She was just a hair too drunk
Fuck. Sometimes a conscience is a bad thing.
So a girl who had been saying NO for years finally reached out by text early in the day with a Yes. Unfortunately I couldn't take her up on it because she wanted to meet too early - I've got lots o' responsibilities. So instead she went to the club early and I had the brilliant idea that I could pop in later on and perhaps take her OTC. I didn't tell her that I was coming out later that night.
When I arrived, she squealed, ran over and started whispering about leaving right away with me. The problem though is that she was plastered. Now she had said yes earlier in the day when she was sober, but I still didn't feel comfy with fucking her in her condition. She wasn't pass out drunk, but clearly wasted. Girls were commenting on it when she was dancing on stage. She kept trying to convince me to do it and I was damned tempted, but I couldn't in good conscience. Normal drunk and sloppy farmhouse sex is a blast, but this girl was a hair too drunk and likely to get worse. So instead I asked her to meet me on another night and suggested that she go home - which she did.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I still had fun that night with an attractive semi-reliable standby, but I wanted to finally breach the palisades with this one. C'est la vie.
So a girl who had been saying NO for years finally reached out by text early in the day with a Yes. Unfortunately I couldn't take her up on it because she wanted to meet too early - I've got lots o' responsibilities. So instead she went to the club early and I had the brilliant idea that I could pop in later on and perhaps take her OTC. I didn't tell her that I was coming out later that night.
When I arrived, she squealed, ran over and started whispering about leaving right away with me. The problem though is that she was plastered. Now she had said yes earlier in the day when she was sober, but I still didn't feel comfy with fucking her in her condition. She wasn't pass out drunk, but clearly wasted. Girls were commenting on it when she was dancing on stage. She kept trying to convince me to do it and I was damned tempted, but I couldn't in good conscience. Normal drunk and sloppy farmhouse sex is a blast, but this girl was a hair too drunk and likely to get worse. So instead I asked her to meet me on another night and suggested that she go home - which she did.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I still had fun that night with an attractive semi-reliable standby, but I wanted to finally breach the palisades with this one. C'est la vie.
last commentBut again, I agree that passing was the best of the bad options available at that moment.
If she sobers up and sees you not taking advantage as a rejection it confirms you did the right right thing imo. That is much better than having her sober up and say you took advantage. Most likely she will be embarrassed once she realizes what you did (and did not do) and she will want to make it up to you. I think you are in a much better spot.
So you suggested somebody drive home drunk? Either that OR get into a rideshare alone in a car with a stranger?
If you wanted an “I’m ethical” participation trophy, you’re on the waitlist. Maybe behind other so-so characters but not the worst like Kyle Rittenhouse or Mark Zuckerberg.
I'm still trying to wrap my brain around this one...🤔
LOL. I'm not so sure about this or most of the rest of it, but we shall see. After years of saying No and then finally saying Yes, she may be irked that I did not take it when she was offering. Strippers are weird creatures sometimes.
But whether she bitches about it or thanks me for it, I'll be equally convinced that I did the right thing. Her affirmation, whether by words or by actions, is not required.
Sorry Summer, just calling it like I see it. It might have been better to say that they view certain things from a different perspective than civilian women. Better? 😉
Using "normal" to describe everyone other than strippers was definitely a head scratcher 😁
I don’t know how she will view it. But, you did the right thing, and it shouldn’t weigh on your conscience.
Well Cash, there is a difference between a modest level of impairment and being wasted. This girl was plastered. As I said before, a little drunken fun can be a great time, but this was just too much.
Before you reply or react to "SlaveBoss", take a moment to click through to his profile and read essentially any of his recent posts. He's a troll who has transitioned from SCL to here cause turmoil, and that's it.
You wrote, and I quote:
“So a girl who had been saying NO for years finally reached out by text early in the day with a Yes. Unfortunately I couldn't take her up on it because she wanted to meet too early...”
I have a couple of questions and comments:
If you really couldn’t meet her “early”, call in sick, postpone “responsibilities”, have some one else cover for you, etc etc etc
Why didn’t you set up a date for OTC for later the same day, at a time more convenient for you two?
When I finally saw her it was at night. If anything she needed to crash and wasn't going to be in any condition for anything until at least the next morning.
Why didn’t you set up a date for OTC for later the same day, at a time more convenient for you two?
Why haven’t you set up a OTC Date at you two earliest convenience? tell her you want to set the date up, because of your “responsibilities” and that the planning and anticipation will makes things better for the both of you.
Heck, I’ve never so much as even given a customer a paper cut! Nor done amateur acupuncture. That must be extra credit or something.
"Look how awesome I am; I didn't rape that chick."
Disagree with 2nd sentence though.
Sometimes a conscience is an inconvenient thing; it is bad not to have one.
As much as it pains me to say this.... Good job Dugan
*But I won't, because that would be weird.…
Farmhouse sex? I'm both dying to know and fearing I'll be scared for life if I do.
blahblah's more petite so it works better if nicespice does the holding down and blah does the stabbing.
Rick, one thing you could do, since you're such a good guy. Let her know there's at least a half dozen people on TUSCL who feel bad for her, that's she's in a bad way moneywise, and having to do things outside what she finds tolerable. Even though you're not one of them.
