Reddit Stripper Hatred

avatar for PhredJohnson

If TUSCL is fairly representative of club customers, I hope the Reddit Stripper forum is NOT representative of dancers because 90% of them appear to absolutely HATE us!


last comment
avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

Correct, the other 10% they like are customers like Rick Dugan because he takes them to Olive Garden and dresses up when he goes to the club 😜

avatar for uniquename
2 yrs ago

If you read Stripperweb you would realize that 90% number is probably on the low side.

avatar for nicespice
2 yrs ago

Hmm, private Facebook group admins have either banned anti male comments, or at least require censorship because the zuckerbots will go flag the comments and there’s the fear of getting shut down.

I wonder whether some of the anti-male sentiment is stronger on r/stripper just because it’s more of a “safe space” for that.

But that being said, in my opinion it’s WAY more mild than stripper tumblr posts from 2016/2017. Holy cow, THAT was where I read some of the most hateful comments of my life back then. 😅

avatar for wallanon
2 yrs ago

"If TUSCL is fairly representative of club customers"

I like to think of TUSCL as a collection of overachievers who happen to like strippers and want to read and write about it. And then you have the motley bunch of discussion boarders barking at each other about fight club in public. There's a reason the second most famous monger of them all called it "locker room talk".

I don't think either are representative.

Most guys who go to strip clubs don't over think it and don't research clubs online.

It's just average guys going to celebrate a bday or something. And guys who go out with friends and get bottle service. Pose for ig pics. Where they end up depends on what promoter they run across.

Guys who look for hookers are out of place in most clubs. I only know one club where tuscl types are the norm. In some of the ratchet clubs its funny to watch middle aged white guys come in dressed all preppy and trying to ask for drugs or sex. In Vegas a lot wear suit jackets with shorts....

Almost every stripper I know doesn't like to read or write or isn't very good at it. Those who do still don't waste time in online forums. YouTube stripper videos and Instagram are about as active as they get.

Yeah they think a lot of customers are assholes. But mostly they're just really indifferent to them.

One thing I kinda like is when baby strippers brag about guys returning to the club and asking about them. They consider them fans.

I think what stressed a lot of girls out is the realization that fans and followers and even being popular at the club doesn't equate to a lot of onlyfans subscribers. That's like the huge reality call for a lot of them.

avatar for wallanon
2 yrs ago

"I don't think either are representative."

This was a good start. Then there's a lot of putting your own perspective on what other people's motivations are. If Vegas is mostly what you know about clubs, that is not a typical market.

I don't think they're that looked down on. Lots think they're stars of sorts. They make fast money and men want them. See them as an unattainable prize. Then you have the whole hot girl and city girl trends. Hip hop has done a lot to make them mainstream.

Of course underneath the facade it's very different. They don't like their jobs and fast money often makes them feel not in control of their lives. They desperately crave something real jn a fake toxic world.

And customers are toxic. Them wanting to use them or thinking they own them just coz they pay makes it easy to take advantage of customers. There is a lot of antagonism. But outside of work. There's just a huge indifference.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 yrs ago

"Then there's a lot of putting your own perspective on what other people's motivations are."

^^^exactly @wall, I think if you are involved in any part of the business of sex work, be it club PL, trick, pimp, club manager, fellow stripper, whatever there's always a hustle going on. To a club PL or a stripper is going to put on a fantasy. The same thing goes for a junkie stripper whore that needs her fixes from a drug dealing pimp or money from a trick. They put up a fantasy and tell them what they want to hear. It's all part of the work and the hustle. I'll bet a stripper is only going to be real with those completely out of the game, like family and close friends. But if you're part of it, you'll probably look at strippers looking at you through rose colored glasses. It's part of your own fantasy you bring yourself.

I'm familiar with other markets.

Los Angeles Reno San Francisco a little Been to clubs in New Mexico In Miami but just as a tourist

But I'm mostly basing it on vegas and la. In reno the club scene is almost incestuous lol

The ones i know aren't that real with family. They feel like they're living double lives. Families usually try to hit them up for money. That causes problems. Younger female relatives want to get into the game. Their parents resent that. Family gossip...

avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 yrs ago

I'm talking close family. My wife's best friend was a stripper and she confided in both of us and trusted her own brother.

My ATF DS had a cousin and brother that knew everything too. She brought her civie cousin to the club and we'd hang out.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

I've been following r/stripper for a while now. It's mostly hilarious rants from lazy, ugly farm animals who don't practice what they preach, don't make half as much as they claim, and have to blame everyone but themselves. Great entertainment.

