The presidential election just got a little more important just now.…No way can any Supreme Court Justice get approved before January. So the next president will nominate her replacement. Ginsburg has been one of the most liberal judges in some time, nominated by Bill Clinton almost 30 years ago. This could have far reaching implications for many issues.
last commentI had been thinking this was a possibility - if the Republicans push thru a nominee the Libs are gonna take up arms (I hope Trump does it after all the shit the Libs have done this summer)
Why not?
This will not get resolved in a presidential election season by Nov 3.
Legally, not a single Democrat needs to be consulted to fill this position before January.
Chances are high that will happen either way
That's what the Dems would like to do if they get power
I can’t wait to see Schumer’s reaction.…
Someone on TV also brought up the point that Justices shouldn't have lifetime appointments b/c it gives the court too-much power.
Yeah and I have a wish to have a 12" dick - we don't all get what we want
In other words, it takes 4 Republican Senators to turn against the nominee to prevent things from going forward.
This is yet another reason that Senate malappropriation is an issue, minority rule will only be put up with for so long.…
Hmmmm, I wonder how Borked became a verb......
Payback is a birch, isn’t it?
President Trump has just nominated Ivanka Trump to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court. Ivanka will be starting law school at Georgetown next week.
Too bad about R. B. G may she R. I. P.
Man you guys have boring lives.
If Trump loses I hope his most ardent Senate and House supporters go with down with them. I'm really hating both sides this year. But really I'm hoping we can at least start eliminating the extremes on both sides.
What do you think the odds of a Trump nominee getting 60 votes? Pretty darn small, I would think (hope)!…
Clarence Thomas is 72 and his health isn't the greatest.
Stephen Breyer is 82
Samuel Alito is 70
There will be at least 2 chances to seat Supreme Court justices between 2021 and 2025. And two of the likely people to be replaced are conservatives.
Even before you consider the need to continue putting conservatives in the Federal courts, there is still a need to maintain the balance in the Supreme Court during the next cycle.
But average Americans are more likely to focus on things like "personality" in an election cycle.
More informed Americans may focus on policy, but few can truly understand the ramifications.
Case in point, in the coming election, Arizona has Proposition 208 - it increases spending on public schools. It also increases the top tax rate in Arizona from 4.5% to 8.0% - a massive tax increase. It is being sold in ads as being "good for the economy".
People who understand the long game and the importance of getting judicial nominees are much rarer. That's why you don't see accomplishments in seating judges mentioned in campaign ads.
But the people who are aware of the importance of the judicial system are aware of the facts that I posted in the previous post. Four year terms tend to bring 2 or 3 opportunities tend to seat Supreme Court justices in the long run.
Obviously there is some variance - the country is fortunate that Obma only seated 2 Supreme Court justices over his 8 years in office. But 2 or 3 per term is a long term average.
And failing to seat someone when you have a majority in the Senate would be seen as a negative.
Outside of getting another conservative in the US Supreme Court, I believe this will be good for Republican morale.
I've got a bet for you on the Giants/Bears game tomorrow.
To get in the bet, you need to put the deed to your house on the line.
If you lose the bet, your house is mine.
If you win the bet, I'll give you the deed to your house back.
Are you in?
I wish I could say that I disagree with Sen McConnell's plan to install the next justice before the election. We all the know the democrat party ignored their own Biden rule in 2016, and they would ignore it again in 2020. Therefore, I must assent to Trump immediately proceeding with nominating a next Supreme Court justice, and the Senate swiftly proceeding with nomination hearings. Can you imagine the stains that democrat party hacks will put upon themselves as they attack the next nominee as much or more viciously than they attacked the Hon. Judge Kavanaugh? They'll torpedo their own campaigns and lose all hope of retaking the Senate and White House. Hell, they could even gift the House of Reps to the Republican Party.
why would I care who wins the game that much ?
Just like IDGAF how these politics end up I’ve got mine y’all can fight amongst yourselves for the leftovers
A repeat before the election would be very good for Republicans across the board. Talk about a "get-out-the-vote" operation...
You lose the bet, you lose your house.
You win the bet, you win nothing - you just get to keep your house.
The point is making a bet when you have nothing that you can possibly win is foolish.
In light of how tribal politics tends to be, the Scalia and Ginsberg friendship is something I consider especially memorable and amazing.
