Now I'm Pissed / Rant about SJG
Anywhere there are Titties.
In concept, I am against using the Ignore feature for an individual. There are many different personalities on this board. And I fully realize that I'm not going to agree with anyone all the time. Are there those that annoy me more than others ? Sure there are. CJKent goes on and on about Marilyn Monroe , but then posts a photo of a busty hottie so I forgive him. If I don't agree with someone , I can choose either to argue with that person or just move onto the next topic. Even Ran-Dumb-Member, who I never agree with and insults me all the time. I don't even have him/her on Ignore. It's just against my philosophy .
On SJG. He brings up UBI and I can just not participate in the conversation. He can drudge up 28 old threads that no one else comments to to clutter up the Inbox on the Discussion threads. I can just Ignore the thread. He can make a comment about about tying women up and raping them. That was a thread that basically brought the whole Board together. We all think SJG is more than a little wacko ! But none of that hurts me and has not caused be to put him on Ignore.
But now he has committed the ultimate crime. He is clogging up the Photo Gallery. He is posting pics of fat girls, bondage crap, old cars. Not just a photo or two. Bunches of stupid pics. For those of you that do not look at the Photo Gallery, I invite you to do so. Try to look around the crap that SJG has posted. You will see wonderful offerings from. Longball300, Joker44, some stripper named Amber, and our very own PinkSugarDoll. I look at the Photos more than I look at the Discussion threads. It's alway uplifting.
But guess what happens when I put SJG on Ignore ? Those stupid photos still show up on the List of the Photo Gallery. FOUNDER ! What can be done about this ? I want that CRAP off the Photo Gallery.
On SJG. He brings up UBI and I can just not participate in the conversation. He can drudge up 28 old threads that no one else comments to to clutter up the Inbox on the Discussion threads. I can just Ignore the thread. He can make a comment about about tying women up and raping them. That was a thread that basically brought the whole Board together. We all think SJG is more than a little wacko ! But none of that hurts me and has not caused be to put him on Ignore.
But now he has committed the ultimate crime. He is clogging up the Photo Gallery. He is posting pics of fat girls, bondage crap, old cars. Not just a photo or two. Bunches of stupid pics. For those of you that do not look at the Photo Gallery, I invite you to do so. Try to look around the crap that SJG has posted. You will see wonderful offerings from. Longball300, Joker44, some stripper named Amber, and our very own PinkSugarDoll. I look at the Photos more than I look at the Discussion threads. It's alway uplifting.
But guess what happens when I put SJG on Ignore ? Those stupid photos still show up on the List of the Photo Gallery. FOUNDER ! What can be done about this ? I want that CRAP off the Photo Gallery.
Get your sorry asses to the Underground Circle Jerk Room, and don't come out again until you have learned how to use individual ignore and thread ignore.
This thread and what you have posted on it are pure negative meta narrative, the epitome of SPAM.
Caramel Star, understands high heels and makeup !!
BBW, Black
The exception is the politics board but then you know it well as your spam also overflows there. .
The mandatory lockdown in California may have saved lives, but it definitely "flatten the curve" on bullshit off topic posts.
You think you're interesting and provocative, when you post the same silly UBI/Medicare for All bullshit on every thread.
You are fucking tedious.
You also seem to think you have authority to dictate board behavior. That is anything but true. You have never submitted an article or a review, and are not a VIP.
Most importantly, you are not Founder.
You are just a delusional pest.
When board rules get discussed on the VIP forum, I (and many others) will recommend you get banned for your spammy, rapey shit, and rules (like thread locking) to stop your ilk from reappearing.
I hope your Huffy gets sold for scrap and a goat bites off your tiny cock.
Best regards,
We have not just one, but two Underground Circle Jerk Rooms, if that is your interest.
We have the original VIP Underground Circle Jerk Room with its luxurious upholstered seats. The first hatch out in the parking lot takes you to that.
Now we also have the Verified Underground Circle Jerk Room with its cheapie hard plastic seats. The second hatch takes you to that.
