It finally happened.

avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb

There have been several discussions on here in the past concerning what people would think seeing you with a much younger woman out in public. Father/daughter, secretary, etc?

So today my favorite and I are having lunch at our favorite restaurant. She is 50 years younger than me. Today we had a waiter new to us. He had an eastern European accent and he had the nerve to ask us what our relationship was. She just told him that I was her boy friend. I probably would have said daughter but she beat me too it. He smiled and walked off.


last comment
avatar for Clubber
5 yrs ago


The first time with my ATF, I went with her when she wanted to buy a new truck. The salesman started to talk to me, but I directed him to talk to her. Our relationship was never mentioned. Again it happened at a restaurant with my ATF. We both said almost at the same time she was my daughter. You know me, and would you think my daughter would be Asian?

avatar for shadowcat
5 yrs ago

Could be step daughter or adopted daughter. :)

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

I would tell them its none of their business

avatar for wallanon
5 yrs ago

I get the whole troll thing, but there's trolling and then there's just being mean. If somebody is going into something eyes wide open, then let them have their fun.

avatar for Nidan111
5 yrs ago

@tittyfag. I had many of these encounters with my ATF who is 20 years younger than I. The first was when I was 42 and she was 22. The last one was just last week. But, she is 37 and I am 57. She makes as much money as I do and does not need me. She says she wants me. Must be something to It since she Actually married me. So, laugh all you want. Sometimes a dream does come true.

avatar for JAprufrock
5 yrs ago

That waiter was out of line. It's none of his fucking business. I would have told him to fuck himself and complained to his manager or denied him a tip, or both. @txtittyfag. Get you 3-inch dick out of your dog's ass and get a clue.

avatar for Lone_Wolf
5 yrs ago

I've met dozens of young women for meals and only had one waiter ask our relationship.

It's kind of a touchy situation. I'm reluctant to snarky with someone handling my food plus doing so could ruin a good vibe with the honey.

If ever asked again, I'll just chuckle and ask what the specials are or something. It's none of their concern and they should know not to ask.

avatar for jackslash
5 yrs ago

A few years ago my ATF wanted to enroll her toddler in daycare. I drove her and her son to a small daycare place. When my blonde ATF and her blond son and I walked in, the head of the daycare said to me, "Are you the grandfather?"

I replied, "I'm a friend of the family."

avatar for skibum609
5 yrs ago

You're fucking stupid Titty. Why would we think a pathetic angry douche like means anything to others? Like the council of Rick's you're s nothing.

avatar for Warrior15
5 yrs ago

I went to a nightclub with a sugar baby not long ago. The club had live music and my girl was dancing very provocatively and close to me. Even twerking me a few times. She is about 30 years my junior. I could see several other men surrounding us watching this and smiling at me. When she went to the bathroom, about 3 of those men came over to give me a High Five.

avatar for Mate27
5 yrs ago

Randumbmember would say that she is his escort and he is her trick! Then he’d go into say that his wife is at home taking care of the family.

avatar for Muddy
5 yrs ago

Fuck yeah SC

avatar for Cashman1234
5 yrs ago

It’s a tricky situation due to the guy being your waiter. He was out of line for asking. But a snarky response could hurt service, or cause him to do something to your food.

I think you handled it well.

avatar for rickthecoconutcrab
5 yrs ago

Happens to me all of the time, but the outcome is usually a bit different.

Just a week ago I was out with a sexy female hairless ape and the waiter asked her “why are you dining with this crab in a suit?” Then he eyed my suit and added “...this super sexy crab in a suit.”

I had to explain that we ricks aren’t bothered by homosexuality but that I don’t swing toward the male apes. Of course my lady and I got kind of drunk and we ended up having a threesome with the waiter in the men’s room so it all worked out.

Mr. Cat, did you have a threesome with the waiter and your “date”?

Scuttle! Scuttle! Scuttle!

avatar for rickthelion
5 yrs ago

Tell me about Mr. Crab. Every time I take a sexy female hairless ape to the restaurant it is “aaah... there is frickin lion in our restaurant”. What can you do about it?