There was an interesting article this morning in one of the news magazines don’t remember which one basically was about the difference between empathy, sympathy, and pity it made me remember that old TV show “T he A Team” and to paraphrase
Mr T a/k/a B. A. Baracus
I pity the fool
Probably because you STILL don't understand the analogy I gave you.
You said that if Republicans were confident, they would wait until after the election to replace Ginsburg.
OK, that's equivalent to making a bet. To win that bet, not only does Trump have to win, but the Republicans also have to maintain the Senate.
The reward for winning the bet? They get to replace Ginsburg.
Someone would have to be as stupid as you are to take that bet. (I'll give you a second chance risking your house on the Giants/Bears game tomorrow with no possibility of winning anything if you would like)
Historically, justices installed by a GOP president have voted according to the Constitution and rule of law, while democrat-aligned judges legislate from the bench as instructed by the dnc and their special interest boosters. There is no graver threat to our constitutional Republic than such liberal activism, and therefore a clear and present need to have the next justice installed by the GOP ASAP.
the only threat to your constitutional republic is idiots like you, who run around calling me a porch monkey
I'm in Sarasota this week how about calling me Porch Monkey to my face you little pussy.
1. It’s an election year, AND
2. The Senate and President are different parties.
Only one of those conditions currently exists. The media will ignore the second half of the rule and call Republicans hypocrites.
--Mitch McConnell, February 2016
I guess we'll have the wild-west from here on out. Hope the Democrats play dirty, too.
Attn GOP: Senate has confirmed 17 #SCOTUS justices presidential election years. #DoYourJob
I guess they shouldn't do their jobs now that it wouldn't benefit that scumbag Schumer. Now he wants to threaten nothing is off the table if they do, while various leftists threaten violence and riots if the seat is filled. So I guess if Trump is re-elected which he certainly will be if the Democrats can't pull of their mail in voting fraud, they should go ahead and add a bunch more supreme court seats and then maybe divide up Texas into 5 states and get pick up a few more seats as well.
Your statement confirms my post above/prior to yours - my point is that both sides will push their agenda when they have the #s - Obama/Dems had the #s (barely) for ObamaCare and pushed it through w/ Pelosi saying something along the lines of you can read it after you vote for it - the Republicans were vehemently against it and have used the legislative process in place to try to change it; but they haven't threatened with "we'll do X and invent new rules" and republican voters certainly didn't threaten violence - again, ObamaCare was an example of a non-bipartisan agenda the Dems pushed thru b/c they the #s - and thus why the Republicans have the same right in this instance *they* have the #s (plus they are not breaking any laws nor inventing a new law) - that's the way politics/democracy works, majority rules; instead of everyone getting what they want - it's not perfect but like the great statesman Juice-Mane once said "Democracy is the worst form of government except for the all the others".
Supreme Court justices are supposed to be above politics, which is precisely why they are insulated from them by holding their positions for life. Her more recent behavior diminished that perception of impartiality for all of them, which is not a good thing as it invites heightened animosity and discord.
If her attention seeking behavior was not enough of an indicator, she would have stepped down years ago if she was truly motivated more by her causes rather than her own self glorification, when Obama could have named a younger successor. But she didn't, despite her advancing age and poor health. Instead we got treated to an endless stream of goofy articles about her workout regimen and sharp mind.
Now it is never acceptable to celebrate someone's passing, but she really did diminish herself a lot in my eyes in her later years.
The 2019 Florida Statutes
Title XLVI
Chapter 784
View Entire Chapter
784.08 Assault or battery on persons 65 years of age or older; reclassification of offenses; minimum sentence.—
(1) A person who is convicted of an aggravated assault or aggravated battery upon a person 65 years of age or older shall be sentenced to a minimum term of imprisonment of 3 years and fined not more than $10,000 and shall also be ordered by the sentencing judge to make restitution to the victim of such offense and to perform up to 500 hours of community service work. Restitution and community service work shall be in addition to any fine or sentence which may be imposed and shall not be in lieu thereof.
(2) Whenever a person is charged with committing an assault or aggravated assault or a battery or aggravated battery upon a person 65 years of age or older, regardless of whether he or she knows or has reason to know the age of the victim, the offense for which the person is charged shall be reclassified as follows:
(a) In the case of aggravated battery, from a felony of the second degree to a felony of the first degree.
