Stop Posting/Approving Shit Reviews

avatar for Tetradon
I've seen an increase in 5-line reviews made for the purpose of the free VIP month. Shit of the "had a Bud Light, 5 dancers there, no VIP but had a good time" type. These reviews clutter the board and add nothing.

Please stop posting and approving reviews that do not give: prices of drinks AND dances, mileage, information on the number/type of dancers, at least some sense of neighborhood and layout.

If you only spent 5 minutes there, downed a beer, and left, you do NOT have enough material to write a review. If you're in this hobby enough to come to a dedicated message board, you have enough money to pay for VIP membership.


last comment
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
A review is a retelling of a personal experience. You nor anyone in here as far as i know js a professional strip club critic.
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
If you're getting something of value (VIP membership), you should provide something of equal value.
Reviews like I talked about are the equivalent of e-mail spam.
avatar for BBBC
4 years ago
Awww ! Poor guy has a lot of pent up sexual frustration 😬. Cum over here Tetradon and let me relieve your frustration 😉
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
Even if I were into men, I'd choose a much hotter one than you :)
avatar for BBBC
4 years ago
That is what RickDugan said too! Now he is soooo hot for me he snuck out after his wife went to sleep on Xmas eve to play with the new toy he got me ! 😉
avatar for BBBC
4 years ago
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 years ago
I agree that some bad reviews are getting approved. I disagree that every review needs to include cover charge and lap dance cost. Those items should already be included in the club description. Reviews should add anything not already in or different from the club description. Approve reviews that provide useful information. Sure, that’s subjective but so what.
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
@Jimmy, I can live with that. Not providing info on the girls is the unpardonable sin.
avatar for lotsoffun201
4 years ago
In my opinion, if a review provides some useful information it should be posted. On the other hand, if it’s that brief then it better provide some really useful information such as it’s closed, hours changed, unsafe, etc.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
"Not providing info on the girls is the unpardonable sin."

This might've been a better approach to the thread. To me the key information is what the reviewer thought of the club vibe and girls. A great club setup and rules with dog pound talent isn't that good, and a sea of 7 ups in an ultra strict air dance factory also has its downsides if you're trying to keep everything ITC. Prices are interesting, but not everyone is price sensitive when it comes to their entertainment experience. The only other thing I'd consider "essential" is calling out if the place is BYOB or no alcohol on prem. Yeah some dudes don't drink. It's about whether the dancers are.
avatar for Subraman
4 years ago
"I agree that some bad reviews are getting approved. I disagree that every review needs to include cover charge and lap dance cost. Those items should already be included in the club description. Reviews should add anything not already in or different from the club description. Approve reviews that provide useful information. Sure, that’s subjective but so what."

I am 1000% with you. We're in the minority -- most guys want endless re-droning of drink prices (really, that's what you need to know?), lapdance prices, what shape the bar is, where the bathroom is in relation to the bar. Even if the previous 50 reviews all covered it.

Could not agree more that no providing info on the girls is the unpardonable sin. And a first-person recounting -- which girls gave amazing lapdances, which so-so etc. -- is waaaay more useful than knowing the drink prices. The girls are the whole reason we go there.

That said, post-covid, everything has changed -- it will be useful to keep a running tally on where each club is as far as dances, etc
avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
If only there was some way to get people to actually read the "review guidelines" before submitting a review.
avatar for misterorange
4 years ago
I don't think every review has to be an encyclopedia but after I read it I want to have a sense of what to expect if I go there. Don't really care about drink prices unless they are unusually high or low. Also I think you can still give a worthwhile review even if you didn't partake in a LD. The main thing is it should at least look like someone put some degree of effort into writing it.

Another thing I find really annoying are reviews so full of typos and misspellings they're hard to read. Certainly not looking for perfection but for fuck's sake - if you're drunk or just terrible at typing then at least give it a quick once-over before submitting.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "We're in the minority -- most guys want endless re-droning of drink prices (really, that's what you need to know?), lapdance prices, what shape the bar is, where the bathroom is in relation to the bar. Even if the previous 50 reviews all covered it."

I think you're blowing a little smoke here. If the last 50 reviews covered the drink and LD prices then most guys on here would not get so irritable when review 51 skips it. The reality is that so many of these reviews dodge these important details that one wonders whether the reviewer actually visited and, if so, for how long.

Btw I'm rather surprised that you of all people find drink prices to hold such little relevance given that you like to drink with your girls and often try to force well liquor on them because the decent stuff is so damned expensive. To me it's very relevant given that I also drink with dancers, so it's a major clubbing expense. You don't think it's relevant that a guy's bankroll could take a hit for $40 every single time her orders a round for himself and a dancer?
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
I can do without most of the stuff that some people find important, like facilities layouts, parking situation, etc. I also understand if someone does not enjoy LDs and/or simply doesn't find a girl her likes enough to bother. But if someone who visits a club cannot even tell me (1) what the heck the crew looked like; and (2) his entry and bar costs, then the review is utterly useless to me.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
Some people approve everything others are rough on everyone I’ve been try to find a balance, but I have noticed there are some with an agenda that approve everything and others with an opposing agenda that seem to pick on every single nit.
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
@25, I agree. My acid test is "if I were in this area, does this review meaningfully help me evaluate this club vs. others?"

People on the forums have admitted they'll submit low-quality reviews to get their month.