Successful strippers don't spend their off-hours reliving their club drama online. If you can't tolerate being groped and treated like a ho by strangers without complaining IRL, why the fuck would you become a stripper? Like I said, hilarious. But hey, that's just me.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

re: why the fuck would you become a stripper?

The money's great? Fine. Then go enjoy it and stop whining like five yr olds.

I'm talking close family too. But yeah they'll have a supportive cousin or siblings. But they're not the norm I think.i have a lot of girls confide in me. The pre shift phone calls when they're in their cars crying and anxious. The frustrating texts. The drama. I once stopped a girl from taking a gun to the club.

Being mistreated by customers takes a huge psychological toll on girls. It's why many don't work sober. Why they need to have alone time after work. The long showers when they get home are practical but also psychological. Fast money isn't easy money.

The best thing a girl can do is realize she's doing it for herself and to just focus on that.

There are a lot of tough jobs. Look at the dysfunctionality of lawyers doctors cops. Stripping is right up there

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 yrs ago

I don't think that TUSCL represents most strip club customers. Most strip club customers, even at the "regular" end of the spectrum, are into strip clubs to the degree that they hang out on strip club forums and write reviews.

And though the dancers on Reddit might appear to be pretty harsh towards customers, I'll point out that TUSCL isn't always the most welcoming place for dancers.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 yrs ago

As stated if you are a drug dealing or just giving pimp and your bottom bitch has her addictions then she's going to say whatever fantasy you want to hear to get her fix. From what they've posted on TUSCL and from interviews, drug providing pimps are controlling with the drugs for these desperate junkie stripper whores. I'd say the pimps themselves are mistreating them and exacting their own psychological toll on the desperate whores. And of course they're not going to say anything negative directly to their source. Just like a trick they're going to give their "provider" a fantasy. Tell them lies even.

And if the pump is needy too, for any kind of affection, they are going to relish in that fantasy.

As stated if you are in any way involved in a sex worker's business and enabling her, you're just as much a part of her hustle as her customers. LMAO and you have to put in MORE work at it.

That's your imaginary narrative.


The thing with customers is that girls end up seeing the worst of men. There are 2 main types of customers are men who think money entitles them to act like they own a girl. And guys who are very socially awkward. Especially with women. Both treat her like an object and feel entitled with her. Then you have male staff who are pretty much low lifes. That tends to create negative images of men overall.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

I'm good with that. Here's the money. Now fuck me like u hate me:

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

My take on this is there's a lot more women that aren't strippers and would never be ok with being a stripper, so what the "group think" of any small minority is generally not all that relevant to me, in every day life.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 yrs ago

"That's your imaginary narrative."

^^^Nope. It was your narrative that you posted last year. Here's the thread:

And here's some direct quotes that support what I posted:

"My 5 year relationship ended because she thought I was too controlling"

"But then came the lies. She started fucking other guys for coke. And she ended up with a broke ass bum wannabe pimp junkie."

"She called me controlling and obsessive"

"When I found out she denied everything. Now 4 months later she still denies it."

"Then she started spreading so many lies about me."

^^^Clearly this desperate junkie stripper whore was controlled and manipulated by you and she hustled you back.

LMFAO this was your narrative.

Anyways as I said, if you're in any way part of the business of sex work, whether PL, trick, or drug providing pimp, you're gonna get hustled and sex workers will be resenting you if you try to control things.

LMFAO if you think otherwise. 😂

avatar for DenimChicken
2 yrs ago

They are just like the loudest voices here. The loudest ones are annoying, fucking stupid and it's hard to believe they are functional adults.

Ignore them and pay more attention to the more mentally mature ones who actually engage in discussion.

The sad thing is, the doe eyed 20 year old wannabe baby stripper there has an excuse of being 20 and stupid. Here? 45+ and stupid. Yikes.

And sld is trolling and ruining threads as usual....

Fuck yhe troll

If you're regularly going to a strip club and or seeing hookers you meet in yhe club. What they think matters and is relevant.

A lot see themselves as victims of unsavory characters. That's why it's so easy for them to play tricks

avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 yrs ago

LOL Denim was talking about both of us @Iceydodo.

And I was just replying to the points you made as per the thread topic. You're just talking about the customers here and I'm just adding that you're a "pimp" that posts here too, so Reddit strippers hate you too. Clearly your own desperate junkie stripper whore was hustling you. And dumped you coz you tried to control and manipulate her. That's why strippers have so much resent and hate too. You're a perfect example! 😂

LOL you always get so butthurt. Stay on topic, my niggette!

avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 yrs ago

"A lot see themselves as victims of unsavory characters"

^^^yeah and a lot of former stripper whores talk about the pimps being the most unsavory. They have to put up with a controlling and manipulative pimp day in and day out. That takes a huge toll on them.