And you know what the pass phrase is, its written on the hatches. "Women Are Superfluous". So pick your underground room and stay there.
Caramel Star, women who knows how to pose for awesome photos
Lol, is that a joke? What you need to learn for your livelihood is to get out of the library and get a job, earn your keep in life so you don't have to live your life under a bridge eating cat food and dumpster diving for dessert! FUCKING MORON BULLSHITTER!
Pleaser 10 inch…
Like which libraries block adult content, or the hours the homeless shelter is closed for cleaning.
My affairs are private and protected, no less so than the affairs of the Central Intelligence Agency.
And I heard that they just finished cleaning the Underground Circle Jerk Room, so that is where you belong.
Really Big
Yeah, remember when the CIA couldn't get internet access for 14 months. smh
Eat a bag of dicks. You have no power here. Have I said that yet?
Roissy, the initiation castle, Netherlands
But yeah, just leave sjg
But if anyone wants a strip club only discussion forum there is another one I started that is getting more and more popular here:
I wonder about that. Is Sjg the type of troll that is looking for attention or looking for amusment?
Aside from Desertscrub I am probably the most calm person on here and even SJG gets under my skin from time to time. (That entire sentence was all sarcasm for our slow adult members here that cannot read between the lines. You know guys like Subraman and gals like nicespice).
I'm pretty sure that the CIA still had internet access even after the library got shut down for the pandemic.
Also, you're creepy as fuck.
BTW, I just looked at your profile page. Nice Banner !
skibum609, What does Carmel have to do with this thread? There is another ongoing thread about Scrub's rude comments about dancer photos. Read the room.
I agree - his photo posts are another form of his spamming this board. They are almost entirely useless. He should take about 95% of those photos down.
Second, founder did ban the SCL troll who came here, set up about 5 troll profiles, and started to flame the threads with racist content (among other stuff...).
After banning him the same troll came back, started up again, and founder banned him again. And he did come back after that, but it's one profile that hardly ever posts because that guy now knows he can't get away with it.
There are levels of moderation that would allow this to be an open environment while not being a haven for shitty humans like SJG or desertscrub. Whether it's banning incredibly disruptive users, limiting the volume at which they can post, or providing users with the sort of filtering tools that actually make a difference.
1. Discussing sexy female hairless apes.
2. The excellent rickvice we all offer.
So Imma solve your problem with some rickvice to the SanJose ape: focus on posting pictures of sexy hairless ape whores. Everybody will like you if you do that.
Okay, problem solved. ROAR!!!
Other options (for him and other disruptive users) would be to limit posting frequency and/or create an Ignore/Block feature that is effective.
Discussions: 374
Photos: 466
Comments: 37,493
Total Number of Reviews: BIG FAT ZERO
Clearly he's by far TUSCL's most prolific poster, but at the same time the lowest contributor as far as sharing actual strip clubs experience.
That said, founder hasn't booted him up to this point, so I highly doubt that's going to change.
I am interested in knowing whether or not there was more new member participation and joining of TUSCL during the time when san_jose_creep wasn't posting vs now when he clogs the boards with his posts. ...Only founder knows this...
If anyone should be banned its the right wing trolls.
Typical leftist, claims to tolerate all points of view then is shocked to learn there are others.
In the mean time, we need to start putting these guys in restraints, ankle cuffs, chain their feet to the floor, so that they stay in the Underground Verified Circle Jerk Room and the Underground VIP Circle Jerk Room.
Just keep building that organization, SJG. How many girls have you recruited in the past few years ?
Are you getting callouses on your hands yet, from the pick and shovel training?
How Life Should Be…
LMFAO. You know what Black OPs never do? Go on internet message boards and say I'm Black Ops.
How Life Should Be…
Nasty stuff like buggering a goat.
How Life Should Be…
If the CIA is working to disrupt radical terrorist message boards by loading them up with creepy, rapey posts and content, then this is believable.
"It used to be a bullet to the back of the head, and then a 12 gauge in the mouth. The larger wound covers up the original smaller wound. But that is an out of date tactic."