Maybe we need a better review process. Off the top of my head, a few ideas:
- A minimum word/character count (and it'll be obvious if someone stuffs meaningless words to make the minimum)
- Only current VIPs or verified members can approve/reject
- If you have 3 reviews rejected within a month, you are banned from submitting another for 30 days
- If you connect a specific dancer to extras in a jurisdiction where they're illegal, first offense gets a warning, second gets a lifetime ban from posting (my pet peeve)
avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
There is already an automatic minimum word count built into the system that will reject it without members having to do it.
avatar for Hannathedog79
4 years ago
The things I look for in a review. What do the dancers look like. Probably should include a short description of your preferences as well. If you think they're all 7-8, you should probably add that I like curvy women with big butts or I like young spinners. That makes a huge difference.

Although pretty much all lap dances run between $10-$20 bucks on the floor, there are obviously some places that are higher. If so, that should be mentioned. Otherwise, I assume LD are between the nearly universal 10-20 bucks. Also, a general idea on if there is decent mileage on floor dances.

The most important item is VIP info. Price and time. The likelihood of extra's is probably the main thing I look for in a review, after knowing if the dancers are attractive or not. If they're ugly, I'm certainly not interested in extra's or even seeing them naked for that matter. If they're hot, I would definitely like an idea of who is likely to be a great time and who is probably not, and a general idea of cost. I know that's a fairly touchy and controversial subject, but knowing which among the 5-10 hotties at the club is more likely to provide what I'm looking for in VIP is a huge deal for me. Looks and service are by far items # 1 and 1-A in terms of importance when I look at a review.

The rest of the things I see, parking, club lay-out, bathroom troll, price of a beer, if the server is hot (unless she also dances) ect. are the things I pretty much skip over and don't really care about in a review.
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
@Hanna, there's a fine line on likelihood of extras. It's up there on my list too, but I'll always err on the side of "don't get the girl/club in trouble."

I'd rather use a euphemism like "So-and-so delivers in the VIP" and invite PMs for details. Or a scale like OldWhiteGuy uses for Club Desire, Providence, RI.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Costs can change. Making reviews mentioning them obsolete. Likewise talent and mileage change as well since clubs have low attrition rates.

A review is just a retelling of a personal experience and not everyone is a good writer etc.

Also VIP membership is not something of value.
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
@ICEE, I'll give you credit, you crammed a lot of stupid into 3 lines.

If everything changes and becomes obsolete, then what's the use of reviews in the first place?
If you aren't a good writer, perhaps you shouldn't be writing. I know you come from the "participation medal" generation but that bears no resemblance to reality.
If VIP isn't something of value, why does Founder exchange something of value (either a review or money) for it?

PS - look up the definition of "attrition."
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
"You don't think it's relevant that a guy's bankroll could take a hit for $40 every single time her orders a round for himself and a dancer?"

Not really, because if the pricing is nuts I adjust what I'm drinking and maybe buy fewer shots for people other than the dancer I want. If the price info is in a review then great. If not I work it out on the fly.
avatar for Subraman
4 years ago
"If the last 50 reviews covered the drink and LD prices then most guys on here would not get so irritable when review 51 skips it."

We've been through this countless times, and yes, plenty of guys have said the checkbox review items should include drink and lapdance prices. Including op, who specifically said don't approve a review if it doesn't include drink prices and layout. But he's far from the only one.

"Btw I'm rather surprised that you of all people find drink prices to hold such little relevance given that you like to drink with your girls and often try to force well liquor on them because the decent stuff is so damned expensive."

I can't remember ever making my decision as to which club to go to based on drink prices. Or the shape of the bar, or location of the bathroom, for that matter. Yes, I like places with cheaper drinks. But if I'm going to a new club -- which is the case if I'm looking at tuscl reviews -- what I'm looking for is how attractive the girls are overall, dance prices and mileage, and any g-2 on specific girls to get dances from or avoid (without detail that would get them in trouble). In the end, I agree with Tetra's notion that "not providing info on the girls is the unpardonable sin", THAT is what should get reviews bounced. Yes, it sucks if the cheapest shots are $15 each, but I'll always deal with that once for hot girls.
avatar for Subraman
4 years ago
Just to add: I do agree with the notion that some details that show the person was actually at the club, are warranted. No argument. And yes, bathroom location, drink prices, and bar shape could do that I suppose, but so could lots of other details. Agree with the notion that there should be some proof the person was there. I think "had an amazing lapdance with Trina, a tall blue-eyed blond, and a near-ROB VIP with Jade, a short chubby Asian girl" does it just as well, as long as the regulars of that club can verify that Trina and Jade look like that. No need to set a review checklist on drink prices -- but there should be some detail that says that the person was at the club
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
@Subraman, perhaps I was too harsh on "don't approve a review if it doesn't include drink prices and layout." I won't bounce an otherwise-solid review just for that, but in my reviewing experience, someone who skimps on one detail usually skimps on many.

