
Have you ever had a dancer you like switch clubs?

Particularly, a club with a way different style. Did you find the experience not a big deal? Or was it jarring? Or did something positive come out of it?
In my area, I’ve been at two clubs before. Both clubs are within a few minute drive of each other. Club #1 I’ve clocked in lots of shifts, especially post covid. Club #2, I’ve only worked a few times.
Both clubs are way different styles.

Club #1 is more regulars based and very personal. Customers want their table time and to be listened to. And that’s what most of the customers come in for and why several will visit with their favorite or favorites very regularly.

There’s been some shifts where I don’t cold approach a single customer because somebody I know walks in the door. It takes up some front effort to build rapport, but once set it makes for a low stress interaction.

Club #2 is faster paced. Dance prices are lower, and higher amounts of mileage is more common there. (Bouncers&management don’t monitor dances quite as much). And thanks to a recent Cubana invasion, many of them are also hot.

Many customers from club #1 who also go to club #2 will bring up how much more “sexually aggressive” dancers are there. I’ve been curious about club #2 so when the subject is broached, I ask questions.

Club #2 I wouldn’t mind clocking in the occasional shifts at. Mostly when I’m feeling homesick because the customer base remind me more of San Antonio. And the dancers more recently very Cubana which makes the club more like a style I know.

BUT at this point, idk if it’s worth going to club #2 in case I run into the same customers from #1. Just recently, I met someone at club #1 who claims he recognized me from club #2 way back last December. And got passively-aggressively pissy that I wanted to charge $40 for a dance (when it’s the standard at club #1). For reasons I won’t get into, that guy seemed like a douche anyways and I didn’t mind losing that sale.

But in general, I wonder whether I should completely drop the idea of ever going to club #2 anyways. Because customers may start being dissatisfied with higher prices in club #1 or me being less willing to sit and hang out in club #2. And start demanding both simultaneously at me. 😅 Or am I overthinking this and they will likely adjust just fine?


  • ime
    4 years ago
    When I first started clubbing a few years ago I was living in another city for the summer. I hit it off with a dancer and I would go hang out with her at her club. She was a bit of a loose cannon and ended up working at at least 4 different clubs in the same town in two months.
  • winex
    4 years ago
    I've known dancers who have worked at different clubs.

    When dancers I have had a connectiion with changed clubs, I followed them to the new club.

    That having been said, there isn't a great deal of difference in pricing in the Phoenix marketplace.

    Lap dances are $10 at most clubs.
    VIP are either $20 or $25 at clubs. Some clubs require a one time (per visit) entrance fee for VIP - usually $20.

    So it's really more about the dancer than the club.
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    First off, the crossover in customers may be lower in volume than you think. Would you consider going at different times in different clubs? If you always go to Club 1 at a certain time of day ( or, day of the week ) and Club 2 at a different time, the chances of customer crossover drops.

    Also, different clubs have different lighting. If you dress differently, use a different stage name, wear your hair differently, you may not be recognized from a distance unless you have a distinctive body type.

    Finally, I have seen the same regular dancer in different clubs, including once where Club 1 was extras and Club 2 wasn’t. She simply told me that she had to follow club rules and that was sufficient for me. I think most customers would be reasonable as long as they were given an explanation.
  • winex
    4 years ago
    I think time of day is a bigger factor than location. Most people who work don't have the freedom to hit a club any time they want.
  • whodey
    4 years ago
    I've had a few regular dancers that switched clubs over the years. In fact my ATF danced at a total of 4 different clubs over the 3 year period that I saw her on a regular basis. However, the four clubs were all fairly similar in both price and mileage.

    The only time that a favorite dancer of mine moving to a different club made a difference was when a girl I had seen on a regular basis for about a year and a half at a high mileage extras friendly dive bar had a boob job and then moved to a more expensive upscale low mileage club. I saw her once at her new club because she had texted me and said that we would still be able to have the same types of dances at the new club, but the dances turned out to be much worse.