Go troll elsewhere. Stop ruining threads. But let's do this again. Let's see how batshit crazy you go with the trolling by midnight

avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 yrs ago

LOL you always get so butthurt. Stay on topic, my niggette!

Some of you are angry that the women you pay resent you but realize the position they're in

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

Damn Iceefag, you've been trolling nonstop for the last 72 hours, are you on crystal meth or something ?

avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 yrs ago

The thing about TUSCL over other sites is the lack of moderation. Nothing posted is filtered here. So the truth of what happens is laid bare. Some of which is illegal club activity. And most strippers don't want to see it. The ones that stay on the legal side of things are going to hate the open discussions of extras, and the ones that are doing extras and more certainly aren't going to openly endorse it. So the hate is going to come from all sides. And it's towards all those involved in the game of sex work.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

What i noted going to one club was that most customers were new and seemed to be there as a one time thing. I only saw one or two other regulars. Stripperweb and r stripper seem to shame extras and otc strippers a lot, so people hide it. Whereas tuscl on the customers side there’s isn’t as much incentive to hide it.

20fag gonna go batshit crazy with his trolling today......

Strippers look down on tuscl coz it's mostly about extremist views and guys who are obsessed with low-balling hookers. Add to it being out of touch with today's culture. It just comes across as negative. But the discussions on low balling hookers are really out there

Most strip club customers are visitors or guys celebrating something. Or a group getting bottles instead of at a regular ckub. Regulars in the sense bdescribed on here aren't as common as they used to be. Clubs are changing

avatar for Warrior15
2 yrs ago

Icey, you are so correct. Everyone on this site is so out of touch with reality. You shouldn't waste your time on those infidels. You should spend all your time on StripperWeb and Reddit.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 yrs ago

"Strippers look down on tuscl coz it's mostly about extremist views and guys who are obsessed with low-balling hookers."

^^^also there are the supposed "boyfriend" and RIL types here that think they're "dating" stripper whores and brag about it non-stop. Strippers that know better look down on that TUSCL type too

Warrior going by posts many are out of touch with what the average late teens to 20 something girl thinks

avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 yrs ago

Yeah Iceydodo per Warrior's point, why not post some of your threads over there and see how they work out for you? Create an "official stripper whore thread" and report back. Or a "how to manage stripper whore thread". Based on your posts in this thread they should want your contribution. 😁

Are you gonna go batshit crazy trolling this thread all day? Ruining it

avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 yrs ago

LOL you always get so butthurt. Stay on topic, my niggette!

All you do is prove my point. Only ones supporting you are butt hurt bigots like you. Fucking troll. Now hurry and go bat shit crazy trolling this thread all day long

That's your mo on here

avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 yrs ago

LOL you always get so butthurt. Stay on topic, my niggette!

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

No matter how hot, I find no value in being the PL of a sex worker who seems annoyed or depressed by me. Maybe she's just hiding it. But unfortunately that's life, we are often put into positions where we have to pick the least bad option. And the world isn't fair, so some people have fewer good options than others.

It's an awkward position when you think about it. The role of a pl is trying to buy one of the most natural most free things. While these girls try to sell it without necessarily having yhe social skills of understanding to deliver. They're like scuffed geishas in a way.

As far as with the ones I know a lot of resentment stems from being treated like they're being bought vs their services being paid for. Some act out by acting out of control jn their personal lives. Thinking lack of control is freedom.

The psychological aspects are interesting. It gets deep but not always that positive

avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 yrs ago

I think it's more clear with the role of the pimp which is to completely use, abuse, and manipulate the most desperate of strippers. Often a pimp will seek the absolute most desperate stripper and take advantage of her. It's definitely a negative psychological experience.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 yrs ago

My ATF DS had a pump and it took her years to get rid of him. She said she was much better off as an independent. She got clear of the hard drugs he used to manipulate her and was much better off as an independent escort on the side.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

Not every stripper hates every customer. Every stripper hates some customers.

Do your best to not be hated. It’s not complicated.

Girls leave pimps all the time. It's not like in the movies. The ones in the most abusive situations are women who are basically jn abusive relationships.

The worst types of pimps are ones created by the girls. Where a girl gets a loser boyfriend with no game and treats him like a pimp. These are extremely toxic scenarios.

The girls who only date boyfriend pimps

And gang affiliated pimps. Usually Blood gangs. These are the worst. Norteño gangs in yhe Bay area aren't that bad.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 yrs ago

^ What he said.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 yrs ago

"The worst types of pimps are ones created by the girls. Where a girl gets a loser boyfriend with no game and treats him like a pimp. These are extremely toxic scenarios."