That said, I'll die on the hill of "not providing info on the girls is the unpardonable sin." Specifically:
- Number of girls
- General look of girls (age, race, ethnicity, body type). Like someone said above, if there's a rating scale, we should know your type.
- Quality of services, however defined
- Hustle factor

All of those need to be addressed at some level.
avatar for Subraman
4 years ago
Tetradon, happy to join you on that hill -- most of the rest is ancillary nice-to-have. Beyond what you listed, by far the thing I like to see is VIP prices & milesage, and first-hand experiences with specific girls. Nothing that gets them in trouble, but, "Porsche came to my table, she is a short slim brunette, she was (awesome and fun / aggressive and scammy / etc ) I took her for a dance and ( it was amazing / I would not recommend )" etc. If I'm going to a strange club, knowing who to avoid and who to look for (with descriptions so I know whether it's the same Porsche from the review) is about 100x more valuable than layout and drink prices.
avatar for Dolfan
4 years ago
There's been some shit reviews lately for sure. There's one I called out in the comments that looked fake, it had a number of flags that made me think the reviewer had never been there. Dance prices were wrong, he said rooms were 15 minutes when they're not based on minutes at all but rather song based, he said the bouncers peek in when I've been in those rooms probably a hundred times and had zero of that. The things the reviewers got right are things that can be easily gleaned from discussions, for example that its largely Cuban girls with fake tits.

I'd still like to see a way for reviews to get downvoted/upvoted or marked with a "this review contains contested claims" type thing after they've been published. I couldn't care less if the poster gets to keep the 4 weeks of VIP time. I'm just looking for a way to read 3/4 reviews about a club that I can have high confidence in.

As for things I find important, I really don't care about layout/etc. I like to know if it's a tiny hole in the wall or a monstrous cavern but I couldn't care less if the bathroom is on the right or the left. I suppose its interesting to know if the stage has seats next to it, or if there is 1 stage or 4 or those sorts of things though. For me, parking/cover/drink costs are important. Doubly so for clubs with marginal talent. If I can pop in and do a quick check for a diamond in the rough at a cost of $10-15 bucks, I'm usually in. If I gotta pay $5 to park and $20 for a cover, pony up $15 for a cocktail, not to mention tips, and then find out there's 3 girls with an average weight of 250# working, then I'm most certainly out. General observations about the lineup are great. They were all old & fat, or young and Latina, or whatever. Number of girls is a tough one. I let it slide in the review text because it's in the questionnaire or whatever.

Also, I think it's okay to abstain. You don't have to adjudicate every review. If it's a borderline review, leave it to the locals. And the last review date and number of reviews count. Again, if its a borderline review and it's the first one in 6 months I think its totally fine to lower the bar. Sorry for the 200th guy to review Hong Kong this year, but you gotta work harder than the guy who reviews a club with zero reviews in 18 months.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 years ago
We all like and/or require different things from reviews. That’s fine. Founder turned approval over to us and it’s worked well. Occasionally, some shit makes it through but it’s been way better than the old days when founder couldn’t keep up with the volume. Approve what you like, abstain if it’s not up to your standards but isn’t outright bullshit or violative of a rule, and reject the ones that deserve it. It still won’t be perfect, but it will be good enough. As long as I can read several reviews and taken together get the feel of the place on different shifts and different days, I’ll be able to choose a club. Or at least I will in the Fall of 2021 or whenever I get to travel again.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
"I'd still like to see a way for reviews to get downvoted/upvoted or marked with a "this review contains contested claims" type thing after they've been published."

I think the comments on reviews help with that. Eventually readers can only get hand held so much. I started putting comments in for reviews I saw issues with, even if I voted to have it published. I've been too busy to review much lately, but whenever I get back around to it I'll keep putting comments in with my votes.

I'm just wondering if I'll ever get my 80% done reviews submitted before the year ends. I keep thinking I'll get another visit in at two of the clubs, but it may not happen because of the drive. Plus I wanted to give a little time before I posted about my VIP time with 3 and 4 dancers at a time in a club where I paid $100 at the door and it was totally worth it.
avatar for misterorange
4 years ago
The shortfall of VIP members approving/rejecting reviews and articles is that the same asshole who manages to get one bullshit review published is now in a position to approve other bullshit reviews. Perhaps the members allowed to give approval should be more limited.

For example: You must have been a member for some period of time, like at least a year. Or you have to have a certain number of your own reviews published before you can approve others. Not a whole lot, just enough to demonstrate you know what a good review looks like. Maybe 5 or so?
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
@misterorange, I like the way you think. I'd opt for 5 approved reviews, says you know something about strip clubs and write better than the average chimp.
avatar for gSteph
4 years ago
My 2 cents agrees.
avatar for Techman
4 years ago
Cost of LD, cost of VIP, mileage, general type of bodies, general hospitality of girls, safety of area and an overall evaluation.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
Misterorange has been around long enough to remember the old review approval process. I'm not thrilled when trash reviews get through either, but objectively speaking the current process is better than the old one. And it's hit and miss, but I've seen members holding others accountable for crappy reviews. Plus it's great to be able to downvote an angry rant when someone who got rejected tries again. Bitching because your previous attempt couldn't clear a pretty low bar is an automatic fail.
avatar for misterorange
4 years ago
@wallanon - I agree 100%. But I think it's time to take it to a higher level. Quality over quantity.
avatar for minnow
4 years ago
Agree with much of what and T-don say. How hard is it to read and follow the guidelines posted by founder for submitting reviews ?

While not every checklist item has to be filled for a review to be useful, I need to see some effort, and enough details to convince me that you were actually there. This "went to club at (1, 2)pm, had a $5 beer, didn't see any dancers that interested me, and left after 30 minutes" doesn't cut it. Hell, that little missive could describe over half the clubs in the country during that timeframe. Would it be too hard to add a few sentences about dancer descriptions, observed mileage levels, drink prices, promptness of service, etc?

