All this COVID-19 whining is getting painful

avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
- "Oh no, we can't do anything until a vaccine is developed!"

- "Those people at the beach/gym/pool/club etc. are SO irresponsible!"

- "Keep the economy closed whatever it costs because my max health protection is more important than anything else, period!"

- "People who wont' wear masks and distance are SO stupid!. And hey, get off my lawn!"

- "If only the other grown adults in charge had told us that we had to protect ourselves from a contagious virus that is dangerous to us old folk!"
With all this whining around here it feels like a site full of scared old women rather than one full of guys chasing tits and pussy. Sack the fuck up already. If you are old and vulnerable then stay the fuck home, but expecting young people to live afraid of something that isn't dangerous to them is foolhardy, as is expecting politicians to make those choices for them.

Life moves on folks. The living have to keep on living, especially the young, and this includes working, playing, going to school and participating in other life events.


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avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
You seem to be the one doing most of the whining how many Corona threads have you started
avatar for booji boy
booji boy
5 years ago
Agreed. Why aren't you following your own advice and moving on?
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
I went strip clubbing on 5/23 when maybe 2 clubs in the country were open and have been locally 4 times in the last 13 days. I am doing my part.
avatar for ch2244
5 years ago
The whiniest posts are always whining about whining. It’s an immutable law of the internet.
avatar for Richard_Head
5 years ago
Rick, I take it that you don’t know anyone who has/had it yet. I know 4 people with it at this point, 1 of whom is dead (36 years of age and healthy), 1 of whom is a dancer at a local club). It’s only a matter of time before you do know somebody and it’s nothing to scoff at. Even those that recover are looking at potential long term consequences too. Be safe.
avatar for Mate27
5 years ago
Rickyboy, have you had Covid or any of your loved ones contact it yet? If not, then you have nothing to complain about.
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
Check the mirror buddy. Then have the wife and kids stand behind you. Look at them.
That's the deal. It's about them. It's about others, (ALL us others). The virus don't know - or care - if you're a tough guy or a pussy. It only knows the way to them is through you.

It's your call. Look at them.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Actually I do know two people that have had it and they were barely sick at all. And why is it that every whiny fuck on the two sites I post on seems to know someone who supposedly dropped dead from it young? I have to start calling bullshit on that.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
gSteph, have you read a single article that talks about age distribution? I'm more worried about my kids getting the flu than COVID.
avatar for Richard_Head
5 years ago
It’s killing the old at a higher rate, but all age groups are dying too.…
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
Obvious, MOST people don't get a fatal case. Especially the young. I truly hope no one you care about becomes an exception.
The world is bigger than just your circle.
Look at them.
Best luck, Sir.

I accept that perhaps we disagree on this.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Dick_Head and gSteph, if we use that thinking as our driver, then we need to shut down during every flu season. Because that kills people too. And don't drive a car ever. And be careful because kitchen knives kill too.

Look guys, I get it. You're frail and feeling vulnerable and there is nothing wrong with that. I encourage you to protect yourselves in whatever way you deem necessary. But we implicitly accept a certain number of casualties in our country this year as the cost of living. Now that we know that COVID is far less dangerous to most people than initially assumed, it's time to protect those that we can and get back to it.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
"each" year lol
avatar for Dolfan
5 years ago
Yeah, the whining and the whining about whining is getting bad.

And now you've made me whine about whining about whining. Ohh the irony.
avatar for Dolfan
5 years ago
And as far as serious solutions go, I really don't get the bitching about masks. It seems like a very sensible, moderate solution to me. The masks provide a reduction in transmission risk without imposing significant costs to the wearer.

To extend one of your analogies, I see it as similar to speed limits. We don't stop everyone from driving because some people will die, but we enforce a number of guidelines to reduce risks to everyone. We do so even though the cost/benefit is not equally distributed, as a society we've accepted speed limits are a fair compromise. Why is wearing a mask so different? We've had capacity limits in public places for years, again largely similar.

Hell, for the most part we all agree condoms are a reasonable safeguard. We all probably agree it would feel much better without them, but we protect ourselves & our strippers by wearing them.
avatar for Meursault
5 years ago
Good for a laugh: all this whining (in the comments) about somebody whining (OP) about whining.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
So the bright line dividing us is kn owing someone who has had Covid? Cool. Here's my lost: My brother; my sister in law; my nephew; my niece; an opposing attorney (sorry I accused you of bagging cards because you suck at poker) one aunt and 2 uncles. I live my life without fear of Covid, but my solution to the continual bleating of left wing chiockenshit fake news is to just watch porn on cam instead of the news.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
OOps I forgot to add in that I drive too fast and have used a condom maybe 15 times lifetime. Full disclosure: I am immune from everything bad so while it appears I am taking risks, I am actually not.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
Is there a thread around about COVID winning? Let's give that one a try.
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago

You can look at my previous comments on the subject and know that I am firmly in the camp that the hype about the virus has been detrimental and the “experts” have been wrong, wrong and more wrong.