It's adorable that you read a 1970s crime novel and convinced yourself that you know about "wet work".
And the thing is, TUSCL is his entertainment regarding strippers and sex. Where most TUSCL PLs use TUSCL to report out on a strip club, stripper, or just sexual experience in general, san_jose_creep doesn't do this because he can't afford it and also no woman that he wants will give him the time of day in real life. Instead, posting to and reading TUSCL is his reality with sex entertainment. There's nothing beyond this for him, unlike most other PLs. This is ultimately why he NEEDS TUSCL more than most. And also why he'll NEVER stop posting here as long as he's allowed.
Lastly, IMHO only, the one thing with respect to being a PL that he does bring to the table here is that he's a cautionary tale to all other married PLs. He's a live example of what a married PL *could* become from taking strip club mongering too far. Take it too far, and one could lose everything in life - money, real love, house, career, car, etc. And also even lose one's mind.
Yeah I've thought that maybe the clicks have something to do with why he's allowed to stay here but on the other hand he's ignored by many so there aren't any clicks there and how about new perspective members that come here, read his posts, then decide they don't want to deal with a forum that has a spamming psycho front and center so they never join or go away.
^^^@san_jose_creep FYI dumbass your assigned room is any one that you can post in. You're just butthurt you can't read and post in all the forums*.
(*Spoiler alert: if you write a review you could get into the VIP forum. 😁)
Remember the repeated fantasies of raping women in their sleep. He repeats it over and over during his fantasized TLN sessions that never really happen. It’s just in his head, like his fictional organization that he has built over the past 7 years, but then he turns around and blames COVID for slowing down his progress in developing it. Here’s an update, his organization has never existed except for a party of one delusional TUSCL member, SJG! The GOAT (fucker)!!
Spam it up with the same ole rant material. He still retains his value as being the resident punching bag. Reminds me of Cliff Clavin from Cheers. When told to shut up f2f or get his ass beat, Clavin left when the guy showed up at the bar. Clavin breaking the block with his forehead was classic! Long live the Clavin!!
And personally I don't pull punches on any troll, regardless of whether or not they have the genius of Einstein or the stupidity of a "slow kid". If you are a troll online you deserve the treatment you get. That simple.
And don't forget to sign them with "SJG". It's important that you stay in character!
Papi's own recommendation was to scroll past all SJG's shit so Papi if you got a problem with all the negative responses to SJG then just scroll past that shit too.
I mean for what it's worth, I've pretty much taken that advice. I no longer bother responding to SJG. If anything, the member I have more of a problem with these days is Desertscrub but for different reasons. I don't ignore any member but I use thread ignore for every SJG thread that he bumps and talks to himself on (about 35 now) and it works excellently. But I 100% agree with Warrior about SJG's spamming of the photo section. There's been a work around posted but I still don't like the idea of blocking every unverified poster's content just to block SJG's photos.
Posting something topical which some may not like is not spam and it is not hostile.
Some TUSCL people just want to try and insist in bringing the conversation down to their level, their POV. This is why I call such people Circle Jerkers.
Posting 100 things that only you care about IS spam.
Most people have livelihoods which require using more smarts than they use in buying dances, or in following right wing media.
Lol, intimidated? This is an anonymous board on the internet where you can create accounts in seconds.
No one is intimidated here. You're just boring.
And this thread is a blatant example of this.
Just post your own content and stop trying to harass other people.
Silicon Valley…
There are no debates whether to ignore or ban me.
There are no debates whether the ignore function blocks enough of my spam.
No one except a couple white knights here has called me anything beyond a "bully," and even that implied that you're autistic or retarded.
I'm a top reviewer, you're a top ignored.
And never for one minute would you get away with this kind of diatribe f2f, I would not allow it.
Your spamming, rapey presence is negative meta-narrative, therefore, for the good of the board, I do not want you here. Even most of the people who don't want you blocked, want you ignored. Discussion magically gets better here around 4-5pm Pacific time.
For someone who talks about his privacy wall, it's hilarious that you're talking about anything f2f.
I'll let that phrase just sit there.
