Why did you join TUSCL?

avatar for Cashman1234
I’m thinking each member joined this site for a specific initial reason.

What was your reason for creating your account?


last comment
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
To start the discussion, I joined to learn more about strip clubs in the northeast NJ area. I also wanted to learn more about the motivations of other club customers, dancers, and other club staff.

There were other places to find information, but they were unreliable (as was strip club list). Then there is stripper web, but that is primarily dancer oriented.

This site seems to offer better insight and it maintains a customer perspective.
avatar for doctorevil
3 years ago
I joined to get info on clubs while traveling. For quite a while I just made do with the couple of lines of a review you could see without having an account. I didn’t want to create an account because I figured a strip club site would be full of perverted wierdos. But after a while I really wanted to see the full reviews so I created an account and started writing reviews to get VIP access. I didn’t want to pay for an account because I didn’t want any of my CC recorded on site full of perverted weirdos. Once I got a full VIP account, I saw how right I was about this site being full of perverted wierdos. I guess that’s why I feel at home here.
avatar for mike710
3 years ago
I created an account in 2002 while traveling to Tampa for the first time and wanting some information on strip clubs in the area. Over the last 20 years, I forgot about this site a few times but go engaged more when I was bored at home, unable to travel for work, during the pandemic.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
I joined to be able to read the reviews as well, and once in a while I’d scan the discussion boards, while I was reading the boards I realized there were several posters that were from this area, and I asked a few questions, mostly about local clubs, and got some good information , I never expected to be here as long as I have been,damn time goes by so quickly.
avatar for Subraman
3 years ago
I've always enjoyed talking with other SC guys about SCs. Hell, I enjoy this with every activity I partake in -- if I were into knitting, I'd be on a knitting forum, if I were into lint-collecting, I'd be on a lint-collecting forum, if I were into gloryholes, I'd be on Shailynn's private forum. I was active on the redbook SC forum for years until the feds brought it down, and then the Nightshift SC forum after that until FOSTA/SESTA brought that down. Sometime around then, I went looking for other forums, headed to all the hobbyist sites but hated their forums, and re-found tuscl. I say re-found, because I'm certain I was on this forum in the very earliest days, when it was basically just plain text, even prior to current forum's introduction way back when (maybe Founder can confirm there was such an early iteration)
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
I joined to read reviews and write my own. To represent for Portland and LDKers.

I stayed for the board banter.

Aside from that I got to meet nicespice IRL. 🥰🦄
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
3 years ago
Same as DocE. I started traveling for work and wanted intel on local clubs. One of the first places I went in those early years was Detroit. That was an eye opener even WITH this site to guide me. I also agree about the site being full of perverted weirdos (like me).
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
You know I found about extras first hand, not knowing wtf is going on in these clubs at the Red Parrot in El Paso, TX. I was like oh damn I got to find out more about THIS. SHIT! So poured over google and this is one of the first things to pop up for strip club reviews. I wanted see what else was going on in other spots, get that moneyball edge. I still use the reviews sometimes and I do some reviews, it's cool to sort of document the journey but I like this DB so I stayed. Very personable as far online forums go and it really is hanging out, bull shiting in a strip club about whatever comes up, news, politics, women, drama, sports, all sorts of shit. Learned a lot, laughed a lot.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
I wanted intel and info on local clubs.

Also, I hated using USASG; it's a rat's nest. I also hated using Strip Club List; it's useless and a rat's nest.

Google directed me here.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I love stripper hoes. To share knowledge. It's also fun to share the site with stripper hoes. Didn't expect so many right wing geriatric trick trolls.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
A lot of yhe info on clubs is wrong or outdated. And much advice is bad. But the site can still be useful
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
Why did I join? I'm stupid.
avatar for jackslash
3 years ago
I wanted the location of the best strip clubs in the country. I expected the answer to be Las Vegas, but it turned out that some of the best clubs were right in my back yard--Detroit. At first I only read the reviews, and then I started writing some reviews to get VIP access. I thought I would stay on TUSCL for a couple months, and now it's been 15 years.