^^^And just as worse are the types that think she's a "girlfriend". I posted the link earlier. That stripper whore gave him 5 years of GFE and then he tried to kill himself over her. The thread was from his biased perspective but it was clearly a toxic relationship.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 yrs ago

And typically it's all just an act anyway. Said desperate junkie stripper whore is just telling her loser pimp "boyfriend" anything he wants to hear so she can get her money and drugs from him. It's like an elaborate GFE just to massage his ego and play him.

Stop following me and trolling me. Ruining threads. That's all you do here.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

===> "If TUSCL is fairly representative of club customers, I hope the Reddit Stripper forum is NOT representative of dancers because 90% of them appear to absolutely HATE us!"

TUSCL is not remotely representative of club customers. The dayshift teetotalers that comprise a high % of the guys on here are a tiny fraction of everyday club customers.

Similarly, posters on SW and Reddit hardly represent the average stripper. It seems that the dancers most likely to seek out a discussion board are either angry and/or burnt out or green girls looking for emotional support (and unlikely to last long on the site or in the business).

"The dayshift teetotalers"

That'd true. I didn't even think of them. Ive always gone to day shift just to day drink lol

avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 yrs ago

Ive always gone to day shift just to day drink

^^^FYI this is a day shift teetotaler.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

Jimmy is that an Abe Lincoln quote?

A teetotaler is someone who doesn't drink alcohol. I like day drinking jn clubs once in a while. Although I prefer it at the beach

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

What is a green girl?

Icee you mentioned the girlfriend turning the loser boyfriend with no game into a pimp. Why are these relationships so toxic and messed up. Isnt the loser boyfriend much less manipulative and less abusive than actual pimps, since he has no experience pimping or being abusive?

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

Yay. Sunday. The weekend rants are pouring in.

avatar for SanchoRG
2 yrs ago

My biggest takeaway from that forum is we are already in a recession

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

After a few drinks Don Quixote always starts venting about what a buzzkill Sancho is. Can even take all the joy out of attacking a windmill.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

Let's the newest Tuscl Hall of Fame inductee- Myoman.

Congrats on making it to the forbidden zone and having your post validated by the beautiful reddit angels. And as always, thanks to the lovely ladies for the free tuscl publicity.💓

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

how about let's welcome. fuck me

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

I think it's a great review, bro.

I was going for sarcasm.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

Here's the difference. Reading the review here, most probably won't make it their first choice in the area (tourist trap, unimpressive girls, low mileage).

But reading it there with the strippers' own nasty man-hating comments and bad attitudes amplifies/confirms his bad impressions to the point that men will go out of their way to avoid it.

I'd call it cognitive dissonance but they don't seem to have enough cogs to recognize the dissonance.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

My beautiful otc might be biased cuz she's never been turned-down (and now she smacked me), but even she doesn't get why they're biting the only hands that feed them instead of the club that's taking huge chunks of their bag in fees and tip-outs. Her club gets a straight 40% of everything and she's still killing it.

avatar for rickthelion
2 yrs ago

This rick hates to add to a thread with 69 replies because that is some nice shit, but I’ve got to address Shailynn Ape’s comment:

“Correct, the other 10% they like are customers like Rick Dugan because he takes them to Olive Garden and dresses up when he goes to the club”

First, there ain’t nothing wrong with a stylin’ rick suit. That shit always works.

Second, the dugan really helped this rick when he suggested Olive Garden. I mean really, the first time I tried to wine and dine an American hairless ape whore I took her to the zoo and killed a wildebeest for her. Even offered to cook the leg over a fire because I know you damn dirty apes like to cook your meat. But she was horrified.

I’ve never seen that look of horror at the Olive Garden. Well, maybe once when some demented ape tried to steal our unlimited breadsticks and I had to go all wildebeest on his ass but that was the exception.

Anyhoo, the lesson is ricks are right and don’t steal a lion’s breadsticks. ROAR!!!

avatar for nicespice
2 yrs ago

Okay, so going to write this out here now so that it’s recorded for posterity: four hours before 8:50 am is 4:50 , five hours before 8:50 am in central time is 3:50, and eight hours before is 12:50am. These are the times that somebody had to keep bumping this thread.

So a “beautiful otc” is allegedly around, and the first idea while hanging out is to…go peruse Reddit and then complain about what a stripper board says about anything. And not just once, but more than once spaced out over multiple hours. And then give your opinion to a stripper and somehow magically, a stripper will agree with that is said.