Whatever, sweetcheeks. You're a joke.
If you disrupt the board and chase away upstanding, contributing members, I will.
To say nothing of the potential legal liability he creates when he finally executes one of his rape fantasies, and law enforcement asks each of us why we didn't notify them.
Go into any thread that SJG has decided to hijack and put him on ignore. It reads like everyone is yelling at a ghost... a creepy rapey ghost.
There are means to provide some degree of moderation here, while maintaining an open conversation, but not letting it be the a imbalanced narcissist's stroke mag.
You don't have to agree with everything sjg says but the constant attacks on him get old.
Everyone has something valid to say. Personally I enjoy skibums stories even if I disagree completely with his politics. Were adults here.....hopefully
ICEE, you can put this thread on ignore just like you advocate.
Eccentric, whatever. None of us here are "normal." Creepy and spammy deserve to go. There is no divine right to post here.
But yes FRMOS and toda la Noche are funny.
In here it says that in many large American cities, some degree of light bondage is considered just good sexual etiquette.…
I imagine that might be Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, and D.C. All of these places hold an attraction for me.
It is like other commentators have noted, all human interactions involve rituals of domination and submission. And this is even more true in sexual interactions.
99% of your "topical diversity" threads have no posts other than you, and the people making fun of you.
BBW Uniform, Action, Backdoor, Lite Bondage
Disliking you, ICEE, and Cacaplop are the second most unifying topics on this board (except for titties).
I used to wonder which of our members you were a sock for. Now I see that you are just too extreme. Fortunately we have just one like you.
There is no false impression. Almost half the bored hates you and vocalizes that, the other half hates you and hopes ignoring you will make you go away. Maybe two people ever defend you, and only occasionally. You are as popular as rotten ham sandwiches in Mecca.
You make the board bored.
You suffer from an extreme kind of immaturity, a character disorder.
Meanwhile the "everyone hates SJG thread" is approaching 170 posts.
I predict an uptick in the quality of posting soon, as the public library closes.
And then you started with a title which fans irrational hysteria and is not well supported by fact.
Hey, if you don't like the front room, pick your Underground Circle Jerk Room, VIP or Verified.
House of Harlot Latex
Circular floor, circular ceiling, no windows, but a good ventilation system cause of all the seating pigs. Only door, only way in our out, is the hatch in the center of the ceiling which comes up into the parking lot.
You Tetradon, seem to see the world as a war between the Good People and the Bad People.
The Good People are those who oppose progressive politics, reactionaries.
The Bad People are usually the Poor, Immigrants, and Racial, Religious, and Sexual Minorities.
If you want a forum where no one disagrees with you, off to the Circle Jerk Room.
Library closes SJG? You’re nothing but a spammer and a troll! Go back under the bridge.
Actually there are plenty of worthwhile debates in the front room. We do not dislike you because you are "progressive," we dislike you because you are delusional and creepy.
For all your tough talk and barking orders, you have no inherent right to be here. You have no power here.
I'm a top reviewer, you're a top ignored.
You don't have delusions of grandeur, you have delusions of adequacy.
There's your meta narrative.
Might as well vanish. We'll never appreciate your "genius" here.
Tye library closes at 5:00 pacific, which will mean you have wasted 6 hours of productivity on your organization to make enemies on a strip club review site. You’re meta narrative mirror is before you, now smash and look beyond your own stupidity to see you have to pay for quality women, otherwise the free sex you get look like the fat Mexicans you post under stripper photos. Are you going to spam that content now SJGoatfucker?
Juice's Secret…
There's a lot of people I don't agree with here, but I enjoy the back-and-forth with those who have some degree of intelligence, regardless of our differences. SJG? The guy's just a total freak who enjoys disrupting conversations. I'll bet he's jerking off to all the insulting comments he receives.
extremely well composed picture, better than 98% of what is in the dancer directory
Bring back your ignore list and update it every week like yiu did a few years ago, SJG!!
Whose front room? Our front room!
Whose front room? Our front room!
You can't even get a FRMOS in the discussion board's FR.