Great, funny movie. Back when Hollywood actually had original ideas. Just not another MCU movie, or Fast & Furious 28, or another bad remake of a TV show
I'm aware, but analogizing my decision not to fuck a drunk girl, who already said yes when she was sober, to her decision not to stab someone is absurd for several reasons that should be obvious. Hence my response. ;)
Not causing physical harm to an unwilling bystander is different than saying no to an intoxicated person offering sex for money.
If Nicespice argued guys have offered to pay her $$$ to stab them, and she was saying she is a good person for not stabbing them, even though she desperately needs the money, that would be a more relevant argument. But, it’s still a stretch, as stabbing is likely to cause physical injury.
In Ricks case, the dancer was drunk and offering sex, that’s all. He said no. So, Rick did the right thing, and we are all good.
@Ilb: You're not making any sense. Be a good girl and stop trolling.
@Cash: +1. Some folks on here would prefer to discuss politics, troll on troll insults and other crap than actual real life club stories. Also of course there continues to be a silly multi-account user who believes that the narrative can/should be controlled on this board. Silly rabbit.
I'll admit that all too often I can't say that I'm doing the right thing, but it's also nice for me to occasionally encounter a line that I won't cross. It's also useful, as a broader discussion, for each of us to consider where his lines are. The sad reality in this business is that there are hounds that would have readily taken this girl OTC instead of encouraging her to go home. I'm glad to know that, as bad as I am in some ways, I still won't go that far.
And yet, *you* are the one who cited your "conscience" as having stopped you, at least implying that you knew/considered it was wrong even so (with which estimation I <em>completely</em> agree, BTW). Avoiding wrongdoing is the lowest possible bar for being a human being; it's what one is <em>supposed</em> to do.
It’s surprising there are more than 50 comments regarding Rick’s actions.
It seems no good deed goes unpunished…
It seems no good deed goes unpunished…"
See, that's the thing. Can you really call <em>not</em> doing something wrong to be a good deed? And rick obviously considered it wrong, since he's the one who claimed his conscience stopped him.
That's kind of like that old Joke, you know the one where they're eulogizing the dead guy and they can't find anything good to say about him, speaker after speaker comment's on what a prick the dead guy was, until finally one man come's to the podium and says, all I have to add is his brother was worse.
Yes gmd, but there are degrees of wrong and I'd hardly put fucking a drunk girl who already agreed when she was sober in the same category as stabbing someone. 😉
This girl is one who Rick had been attempting to take OTC for awhile. So the temptation appears to have been there. When things align inside a strip club, and you don’t take the opportunity, many times it’s lost for good. I don’t know if I would have been able to resist.
To make resistance more challenging, the girl seemed to be very eager to go OTC that night. That would make her difficult to resist.
Exactly Cash.
Damn straight Mr. Dugan.
Keep up the good work. This story was even plausible. Tell more of these stories and fewer of the ones where you bring up your fictional family.
Let’s all pat RickiBoi on the head for his ability to construct a story where he kinda sorta sounds like a good guy while lamenting that he has a conscience. Good job Ricki! 👏👏👏
I think there’s a big possibility those arguing this story is most likely fake have a good point. If it’s NOT fake tho—a text like that, given the context, would have most likely come from somebody who already started getting a good buzz going on. What’s up with the ridiculous presumptions one was sober and therefore can keep going with “nah nah nah nah, somebody already conseeeeeeennnnteeeeeed. I have such a coooonscieeeeeence”
I'll admit, I get very triggered by entitled assholes. Without sex workers, Rick, myself, and many others here would have to choose between being incels, or giving somebody half our shit. So yeah, some minimal decency towards sex workers on our part seems appropriate.
You seem to be going along as if you really believe Ricki Boi, that's the difference between us, I personally find him completely unbelievable, but he writes very well and all, so it's mildly entertaining. try to remember it's pure fiction the type of fiction that appeals to incels that is where I am coming from so read my response with that in mind
^^^ @rick why not get ahead of it and text her and tell her you should try for OTC another time when she was more sober? Also do it just to check in with her to make sure she got home ok?
I posted about this event because it was topical and unusual enough to warrant a discussion. I don't post about everyday mundane stuff, like run-of-the-mill OTC or other routine interactions because for me they are ordinary. When I post about an encounter, it's precisely because it stands out in some way - good or bad.
And yes, I was indeed proud of myself for doing the right thing. Anyone who has been a strip club hound long enough knows how easy and tempting it is to go the other way, which also makes this topic worthy of air time. My lines are as blurry as anyone's and it was interesting for me to hit one on this encounter.
Right. You're one of those guys who is fine in benefiting form a girl's issues just as long as you don't know why she's offering you ass. That doesn't make you more noble, just more of a hypocritical sissy.
Im only insulted because you used that wonky face emoji real grown up, LOLOL
Be a little meta Rick, and remember that only sissies feel the need to call others sissies.
If it warrants discussion, why panty-bunch when it's discussed? You pat yourself on the head, and I agree there's some justification. It's very alien to me that you've been strongly attracted to her for a long time, but don't note any curiosity or concern about her situation or feelings. But not trying to claim I'm saintly.
Are you calling me girly as an insult because you like boys better than girls? Just throwing that in, since you seem like potentially the homophobic type. Then again, it's plausible you're Roger Stone irl.
Most of us here have a few bright lines that we know about, the majority here don’t harbor any illusions about the fact that we are man whores and I don’t know of any adult man ever that can’t figure out how to pay a prostitute
Jes Sayin