During COVID I’ve known “of” a lot of people who have passed. My moms friends sister, or my wife’s coworkers spouse. Plenty of those, all throughout COVID. Most of those people had pre-existing issues but a few of them were perfectly healthy. The most shocking to me was a female fitness buff that was 35. Perfect health, no pre-existing conditions. She died before the vaccine was readily available.
Anyway this week someone finally passed that I knew personally, he was a client of mine. Late 50s, average health I would assume. Pretty sure he was a hard core right winger so not sure if he was vaccinated or not. Was the type of guy who didn’t like being told what he should do.
How many people have you known personally that have passed?
It’s funny with the exception of wearing a mask in some required/requested places things are pretty damn normal for me these days, a notification of a death kinda makes you feel like you’re taking 3 steps back.
A high school buddy died today. I haven’t seen him for years but it seems everyone now knows someone who passed away. Yeah, he was 60 but he was an ex Marine. Still physically fit and COVID took him down
Co-worker I used to supervise died from asthma which was controlled for 5 years prior to COVID diagnosis (not vaccinated). Mother was killed in the Oklahoma City bombing in 95.
I know 3. I was perfectly healthy, but this was before the vaccine. 2 died because our health care system was over burden due to COVID patients taking ICU beds. That is the scariest part. We are not getting the same level of health care as we used to cause every is stretched to thin. All beds full means no beds there when you need it.
Three people close to me. All passed pre-vaccine. None had conditions (chronic or otherwise) pointing to a greater chance of mortality.
Two friends. Both younger than me (early 30s and early 40s). The one in her 30s was a competitive trail runner. The one in his early 40s wasn't an athlete, but he was active and fit (via several athletic young children...).
My cousin was a couple of years younger than me and in fairly good shape. He fought it for several months before it wore him down and he passed in the night. He left behind a wife and two daughters.
Hence, I took it seriously and treated it more seriously than the flu. Because no standard flu season has never produced three extra funerals for healthy people that I couldn't attend (because Covid...).
SJG... Nobody here is going to send you their loved ones' medical records because you're terrified and resentful about losing access to the internet at the library...
I still don't know anyone who has died from this. I thought I would never get it because I had gone 65 years without ever needing to go in a hospital or even go see a doctor. I was surprised when I did get it. A woman I work with said her aunt the same age as me died from it but she had lots of health issues before she caught it.
I made a fast recovery. My doctor said his patients who were cigarette smokers had difficult recoveries and it was a good thing I never smoked. I also maintain a normal weight and take a lot of nutritional supplements. Most people have inadequate diets and don't even take a daily multivitamin. Three fourth of deaths are for people 65 or over and three fourths of deaths involve people who are overweight or obese. Rather than being an anti-vaxxer, I think everyone should do a cost-benefit analysis. People in high risk categories like being older, obese or cigarette smokers should get it. The deputy director of vaccine research for the FDA said if someone is under forty they have a higher chance of being hospitalized from the side effects of the vaccine than of being hospitalized if they catch Covid if they don't get vaccinated. For them, maybe the vaccine isn't such a good idea.
I've known a few young family members that caught it without any drama. I also know of one old 75+ guy that just recently died. That being said, he was not a picture of health and could have died of anything.
A first for me was personally knowing someone who had a reaction to the vaccine. I know tons of folks who were vaccinated with only the normal side effects. This woman, a healthy physician, is the first I know personally to have been hospitalized with tachycardia following the second dose.
I don’t know anyone close who has passed due to covid. My nephew was diagnosed with covid in March 2020 - during the early part of its emergence. It took him time to recover - but he made a full recovery over about 2 months.
I think everyone close to me has been vaccinated, and that is a good thing. I am returning to my office next month. Initially the mandate was everyone must be vaccinated. Now, it’s strongly encouraged, but not required. I will see how it goes…
There are still so many things to learn about this virus, and returning to some sense of normalcy is ok, but hopefully things will go smoothly.
