Fun with worms

avatar for rickthelion
A little hairless ape boy is raking leaves in his yard while his elderly grandfather watches. He sees a worm exit a hole in the ground and says to his grandfather “I’ll bet you $20 that I can put that worm back in the hole.” The grandfather is skeptical but feels he should indulge the precocious little ape.

The boy runs into the house to fetch hairspray. Then he sprays the worm ‘til it is stiff as a board. This makes it easy to shove the worm back into the hole. Impressed, the grandfather forks over $20. However, he does ask the child to give him the hairspray.

Two hours later the grandfather gives his genius grandson another $20. Of course, the young ape is an honest, upstanding child that does not wish to disrespect his elder so he says “But grandpa, you already gave me the $20 for that bet.”

The elder ape says “I remember. That $20 is from grandma”


last comment
avatar for rattdog
4 years ago
ay 'lion, betcha whoever gave this a thumbs down is someone who is a cancel culture cocksucking cunt.
avatar for ATACdawg
4 years ago
The kid must have been ricktheworn.....
avatar for MackTruck
4 years ago
avatar for 623
4 years ago
Or maybe someone gave it a thumbs down because they thought it was a stupid joke.
Everything is not about race
avatar for WavvyCain
4 years ago
Why Are u using ape for? U couldn’t think of shit else? Stopped reading after seeing ape tbh. Take that shit on somewhere
avatar for pistola
4 years ago
^Its a long running satire, but you should know that already since you think you know everything about everything. Damn, this attention whore thinks everything is about him all the time. Go get your vagina checked, you seem to be menstruating 24/7.
avatar for pistola
4 years ago
Wavy: the GOAT of the downvote. 👎👎👎 😂
avatar for WavvyCain
4 years ago
Didn’t say it was about me. Don’t make me expose u on that tranny shit. I’m trying to stay cool on it but I might have to flame ya ass pistola. Stay off my dick proudboy.
avatar for pistola
4 years ago
^This MF PM me nonstop till I reply. Then tells me to lay off. Now he is talking about tranny shit bc someone new that seemed like a girl posted that they want to dance, I said show pics, and after a good 2nd look at the picture I said shit that’s a tranny. Course this dude admitting to pic hunting with LJD ho trying to deflect. Wavy is obviously getting high off his own supply as it’s obvious he has the cognitive level of a 11 yr old. B-ball court in a club... 😅😅😅😅😅
avatar for Mate27
4 years ago
^^^ pistola, Wavey is a bait and switch nigga. Never mind him.
avatar for WavvyCain
4 years ago
This nigga pistola admitted he was mad and annoyed about it too. Got u just where I want u. I’m in your ass knee deep. And I haven’t even started yet 😂
avatar for WavvyCain
4 years ago
Meat72 an irrelevant coon nvm him
avatar for WhiteyJackson
4 years ago
Wavy is a tired busted out old news chump. Somebody needs to get bitchslap his punk ass and knock the zirconium out his mouth.
avatar for WhiteyJackson
4 years ago
Awww did poor little Wavy get mad because someone used the word monkey? Wwwaaaahhhh.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
@ChickenShit - I guess that the supposed degree from Cornell that you received (bullshit) was focused on business. You obviously mastered concepts like the hidden synergy between strip clubs and basketball courts and why it makes sense to turn high revenue floor space into space that no one will use.

Because if you had even average reading skills, you would realize the the original poster - Rick The Lion was using a literary device. A lion might look at humans as being hairless apes. (To a lion, all primates look a like. They probably taste similar too.)

With that out of the way, I suspect that Rick The Lion is not really a lion. Lions lack opposable thumbs, and the arrangement of claws on their pads make typing difficult.
avatar for WhiteyJackson
4 years ago
^I think Wavy mispelled it. He got a degree from the Colonel aka KFC. Siri did the rest...
avatar for Mate27
4 years ago
Wavey is a descendant of one of those animals they took up in the space program. I bet if you throw a piece of aluminum foil on the ground he’d bat it around and play with it for a while.
avatar for WavvyCain
4 years ago
Nigga I ain’t reading the word ape from no white man tf u think this is?
avatar for WavvyCain
4 years ago
My diamond teeth more than y’all houses. Til y’all get diamonds for teeth y’all can’t talk to me, y’all broke.
avatar for WavvyCain
4 years ago
I’m muting all broke boys from here on out. If u racist idc I’ll stop troll u, but if u broke u a waste of time and we don’t speak the same language
avatar for WavvyCain
4 years ago
Winex what’s wrong? U mad a guy from Atlanta went to a good school in Ithaca? I’m sorry your privileged bot ass had to settle for university of Phoenix😂
avatar for winex
4 years ago
You have no idea what my educational background is.

But even though you claim to have a degree (and I don't care where you claim the degree is from), it's obvious that you are an uneducated dumb-fuck.

Why would I be mad.

But something you said earlier has me thinking - about diamons in your teeth. I wonder how many diamonds Jeff Bezos has in his teeth - that guy is loaded.
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
You major in homie speak, Rachel? First you brag about sticking people up and killing cops, now all of a sudden you're Ivy League.

Only people that brag about Cornell are those who didn't get into a real Ivy, anyways.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
He never answered when I asked about his major either Tetradon. Maybe the question confused him?
avatar for WavvyCain
4 years ago
Lol says the uneducated white men that voted for trump and still think I’m white 😂 why don’t y’all log off and get some ass like I’m about to do? I forgot y’all washed up.
avatar for Mate27
4 years ago
^^^ yo Assman! We call you that because you get no tail but still are a horse’s ass.
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