    Chances are if your customers are already going to both clubs it is because they like both clubs so they would like to see you at both. I know I go to different typez of clubs depending on what I am looking for at the given time. I go to certain clubs when I am with friends or just making a quick stop after work to enjoy the stage show and grab a drink and other clubs when I am looking for high mileage dances and/or extras.
  • BabyDoc
    4 years ago
    I’m smiling at the suggestion that it would have been limited to two different clubs. How about eight or ten clubs? Yeah I liked her a lot and she had “issues”. Lots and lots of issues. lol

    Anyways, club hopping was never a problem for me but she was a first year stripper and I distinctly remember one club she was afraid to go into. She had worked the high and mid tier clubs but this place was a – well it was a biker bar but she was desperate. She told me she was going to go there to ask for a job and asked me to come that night to give her moral support (and I suspect to keep her safe).

    She was just at the bar getting hired when I walked in. You should have seen the look on her face when the bartender greeted me with ”Hey Doc”.

    She later told me she had been scared shitless to go in there and never dreamed that it was a place that I frequented. It became her favorite club of all time because as she told me “the customers were all so nice and respectful”. LOL
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    Like some of the guys above, once a stripper reaches CF or ATF status with me, typically I'm now much more interested in her than the club. I'll follow her from club to club. I've had strippers go from high-contact or extras clubs, to low contact alcohol clubs, and I'll still follow her there to the low contact alcohol club (though might still sneak back to the high contact club. The extras clubs in this area aren't worth much anymore, so this notion of different clubs has been made moot
  • Huntsman
    4 years ago
    My guess is that you may lose a few customers at club#1 if they also see you at club #2, based on how you described the clubs. But if you want to try it, I think others here are correct in suggesting working a different time of day. You’d be less likely to encounter the same customers.
    4 years ago
    Work both clubs. Have #1 be your home and #2 be your occasional shift. If guy from club #1 sees you at club #2 tell him you wanted change of pace and/or if you know someone there you wanted to work w/a friend.

  • Icey
    4 years ago
    It should be a non issue.

    Prices are set by the club not you.

    If they're your customers they should expect the same level of service regardless of the club style.

    If they get upset or act like weirdos accommodate them a little to get them to spend but slowly keep your distance
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    Yeah I had a fav switch from one club to a busier club. She was reluctant because she said wasn’t the “princess” of that busier club with a younger lineup. But no she still was definitely the hottest girl there. It didn’t last long but I did get an opportunity because of the setup to have like these really aggressive doggystyle lap dances. It was fucking hot, I’m missing it just thinking about it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Looks like a lot of responders are giving examples of when a fave left one club for another - @spice's main-dilemma seems to be a bit different in that she's trying to dance at 2 different clubs at the same time that also have different M.O.s.
  • winex
    4 years ago
    There is a dancer in Phoenix who is kind of a local legend. Her stage name is Mustang.

    Immediately prior to COVID-19, she danced mostly at Sugar 44.

    But several years ago, she worked at the HiLiter, Centerfolds, and the Candy Store simultaneously, and took occasional shifts at the Phoenix location of Christies..

    The first 4 clubs are largely similar to each other in price and style of music. But Christies is very different.

    I have met Mustang at Christies, and the rules for me were basically the same as at any of the other clubs. One time a bouncer interrupted us at Christies to talk to me about my hands, and she chewed him out.
  • whodey
    4 years ago
    Good point Papi. I haven't experienced a fav concurrently dancing at two different style clubs. I don't think it would bother me because like I said above, if I am going to a different style club it is because I am looking for a different experience at that moment.

    From nicespice's description of the clubs if the customer is looking for a laid back and more personal experience they will visit club #1 and when they are looking for fast paced action they will go to club #2.

    If all else fails and they start complaining about the difference, just give them a quick flash and they will forget about their concerns and focus on your beauty.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    "On the surface", it shouldn't be an issue - PLs should know there are different rules/costs at different clubs - likely experienced and/or TUSCLarly-educated PLs can see and accept this.

    But - we all know how clingy/entitled/demanding many PLs can be (not TUSCLers of course - most TUSCLers their faves give them all they give them b/c they are that much more awesome than the other guys; no need to state the obvious) - so "in practice", yeah, many a PL gets pissy if "prices change" (even if it's not under the dancer's control); and can also get pissy if they don't get the same mileage (may hold it against the dancer even it's out of her control).

    "On the surface" I'd say you should work both clubs so you can make the most of what each offers; but in reality if that is gonna start interfering w/ your main hustle then the potential additional drama may not be worth it (regulars are usually very finicky and often gotta be handled with kid-gloves as to not ever so slightly bruise their "I OWN YOU BITCH" ego) - dealing w/ regulars one often has to be extra-diplomatic and let them know it's not them, it's not you, it's the club - e.g. let them "carefully" know that club #1 has different rules that are out of your control and not adhering to them will get you in trouble or even fired; and the cost structure is also different and out of your control and you also have higher expenditures at club #1 (if it's true).
  • winex
    4 years ago
    @NiceSpice - let data drive your decision.