One of my neighbors, heavy smoker, obese, probably 82 , and one of the Librarians at my local library, might have been a few others in my neighborhood that I knew of but not well.
I've only heard of one death that I can remember. A woman in 60s. Know of one guy my age who got very sick and one college aged girl who was hospitalized.
I know four who have died from covid. Two were in their late 80s. I also had two friends that died. One was in his early 60s. He was overweight but active. The other was in her 50s and in very good health with no underlying conditions. All four were pre-vaccine.
" The deputy director of vaccine research for the FDA said if someone is under forty they have a higher chance of being hospitalized from the side effects of the vaccine than of being hospitalized if they catch Covid if they don't get vaccinated. For them, maybe the vaccine isn't such a good idea."
Given the stats, do people here think everyone should get the vaccine?
Sorry for people's loss, but fuck the idea that dying from covid is somehow more or less righteous than dying from anything else. In fact, the fuss over people dying from Covid is more like spitting in the faces of all of us who lost loved ones, as no one gives a fuck here or anywhere else about them. My fucking list of people I know who died during Covid, but not from Covid is My cousin Marvin; my friend Terry (59); My uncle Leo (favorite relative of all time); My uncle Bert (second favorite of all time and last male from my Father's bloodline except for one brother and a nephew; and my younger brother at 61. Makes it incredibly hard to give a shit about anyone who died of Covid. I lost 3 of my 6 closest relatives between january and april of this year and all I hear in the media is a lot of self-righteous fuckheads on both sides pissing on each other about a vaccine. Go fuck yourselves Covid assholes.
Sad stuff. Condolences to other posters in this thread.
A former high school art teacher died of COVID, and he was definitely at this point at an older age.
I’ve been lucky it hasn’t been *too* close as far as mortality so far. It’s just scary because my dad had health issues in 2019 that required hospital care and I shudder to think if that would have been available if it had occurred in 2020 or 2021, when trying to compete with covid patients.
I know 6 or so people who had Covid but none died.
I was talking to an early 20s stripper last week and she said she had not been vaccinated. She said she was young and healthy and didn't see any reason. I started to argue with her but decided to save my breath.
Ski ... So, the question was asked if anyone had experienced a Covid death that was an individual close to them. And then, people responded to that question. And I think that it's an understandable question and something people would be naturally curious about because, you know, Covid has been in the news a little bit...
It is also understandable to talk about how the circumstances of these deaths have affected attitudes towards Covid-19, the precautions, and the vaccines. That is tied into something that has dominated our lives (regardless of your beliefs surrounding the pandemic) for well over a year now.
But, while people expressed their own natural sadness over these losses, where they occurred, I don't think anyone implied that a Covid death is more "righteous" than a non-Covid death. More topical?... yes. Because that's the topic. But not more righteous.
If someone came on here and asked if anyone lost loved ones in the 9/11 attacks (I did not), it would not change my level of grief regarding those close to me who passed in roughly the same time period. It would also not feel like anyone was trying to diminish or belittle that grief.
If you feel that way, then you're the one bringing it to the table.
“The older you get the higher your risk of complications from Covid. That offsets the risk of myocarditis (from the vaccine). When you look at the balances of risk versus benefits, we really start to see a risk of myocarditis being higher (than risk of complications from Covid) in males under the age of 40.”
Except when you listen to the audio the section in parenthesis (than risk of complications from Covid) was never said and completely changes the context. He said the risk of myocarditis was higher under 40. He never said the risk of myocarditis was greater than the risk of catching Covid 19.
A joint statement from the leaders of more than a dozen health agencies and organizations -- including the US Department of Health and Human Services, the CDC, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Heart Association and others
"The facts are clear: this is an extremely rare side effect, and only an exceedingly small number of people will experience it after vaccination. Importantly, for the young people who do, most cases are mild, and individuals recover often on their own or with minimal treatment. In addition, we know that myocarditis and pericarditis are much more common if you get COVID-19, and the risks to the heart from COVID-19 infection can be more severe."
