is The System (tm) merely Paying Hookers For Sex?
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
This has been alleged, but I was slow to see it.
At least it is not buying dances, as that is a chump's game.
But we see the low esteem Dugan holds the dancers in. And then they don't even return his phone texts, except some when it comes to the first of the month.
And we see that alcohol has a big role in it.…
At least it is not buying dances, as that is a chump's game.
But we see the low esteem Dugan holds the dancers in. And then they don't even return his phone texts, except some when it comes to the first of the month.
And we see that alcohol has a big role in it.…
Thank god San Jose Public Library doesn’t have an adult filter on their wi-fi.…
A lot of marriages don't last that long. I don't expect to ever work for the same company that long.
Fixed it for you but then again it's a redundant question because nobody listens to you except to point out how out of touch with reality you are and how big of a creepy fuckhead you are.
phils space geneious algorithm assigns a 98% posterior probability to the contention that mr theosu actually finds mr san joses posts rather hot to the point where he jacks it to them
it further assigns a 69% posterior probability to the proposition that he has added a cardboard sign to the grill of his 1982 yugo that reads ‘this is mr richard dugans mercuree bobcat’
my predictive space algorithm is surprisingly insistent that mr the mispelled mercury i suspect it did so due to mr thes atrocious grammar and spelling
also yes the system is paying hookers for sex
i hope these phil phacts(tm) have answered all of ur questions
your welcome
Lol, same as you jack then slurp your spunk to my posts right rummy! Tricks must be slow behind your convenience store dumpster, don't worry the homeless guys should show up after dark.
Your welcome, Dipshit
She will look at condom afterwards, smile and say “omg what a huge load in it.” I then pluck down 5 Bens.
first mr theosu u need to stop sending links to ur photos… becaus even if i was into guys i would not be into u
second mr player i am not sure why u want to buy back ur own cum in a condom for $500 but i bet u could make some of that money back by selling the cum to mr theosu
iust trying to help the clueless
your welcome
When examining the process - of paying a woman for sex - it would appear to be prostitution. However, many of the women would object as they are likely dancers, and they don’t derive a majority of their earnings from actual paid sex.
Actually it is. But somehow it's more interesting for many TUSCLers to put labels on each other and bicker instead of appreciating that people from so many different walks of life all found their way here to talk about their hobby. Just like anything else in life, there's good and bad that comes with the experience on the boards.
phil thinks mr skibum is subtly signaling his homosexual desires. phil does not judge in fact phil told mr george michaelson to keep believing in himself that wake me up and go go would be a hit and mr michaelson was a big ol fag
that said i feel sorry for mr skibum becaus being impotent must suck. phil would not know because phil has a huge dick befitting a space geneious that gets as hard as a diamond at appropriate times. but i can still imagine mr skibums pain
on the other hand he said he was a bottom and taking it in the ass requires skibums partner to get it up and mr skibum does not himself have to get it up
i hope this explanation of how gay sex works helps the non geneiouses here. keep tryin mr skibum u will find ur top :)
your welcome
^^^ This.
It's interesting that HOW you pay actually matters to some of the PLs around here. For example san_jose_guy always like to say he's paying her for her time, but not specifically for the sex. And 2ICEE will cover a stripper whore's tip payout and overall cost for her to leave the club early, plus buy her drug of preference, and then claim she's not paying for the sex.
LMAO at the end of the day we are all paying, but some of us need some mental gymnastics to *think* it's not paying (LMFAO but it is 😂).
^^^@JustinTolook it really is crazy. I've read countless san_jose_guy and 2ICEE/IceyLoco/PhatBoy99 posts and threads, and both of them go to great lengths to explain how they paying stripper whores is somehow NOT paying for the sex that comes with it. They both want so bad not to be just another TUSCL PL that they'll commit to writing volumes of posts and even create their own "systems" just to differentiate themselves from an everyday trick.
I think it's a self-loathing and low self esteem defense mechanism myself. It comes from their shame that the only way they can get a woman is if she's a stripper whore and they have to resort to paying her for GFE.
To me they end up looking even more pathetic than just admitting and accepting that they are no different than any other PL on here. LOL just own your PL nature. On TUSCL you're with your own people. 😆
they are different and soooo very special.
"This group isn't really about strip clubs. its about misogynysts and sheltered married men locating strip clubs where they can find hookers. Thats why people like Rick are taken seriously."
He is spot on.
The System (tm) is about setting up immediate OTC, instead of buying dances. That makes very good sense. And it is about sessioning with strippers, instead of calling escort ads. Also very good sense.
