I went to the Gym yesterday

avatar for Warrior15
Anywhere there are Titties.
I'm a little bit of a fitness fanatic. I do something every day. Or at least did before this Covid 19 thing came around. The past couple of months, I have been relegated to jogging every other day.

I'm in Tennessee this week and the gyms just opened back up. But a lot of rules. There is a greeter at the front door that takes your temperature. Then points to a sign that as the symptoms of Coronavirus and they ask if you have has any of these in the past 40 hours. They require you to take a squirt of Purell before you go in.

Locker rooms are all blocked off. Pool is off limits. No group activities such as basketball, spinning or aerobics classes. But the weigh room and treadmills were available. When I walked into the weight room, there was another greeter that gave you the ground rules. Keep 6 feet apart and wipe down the machines before and after use. I had heard that masks were required but they were not. In the area where the treadmills were, every other machine was taped off so no one could be next to each other.

The extra rules are annoying, but it's still nice to be able to get back in there. At least while I"m here. I go back to Florida next week where the gyms are not open yet.


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avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
You know Warrior I love that YMCA in downtown Nashville. Real nice gym if I lived there that would be my spot.

But yeah I’m just waiting to get back into that gym rythym again, it gets me right after a while you get sick of pushups
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
I have fitness equipment in the clubhouse where I live but the clu and community pool are both on lockdown as out community is too small to afford an attendant which would be required in my county
But I have a pool in my yard and I’ve been using it daily at least 1-2 hours a day, I get edgy if I don’t do some exercise every day
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
i’ve been raking weeds from my north west arizona .4 acres the past two weeks. then weedwack. then rake again. i’ve allready filled (and packed) SEVEN city supplied trash containers. actually a good workout. and dahm. two months now with NO SEX. Fucking Sucks being Away From a metro area. (i’ve been spoiled with the ease of sex with the 18-30 aged girls in the clubs in metro areas. )
avatar for JAprufrock
5 years ago
This is good to hear. Exactly how I imagined gyms would operate upon re-opening. So I imagine you must enter with your workout clothes on, since locker rooms are and should be closed. My only concern would be not being able to change a sweat-drenched T-shirt after running on the treadmill. It's a small inconvenience, though, just to have gyms open again.
avatar for Slickwillie
5 years ago
My gym 24hr Fitness is considering bankruptcy...
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
That's good to hear Warrior, it gives me some hope. I live in CA, the place that seems that will be last to open anything. From the rules you described, it pretty much sounds like what already took place in my gym before it was shut down. It's not a big facility, so it doesn't have basketball courts or a swimming pool. It does have spin and aerobics rooms and I'll miss seeing those classes disperse and all those sweaty, fit, spandex clad women wander out into the gym. We already wipe down equipment before and after our sets on machines. And usually the gym isn't so crowded that all the treadmills, bikes, rowing machines, and stairmasters are occupied. Much like urinals in men's rooms, folks try not to grab a machine right next to another person.

I can't wait till we get to the same phase. It might take a month or more but at this point the year is shot anyway IMO. I'll be motivated to be super healthy in time for next summer.
avatar for rogertex
5 years ago
Gyms opening 18 May in Texas.
Similar common-sense restrictions as your state.

Strips clubs - as much as I heard from a manager - openings in Texas cities will be data driven.
A city must see a "decline" in new cases & deaths for 4 consecutive weeks before opening in limited capacity and distancing restrictions.
I personally don't see this happening before July, at best, in large cities - Austin, Dallas, Houston. More likely - start of football season.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
I miss planet fitness. Since I am in Massachusetts I doubt I will enjoy going again. Kettlebells and hiking.
avatar for PredragDr
5 years ago
Los Angeles is closed for another three months. When does the second wave hit?

Some health experts say it will be two to TEN years before we return to how things were in first week of March!!!
avatar for Lone_Wolf
5 years ago
Gyms reopening Tomorrow May 13th in Arizona
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
Arizona clubs.., my only hope.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Miami-Dade county is due to implement phase-1 openings on May 18th - not sure how much will open but AFAIK for now beaches will remain closed.

For w/e reason, I don't see gyms as safe - I go to an LA Fitness which is a pretty-large club with a lot of people particularly during the post-work hours; I don't see being in there for an hour or more as a good nor safe thing - the one I go to here in Miami it's probably 80% Cuban and for the most-part people don't follow one single f'ing rule in that gym so I don't see it operating as it should under current suggested Corona guidelines.
avatar for 54kevin
5 years ago
I've been biking and running but it's not the same as strength training. If the Florida gyms open back up I'm wearing gloves. I ordered some light running gloves. We'll see how they work
avatar for BBBC
5 years ago
What were you wearing?
avatar for Dave_Anderson
5 years ago
I don't understand this temperature checking thing. In no way does a high temperature prove you have the corona thing. Also some people's normal temperature tends to run high. I will not consent to that even if it means I can't go somewhere.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Some "experts (meaningless word, completely meaningless) predict things won't get back to normal for another 2-10 years. Yeah, we'll put up with it for 10 years lol.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Going back on Monday. Can't wait.
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