That said in my experience transient tachycardia, particularly with Moderna, is not that uncommon.
People talk about COVID deaths, but it seems anecdotal. If we had Universal Health Care, we would get 5 more years of life expectancy, because of better management and prevention of chronic conditions. As it is COVID probably takes 1.5 years off of out life expectancies. Universal Health care would give is 5 years, and probably nullify most of the COVID effect, again, because of better management of chronic conditions.
Probably the deciding factor in why I got the vaccine, second only to the cost (lost revenue and personal expense) of hospitalization: https://www.studyfinds.org/hal…
^^^ WTF would you know about this other than googling the topic? If the medical community listened to you they’d tell everyone that gets COVID just needs to sleep it off and drink some juice and soup. You’re a ducking moron SJG, and everybody knows it, so don’t think anybody hear believes any of the bullshit you’re typing. If you think anyone agrees with you, you’re totally fucking clueless and have autism.
This basically is what they tell most people who test positive. Its a little more than just sleeping it off, like maybe a few days, but in essence that it was it is.
And with most of the infections, there is no need for testing or anything, just a need for some sleep. Sometimes 24 hours does it.
We are all being used as political pawns in a campaign of irrational superstitious fear and hysteria.
And it is being done so that we don't talk about Universal Health Care.
I don't have any relatives, or at least close ones, who died from COVID. I did know 3 different people who dies from it. One was a guy who worked at the convenience store I buy my lottery tickets at, one was a former coworker at my job and the third was the lady who lived in the apartment building across the lawn from mine, who was the lady eveyone talked to at some point.
A friend's grandpa died a few days ago. Q cousin almost died from the vaccine. Her heart stopped twice. Had a pulmonary embolism at 23. I know 7 people hospitalized after the vaccine. An uncle passed away from Covid last year. That was the first personal death
I'm disgusted by the lack of mitigation efforts to appease private sector greed. The way we're sold false senses of safety with the vaccine and masks. The way civid is being downplayed
The COVID precautions and the vaccine are all intended to create a docile population. They are saying that COVID takes away 1.5 years of life expectancy from the population. All these precautions could do is neutralize this at best.
Ok, but Universal Health Care would give us 5 years of life expectancy, and probably also neutralize the effects of COVID.
Coronavirus vaccines are not the miracle drug the media and medical communities make it out to be. Historically even with closely matched vaccines the effective rate is at best 60%. The statistics are exploited to make it seem more effective.For instance with covid-19 you have a substantially number of younger, fit people in the sampling population.
You see the masks, you feel fear. You see the signs promoting the vaccine, just like it used to be with the testing, you feel fear. That's what keeps people quiet and docile.
Just because someone is vaccinated doesn’t mean they can’t get it and die had a vaccinated flight attendant at work die at 34. This is why I’m not for people being forced to take it and I’m not right wing at all.
“ Her heart stopped twice. Had a pulmonary embolism at 23. I know 7 people hospitalized after the vaccine. An uncle passed away from Covid last year. That was the first personal death”
My grandma lost her memory after the second shot and finally went to the hospital after we begged her. It messed with her heart as well but seems like no one wants to talk about that. Her memory came back and she’s ok now but I don’t think it was worth it. Definitely hope she doesn’t get any kind of booster.
last commentSJG
Full medical records.
Two friends. Both younger than me (early 30s and early 40s). The one in her 30s was a competitive trail runner. The one in his early 40s wasn't an athlete, but he was active and fit (via several athletic young children...).
My cousin was a couple of years younger than me and in fairly good shape. He fought it for several months before it wore him down and he passed in the night. He left behind a wife and two daughters.
Hence, I took it seriously and treated it more seriously than the flu. Because no standard flu season has never produced three extra funerals for healthy people that I couldn't attend (because Covid...).
SJG... Nobody here is going to send you their loved ones' medical records because you're terrified and resentful about losing access to the internet at the library...
... you dumb fucking ghoul.