The problem comes in with Dugan's attitude towards the women. What he needs is either a Marriage Councilor or a Divorce Lawyer.
He once told me that I did not have "enough sack". No, he is the one without enough sack.
^^^ @san_jose_guy so as an alternative to The System (tm), how is this working out for you? Have any of those AMP whores you stalked as per this thread become your civilianized "girlfriends" yet? Are you still texting with any of them yet? Because it was never just about the money for sexual services now, was it? 🤔
Usually that means the girl stands fully ready for immediate civilianization, like that night."
^^^ This is just one of many examples of how important it is to san_jose_guy that his AMP whore GFE doesn't just view their interactions as just about the money. It was so important for him to believe that the AMP whore didn't really care about the tip money at this later session. He wanted to believe so bad that she was slowly changing her attitude towards him as a "boyfriend" rather than as her trick. All because she trusted him to tip her without her having to ask for it up front.
It's mental gymnastics. 🤸🤸🤸
In other countries, smart guys, they keep beautiful women. This is not the same as paying hookers for sex.
There's this one poser PL from San Jose in particular that's been posting but never actually going out and doing anything with strippers. All he does is post! And that's it!
When it comes to someone like Rick Dugan, he needs either a Marriage Councilor or a Divorce Lawyer. But he is such a creepy shit head, that probably it is his spouse who needs to retain a Divorce Lawyer.
Outside of their jobs is when they are truly like other women. But in the club it's all business. Including front room making out, FYI.
And the PLs that try to use their work to establish a civie relationship with them are the dumbasses. If you want a civie relationship with a stripper then do it completely civie and stay out of the club as you establish it.
Yes! End of discussion.
And kudos to you actually going out and getting dates with strippers! That's much better than just theorizing about it (ad nauseam) for years.
The answer was yes before he even created the thread. 😂
Two points SirLapApe
First, all correct answers are correct before questions were asked. That is basic logic.
Now if we were to attack the problem from an epistemological standpoint you might say that most posters didn’t know the answer until they knew the question and you would also be correct. You would also be saying shit that only us super intelligent ricks understand so you should probably zip it.
Second, the answer is not “yes”. The answer is “no, the system is sublime guidance to all male creatures for we ricks have climbed the mountaintop and seen the promised land and its a bunch of hot naked females that really want some rick lovin’”
Now you know. ROAR!!!
Regardless I'm glad you set the record straight for, san_jose_creepy_ape.
GF and BF is really an adolescent concept, meaning that both parties are being supported by their parents.
Beyond that though, most women in relationships are somehow getting material support. Wives, Mistresses, and GF's of rich guys, they are usually getting material support. But this does not mean that they are hookers.
Really it is a continuum. It is the Marriage-Prostitution system. It is hard to get away from it unless there is some broader social context which guarantees the women economic security. But this kind of stuff is the exception, it is not common. Most women still look to intimate relationships with a man as their economic security. Though today most will pursue careers outside of the home, most of the time this money is just to help with higher priced home purchase.
It also increases the risk of financial collapse:…
Being generous with a woman in a strip club is just a show of respect. She could not be there unless she knew that she would be getting money. She might even end up wearing sensible shoes…
and working in the finance sector.
I want to keep her in 10" pleasers and makeup…
If on top of respectful generosity you speak to women in strip clubs in a respectful and civilian way, and never act like they are selling sex or anything else, and are open and honest with them and let them know all the things a girl will want to know, often they will really open up to you and be ready to leave with you at the end of their shift. I can personally attest to this.
The fact is, many of these women do have outside relationships, or at least they want that. Sometimes this may mean that the guy is giving her money, but this does not mean that she is a hooker being paid for sex.
Women go along with being treated as vending machines and with guys who are cheating on their wives in strip clubs, because they are being paid. But this does not mean that they like it or think much of the guys.
And Front Room Makeout Sessions are a lot more likely once she realizes that you are not treating her that way, and that she could well end up waking up in the mornings with you.
Cheating on your wife is sometimes a survival strategy, but it is still an act of desperation. A lot of guys on this forum act like it shows how cool they are. This is idiotic, and I would direct this most at RickDugan and SirLapDance.
Lady Love (2007 Remaster)…
He's all talk and NO ACTION.
LMAO and please find just one quote by me trying to "show how cool I am" in getting lapdances and going to strip clubs behind my wife's back. You're talking out of your ass on that one too. In fact, my posts about it have been an admittance that I need to stop doing it behind her back and have definitely slowed down all my strip club visits because of it.