Would such a brief ditty be useful for someone contemplating an evening visit ? Kinda like a car magazine putting forth reviews that say "I didn't test drive car due to rain, but it seemed to run ok", and expecting people to buy/subscribe to magazine.
avatar for 623
4 years ago
In this COVID era all info is useful except that which is three weeks old or older. Current reviews with current data are the only useful ones.

To avoid brevity maybe award VIP in increments of five days per paragraph up to 30 day per review limits.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
One suggestion that I might put forth would be for a member that has actually reviewed the club, get more of a factor in review weighting, for example instead of the seven votes needed to pass or fail allow a factor of two for a member that has previously had a review of the club published so that six votes would be enough to allow or deny based on that type of a rating, the so called reviewer of record could make it pass or fail unless overridden by four votes either way.
This might work as a method to improve the quality of the reviews submitted.
avatar for WavvyCain
4 years ago
Every review should be a guide so that when people go they know what to expect at least.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "I can't remember ever making my decision as to which club to go to based on drink prices."

Some guys do. It can also influence the timing of a club visit.

I will take Manhattan as one prime example. My drink is $20 a pop almost everywhere and the pour is not generous. Add tips and dancer drinks and I've had nights where I dropped obscene amounts of money for bupkis. Knowing this leads me to change behavior, including healthy pre-club warmups so that I'm only spending enough to maintain ITC.

BabyDolls in Dallas is another example. When I was last their drink practices were borderline criminal. Absurdly stingy pours at high prices and an added charge for tap water to keep hydrated with that expensive booze. On my very last trip to BBD I did exactly what I do with Manhattan clubs - warm up elsewhere before hitting the clip joint.

Now maybe your tolerance for dropping several hundred at the bar on any given night is higher than mine, but for others it is also important intel.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "But I think it's time to take it to a higher level. Quality over quantity.", there is such a thing as being too picky. While I agree that some reviews get through that probably shouldn't, there is also a cost to making the process too difficult. Some people are just not natural writers and if we make it too tough we may be depriving ourselves of good intel.

When I read a review, the question I ask myself is: "Is there useful intel here that makes it clear that this person actually spent time in the club." If the answer is yes then I'm inclined to approve, though I'm a lot tougher on reviews with no pricing information.

If the review is a combination of generic crap that could have been gleaned from other reviews, historical club reminiscing and autobiographical details, no matter how many paragraphs the reviewer fills with this fluff, I will reject. Unfortunately some reviewers have learned that if they just fill up enough space, they can get it approved even if the lengthy piece has nothing of value.
avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
I think that some reviewers get their how to advice from reading YELP reviews.
avatar for Longball300
4 years ago
The standards for reviews have increased over the years. Went back and looked at some 5-7 years ago and they are "useful" with pertinent information but, quite a bit shorter. I agree that reviews don't need to be long to be useful. Couple of 3-4 sentence paragraphs with the needed info..... hmmmm, maybe bullet points....
avatar for MackTruck
4 years ago
Dey sell hard-core strong drinks at Babydolls Dallas. I get fucked up every time I go. And da prices are cheap. I can afford more lapperz there!!!
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
^ LOL.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 years ago
@25 “One suggestion that I might put forth would be for a member that has actually reviewed the club, get more of a factor in review weighting”

I don’t think this will work the way you intend. It effectively concentrates votes, potentially in a person who got a shitty review thorough. I think what would work better to achieve your goal would be requiring a supermajority for approval. Instead of a simple 4-3 to approve, if you required a 5-2 or 6-3 majority you’d get better quality of reviews as they’d have clearer support. That said, I’m not advocating for this at all. I agree with Dugan (gag) that we can be too picky. Give me some useful info and if it’s not clearly a fraud review I’ll approve. I don’t need to be stingy with Founder’s 28 days of VIP.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
I had a post that didn't quite say what I wanted but don't feel like giving it. Here's part of it since other people covered the "we can be too picky" part. I'm not going through agree with Dugan because his ongoing campaign against interesting writing is just a gripe lol...

Reply to misterorange quality over quantity - This year could be an outlier. Some clubs that people wouldn't stop to take a piss in most times were destination clubs because they were open when (make your own list) were all closed. I'm all for better reviews, but if we're being honest how many people can really write worth a damn in general?
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 years ago
Eh. Variety is welcome. I have a reasonably low threshold for approval but I do enjoy reviews that are informative and well written with a bit of humor. I’ll read Rev Hornibastard’s and your reviews, Wall, and enjoy them even if they are for clubs I won’t ever visit.

I won’t reject for failure to use fucking paragraphs or punctuation but I certainly pass by enough of those without voting. [jumps down off super high soap box]
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
Founder offers us a trade of good reporting and writing (raising the value of the site) for access to it all for a month free of charge. Value for value.

If someone can't report or write worth a damn, they shouldn't be compensated for it. It isn't a right. It's the same reason I get paid well to launch drugs (which I do damn well) but not to paint portraits (at which I am horrible).