That said you are sounding like the opposite end of the spectrum from the cowardly sniveling old fuck hiding under his bed while insisting that the other 7 billion people in the world forego living their lives so that he can hide from the grim reaper for a few more days after enjoying a long life.

Last time I spoke to the issue I said that I did not personally know anyone who had died from Covid-19 but did know of people once removed who had. That is no longer true. The first was a distant relative in her 50’s who went quickly. A second an even more distant relative in her 40’s. Most recently a very close relative in her early 40’s who pulled through though we never expected her to live through the night after having a respiration rate of 50 – 60 breaths per minute in ICU (12 – 20 is normal). It’s a miracle that she is alive and damn near fully recovered (and I do mean a miracle).

Beyond that I am also aware of a 21 year old (w/diabetes) who passed away from C-19 two days ago and now what should give you pause, a 3 year old child who has tested positive. I don’t know about you but no matter what the statistics are I would not want my child to be afflicted.

I’m still much closer to your position than to the other end of the spectrum (based on facts) but they have an agenda and your “complaining” about the whining isn’t going to deter them.

The virus is real and everyone should take it seriously. What that means to me is that you should live your life to the fullest, while staying safe and taking care of your family and those close (as well as those not so close) to you. In other words people should "Cowboy the Fuck Up."
avatar for Mate27
5 years ago
Congratulation Rickyboy, even during a worldwide health crisis you still have accomplished to make it all about you.

Cue a very slow hand clap.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
I am done feeding this particular troll.
avatar for joker44
5 years ago
"Congratulation Rickyboy, even during a worldwide health crisis you still have accomplished to make it all about you."
"Yeah, the whining and the whining about whining is getting bad.
And now you've made me whine about whining about whining. Ohh the irony."

Tagged this OP months ago, RD = Disingenuous histrionics combine the histrionic’s more adaptive social skills, charm, and ability to read the motives and desires of others with a rather calculated malevolence. This histrionic variant is more egocentric, more willingly insincere, and probably more conscious of their manipulations than is the basic histrionic pattern.

**They often seem to enjoy conflict, gaining a degree of gratification or amusement from the excitement and tension they produce.**

Again clearly demo-ing these personality traits.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
wah, wah, wah, said the whiny bitch liberals when they failed to bully the OP.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
Awww, is skibum jealous of all the attention being stolen from him?
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
@joker: thanks for the dime store psychoanalysis. Did you read about that profile in your last issue of Cosmo? 😉

@Meat: I made it all about the ridiculous overreaction to this. Others chose to steer it where it went. If you don't like it you know where the door is.

@Baby: I don't want to sound like I doubt your stories, but they are highly improbable to say the least. Nobody knows that many people under 50 who have died from this. And 21 year olds generally don't die from one co-morbidity alone. Anyone under 40 who dies of this thing generally has a laundry list of co-morbidities. So again I have to call bullshit.

avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago
Well Rick it is the internet so call bullshit all you like but everything I wrote is true. I honestly hope that you never have to experience the type of life that was my fate. Good luck to you.
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
Rick will you post from the hospital when Covid hits you? Legit worried, I know you're in Florida which is exploding.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
@James: I'll more likely be posting from the comfort of my home with a fair chance that I won't even know that I have it.

@Baby: So the lesson isn't that we should extrapolate your highly improbable experiences as somehow representative of the norm, but that you just happen to be one of the unluckiest people pretty much anywhere. Fair enough I suppose.
avatar for joker44
5 years ago
"@joker: thanks for the dime store psychoanalysis. Did you read about that profile in your last issue of Cosmo?"

Nice, naive attempt at glib dismissal but your psychoanalysis jibe is three decades out of date.
FYI, the description is based on personality researcher Theodore Millon's major work edited into a college-level text. Figured that was about your level of understanding. Apparently, you are greatly more familiar than I with both Cosmo and the Pink Site.

Personality Disorders in Modern Life, Second Edition
Theodore Millon and, Seth Grossman, Carrie Millon, Sarah Meagher, Rowena Ramnath, Wiley, Aug 2004
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago
No Rick you shouldn’t extrapolate anything from my personal experiences. I posted in response to your post:

“And why is it that every whiny fuck on the two sites I post on seems to know someone who supposedly dropped dead from it young?”

Personally I have been inordinately lucky in my life. And I am quite aware that my life and experiences are not the norm or anywhere near the norm for you or most anyone else here. So mea culpa for offering input to your discussion.