I hesitated to read the discussions because I expected the forum would be full of disgusting perverts. However, I began reading and found they weren't all disgusting. I offered a comment now and then, and soon I was writing of my own strip club adventures. I was so naive at the beginning. It was only dumb luck that no strippers robbed me blind, shot me, or married me.
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
I joined to be friends with jackslash and Motörhead.
avatar for Subraman
3 years ago
Interesting so many of you came for the reviews. For me, the reviews are definitely helpful when I'm traveling. In my own backyard, I already have my regular clubs wired up better than most reviewers -- I've gotten extras in some of the militantly bouncer-patrolled non-extras clubs, for example -- so there's not a lot I'm going to learn from a generic club description, and even "this is a low-touch no-extras club" does not tend to apply to regulars who know how to work the system. So I tend to be a "come for the chit chat, stay for the reviews" guy
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
I had discovered Extras inside Clubs and I LIKED it. But I felt I was paying way too much for them. My assumption was correct . TUSCL has made me see the light and saved me a lot of money. Also, I used to travel a lot to different cities that I had never been to. I wanted to know what were the best clubs in those cities.

Now, I use TUSCL to talk about my mongering exploits because I can't talk about them anywhere else.
avatar for mike710
3 years ago
@Subraman. I'm kind of like you. I don't use the reviews too much these days. If I do, it's to look for pricing in a new club more than what extras are offered.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
I find the reviews to often be useful, so felt like I owed it to also write them. I only later started shit-talking in the discussions, because I couldn't find anything more productive to do with myself.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I think the most useful thing on here is that it gives dancers an insight into the mind of a few specific customer demographics. Whether it's via reviews or discussions.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
And it's helped me get laid lulz. They love my comments in discussions. And I picked up some lines from here like girlfriend audition. Lulz
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I agree that reviews of a customer’s regular club won’t offer much additional insight. The reviews are likely very useful for guys who travel, or for those who are interested in trying out a different club.

I was a regular at a club that it was difficult to not get full sex at. When that place closed, as the town didn’t approve of the fights that broke out there, I was left with a selection of grind clubs (with limited extras). That is when I decided to sniff around to various sites.

The s club list was useless, as it was mostly creeps looking for one dancer - or other degenerates.

I tried the blue side of stripper web, but that didn’t go well.

This spot offers decent insight and it’s safe to say the word extras without getting bashed!
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
@Cashman on TUSCL you can always find a like minded PL like yourself. Plus there's always someone more degenerate and demented than you. 😂
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
The BLUE side of stripper web ? Didn't know that existed, but I'm guessing it's full of the stripper web girls that think all PL's are evil.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
I came for the reviews, primarily of new places, but also to learn who were ROBs at my regular haunts.

The discussions here are just a bonus.
avatar for BitCoinHodler
3 years ago
I go to the same 3-4 clubs, but I mostly go to mare sure I'm paying a fair price. I learned about tuscl from a dancer actually.
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
I joined for truth, justice, and the American way.
After recently giving serious thought regarding leaving I decided to hang around so I could bitch slap a portion of the multitude of useless trolls that are allowed to post here.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ Cacaplop comes to read about all the sex (with women) he'll never have.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
Warrior15 if you go to the bottom of the page - on stripper web - there is an option to go to the strip club junkie forum. It’s also known as the blue site.

All the strippers give you the side eye if you click on that link…

avatar for eyeofodin
3 years ago
Farmer, Juice and the crazy Dr. From KY who's wife finally caught him, a few others- and my feeling that every once in a while I need to reply.

Oh and to learn the SYSTEM
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
"the crazy Dr. From KY who's wife finally caught him,"

Who is this? I haven't always read discussions so maybe he slipped through the cracks, but this sounds like someone I would know about but I don't.
I recall countryman from kentucky but he was a truck driver
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I’m confused by Icee’s comments.

Why do you primarily comment in the discussions that are mostly customer based? You joined because you love stripper hoes - and yet you participate in customer discussions?

I have read each of your comments here, and they don’t make sense.

Why wouldn’t you join stripperweb? That’s a dancer site.
avatar for eyeofodin
3 years ago
^^ OSU... don't remember his handle...but he said he got divorced and moved to Indiana. Stories were funny if not always believable.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
I found this site in '98 or '99 in a book of Internet sites if you can believe it. Then I lurked on it for about 10 years, including when it ran horribly slow when loading all those damned ads. I already had my local stomping grounds very well scoped out and the places I did travel to often had limited club options, so really I just needed to know where they were so that I figure things out for myself.