I made a fast recovery. My doctor said his patients who were cigarette smokers had difficult recoveries and it was a good thing I never smoked. I also maintain a normal weight and take a lot of nutritional supplements. Most people have inadequate diets and don't even take a daily multivitamin. Three fourth of deaths are for people 65 or over and three fourths of deaths involve people who are overweight or obese. Rather than being an anti-vaxxer, I think everyone should do a cost-benefit analysis. People in high risk categories like being older, obese or cigarette smokers should get it. The deputy director of vaccine research for the FDA said if someone is under forty they have a higher chance of being hospitalized from the side effects of the vaccine than of being hospitalized if they catch Covid if they don't get vaccinated. For them, maybe the vaccine isn't such a good idea.
I think everyone close to me has been vaccinated, and that is a good thing. I am returning to my office next month. Initially the mandate was everyone must be vaccinated. Now, it’s strongly encouraged, but not required. I will see how it goes…
There are still so many things to learn about this virus, and returning to some sense of normalcy is ok, but hopefully things will go smoothly.
Given the stats, do people here think everyone should get the vaccine?
At least partially because quotations without attribution don't mean anything.
A former high school art teacher died of COVID, and he was definitely at this point at an older age.
I’ve been lucky it hasn’t been *too* close as far as mortality so far. It’s just scary because my dad had health issues in 2019 that required hospital care and I shudder to think if that would have been available if it had occurred in 2020 or 2021, when trying to compete with covid patients.
I was talking to an early 20s stripper last week and she said she had not been vaccinated. She said she was young and healthy and didn't see any reason. I started to argue with her but decided to save my breath.
It is also understandable to talk about how the circumstances of these deaths have affected attitudes towards Covid-19, the precautions, and the vaccines. That is tied into something that has dominated our lives (regardless of your beliefs surrounding the pandemic) for well over a year now.
But, while people expressed their own natural sadness over these losses, where they occurred, I don't think anyone implied that a Covid death is more "righteous" than a non-Covid death. More topical?... yes. Because that's the topic. But not more righteous.
If someone came on here and asked if anyone lost loved ones in the 9/11 attacks (I did not), it would not change my level of grief regarding those close to me who passed in roughly the same time period. It would also not feel like anyone was trying to diminish or belittle that grief.
If you feel that way, then you're the one bringing it to the table.
Video of Dr. Doran Fink saying it:
Except when you listen to the audio the section in parenthesis (than risk of complications from Covid) was never said and completely changes the context. He said the risk of myocarditis was higher under 40. He never said the risk of myocarditis was greater than the risk of catching Covid 19.
"The facts are clear: this is an extremely rare side effect, and only an exceedingly small number of people will experience it after vaccination. Importantly, for the young people who do, most cases are mild, and individuals recover often on their own or with minimal treatment. In addition, we know that myocarditis and pericarditis are much more common if you get COVID-19, and the risks to the heart from COVID-19 infection can be more severe."
That said in my experience transient tachycardia, particularly with Moderna, is not that uncommon.
Nothing personal here.
So why are you still walking around, and what possible good to any vaccine have?
This basically is what they tell most people who test positive. Its a little more than just sleeping it off, like maybe a few days, but in essence that it was it is.
And with most of the infections, there is no need for testing or anything, just a need for some sleep. Sometimes 24 hours does it.
We are all being used as political pawns in a campaign of irrational superstitious fear and hysteria.
And it is being done so that we don't talk about Universal Health Care.
Strip Club Charisma
Ok, but Universal Health Care would give us 5 years of life expectancy, and probably also neutralize the effects of COVID.
My grandma lost her memory after the second shot and finally went to the hospital after we begged her. It messed with her heart as well but seems like no one wants to talk about that. Her memory came back and she’s ok now but I don’t think it was worth it. Definitely hope she doesn’t get any kind of booster.
Lunch at the library today so you can post nonstop crap u til it closes?
Lunch at the library today so you can post nonstop crap u til it closes?"
Only if he takes a quick dumpster diving break at the gravy hut down the street.