Please do carry on...
avatar for joker44
5 years ago
Muting my last comment is the clearest signal that it and my original comment were right on target no matter your glib dismissals.

Are you getting off yet on all the attention you've generated so far?? Ego-trip tank nearing full yet?? or is it an unquenchable need??

Well, I've contributed more than my fair share to your neediness.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
5 years ago
They think Russia is a bigger geostrategic threat than China too. So take that for what it's worth.
avatar for MackTruck
5 years ago
Yeah I know, this is getting rediculous. Look what this winey little girl is...…
avatar for MackTruck
5 years ago
avatar for MackTruck
5 years ago
And this one too...

Ooooh my god, what would you donif clubs closed temporarily…
avatar for MackTruck
5 years ago
25 said "You seem to be the one doing most of the whining how many Corona threads have you started"
avatar for MackTruck
5 years ago
"Yeah, the whining and the whining about whining is getting bad.

And now you've made me whine about whining about whining. Ohh the irony."

Ironic... now I am whining about the whing about the whineing
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Mack, there's a difference between criticizing people for overreacting and the girly squeals of pannick emanating from some on here. Since you can't seem to distinguish between the two, nor can you make your point in any less than 5 posts, you can sit at the kiddie table.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Joker, you can join mack at the kiddie table since you seem to struggle with the notion of a topical discussion.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
To be clear, I posted this not for attention, but to vent my frustrations. I have children and school openings are about 6 weeks away, but increasingly it looks like the scared rabbits in charge are going to delay things. My kids also participate in other serious pursuits and those may also be affected. So when you keep hearing me emphasize "the young need to keep on living" this is why.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
I don’t believe that your true issue has anything to do with the school board
Whining about whining on a monger board tells everyone what priorities you really have
avatar for Mate27
5 years ago
^^ correct Twenryfive, he’s being a whiny little bitch screaming “whoah is me” and “my life is being inconvenienced”.

If you don’t like the precautions being taken, you know where the door is Rickyboy. You’re free to put you and others in harms way, is that your policy? Sure, spin in whatever way you want but your still being your typical selfish drone. Carry on.
avatar for Mate27
5 years ago
Good posts MackTruck. Spot on analysis.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
@25: My post was broader than just the school board. It impacts all aspects of their lives. And for what? They are not at risk. And believe me this is not the only place where I am posting. Our local school board has heard from me, among others. But I can't call a pussy a pussy when I communicate with them. ;)

@Meat: At risk of what exactly? And who specifically is at risk? These are my points. Shut the bars down if you want I suppose, but there is no reason to shut down education and kids events.

avatar for BrotherFogHorn
5 years ago
Well, time for a cum to jebus discussion from me. Ricky! You dam well need to cum on for confessions! You are guilty of the sin of being a little bitch! You can't handle the truth and you put the truth on ignore! Than you comment to them...

When you cum in for confessions we got to do da praying over your soul amd you need to do da head bobbin and a yes lawerd on your knees in front of me until da sprit of da lawerd cums out and bathes you i.n Righteousness! Then you need to cum back and apologize to the truth speakers then take your rightful place at the kiddie table yourself
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Only in TUSLC-verse can scared old men hiding in their bunkers shamelessly accuse others of being scared bitches for not doing the same. 😉
avatar for BrotherFogHorn
5 years ago
Cum to confessions and you can cry your little heart out 😉
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Well you’re so good at calling out old men shamelessly hiding in their bunkers, yet you are the one that keeps bringing it up, seems to me you are more upset than those scared old men you keep hollering about
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
Dugan likes to talk like a tough guy, but he's the whiniest pussy on TUSCL, and thin skinned to boot. Look at all the muted comments on this thread. He likes to sling insults around, but if anyone calls him out, he gets his panties in a wad and puts them on mute.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
All y'all are so woke.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
I mute the comments that are off topic trolling. If you want to take issue with me on topic then have at it.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
===> "Well you’re so good at calling out old men shamelessly hiding in their bunkers, yet you are the one that keeps bringing it up, seems to me you are more upset than those scared old men you keep hollering about"

In a sense I am more upset, but angry rather than afraid. Angry because our school systems have been so quick to abandon the only fucking thing they exist to do, angry at the knee jerk lockdowns that probably never should have happened in most states in the first place and angry at the foolish people who keep trying to "control" the uncontrollable by imposing more restrictions upon us instead of finding a more realistic path forward.

Those old people can indulge endless fear because they have little else to do anyway. Those of us with life responsibilities, including children to raise and businesses to run, don't have that luxury.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Try putting on your face mask you might get some of the old folks out of quarantine
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
Oh, Joy. A new day.