I'm not looking for Shakespeare, but valuable intel (especially on the GIRLS) coherently presented. 90% of the posts on this thread are well-written enough for me.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
If you write a review you get to read full reviews written by others. This isn't a writers group.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ that doesn’t give you the right to sabotage this site, nor do you have the right to claim that it is worthless as you did a few posts back
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
^ That's a bit melodramatic 25. He's as entitled to his opinions as anyone and I don't see how he is sabotaging anything. I disagree strongly with him - recent reviews have great value if they are good and I rely heavily on VIP access to research clubs around the country. But he's certainly free to feel differently. Each person will make up his own mind as to how much value this site provides and nothing anyone here says will change that.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ Fuck off Dugan there’s nothing melodramatic about what I posted you’re just looking for a fight as always
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
You accused him of "sabotage" lol. How is that not melodramatic? 😄
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ fuck you dumb ass drama queen, mind your own fuckn business
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
A guy who accuses another man of "sabotage' simply for having an opposing opinion is accusing another of being a drama queen. Interesting.

Now normally a grown man who gets a little overworked will eventually collect his composure and say some form of mea culpa, but I somehow doubt that this is path you're going to choose. So instead I'll watch while you rant a bit more, swearing and other insults no doubt included. 😉
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^Oy what an annoying little twat
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Sabotaging? In what way? By having different views?

Im just saying that you can't expect someone to be a professional critic or writer. And all one gets in exchange for writing a review is the chance to read others reviews. In the scheme of things thqts not much.

I'm more concerned about reviews for clubs that are closed being published and diminishing the value of the site....rather than nitpicking at peoples writing styles.

Your constant bickering with some members sabotages threads more than differing opinions do.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ no son, you wrote a phony review a while back, and got banned for it, you get the forgets real quick, that is an act of sabotage, and you may not like reviews but to say they have no value is pathetic, just because you don't like the idea doesn't mean it has no value, and as far as bickering with others, you and Dugan are in a league of your own, regularly attacking others, using stupid hypocritical phony nonsense, committing offense's then turning around and accusing others of doing the same, please spare us the nonsense, and try to remember it's really tiresome for those of us that are on topic until y'all show up.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
I never wrote a fake review and never got banned for any review. And you started the bickering in this thread. Staying on topic means discussing the topic. Not participating in a circle jerk.

avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
@ICEE, read what @Twentyfive and I wrote, only slower.

No one expects the great American novel here, just an honest, comprehensible review from someone who has visited the place and wants to heighten others' enjoyment.

If reviews have no value, then what use is it to you if you can't read them? The fact that you're here says they have some value, even to internet pimps.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
@Tetradon that's the issue that Icee and Dugan both have, not that they don't understand what was posted they just like to bicker and set up straw men for whatever reasons lurk in their twisted psyche, both of these two will take anything thats written and attempt to twist it around, not gonna play their game no more just state the obvious and let them make fools of themselves as they like.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
No. Everyone has a right to their views without the expectation of you resorting to ad hominem attacks for it
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
@ICEE, incorrect. @Founder sets it up so you add value with good writing or pay, or you don't get access to the hive mind. might be more your speed.

I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ Keep pissing into the wind all you'll get is a faceful LOL
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^Sorry buddy that was intended for the resident pimp LOL
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
You're making too much of it. The supposed value is a psychological wage more than anything. Most reviews get approved as a courtesy. If you try to uphold some arbitrary literary standard you'll kill the site.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
And no need to be butt hurt about differing views.
avatar for BBBC
4 years ago
@ twentyfive and Ricky, let me know when you two are going to fuck! You two have been flirting with each other soooo HARD with each other, you need to get a hotel room quick! MAKE SURE YOU INVITE MEEEEE TOOOO. WE CAN MAKE A 3SUM OUT OF IT!!! 😉
avatar for BBBC
4 years ago
2ICEE is cumming too. I am going to gag him and he will call me daddy! 😉
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
Is 25 STILL whining? I thought if I let him have the last word his cranky hypersensitive ass would be satisfied. I even refrained from pointing out the absurdity of one of the most egregious trolls on this board accusing someone else of sabotage. Here he is once again derailing yet another thread with his attention seeking behavior.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ Oy what a pain in the neck
Sure your not a female RickiBoi you sure have a lot of feminine tendencies none of the good ones either
avatar for Dolfan
4 years ago
In an attempt to get back on topic, I think there's kinda thought processes in approving/rejecting reviews. Some people feel like they're deciding if the review is "worth" VIP time. Others are deciding if it's worth the readers time.

I'm in the second camp. I really couldn't care less if all you had to do was submit a review and get VIP time. I just want find informative reviews when I look at them. Especially with having to click on each review individually to read it, it can be tedious to go through them to get a feel for a club. When I'm deciding on a review, what I'm deciding is "is this worth the time to read it" not "is the time to write it worth 4 weeks of VIP"
avatar for Subraman
4 years ago
I agree Dolfan. I do agree with Tetra's opening statement -- in fact, most everyone would agree that the e "had a Bud Light, 5 dancers there, no VIP but had a good time" reviews are useless, and it doesn't really matter if you are coming from a "VIP time" perspective of "valuable to the reader" perspective. Useless for both.

