The Pets of TUSCL

They never tell you what you need to know.
No I’m not talking about Penthouse Pets.
Dogs, cats and fish. Willing to bet that’s what most people have. jackslash probably has a hamster and I bet RickDugans kids has a gerbil. Papi probably has an iguana.
last commentMy wife has a cat. The cat wants nothing to do with me. I actually travel way too much to have a pet of my own.
I have a dog. I’m glad to have a dog going through this past year.
I have a cat. She's just like a stripper. She sits in my lap without being asked, she eats my food, she rubs against me to get what she wants, and she walks away when she's done with me.
Papi's not allowed to gave an iguana. Florida has outlawed pets which are also invasive species. No iguanas, tegus, monitor lizards, pythons/boas, certain fish, etc.
Florida actually has "falling iguana" warnings. There are so many wild iguanas that have reproduced, that when it gets cool enough in the winter, they will lose conciousness and fall out of the trees.
My cat Shadow went missing and I assumed died 8 years ago. He was 18. I'm getting up there in age and don't want the responsibility that comes with pets. So I have a 15 gallon aquarium with 3 Cory cat fish and 20 or so Guppies. I consider it more of a hobby.
I have a puss that demands to be fed over and over... the bigger the better. Fuck, I need some now.
2 cats. I love cats.
I have a rescue cat.
I'm a proud cat guy, I love two kinds of pussy.
I had 3 chinchillas now I only have one!
Is your pussy shaved?
Just wondering.
We have a cat (unshaved).
It’s an unusual cat - you can put it on a leash and take it for a walk. It will play fetch like a dog and enjoys playing in water.
Most members of this breed of cat (Bengal) are like this.
My wife & kids love him.
I’d prefer to have a dog.
I have a white English Bulldawg
I also have an Anatolian Shepherd
I have a six year old tuxedo cat who is more needy than a human child. I saved him from being euthanized and abused and treat him like he's my own little human child.
I take care of a bunch of strippers they are my pets
@reverendhornibastard, I have a hairy black pussy.
^ oh
Dogs, cats, turtles, hamsters, ferrets, fish. In the past, mostly for wife and kids. Now, just one nice old dog, and one good puppy 🐶.
Have had a dog for four years now. Previously never had a pet. But alas he adopted me so I had no choice.
Waffle it appears you have a kitler. Cute
I like medium to big sized dogs, so I have a wolfdog. CA allows me to own a dog with wolf DNA so long as the only pure wolf in the line is two generations removed. Best dog I have ever had. Intelligent, great with the kids, and scary looking at you through the fence.
^ my best friend from childhood had a half wolf, half German Shepherd. Best dog ever. We lived about 5 miles apart and that dog would escort me home every single time I visited my friend. He was so loyal and so smart.
A cat (standard American shorthair mongrel), a dog (rescue Pit varietal), and a canary (which fascinates the cat and dog both when he sings).
I used to train hunting dogs and have had quite a number of them over the years. I’ve moved on to other things and don’t have one at present. I miss the good natured goofiness of dogs but am more freed up for travel now.
My x wife and I had dogs, cars and rabbits, when we split up we had 4 dogs, 2 cats, and 4 rabbits.
When I left, I took 2 dogs and 2 cats.
All of my pets have passed, so currently I have no pets.
2 dogs. One 10-year old, a now-1-year old got as puppy last year to keep the old guy youthful and to mentor the pup. Has worked out great, have always had a dog but never 2 at same time.
I'm a big dog guy, mainly Mastiffs and Mastiff type mixes over the years. The one I have now is almost 13 which is an unreal age for a giant breed and he has lots of issues but he doesn't act like they bother him. I'm going to miss him bigtime when he's gone and I'm thinking he'll be my last dog.
I used to date a stripper who had a pet chicken. Dirty, smelly and disgusting. The chicken was cool though.
I like dogs, and also cats but not as much as dogs; and also like fish-tanks – but have none of these as I don’t want the responsibility. [never been into snakes, critters, etc]
During Christmas I had a juvenile female cat (not a baby but not full-grown) show up outside my house – she was crying/meowing and I finally went outside to see what was up – I saw her (she was a cute little gray and white thing) and she kept circling me meowing/crying – eventually she came to me and I took her inside and gave her some food – she spent about 4-days w/ me then she disappeared – I’m thinking it may have been someone in the neighborhood that was out-of-town for the holidays and she was left outside and she missed her home/owners b/c she looked house-trained and seemed to crave-attention – she would constantly want me to pet her and I got attached to her after a few days – hopefully she’s back w/ her owners.
We have three kittys — two are sisters and are always fighting. We have a kitten that the two sisters don’t like either.
2 cats and a 8 month old puppy.
So far my best pet is RickDugan