Then in '08-'09 my work travels finally took me national (and international) and I found myself needing more intel than I could get from the surface listings. When your normal stomping ground is the NYC metro area, visiting clubs in places like Miami, Greenville (SC), Dallas, various points in the Midwest and various other locales is quite educational. Local cultural influences and ordinances can significantly impact club experiences and expectations and I was getting tired of walking in to each new club completely blind.

The rest is history.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Originally I just read the club listings. It wasn't the reviews or the forum, it was just to see how many clubs there were in each metro. That helped me learn a lot about all of these places. And I knew this would be most useful for business travelers, which I will also be.

You see how many clubs there are it tells you a lot about the place. And how many there are is the best way of gauging how good they will be.

I was surprised to learn that so many places had surpassed San Francisco in mileage, and that in the 90's so many places had gone to FS-ITC, and then how great Tijuana is.

As for the Forum, I really just wanted to see what people are saying about all of these places. I was surprised by the right wing political and anti-gay hate speech.

I came to see that mostly strip clubs do serve a market of extreme sexual frustration. And others who have worked in them from when lap dancing started have said the same.

It is possible to talk about things on TUSCL which would be really unwelcome other places, like keeping women in high heels and makeup, or like liking AMPs and SG. Cannot say that other places.

Being a largely male audience, it has people who must know about all sorts of things. But I can still see that trolling and a handful of belligerents makes people afraid to really say what they know.

Oh well, they can have the two underground circle jerk rooms.

avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
You forgot the main reason creep, it's the only site on the world wide web that allows you to post!

Oh almost forgot, all these years and zero reviews too, but we know why, it's because you're a broke bitch that can only afford free library internet and sleeps under a bridge.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Ha Ha Ha, for the newer members, my f2f life is private, and it is protected as well as matters of national security are.

avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago

P S Y C H O T I C C R E E P !
avatar for CandymanOfProvidence
3 years ago
I came because someone said "Candyman of Providence" into their webcam 5 times.
Upon apparition, I immediately pooped on their lap.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
@dumbassscrub LMFAO you are the #1 most ignored member on TUSCL.

That makes you the #1 loser.

avatar for shadowcat
3 years ago
I was looking on the internet for strip clubs after I found a club in Memphis that did lap dances. I found TUSCL and did 6 or 7 review anonymously. No account was needed then. It was around 1998. My first review was rejected for not having enough details. It was more of a personal account of my experience. Rookie mistake and they actually did have at least 2 editors. Eventually they required an account and user name and I signed up.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
SJG came here for the same reason mentally ill people do anything. No reason.
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
I was very new to dancing and had done a few shifts at one particular club. Due to drama between dancers that also happened to be in my social circle at the time, I wanted to nope out of any crossfire I could get caught up in and I went to Austin to dance at a club with the exact same name over there.

I was taken aback at the differences. At the first club I danced at, it was $20 floor dances and no touching and $40 or 3/$100 for the VIP dances that was more lenient with contact. The Austin location blatantly allowed contact in the main room and the floor dances and vip dance contact seemed about the same. AND I went to Austin on a weeknight so I had to sell dances and do 2 songs/$20.

I had previously assumed clubs with the same brand would be like a Taco Bell or something, where there might be slight differences but that’s it. That was the first time I learned clubs aren’t standardized that neatly.

I never wanted to be surprised like that again. I googled around and found this site. I thought the “lifetime vip” access that this site had at the time wasn’t that bad of a price, so I went ahead and purchased it before I had ever read a single review on here. And that’s that.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
^ this is something that makes sense.
avatar for georgmicrodong
3 years ago
When I first moved to Louisville, I searched for strip clubs, and this site and SCL came up. This one proved more useful. Then 10 or so years later, I joined because at some point founder had stopped making the most recent review visible to anonymous leeches.

Then I started engaging with the forums, because where else can a pervert find like minded perverts and discuss their mutual perversions?
avatar for whodey
3 years ago
Back when I was starting to travel more for work I found myself with a lot of dead time in hotels so I started searching online for strip clubs in the areas I was traveling to and found this online Mecca for information.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
^ Best for biz travelers!