Wtf am I reading here? Either DailyGripe is lying, or some dancer literally got paid to meet up otc just loaf around while some oddball hangs out on Reddit.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

Nice is my favorite cling-on. Please stop DMing me to come visit you. For the 10th time, you know my heart belongs to Posh (and Mamisan).

But she's just so cute when she's jealous.

avatar for nicespice
2 yrs ago

Hmm, can’t say “cling” yet. While I have gotten into flame wars on various internet sites in my life, and stayed up late into the night for that, we haven’t hit that milestone yet, but hey maybe one day 😘

Good to know that is a possibility, however, even if you allegedly have some dancer sitting right next to you. Because words on a screen are more enticing than titties apparently.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

One of my OTCs was driving a stripper who was between cars to the second hand store to look for some sneakers. Do not underestimate how pathetic an OTC can be.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

She left after breakfast. I'm still reeling. You girls really do keep us young.

And you're making personal flames by yourself. I'm just having fun. All this free stripper attention is a gift. 💓

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

Agreed. They're so fun to take on shopping sprees. So excited. I just walk behind them with hard-on smiling and staring at their ass.

avatar for nicespice
2 yrs ago

—>“And you're making personal flames by yourself. I'm just having fun.”

No, these posts are not by myself: Number of posts by nicespice on this thread so far: 3+this one right now. Number of posts by daily_grind on this thread so far: 12

Yeah, your fixation over r/stripper is more than just merely having fun. It’s angry and bitter but hey at least some stripper gets paid to video chat herself naked with her boyfriend late at night while you’re getting getting ticked over a fun stripper discussion group. 🥳

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

Lol. She's truly obsessed. Get it all out sweetheart 💓

Ima smoke a bowl and get some sleep. Carry on.

avatar for crazyjoe
2 yrs ago

I farted on redit

avatar for crazyjoe
2 yrs ago

Then I destroyed a McDonald's shitter

avatar for nicespice
2 yrs ago
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

I've had a couple of favs who I'm pretty sure would kneecap for hire.

If reddit has any forums for fast food cashiers, I would bet they have roughly as much venting. Abe Lincoln would say that all retail service workers hate some customers, and some retail service workers hate all customers. As a generalization of what Jimmy said.

avatar for Cashman1234
2 yrs ago

I see there is a good amount of venting by strippers on Reddit. I look at it as talking shop.

Why go to a site and post about having a normal night at work? It’s largely the miserable experiences that get mentioned.

It makes sense, even though they don’t mention much positive customer interaction.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

i'm injun (native american) so i don't really have a dog in this fight.

this standard 'friends and gossip' thread turns into a full-blown black identity extremist soapbox rant. nothing new here (for this reddit sub), but i have a couple of questions.

why isn't non-blacks playing black music ever called cultural appropriation? in fact, some non-black dancers are ostracized by the black clique dancers until they do. but there's probably some hypocrisy loophole for this one.

also, at an all-black dancer club, where do they place/what do they do with all their 'victims of privilege' blame? eat their own? light-skinned vs dark?

happy monday all.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

or: let's hate on and quash the polite stripping enthusiasm of anyone that's not a bitter nasty failing ho. there u are young lady. best of luck. how hard is that, even 5 times a day.

i'd pity them, but it's way more fun paying them to jump through hoops and beg on their hind legs knowing they hate every second of it.

[except for responses, this is my last swipe at them from this thread. look for a new 'reddit redux' thread to address the posts tuscl style coming soon. i know you'll love it. lulz]

Cacaplop you're only posting this to reinforce your misogyny and anti dancer views. So what if they vent online. Everyone does. Good for them for having a place to do it.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

i was gonna leave the thread alone but my good bud icee insisted to keep it alive.

so they're only posting to reinforce their misandry and anti-men views. so what if i vent online. everyone does. aren't u glad for me for having a place to do it?

avatar for BubbleYum
2 yrs ago

Nah. You're a stalker.

avatar for crosscheck
2 yrs ago

Cashman - It's the same reason that the news is dominated by negative reporting. Feel good stories just don't garner the same interest. As the old saying goes "if it bleeds, it leads"

avatar for VanessaM
2 yrs ago

The irony is this thread is doing the same thing the strippers on Reddit do….

Some of y’all are quite rude n nasty Y’all rate women all day Y’all don’t respect boundaries

Now let’s flip it Some of those dancers have disdain for you They rate y’all on hygiene and what y’all willing to spend If they could get away with doing less they would

Please message me if you need a pacifier to help you cope with reality

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

props to bharlem for getting the (intentional) irony. and without a personal attack. very refreshing.

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