Saw this thread on Reddit:…I get it. Males have higher sex drives and yadda yadda yadda. But really, scolding a stripper that she should have thought to send a selfie when his friend died? As opposed to a response like “nice pic” Wtf? Is this normal manthinking? Are there women who give out their condolences to personal tragedy situations like that? “Sorry for your loss. Here’s some titties”
I won’t even get into it for the rest of the weird message exchange there. That can speak for itself.
last commentHe does that often. If it wasn’t this it’ll be something else that I was lacking in. I am not his girlfriend
P.S. that photo was super hot. Also, I feel slightly embarrassed for not recognizing it was you right away.
I’m just as embarrassed. You caught me talking shit 😩
But I go out of town a lot. And I think that makes it easier to take things in stride.
But if it makes you feel better, something like that happened not too long ago with me on this site. The sex worker discussions groups is too small an internet world 😅
1. Passive aggressive
2. Entitled
3. Rude
4. Ungrateful
5. Friend's death made him horny <<-------THIS IS VERY CONCERNING!!!!!
Never knew my pics could make such an impact. Imma turn my pics into postcards
“Sorry for your loss but I know dis ass you want to toss”. 🤗
Bharlem, I’ll add to the sentiment here that your pic is hot. 😍 All of them you’ve posted actually.
Sadly, the answer is yes.
That’s a great photo BHarlem, and I recognized you immediately. You have a great body, and that pink looks great on you!
And yes, actually, you are a dinosaur, spot on.
Says the dude who claimed to have a sex dream about Farrah Fawcett, who would be 75 now if she was still alive. 😉
There’s something wrong with having sex dreams about Farrah Fawcett? In my view just saying Farrah should be enough to identify her.
I guess I’m old! But she was hot before being a hot girl was a profession.
In spite of "he does this often", you still converse and send him pics. Seems a precedent has already been established in which these types of exchanges are acceptable. Until they're not.