Ain't No Mountain High Enough
avatar for Huntsman
3 years ago
Like others, it was reading reviews that got me here. These days I still catch up on reviews but also read the discussion board somewhat like some people watch soap operas. I frequently get tired of it and walk away for awhile. But then I check back in to see if the same characters are around and what they’re up to. I have no idea why.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
:) :) :)

avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
cuz Disney shut down paranoia.com
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago

To find out more about OTC and extras.
To find out more about why strippers or escorts do/dont do certain things
To gain more understanding of what drives consumers and suppliers in the industry
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
^^^ So says dumbassscrub, TUSCL's #1 most ignored, the only member with > 100 ignores. 🤭🤡
avatar for BubbleYum
3 years ago
I was bored and felt like arguing with some morons. 🤷🏼‍♀️
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
3 years ago
Reviews while traveling 👍🏼
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
^ I stay a Member because I someday want to meet PinkSugarDoll !
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
Besides meeting nicespice the other main benefit for me has been trading notes with other Portland PLs on where the high mileage is and where hottest strippers are currently dancing (and charging). The scene is constantly changing here.

avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 years ago
I think you had to join to even read the reviews as I remember it.

Didn't use it for years after that, pretty much forgot about it for a long time. Then I came on during the early weeks of the scamdemic to see when clubs might re-open, was treated rudely by some of the assholes on here and have stayed to get even by annoying them with the truth on a myriad of topics. 😄
avatar for PipeHerArcher
3 years ago
I wanted to find out what strip clubs in pa or nj have girls that will blow you.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
I became a semi-regular SCer in 2000 when I moved to Dallas – was not looking to be an SCer – was cruising one night getting to know the city not long after I moved there – was stopped at a red-light, I just happened to glance to my right, and I see a packed parking-lot – it was around midnight so I assumed there was something fun going-on there (popular nightclub? Bar?) – I looked for a sign/marquee to see if I could tell what it was – I look up and about 30-feet in the air in the parking-lot of the establishment I see a sign that said “Baby Dolls” – I had only been to a SC a handful of times in SoFlo prior to this in the 90s (could count in one hand) and it didn’t really hold my interest too-much at the time – although I wasn’t much of an SCer I assumed “Baby Dolls” was a strip-club – I made a mental note of the location and came back a week-later to check it out (I was new in town and didn’t know anyone) – walked into Baby Dolls that Spring night in 2000 and was very-pleasantly-impressed (this was the old pre-2007 Baby Dolls location).

Became a semi-regular SCer after that (would go on and off when I didn’t have much to do or just felt like doing something by myself) – but was not a big enough SCer to look up SC-info on the internet; thus the ~10 years I lived/SCed in DFW I was never aware of TUSCL.

Moved back home to Miami end of ’09 – didn’t club until 2011 and even then it was just a handful of times – was gonna be in Dallas in early-2012 and was kinda looking forward to visiting some of my old SC-stomping-grounds – was gonna be in Big-D for about a week and had a few free days and decided I wanted to check out the Houston SC scene to see what it was like since I more-or-less already knew the DFW scene.

I had no clue about the Houston SC scene so started looking for some info online – TUSCL often came up on the Google searches and often the first link that came up – looked at TUSCL briefly and noticed I couldn’t read reviews unless I had VIP – didn’t enquire what TUSCL VIP was and assumed I had to pay and I wasn’t used-to paying to find info online so I dismissed TUSCL – I couldn’t find the Houston info I needed so finally gave-in and joined TUSCL and paid for the lifetime VIP (I wasn’t interested in writing reviews and figured I wouldn’t be looking at the site too-much in the future so paid for the lifetime VIP in case I may need some more info sometime in the future).

Got the VIP and looked at the Houston club-section and was overwhelmed with the amount of clubs and reviews and couldn’t put together which clubs where the good ones.