??? He's still whining?
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
So the family man hates the fact that schools are closed, and the mom can only do so much with them at home, and it’s even more noticeable than even before just how absent the father is. And either the mom or the kids or both are reacting in some type of way because of it.

Such an inspiring nuclear family 👍
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
This old guy is finding this thread very funny. In all honesty Covid has been pretty fun overall.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
@25: Why would I want old people out of quarantine? It's everyone else I want out. Shit, I hope you fuckers quarantine for the next year if it keeps deaths down and allows us to move forward.

@Nice: I don't work at home so their presence doesn't impede anything. But it does them educational and other personal harm to miss these things. If someone is ever foolish enough to put a baby in your belly you may one day understand those instincts. ;)
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
You can deny anything but the truth is all over, you son are afraid of your own shadow.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Those “instincts” I assume is having some accountability to a vulnerable being that can’t fend for itself? Having a dog already puts me at my upper level of tolerance on sacrifices made to be there for him and make sure he has a comfortable life. (Worth it, but it is what it is)

But no, unless I somehow go into a coma against my will, there will be no accidental “baby in belly” by choice. Because, just like you, I like doing other things with my time and don’t want to deal with it.

FYI just so you know, there are more than plenty of educational opportunities in life aside from a tax funded institution that your kids can gain value from. If you’re concerned, you can even step in yourself.

Shit, instead of coming onto here (after getting flamed off stripperweb) and bashing the masculinity of other board members, perhaps you can redirect your focus away, step up, and BE the man that others (allegedly) are not.

Example: Instead of retreating to whatever office to escape the heavier pressure on the home front...
Maybe once in a while bring one of them into work with you. Teach her real-world work skills like basic accounting with revenue, expenses, and profit. Show how taxes work. Perhaps mention basic lessons on selling or whatever the heck your job does. If they are on a sports team that’s cancelled, then go to the backyard and work out in a way so you won’t have to worry their coordination and muscles won’t atrophy when the time comes. And help practice with tennis, volleyball, etc

Lots of opportunities you can prove yourself as a man AND ensure your children self-actualize well whether there is a pandemic or not. I would say that I believe in you...buuuut...😅
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
Be careful Nicespice. If you hurt his feelings he’ll put you on mute.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
^ I’m hoping. Then I can be with the others at the cool kids kiddie table. 😎
avatar for gobstopper007
5 years ago
I actually prefer the kiddie table, but that could be because I’m short
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Interesting nice. But putting aside your misplaced characterizations about my paternal role, which I'm not going to discuss in detail around here (something must be sacred), nothing can replace what they are currently missing when they are not getting concentrated academic instruction, especially in high school and middle school, and cannot resume training in their sports/arts. I would gladly replicate it if I could, but I cannot. Hence the frustration.

As far as being sent to the kiddie table, that's reserved for old bored trolls who lack the ability or desire to stay on topic.
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
What was the topic? Before it about your whining getting painful?
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
I was on topic you just didn’t like what I said but don’t worry RickiBoi the feeling is mutual but you’re the one whose afraid of his shadow
avatar for FishHawk
5 years ago
Rick just wants us old guys to die off because he feels that he will have a better chance on attracting strippers then.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
old is when you look in the mirror and see your father. (hard slap of reality.)
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
@Fish, not at all. But what I do want is a more nuanced approach that recognizes that kids and younger adults are not at serious risk and never have been. Keeping kids out of school and sports for what could be the better part of a whole year is simply not the right answer.

avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
@25: Ok, I'll bite this once and try to give you the benefit of the doubt, though I will no doubt regret treating you like a real person instead of a troll. What is it that I'm supposedly afraid of exactly? 😃
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
How am I supposed to know, my guess is your afraid of getting old for some weird reason, aside from that I don't really care all that much, but you if you ever decide to be honest with yourself have posted an awful lot about what an inconvenience this disease is to you, smarter course of action would be to suck it up and do what you need to and leave everyone else to do what they need to. Oh yeah quit the shade throwing, if you don't like getting it back in your face winky or otherwise.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Ok 25, that's what I thought, you were just saying it to say it. A key difference is that when I "throw shade" it has a rationale behind it while you spew whatever crap you think will stick.

But my kids missing school and activities for over half a year is far more than an inconvenience - it is time and training that they will never get back. So I vent and find myself lashing out at those who have the same mindset as those who are now making bad decisions out of blind panic and cowardice. If I was an old guy like you I'd be in a bunker too - nothing I am posting is saying otherwise. But I am not and neither are my kids.

I have no intention of "sucking it up" but instead will continue to be one of many voices in my county pressuring the School Board and others to cut the crap and stop trying to set public policy.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
All y'all need to get laid wicked bad.
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