
Detroit Clubs-Which ones are open

Avatar for AfricanLovePimppp
AfricanLovePimpppDetroit-What Up Doe?

What up doe motherfuckers! I am back out of jail because of Covid early release! The only thing that is bad is that I cannot find any clubs that are open. Help a brother out an let me know what places are open. I am tired of wasting gas driving to closed places.


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Avatar for Eve

Well now I know who wrote that one Bogart's review.

Avatar for 3131

Wait .... aren't all the Dearborn Inkster Romulus places still business as usual?

Avatar for AfricanLovePimppp

BTS Dearborn, Colli, Pantheon all closed when I went there in the daytime. I don't know which are open in the area. Not answering the phone either

Avatar for jackslash

AfricanLovePimppp, we've missed you bro.

Avatar for joeblow44

Go west young man! I believe most of the clubs in the western suburbs of Detroit are open (Bogarts, H8North, Flight Club, Criket, and Landing Strip). Thought I saw a recent review on BTs, but could be mistaken. Welcome Back Pimppp! "I felt like a refugee trying to get to some pussy" is still one of the greatest lines in TUSCL history! LOL.

Avatar for AfricanLovePimppp

It's Joe Blow, Thee Lover Man!!! (For those that know straight up Dolemite reference!) Glad to be back!

Jackslash The Great! Man it feels like a family reunion! All we need now is Juice to pop up!

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