Like others – I was hesitant to go on the Discussion board and figured it’d be full of lowlife pervs – but I needed info on Houston so took a peek at the board to get a feel for it and actually found it interesting and informative – after looking at it for a bit I posted a discussion, then my 2nd-discussion was asking about Houston info – had a good time on my DFW/Houston trip and started posting on TUSCL after that – I actually was able to learn a lot from some of the TUSCL-vets and also found non-SC info that was shared also interesting and informative.

After TUSCL helped me become a professional-SCer I became a hardcore SCer and had a blast for a good # of years post-joining TUSCL and I don’t think I would have experienced nor enjoyed SCing as much as I did if it hadn’t been for TUSCL – SCing became my main-hobby which led to my constant-presence on TUSCL.
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
I stumbled on extras in my local clubs, and wanted intel on what was going on in the other clubs in town. I stayed away from the forums until the pandemic when I got really bored, and now I do that too for whatever reason. Possibly because I enjoy drawing the man out of the troll. I also enjoy writing reviews, it's a fun way to share about an experience that I cannot share with anyone else in my life, and I also like to entertain folks with my writing. It's comforting to know that there are experience PLs that can help me navigate situations that no one else in my life can know about or would have good input for.

Sadly, I think I like the "community"... which is super fucked up when you think about it.
avatar for wallanon
3 years ago
A friend of mine kept suggesting we check out these random, horrible clubs. Finally after a visit where a guy got hit in the face with flying titty milk, I asked him where the fuck he was digging up all those shitty clubs. The answer was TUSCL, and he was intentionally finding the worst clubs to go see.

Once in a while we'd stumble on an underrated club that was actually decent, but mostly were just showing up to admire a dumpster fire. When he settled down and got wifed up I made my own account. Years later I'm still around.
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
I forget why I joined TUSCL. I think I'm turning into Joe Biden.
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
I joined TUSCL to use it for why it was created. When my job had me doing a lot of interstate travel, I wanted to not waste time on bad clubs. Man, if I knew about this site when was younger! My early years were spent in notoriously non-extra cities like Chicago and New Orleans. I was convinced that there was no sex in the champagne room.
avatar for rickthelion
3 years ago
Well, my brother from a hairless ape mother has already told you why he joined. After he joined he informed me of sad collection of apes on here - apes that are both hairless and clueless. So I said “rick my brother, if they are so clueless why don’t you set ‘em straight and give ‘em some good advice - rickvice, if you will.”

After some more conversation we decided that I should join and help out the clueless apes. Then the whore I was bangin’ was all “why are you and your friend talking about this shit when you’re gangbanging us?” So we refocused on the sexy female hairless apes we were banging. Or was that the trip to Sumatra where we partied with those orangutans? Who the fuck knows? I mean we were all drunk and shit. Now where is my damn drivin’ whiskey?
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
One funny thing, 15 years ago when I was traveling way more than I do now for work, another friend who travelled a lot for work always bugged me saying “you need to start a website reviewing stripclubs since you know so much about them, this could make you rich!” I would tell him “I know so much about stripclubs because there is already a site like that and that’s where I get all my intel from.”
avatar for RTP
3 years ago
I like many joined to find clubs while travelling. I would never have found Follies if not for this site. I also got great information about Extras and costs which I enjoyed in many cities. Amazing that I met a few Tuscl'rs and I have not found many to be creeps at all. I will admit that we are a more mature group....
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
Oh yeah, Follies. If it were not for TUSCL, I wouldn't have memories from Follies that make me smile every time.
avatar for rockie
3 years ago
For the outstanding insight that I gather hourly on US and World politics!

Actually, for a better view of club details that make my visits more informed. What I actually do with that added knowledge is my problem!

Best find on Tuscl - Frank's (North Cambridge)!
avatar for crosscheck
3 years ago
I joined to read reviews and get information on clubs. Then I began posting reviews because those who take ought to give as well. I've stuck around for the delightful and stimulating conversations...
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
3 years ago
“I've stuck around for the delightful and stimulating conversations...”

Is there a hidden forum for that?
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The discussion of out of town clubs is obviously of most use to business travelers, that and travel dancers.

If people think there could be more forms of delightful and stimulating conversation, then start posting it yourselves.

As has always been the case, this board is dominated by a few very vocal trolls and bullies who want to impose their own point of view and stop any discussions which are above their level. Not everyone on this board is like them.


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