having a great holiday weekend.
I was not into OTC though I frequented Philly clubs. Now I feel I should find a dancer who could meet outside the club. Any success stories?
Champphilly said "Still the Champphilly."
Sure ... until the next time you change it for your own strange trolling purposes.
ThatXraGyy85, I am doing great to spend enough. If you can not provide valuable info, get your rotten stick of here.
^ only Subraman can close a thread, you don’t have that authority buddy.
Useless fellows talking about closing. Can not contribute, get your std stick out of here
What a surprise. Champphilly changed his profile name again.
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