Both club details and details about the girls are useful. I don't think one particular type needs to be present as a checklist item (e.g., Tetra's since-retracted assertion from the original post that drink prices should be mandatory), and at least "valuable to the reader" doesn't demand that. I also agree that SOME sort of detail that the PL was actually at the club is important for credibility -- but details about specific girls are just as good as location of the bathroom and price of drinks for that, and the former is generally more useful to the reader (at least this reader!).
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Not because I really care, but just to play devil’s advocate, even making a review focused on just dancers is tougher in some areas. Texas, for example is high volume in most places except for usually the shit hole clubs. And a lot of customers may easily get dances from 4-10 girls in a single visit. Pair that off with the widespread drinking and bottle service, it’s going to be tough to remember if that one blond haired-large tits girl was named Sasha or Tasha. Or the name of that aggressive Cuban either with her thick accent and fast talking. And 30+ girls on any given shift in a LOT of clubs, including slow shifts, plus the high turnover because a lot of dancers may just be traveling or otherwise drop out of dancing (it’s competitive and the customers tend to be less well-mannered than other states), and I wouldn’t blame anyone for not bothering with names that probably don’t have much usefulness for a reader anyways who may or not even be able to find the dancer in question.
avatar for Subraman
4 years ago
"and I wouldn’t blame anyone for not bothering with names that probably don’t have much usefulness for a reader anyways who may or not even be able to find the dancer in question."

I was going to say that while I'm sure they exist, I've never been in a club where dancer names aren't useful. But now that I think about it, something like Spearmint Rhino Las Vegas, 100+ girls constantly rotating, not very useful to know dancer names most likely. But the thing is, I don't think there needs to be any sort of mandatory checklist. Neither stripper names nor drink prices need to be made a mandatory checklist to write a review that's useful to the reader, IMO. As much as I think stripper detail is 100x more useful than the bathroom location or drink prices, if I were reviewing SRLV, I'd spend a lot more time describing club detail, culture, mileage, and dancer beauty, than focusing on particular girls, who may or may not ever show back up to that club
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
As I was trying to say before those idiots derailed a perfectly helpful thread, I don't think someone needs to tick every checkpoint to make a useful review, and taking into consideration some folks are more gifted writers than others, I try to not let the perfect be the enemy of the good, and in that same thought, while I occasionally do vote on clubs that I haven't personally experienced, usually it is more helpful to me when I know that someone has actually been to that club, so very often I will scan the comments they often contain more information than the reviews themselves
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
Great points Dolfan, Subraman, Twentyfive, Nicespice.

I don't know where it became "who's a more gifted writer," other than ICEE's inferiority complex, but no one expects the great American novel on a titty bar message board. If you can paint a picture of that club, that's good enough. And yes, what's most important might be different in different clubs, great point, Subraman.

- If you're describing a lot of women, something like "25+ dancers working, average-to-great looking, buxom Latinas/AA with a few white spinners for good measure. Moderate hustle factor, I was approached a dozen times in two hours but no one rude or aggressive" can be the bare minimum, if you describe a dancer or two that stood out.
- Details on girls that stood out are awesome.
- If you get a 30+ minute VIP, you should remember the girl down to the nitty gritty details. And for fuck's sake if you're getting extras, you can allude to it but respect the girl/club so we can all partake. "Sara, platinum blonde goddess (Face 9, Body 8) in her early 30s, with natural DDs that sag just a tad. A bit lazy on the stage show. I took her to the 30 minute VIP and got a great high-contact dance. More can be had for a price, PM me for details."

This isn't asking a lot.
avatar for Subraman
4 years ago
I'd even suggest leaving out "More can be had for a price, PM me for details". First, I suggest no one give details to random people on tuscl. If they are not your "forum friend", or at least forum acquaintance, don't give them details -- you have no idea who they are. Not getting the girl in trouble is important. We don't want law enforcement or management to find out, but really the common enemy of the extras girls and PLs is: the non-extras girls who are at the same club, who may not be happy an extras girl is working.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "Great points Dolfan, Subraman, Twentyfive, Nicespice."

Nicespice for sure and Dolfan was not bad. But Subraman and 25 not so much.

Sub equates the usefulness of drink pricing information to that of the bathroom location, incomprehensibly I might add given his former complaints about about the price of name brand alcohol in his clubs and his ongoing need to force well liquor on his victims, er, I mean new friends. Those are some lucky gals being fed rot gut so that Sub doesn't break the bank, lol. I bet that others from out of town who read his reviews would find that information extremely useful in planning their budgets and activities.

25, when he wasn't on one of his customary troll rampages, came up with the brilliant idea to invest club shill accounts with increased power of review approvals. He did make a good point late in the thread, but on the whole his participation both detracted and distracted from the overall dialogue.

Glad I could help. ;)
avatar for Subraman
4 years ago
As I've said, I've never made a decision to visit a club or not based on liquor price, for one trip to an otherwise great club I can't imagine this being remotely a deciding factor. That said, you somehow missed that I said multiple times that liquor prices are useful to know, but it should not be a mandatory checkbox item in a review. Your obsession about drink prices (to the point of this being a major part of your decision? Which is crazy to me but ok), and lack of ability to understand that I said it's useful but there are more useful things in a review (the girls)... well, I understand not everyone has budget flexibility, but in most cases you can just look at some previous reviews. Yes, it's useful info, include it if you're interested. If not, leave it out -- they can still have a fantastic review if it covers details about the girls. Drink prices should not be a mandatory part of reviews, info on the girls is at least as useful, understandable and simple enough?
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ Just like a typical nagging female, won’t you ever let go of the bone RickiBoi
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 years ago
Between that last post Dugan and your umpteenth Covid thread after swearing you’d never post about Covid again (in yet another Covid thread you started), you’re over the top. Your tampon string is showing.
avatar for Subraman
4 years ago
I like it that he's so delusional that he can't see his own obsession with drink prices being a requirement for reviews.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 years ago
I’ll weigh in on the lofty discussion about requiring drink prices. It’s helpful to know, but if they aren’t mentioned in a review I’ll find out when ordering my first drink.
avatar for Subraman
4 years ago
Jimmy: that's fucked up. When you order your first drink? What happens if it's $9 instead of $7? This seems to be some sort of budgetary emergency that would make you leave the club.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
Well Sub I think you're re-writing history a bit. You put it in the same category as bathroom location multiple times, lol. But ok, I'll simply disagree with you about whether it should be a required element.

