What is your biggest let down from a club?
I’ll start:
So back sometime either late 90s/early 2000s, my baby sitter was driving me around. Up ahead is this huge sign that said “Wild Zebra” I pointed it out and said that I wanted to go look at zebras. The baby sitter cringed and and told me there are no zebras there. I asked why. She said it’s a place that has naked women. I replied that has to get boring, because who wants to just stare at other people? There are people everywhere. They probably have to have zebras sometimes. She then told me she was done talking about this, and I spent the rest of the car ride thinking about zebras.
Damn deceptive businesses. 😭
So back sometime either late 90s/early 2000s, my baby sitter was driving me around. Up ahead is this huge sign that said “Wild Zebra” I pointed it out and said that I wanted to go look at zebras. The baby sitter cringed and and told me there are no zebras there. I asked why. She said it’s a place that has naked women. I replied that has to get boring, because who wants to just stare at other people? There are people everywhere. They probably have to have zebras sometimes. She then told me she was done talking about this, and I spent the rest of the car ride thinking about zebras.
Damn deceptive businesses. 😭
FKK Sharks in Frankfurt has an aquarium, but there are no sharks in it.
Last night I plugged in my phone, poured some whiskey from Northern Ireland...and then some more...and passed out on the couch while watching the Woodstock 99 doc on HBO Max. This morning, I woke up, checked my phone, and saw that I missed "what you doing" and then a couple hours later, "u up?". Ugh! Damn it!! She looks kinda like Rhianna, but with DDs.
Actually I think my two biggest disappointments have to do with the same club (my favorite one). One disappointment is me having way too much to drink and only having very hazy memories of a few nights where things happened that I really really really wish I could remember better.
The other letdown isn't really a letdown, more of an overall bummer; one of the managers there died last year, probably had Corona. That's sad enough. But apparently the guy was a fan of me; when I went in at night, a lot of times it would be dead (mid-week), so he'd bullshit w/me a little bit, comp drinks all the time. I remember one night a girl there had been texting me, told me to come in, it was dead and I'd get hooked up with drinks. I was already smashed and had the day off the next day, so there wasn't any argument from me. Got an Uber for the five-minute drive, walked in, and realized I was the only customer, and it was her and one other girl I didn't know. Bartender was closing his register so the manager gave me a couple heavy pours of Glenlivet 12 and the girl I didn't know was pushing to go upstairs (like double VIP). Manager told me a $ figure, I think something like $700 for 30 mins with both girls, and any extra tip I wanted to give. I said I couldn't do that, and when he asked how much I was willing or could, I told him I could swing $300, knowing full well he'd never go for it (I had no intention of going upstairs). He asked the girls if they were ok with that, they were...(no idea how much of that each of them got). We were up there for just short of an hour, until closing time at 2am. Unfortunately it was one of those nights where I bad too much and don't remember the entire thing. From what I do remember, it was an incredible night...ha, I remember a couple of fun contests... just wish I remembered more!
Just kidding girl. You were cute as a bug. I would like to run into you again sometime. :-)
And he’ll yeah Spicey is as cute as a button
Those were the days!
For the OP, maybe your babysitter did not want to take you inside Wild Zebras because everybody knew her name.
Probably the biggest club disappointment against my expectations in the US was Market Street Cinema in San Francisco. But I hit that club way after its prime and hadn't perfected my club routine yet. Learned a lot from that misadventure. To me that's different than being overrated, which is a whole nother story.
The last stripper bitch I banged wouldn’t let me cum on her face 🤪
That was the one. I doubled down on the bad decisioning at MSC by agreeing to a two-girl VIP.
I have been disappointed when a fav wasn't there on a day she's scheduled. Nothing worse than that.
Oh, one time a dancer said she didn't want her breasts touched.
It was a multi day drive and I’d heard good things about another club along the way. I figured I’d make up for the night before. But they were closed one day a week. It was the day I stopped by.
^I never even realized one can hula hoop upside down.