You, on the other hand, justify your cheating on your wife with strippers and AMP whores as if you were going to die if you didn't cheat. That's bonafide idiotic, so get off your high horse like you aren't a cheater yourself. 😂
E - Eb E - Eb E - Eb E - Eb
Major or Minor?
Will the Ubermensch be good or evil?…
But I will take issue with this:
===> "But we see the low esteem Dugan holds the dancers in. And then they don't even return his phone texts, except some when it comes to the first of the month."
I neither hold dancers in low esteem nor do I text them at all unless they text me first. I greatly enjoy my time with entertaining ladies, but at the same time I don't chase after them.
As far as the rest, I'm not going to quibble over whether any dancer who ever agrees to have sex for money is a hooker who will fuck anyone. I'm guessing that, for many of you, this has actually been the case. 😉
Ok, so pardon the interruption as I exit and let this revert back to a "pay hookers for sex" echo chamber.
It just shows how much guilt they have. Can't even admit to what they do.
Can't even admit to what YOU do. Lulz.
In general, women like to be with guys who have money, but this does not mean that it is always this way for them. Lots of beautiful young women staying with starving artists, writers, and students.
^^^ replace "girl" with "hooker" and it sounds a lot like euphemism for paying for sex. 😂😂😂
It just shows how much guilt YOU have. Still can't even admit to what YOU do. Lulz!
2. Women's pelvic bones spread apart so a big head/brain could fit between. This is why curvy hips are hot, means your kid won't have to be a micro-brain.
3. Wide pelvis means you can't run so good, thus can't hunt as well. So you evolve hidden estrus, so guys aren't sure when it's time to get some. So they're always wanting to get some. So they go hunting and give you what they get, all the time.
The System is they take our meat. Civilization means we have many different, complicated ways of doing stuff that was once simple.
And their experiences in Vegas clubs....
My experiences are the exact opposite of theirs yet they act like there's something wrong with me 😭
And this is another reason I want to look to something beyond strip clubs. They have actually become very conservative institutions.
So I see this as being in private events. These would not be about Republican Wife Swapping, but more something which supports Polyamory.
Dio - Heaven And Hell Live In London 2005…
I think you get the advantage by targeting junkies and offering drugs in addition to money. 🤑
If a chick really wants to simply knock boots with you, it will happen with no System needed. Maybe some guys can hook up regularly, but clearly not as many as brag that they can. I'm certainly not one of them. So I have to provide some incentive. When chicks really want no $ (or equivalent goods) incentive, their incentive is they want to suck you into a seriously miserable situation.
There are some chicks who will try to get you whipped, cause their incentive is what they'll get on the back end. So, with them, you can have some System for making them think you'll get whipped when you won't. I guess it's fair, you're beating them at their own game. But it still feels ugly to me, I'd rather just be generous.
^^^ Not when she's a hooker or a euphemism for one.
LOL icee you grasp at straws because the only women that give you the time of day are strippers that ho on the side, do drugs, or both.
The easiest way to view it is that you pay hookers for GFE. 😂
Ass, gas, or grass, no one rides for free.
Baffles me how anyone here thinks otherwise.…
The law is what can practically be enforced, not abstract philosophy.
Negative! What kind of a crazy Gestapo world are you living in that you would think that.
There first has to have been evidence of a crime. Then the prosecutor will try to argue intent. You have got it backwards.
And what do you care anyway? Do you really think it is immoral if a woman is a prostitute? Who decides who she can fuck?
I think just reading stuff on this site shows you how predatory men who engage in prostitution are. Laws protect women. Help them with exit strategies.
What kind of crazy world are you living in ICEY, what is driving you?
And adult women can decide what they can do with their bodies, they do not need laws to protect them from themselves.
Prostitutes are an extremely vulnerable segment of the population. Youre really concerned about being able to engage in solicitation without possible legal ramifications
I don't care if they solicit. They solicit me on the sidewalk and I am very polite to them.
Amnesty International says that se workers are vulnerable to abuse. But they have taken the position that the best solution and the best way to protect them is decriminalization.
When a solicitation charge goes to trial its very expensive to beat.
BUt no, those who want decriminalization do not want any kind of help. They want the authorities to stay the fuck out of their lives.
Decriminalization turns it into a social problem rather than a criminal one. It's not ignoring it.
If you have been arrested without cause, your public defender will as the prosecutor to motion to dismiss. Often they will and then that is the end of it.