(b) In the case of aggravated assault, from a felony of the third degree to a felony of the second degree.
(c) In the case of battery, from a misdemeanor of the first degree to a felony of the third degree.
(d) In the case of assault, from a misdemeanor of the second degree to a misdemeanor of the first degree.
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 948.01, adjudication of guilt or imposition of sentence shall not be suspended, deferred, or withheld.
History.—s. 1, ch. 89-327; s. 1, ch. 92-50; s. 18, ch. 93-406; s. 1200, ch. 97-102; s. 19, ch. 97-194; s. 5, ch. 99-188; s. 1, ch. 2002-208.
If you’d shut the fuck up you’d a been way better off
You tell everyone that I’m on your ignore lis, but in threads like this one you constantly make references to me, your not just stupid you’re completely owned by me you are my bitch now and always will be.
It's not Republicans' or Trump's fault that they get the opportunity to push through a new justice.……
“You’ll regret this, and you may regret this a lot sooner than you think."
I think this is obvious, but as things stand, Democrats are concentrated in urban areas and Republicans in rural areas. So the Senate will reflect a whiter and more conservative pool of voters (think TUSCL). The Senate confirms supreme court justices -- so the Democrats are at a disadvantage.
That's life in America. Too lazy to Google, but I think McConnell was elected by only 2% of the population. Yet he has enormous power to shape the direction of the country for generations.
If this continues, at some point we'll lose our independent judiciary. Maybe that's what you want?
Speaking of which, I'm very interested to see how the Obamacare ruling will play out in November. It's a profoundly stupid lawsuit and if the ACA is overturned it will create chaos for something like 20M on Medicaid expansion and another 50M with pre-existing conditions.
Trump was supposed to unveil his healthcare plan last week and promised it would cover preexisting conditions. Promises made, promises kept.
When Republicans appoint judges who believe in the letter of the law, that’s fascism. Anarchy ! Chaos !
The For the People Act, which the Democratic House passed right after they wore sworn in, includes provisions to entrench the Democratic majority (such as adding 4 new Democratic senators and restoring voting rights to felons). They talked about eliminating the legislative filibuster and packing before RBG died.
If Biden and/or a Democratic Senate gets sworn in, they're going to make power grabs regardless. Tactically, Trump and McConnell have nothing to lose by forcing a nominee through. The die has been cast.
So, now, Trump is supposed to hand the Supreme Court to the left or they will fuck the country up. Trump made us do it ! It’s not our fault. Orange man bad.
You do realize the court is currently 5-3 in favor of conservatives?
The Dems expect the Republicans to make the same mistake
Things that were already (apparently) on the table:
1. Shooting up GOP baseball games
2. Allowing supporters to burn cities.
3. Staging coups against democratically elected president.
4. FBI collusion/perjury traps.
5. Leaking classified information.
Well, this time, we won. Payback is a bitch.
We're already at that point and have been for a while. There are plenty of videos out there of leftists harassing restaurant and bar patrons.
To so many leftists, anyone who isn't with them is regarded as a Nazi, fascist, or white supremacist.
Unlike Biden, his mind has not turned to mush.
I thought there were 2 Republican women senators that said they would not vote unless it was after the election
But I don’t believe the likelihood of him receiving the nomination is likely to prevent him from trying. We may find out as early as November 4th (or whenever the results are finalized) or as late as two years from now.
And if Biden should be declared the winner (not necessarily the same thing as winning fairly), I expect to see a crowded Republican field in 2024.
Jimmy, that would happen whether or not the Republicans name a Supreme Court Justice. In too many speeches to count, Dem leaders have made it very clear that they do not intend to honor the filibuster, just as they stopped doing so for judges. Sadly they have so successfully convinced themselves that their goals are noble that they have embraced an "ends justify the means" mentality that has become increasingly hostile over these last few years.
4 more years!!
4 more years!!
"... Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden committed to a timeline Thursday on when he will reveal his stance on court-packing: after the 2020 election ..."
"... Biden once again declined to comment publicly on his position on packing the Supreme Court of the United States, as well as lower federal courts, as he spoke to reporters on the campaign trail in Arizona. Biden has dodged the question numerous times in recent weeks, claiming that he does not want his answer to dominate headlines ..."
"... “You’ll know my opinion on court-packing when the election is over,” Biden told reporters ..."…