For starters, if someone can't even share how much he paid for a drink, I start to doubt whether he was even there. It makes the whole review suspect at that point.

It also matters a great deal for anyone who already spends a lot at the bar on themselves and dancers. There are very few clubs that are so far and away better than all of the others in a given area that the cost of booze will not be a factor in club selection, especially if one club is much more expensive than the other. It is particularly relevant for night shift customers who are not paying day prices. Price sensitivity is the reason why so many clubs have a Happy Hour to bring more guys in before the prices go up.

And I will include myself in the group of people who definitely considers the cost of drinks in choosing a venue. Of course the girls matter more than anything, but all else being equal or close to equal, a club that is a pig about booze prices will lose my business to one that isn't. It also influences my timing decisions, as noted in my post about Manhattan and BBD. The differential in bar tabs from a clip joint and a reasonable one can literally be hundreds of dollars in a single night out, which I'd much rather spend on OTC than hand over to pigs at the trough.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 years ago
It’s an easy fix. Instead of ordering brand liquor for myself and any girls I meet at the bar, I’ll stick with top shelf for myself and popov for the chicks.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
LOL here are the burning questions of the day
Out of curiosity, if the cost of drinks is unknown how can RickiBoi work his system?
One more question for extra credit can RickiBoi's, TM The System work if he has a tampon string hanging out under his white polyester leisure suit ?
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "What happens if it's $9 instead of $7? This seems to be some sort of budgetary emergency that would make you leave the club."

Nice straw man Sub. Are the drinks $9 where you club? I think not or else you wouldn't be pulling the well liquor stunt on those poor girls.

What happens if the drink is $20? Or $40 (call it $50 after tip) for a round with a dancer sitting next to you? How eager is anyone to ring up a $300-400 bar tab in a single night before paying for anything with a girl? Not I. ;)
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
Shush 25, the grownups are talking now. ;)
avatar for Subraman
4 years ago
Rick, I"m not re-writing history, you're creatively ignoring the fact that I said multiple times that it's useful information, but shouldn't be mandatory. Your obsession with drink prices as a primary determiner of where you choose to SCs is likely to blame. But I understand that you personally choose SCs based on drink prices. Totally reasonable -- spend your $ the way you want. That said, there are many people who don't pick their SCs based on drink prices. Some because they don't drink or just have one or two drinks. Some because their budget will accommodate whatever the drink price is... even if they won't necessarily return to clubs with high drink prices. I still think drink prices are useful in a review -- but there's so many other useful things, and so many reviews cover them anyway, it makes no sense that any particular review has to list this one thing that you personally make your decision on. My primary decision is based on the girls, the more g-2 the better
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ LOL that fucker has some major nagging skills I'll give you that.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
Subra you ninja'd me LOL
avatar for Huntsman
4 years ago
I’m still hoping Dwayne Haskins submits a review of his stripper party. Granted, it wasn’t at a club. But it would be a fun read if he put just a bit more effort into it than he did playing QB.
avatar for Subraman
4 years ago
Rick, there's no well liquor "stunt". It's not the traumatizing experience to strippers that you're making it out to be. In fact, strippers seem to be a lot less delicate and triggered about this than you.

Putting that aside, plain and simple, if I go to a club for the first time and the drinks are $20, that's $200 + tip for 5 rounds. This isn't an issue, I won't be a regular at a club that ONLY has $20 drinks, but it's not a big deal for a single trip. You got me with your $40/drink example ($80/round), if I'd ever run into such a thing where $40 was the absolute cheapest drink, I'd nope out. That said, two serious questions: 1. does such a club really exist, where $40 is the cheapest drink, 2. if it does exist, aren't that club's reviews FULL of comments about the drink prices anyway, so no big deal if the next one doesn't mention it? I have a hard time believing that if a $40/drink club exists, the club reviews aren't already full of drink price mentions anyway (if not, point me at the club so I can see the reviews, happy to admit if I'm wrong)
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
Sub, you've accused me several times now of misinterpreting your previous posts, but I'm starting to wonder if you're reading mine at all. I will repost the relevant pieces of what I said previously:

For starters, if someone can't even share how much he paid for a drink, I start to doubt whether he was even there. It makes the whole review suspect at that point.

It also matters a great deal for anyone who already spends a lot at the bar on themselves and dancers. There are very few clubs that are so far and away better than all of the others in a given area that the cost of booze will not be a factor in club selection, especially if one club is much more expensive than the other. It is particularly relevant for night shift customers who are not paying day prices. Price sensitivity is the reason why so many clubs have a Happy Hour to bring more guys in before the prices go up.