Well, I just go wildebeest on any waiters that irritate me. Problem solved. ROAR!!!

avatar for Clubber
5 yrs ago


I guess that is correct. I was using my age now with her age back when. I'd be near a 50 year difference. Sort of like the bloomberg money spent gaff on the "news".

avatar for JohnSmith69
5 yrs ago

I’ll never forget the time that a noisy woman asked the DS what our relationship was. This was on a boat, we were taking a tourist trip to go snorkeling. The DS looked her right in the eye and said something to the effect of “we are sexual partners.” I loved that girl.

avatar for MackTruck
5 yrs ago

50 years younger? Right on Shadowcat! We know it wasn't Ron Jeremy this time 👍

avatar for Player11
5 yrs ago

The waiter out of line. Just don’t tip him. None of his biz. He’s probably out to horn in. You could make a note of his name, call his manager later and give earful.

avatar for RandomMember
5 yrs ago

Interesting, the exact same topic is being discussed on Reddit right now with exactly the same title:

That's quite a coincidence.

Mine are typically 30 yrs younger and I've yet to get any comments from staff. I did have a stripper date about five years ago where we were in a booth and she was putting her legs up on my lap. Nice restarant and I'm pretty sure the waiter was annoyed.

@Meathead: You can almost smell the lingering stench of your low self-esteem every time you make a post.

avatar for Mate27
5 yrs ago

^^^ Why do you say? Is it because I fuck hot white women and procreate with them to Produce a similar non submissive product, and you don’t?

Oh that’s right, in addition to having a STEM degree that grants you exceptional knowledge w/CDC officials on Coronavirus, you also majored in psychology (eye roll). Project and deflect is Randumbmembers tactic. Or maybe your Asian mail order wife can fill you in on SE Asian culture and that grants you the authority for great insites to disease. Do yourself a favor Randumb and kill yourself, but you wont because you’re such a pussy at everything in life including that self help tip.

avatar for joker44
5 yrs ago

ALERT: The pop psych twins are at it again

Paul Watzlawick "The Art of Becoming Bitter : “Leading a bitter life can be done by anyone, but bittering life on purpose is an art that is learned.”

avatar for captainfun
5 yrs ago

OP....Love a girl that is cool with giving an answer that suits the situation. She's quick on her feet and it's flattering if even semi-BS

avatar for JAprufrock
5 yrs ago

I’m guessing that waiter has to take it up the ass and swallow copious loads of semen to make ends meet and is jealous of those of us who are heterosexual. In that case, we should cut him some slack.

avatar for wallanon
5 yrs ago

Some people just have different concepts of manners. Not defending the waiter, but it is possible that the guy did not have a good enough command of the language to make the question sound polite. It's also possible he wanted to know shadow's secret for later in life. Like he met some guy who made a pact with the netherworld to bang hot young girls until the end of time or some shit. Questions are going to happen.

I was out to dinner earlier this year with a pretty young lady who also happens to be a dancer, and this guy kept coming by because he wanted to take a picture to sell back to us. The second or third time he came by we said ok, and he asked if we were a couple. I told him we were just "hanging out" or something like that. One it was none if his business, and two it didn't matter what the answer was so long as he went away.

avatar for bubba267
5 yrs ago

I’ve never had the specific question but I’m observant and it is fun to watch the heads turn...both men and women. I think it’s less the age difference than the fact that she’s head turning gorgeous.

Back to how the two of you handled it, I think that was the best way. Agree with whoever made the comment about them handling your food. Not worth it.

avatar for nofuglies
5 yrs ago

this Asian guy always answers "daughter". it's usually good for a few chuckles. she is 40 yrs younger, 4 inches taller without heels, blonde, and white :)

avatar for K
5 yrs ago

it looks like my previous reply did not post.

Dirty looks are common. Sometimes I get an approving head nod or thumbs up from another guy when he thinks no one else can see. in recent years the ladies will sometimes get asked if everything is OK when I go the rest room.

The only time someone came out and asked was the female bartender at a hotel we frequent. She ended up joining us. Later she started dancing and became someone's SB.

avatar for NJBalla
5 yrs ago

@OP the punchline should have been the 1 cent tip with the line on the reciept. "A penny for your thoughts". Of course you wont be able to go to said restaurant again.

avatar for lurkingdog
5 yrs ago


What a great response. Good for you

avatar for JimGassagain
5 yrs ago

My wife has to deal with these types of questions from the service sector our entire 16 year marriage! While they see me, a fat pale white skin with a gorgeous hot model wife, they have to ask themselves “how” or “why not me”?


avatar for RandomMember
5 yrs ago

^^ @Meathead - Everyone knows that you post under @JimGassagain. Same dopey overuse of exclamation points, like a teenaged girl. Same dull-witted, non-existent, humor.

avatar for JimGassagain
5 yrs ago

^^ bacon!!

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