    Keep records for a month or so on your earnings after various payouts in each club, and see which one gives you the most money for your time.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago

    You should seek the advice of the all-knowing Juice-mane - he shall guide you in the right path
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Thanks for the responses guys. Even Icey seemed to temper his troll instincts?

    Papi said —>“the cost structure is also different and out of your control and you also have higher expenditures at club #1 (if it's true).”

    The cost structure at club #1 is actually less. From what I’ve gathered, it’s the second least expensive place to work in the metro area. Mostly thanks to the relatively low house fees and lack of dance cuts.

    The main draw of club #2 is that my tits did most of the selling for me, and not really talking to customers. Selling dances is stupidly easy at that club. The main thing I don’t like is Club #2 staff members like to come up with bullshit reasons to take as much money off you as they can when they feel like it. From just outright lying on what you owe for your house fee, or demanding a tip at random times when they know you’re not likely to argue back (like sitting with a customer). One dancer was hanging out in club #1 because the other club officially fired her for causing problems, but was quick to tell her that for $50, she can be reinstated back. 🤣 I haven’t seen her in a while, so I think she just accepted it and went right back.

    Alternatively, I could wait until later possibly end of this month? Supposedly, the clubs further south where I’m waaay less likely to encounter customer mixing are supposed to re-open. But ugh, Denver proper clubs have a well-earned reputation for being the snottiest managers in the country.

    The upscale clubs are notorious for hiring on a dancer with one manager, and then she gets fired after a week because of another manager who didn’t previously meet that dancer and decides she’s not up to “standards.” Yes, even at Shotguns.

    And then at the midtier clubs, I’m not entirely sure wtf their standards are, because judging by some of the girls who have worked there, it isn’t looks. And I’ve heard other dancers mention that even at those clubs one may have to apply multiple times. I got the rudest and most time-wasting treatment ever in a strip club audition when I went to one particular club because somebody on this site was pushing me to try out there. 🙄 But at this point I may give it another go. If for nothing else, I’ve heard that club allows dancers to walk in and out of their shifts as they please + that club’s proximity to a hookah lounge I really like.

    Yeah sometime 2021 I’m probably just gonna go back to traveling a lot when I’m feeling more stir crazy. 😝
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Or alternatively if I’m at club #2, I’d probably stick with night shift only. Especially because I rarely work too late into night shift at club #1 lately. But idk I’m just indecisive at the moment.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    ^ wow - it's disturbing what goes on behind the scenes at many of these clubs and the treatment the girls get - it's border-line pimp behavior
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    What justifies the $40/dance price at club numero-uno - is it an upscale club with good staff and good amenities? I assume so.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    ^ or is it b/c it's Denver?
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    ^It’s because it’s Denver. Club #1 is solidly midtier. Club #2 is a dive.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    To a more important question that I'm sure has been on the mind of most TUSCLers:

    Are there any Denver clubs that have a high # of black-dancers?
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    🤔 Not sure. I’ve heard dancers praise Mile High for being more WoC friendly? Especially with black dancers. I’m pretty sure that place is a solid mixed club tho. Not entirely sure what the lineup Is like at Dandy Dan’s or Saturday Night Live, two other dive clubs with dance prices in the $20-$25 range I believe? But Dandy Dans is still closed even post covid restrictions. And SNL just recently opened back up, but I’ve heard that girls haven’t been showing up because the club doesn’t have lap dances yet.
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    It used to happen to me all the time almost 20 years ago. The Platinum Plus chain had a policy that allowed any dancer to work at any of their clubs. In Columbia SC they had 2 clubs that were only a 5 minute drive apart and a 3rd club in Greenville SC. I saw dancers leave one club in the middle of a shift to go work at their sister club because things were slow. So if you were looking for a favorite you would sometimes travel around to find her.
  • JuiceBox69
    4 years ago
    I'm only responding to the title.. Didn't read anything else

    So yeah and its fucking annoying
  • JuiceBox69
    4 years ago
    Unless its a move like a club that let's her suck and fuck then by all means
  • JuiceBox69
    4 years ago
    You sucking and fucking yet spicy ?
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    LOL - from a review of Clacy's in NJ published today:

    "... There were about 6 dancers, all latina/brazilian. 2 were milf types, the others were relatively young, I'd guess mid 30s ..."