You think that it is my own preferences that lead me to see it this way, but IMHO I think I'm far more representative of the everyday night shift club hound than most posting on here and that you dramatically underestimate the importance of potential bar tabs in making club choices. This site is dramatically over-represented by dayshift/teetotaler types who are not the guys spending large sums of money late at night in clubs across the country. It's why we have more dayshift reviews of many clubs than we do night reviews, even though those clubs have far more people visiting at night than during the day.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
Sub, my reference to $40 included the cost of two drinks, one for me and one for the dancer. See below what I posted before:

Or $40 (call it $50 after tip) "for a round with a dancer sitting next to you?"
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
Okay, we having varying opinions on the utility of info on layout, drink prices, the bathroom troll, etc.
But the universal #1 is info on the girls.
avatar for Subraman
4 years ago
Rick, gotcha on the $40... yes, I have no problem with $20/drink, $40+tip per round, for one club trip, I will enjoy the trip but might not ever be a regular there. But that's me. I do think you are onto something when you say that dayshifters are over-represented here. It's also true that drink prices are a lot lower on dayshift. So your priority on drink prices is not representative of what people on the site prioritize (again, not a criticism -- prioritize whatever you want to get the SC experience you want, all good with me). In addition, if I remember right, you do a lot of SCing while traveling, which means your specific situation probably leads to a lot of reliance on reviews, whereas locals just know which clubs are more expensive. Your particular priority on drink prices is due to some non-representative circumstances -- everyone else shouldn't be forced to make drink prices a checklist item because of that. And that's all I'm saying, yes drink prices are interesting, no not a mandatory item, especially because the more expensive the drinks, the more likely the previous 10 reviews have complained about it.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "But the universal #1 is info on the girls."

I will agree with that on a qualified basis. If I don't walk away with what it's going to cost to spend time with those girls, most definitely including bar tab information, then to me the review is seriously deficient. If drink prices were really so much less important that the quality of girls in selecting a club then no club with hot girls would bother with discounted day drinks, Happy Hours, drink specials on certain nights, etc. Shit I remember one club in Greenville SC where $2 beer night was the busiest damned night of the week, lol.

Seriously guys, for night time club hounds this is Strip Club 101 type shit, lol.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "Your particular priority on drink prices is due to some non-representative circumstances -- everyone else shouldn't be forced to make drink prices a checklist item because of that."

Read what I wrote above Sub. You keep spinning this as my own unique priority, but on this I am in the majority, not the minority. On this issue the views of frequent tuscl posters are about as representative of real world circumstances as those posted on SW regarding dancer behavior. ;)

So because it is so important to know what one's cash burn rate will be in a club, I will always question the validity of any review where a poster can't even remember the cost of his drink and IMO others should as well.
avatar for Subraman
4 years ago
I'm the opposite -- drink prices are a nice and useful detail to have, but not even remotely the most important thing in a review, and I suggest others consider it a "nice to have" also. Especially if drink prices have been discussed multiple times in prior reviews. Prioritize information about the girls, IMO.
avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
Drink prices are important.…
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
^ Why does he need to prioritize one over the other. How much effort does it take to write "I paid $9 for my gin and tonic" along with all of his useful information about the girls? If he can't even do that much, then I question whether he was even there at all. One can often get info. about the girls from the club's FB account or website roster listing, but listing a drink price almost always requires one to actually saddle up to the bar.
avatar for Subraman
4 years ago
Love me some $9 beer night
avatar for GoatSign6
4 years ago
“Had a Bud Light.” Saw that I cried laughing 😂 😂😂. MFs on here have the tendency to put unnecessary stuff in their reviews. I remember one dude put “My Uber drooped me off at approximately 7:43 pm” or some sh*t. I’m like wtf ☠️☠️☠️
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Wow, this is quite the spirited debate. Where is juicebox69 to settle this once and for all?
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 years ago
This horse has been bludgeoned into a bloody, pulpy mess. I’m never putting a drink price in another review.
avatar for rl27
4 years ago
I should talk, because I can get extremely wordy, especially if it's a club I have never been to, but I prefer to read reviews that are succinct. The average number of dancers that day is useful, especially if it's been a trend the last few months. Who the regulars are that night and whether there are any new dancers. How annoying the waitresses are. If they are starting to over enforce a two drink minimum. Has the cover charge gone up. Are the bouncers cracking down on dances all of a sudden. Has there been a mass exodus of dancers, are all good things to know about.

Information that is included in the club summary is not important, and neither is the same stuff every review, just to placate a few rule nazis. A full blown description of the bar, dj booth, stage, how many urinals and seats are in the restroom etc, is also not important, unless it's something out of the ordinary such as "Behind the stage is a replica Texas Electric Chair, and I saw it used for the first time today," or "beware the over abundance of cologne used by the annoying bathroom attendant, my clothes reeked of it after being there less than 3 minutes."

avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
"I should talk, because I can get extremely wordy"

Since I read these threads bottom to top, I was already loling before I saw another word.
avatar for MackTruck
4 years ago
I rite da best raviews
avatar for minnow
4 years ago
Reading all of these arguments about posting drink prices is enough to drive one to drinking......
avatar for NAAAASTY
4 years ago
Dudes need to lighten up, I don't have a dog in the fight other than to say review is to answer one thing; is it useful? That yes is different for different folks. A suggestion for founder is add a tiered review or super review system for anyone who's gone above and beyond for extended credit.

My 0.02

avatar for Subraman
4 years ago
"Reading all of these arguments about posting drink prices is enough to drive one to drinking......"

You're welcome minnow!
avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
Is it OK to post how much my coke costs?
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
It won't impress anyone unless your coke costs $20 a glass.
avatar for rl27
4 years ago
Wallanon, most I have ever been charged for a glass of soda is $15, needless to say I didn't stay there long.
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