LE agencies know that they can't be having that happen too often or it will undermine their credibility.
Prostitutes are not immoral or otherwise tainted.
Really ICEY, I don't know what is driving you, but you are seriously misguided.
ICEY, I don't know what your problem is, but you are getting tiring. You aren't adding anything to this.
We've all been there to a point.
And it's easy to want sex workers to be what we want them to. That's a part of the fantasy they sell.
But I think if you want to pay hookers just see it for what it is and be careful. The more naivette you show the more they'll push boundaries. And the legal aspect is just a fact. Its illegal.
SJG, why do you think Rick Dugan looks down on dancers? You've accused me and a few others of that as well, but never gave any reasons besides saying if you don't want to kiss them then you look down on them. Which is a crock of shit btw. Most dancers don't want to kiss customers, so what's your point?
Approached the right way, most unattached women do want to kiss. They don't really seem to have any defensible boundaries beyond that.
Find the one you like, and make it happen with her. If you have an SO, be faithful to her and don't fool around with others.
Mexico City……
King Crimson…
The real key to women is how you make them feel.
But not everyone relates to the women in that way.
Mexico City
The White Stripes - Jolene. Glastonbury 2002……
But he is one of the few on here who understands what p4p is and isn't
Seven Nation Army…
^^^ Hey icee what if you're so desperate that you offer a coke junkie stripper $5K just to talk to you coz you're broken hearted over her?
And you feign a suicide attempt over her coz she found a new sugar daddy?
Is there something very wrong with that guy too?
Hypothetically speaking only lulz. 😂😂😂
People have always commented that most beautiful women can be found sitting at home along. Guys are intimidated by them.
And the tall ones are afraid to wear high heels.
And then with a sex worker, she is leading a stigmatized life and she knows it. So anyone who treats her just like he would any other woman, will make a big impression on her.
Tommy Tutone - 867-5309/Jenny…
with keyboard, I like this version…
Oh we're sure of that, places including the leather guys at the gay bar, the performers and dancers at the gay night clubs, the bathhouse bouncers and towel boys, and lest we forget your beloved underground Mexican hat dancing boys.
And then Meat72, clearly not one who appreciates fat chicks.
7 years, well it is a complex plan, takes time. Things are happening. Some things got delayed because the COVID shelter order destroyed retail, especially things which are cooperative.
How could anyone add to this?
Peter Frampton, Do You Feel Like We Do, Festival de Viña 2008 w/ Rob Arthur 26min……
The System………
GEORGE FEST - Norah Jones - SOMETHING @ Fonda 09-28-14…
The women who work in AMPS, strip clubs, and on the sidewalk are right out there, dressing and painting up to get to you.
I don't even really do GFE anymore. I don't go after any kind of a service. I treat them like one would any other womam.
In a strip club or AMP I know that they expect money, so I am free with it. But never do I ask them to do fee for service or act like money is anything other than taking care of them.
See, of course they use scripts, because that is how they can approach one guy after another and face the rejections.
So just like an actress in a play, she is just playing a part. But the role only goes so far. She is not really going to stab someone with a knife, etc.
So you engage with her and just push her buttons and be open and honest with her, and she will be gotten off script.
Best to start with your first words to her. Her on the job persona only works so far. Eventually she just has to be herself.
Ginger Baker's Air Force - Today (1970)…
But generosity just shows good intentions. And then as she gets of script things start to happen.
DV centerfolds girls who had recited the position, "I don't kiss", start to demonstrably reverse themselves.
That you are also giving her money does not matter, it is just a show of care and of respect.
Memphis Mishraim
Egyptian Masonic Order, APRMM…
I think the idea is the European idea of keeping a mistress. She is not a wife, but she is not a hooker either.
But stupid if you try to get her to verbally agree to this. Instead you just make it that way.
Icee: "You're paying for sex!"
SJG: "No, she's giving me sex and I'm paying as a show of appreciation."
I was given my groceries, and paid them as a show of appreciation. I wouldn't stoop to think they were just doing it for the money.
If they won't fuck you without pay, you're paying for sex.
You're a fucking john.
Own it.
Paying prostitutes for sex is just that. It's not a big deal.
Mistress is the adult version of BF and GF.
BF and GF is really an adolescent concept, pertaining to people being supported by their parents.
Most women who are older than that are getting money, material, or social advantage through the men that they fuck.
None of them are permanently marked as "prostitutes". That is rather a role they can take on in situations where it is wanted.
San Jose Ape asked if The System is merely paying hooker for sex…