    LOL those NJ guys
  • rl27
    4 years ago
    Yes, many times.

    The first I remember started at a fully nude club, which because it served alcohol was very low contact. Prices were 15 for 1 or 3/30 and 5/40. Even though it was mostly low contact, some of the hotter dancers in the town at the time worked there.

    The busiest club at the time was large topless club with a lot better contact, but not exactly the best looking dancers. Dances were somewhat higher at $20 a dance, or 3 for 50, so I didn't go as often, until most of the hottest dancers at the all nude club switched to there. Best part was the hottest one, who gave the lamest dances at the nude club, ended up the best VIP dance at the new club.

    Other times it was the opposite Several of my favorites went from a extras galore dive bar to a more mainstream bar, and even though they gave a lot better dances than most of the dancers at the new club, it just wasn't the same, and I kind of lost track of them for several years. Thankfully two of them eventually showed up my new favorite club with a lot more lenient management.
  • ilbbaicnl
    4 years ago
    You are right, only a true douche would come to club #1 and act douchey because you wouldn't give him the same dance price as at club #2.

    Dancers are the best source of interesting conversation for me. But not when they are looking to sell me a dance. It happens when the club is slow, or because they like me well enough to want to hang in exchange for just a nice dinner. If a dancer I was into worked at both 1 and 2, I'd want to see her at 2. But she would probably end up making more money off me than if I saw her at 1. I would understand if she could never sit with me at club 2. I want dancers to like me. I can't expect them to like me unless I understand they have to walk out the door with as much $$$ as possible.
  • Dolfan
    4 years ago
    I've experienced it. I've never caused the issues I presume you're concerned about. I didn't try to pay cheap club prices at the expensive club, or try to pay the lower of the two prices and get the higher of the two mileages or some shit like that. In both cases I recall like that, on the occasions when we met at my less preferred club both the stripper and I mostly just did our polite hello/how are you and kept the typical arrangement at the other.

    It's a much less common scenario than a dancer switching clubs. In that case, I'll go visit the dancer at the other club but ultimately if that club isn't suited to my tastes I'll either attempt to move the relationship OTC or end it.
  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    Have you ever had a dancer you like switch clubs?

    Just one. Beautiful, petite gal, great conversationalist. Left a club in Eugene before I had a chance.

    I'll move faster if the chance happens again ;-)
  • loper
    4 years ago
    I frequently run into favs at different clubs. There's one spectacular dancer I've probably seen at 8 different clubs. I am always happy to see her, and I understand that each club has different prices and rules. Sometimes I will even describe other clubs to dancers, and they will decide to try them out. I don't see how this could be a problem, Spicey.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    I agree I don't see working more than 1 club being a problem. Its not a big deal.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Its a non issue
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    A guy would have to be retarded to have a problem with seeing a girl in a different club or having problems with a different clubs policies
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    It happens. Whether I go see her at a new club depends in large part upon: (1) what kind of "relationship" we have; (2) whether I like the club or not; and (3) what kind of distances are involved.

    My convenience and comfort matter to me, so I'm not normally inclined to go too far out of my way or to a place I really dislike. Frankly it's easier just to find a replacement for her unless she is something truly unique or remarkable.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    Short answer is yes. And in 2020 it's been completely bonkers with dancers club hopping, so that's probably in its own category.

    "Particularly, a club with a way different style. Did you find the experience not a big deal?"

    If the clubs are way different it can affect the experience, but it's not a big deal in how I view the dancer because every place is different.

    "Or was it jarring?"

    Jarring, no. Inconvenient, yes. A fav of mine was on lockdown then away longer than she'd planned to be. She tried out a new club when she got back in town, and still wasn't sure how things worked. While it was still fun, there were too many dancers who were too interested in what was going on in the corner we'd picked. Her main club is supposedly reopening soon so I'll probably just see her there.

    "Or did something positive come out of it?"

    In the short term, no. There's a new (to me) dancer who was unexpectedly fun that reached out the day I was catching up with the old fav. That day was mostly an "L", but if things at the other club are something like normal it'll be worth taking a pass on the future fav.
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