
Stripper Notes

So Subraman wrote about having a bazillion numbers from dancers. I used to try and avoid having dancers see how many numbers I was scrolling through whenever I was adding a number or looking them up. Now I don't care.

To me the important things are in the notes anyway, and those aren't visible from the list of contacts. I'm going through and filling in some entries because I got a little lazy with it last year when I did a mini club hiatus, but had an influx of numbers and needed to get stuff organized. Some of my notes are very detailed. Some don't have to be to get the point across.

Example: "Met at R__. Skinny girl. Pretty face. Yoga instructor. On drugs. This girl cra cra. Avoid."

I keep numbers for high fliers and duds because I like to know if the number that wrote or called is on the no fly list. You guys keep notes?


  • Hank Moody
    5 years ago
    Why would you get a number from a dud? You really must be bored.
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    I tell all my stories out of order now. Tried to tell one to a fellow TUSCLer over drinks the other day about a stripper brawl I'd seen that week, and halfway through they just stared like WTF. lol.

    Ever order something at a restaurant just to find out it's lousy? Not all strippers keep well if you box them up for later, McNulty. You're a pro. That's old news for a hound like you. I'd tell that story but it's too frightening for the noobs.

    Plus when I'm really bored, I hand a few dollars to the pissed off dancer with her arms folded in the corner just to see what'll happen.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    I have no need for that. I know a guy that keeps so much information on all of the dancers that he has met that I'd bet he can tell you when their next period is going to start. So If I really want it. I'll ask him. :)

    I only have 2 phone numbers and only one of those is being used.
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    I got two numbers yesterday. One's already in the burn pile but the other I might use.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Nope. I keep a current rotation of a few numbers, but shit can the old ones. If I'm not motivated enough to see her again within a year or so then there's no sense, for a number of reasons:

    First, because that's just too much work for me for an entertainment pursuit. If she was great or horrible then I'll remember anyway. Otherwise she's just in the middle of the pack.

    Second, because numbers go stale quickly. These girls quit the biz, change phones, move to other areas, etc., etc. Any number collected more than a year ago is often useless, so keeping it is pointless.

    Third, because even if I remember a girl after a year and I still have her number, there's no guarantee that she will remember me. And even if she does, there is no guarantee that he offerings will be the same. A year is like a decade in stripper time and if I haven't been an ongoing part of her income stream then she'll cater to the ones who are first.

    Hey, if you have time to kill then have fun keeping those notes and shuffling those numbers, but IME it's a low margin pursuit for the reasons noted.
  • marty_mcfly
    5 years ago
    --> Example: "Met at R__. Skinny girl. Pretty face. Yoga instructor. On drugs. This girl cra cra. Avoid."

    LOL ... man, do you meet soooo many dancers that you can't remember the crazy ones? Funny stuff.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Yeah - I'm kinda lazy about writing a quick-note b/f I forget, then a few days/weeks later I"ll be asking myself who that # belongs to - but me being a variety-guy, I actually rarely take dancer-#s anymore b/c 99% chance I won't follow-up - when I'm with her in the club I may be really into her, by the time I get home I'm usually thinking of whom I'll meet next - monogamy has never agreed well with me.
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    Not for strippers. But I'm thinking that doing for Sugar Babes might be a good idea for me. Right now, I have about 4 that I am seeing. Keeping track of which one eats what, which one drinks and which one doesn't . Each girl wants to get that feeling that they are getting close to me. I don't want to be asking the same questions each time or worse, describing past dates about a different girl.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ LOL
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    "If she was great or horrible then I'll remember anyway. Otherwise she's just in the middle of the pack."

    Middle of the pack or back burner one day could turn into a rotation player, maybe even a starter, if a key performer drops out. My top lineup is pretty deep right now. I haven't even gotten through them all to see who's still a phone-a-friend. Got distracted by a couple of new girls that needed a quality check.

    One of the numbers I just got was from a blazing hot dancer who remembered me before I remembered her. She wasn't in my contacts already, so either I got told no last go round (it happens from time to time) or I didn't bother to save it.

    Same club the previous week there was a dancer who looked vaguely familiar and gave pretty good dances. When she sent me a text her name and number was already in my phone. It was funny because I remembered racking my brain a while ago trying to place that dancer name with a face.

    Left the number because why not? Now this time around I put a note so I'm less likely to blank on her completely. If she ends up being a dud I just flag her I'm my contacts. The girls talk about each other so it's also helpful to know which girls I've met when they start dishing info.
  • georgmicrodong
    5 years ago
    I've got a decade or more worth of phone numbers on my GV. Every once in a while someone will ask how many I have after happening to see the list, but I just don't answer.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ how may *do* you have?
  • woodstock
    5 years ago
    I take it that you never take pictures, wall?
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    Never say never, but pictures are not a typical thing with me at the club.

    Common stripper names are the ones where I'll put clubs, towns, some description of her look, etc. I travel a little less now, so the notes are mainly for second and third stringers who don't rate any real spending but might get the nod on a slow day. A dancer I'll probably meet up with today was someone that got picked for a couple of throwaway dances and made the most of them.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    Notes and numbers. Wish I had been taking that info down. I’ve had so many girls that I get confused and shit... there’s a lot of girls I’ve even had that I forgotten. it’s like a big blur of delight.
  • max_starr
    5 years ago
    I used to have a lot of numbers....thing is these girls change numbers and sometimes even switch numbers....After a while, its only them that have my #.
    The most important #'s to have though are the 2 managers at the local SC. I can call either one and she'll tell me the roster and who is busy and who needs company.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    5 years ago
    I know a customer who does this and he keeps eerily detailed notes (amount spent, for how long, what was talked about). He tries to find Facebooks and Instagrams of the girls to add those to the contact info as well as a photo of the girl from Facebook. Another dancer said she accidentally snooped when he asked her to put her number in his phone. She told me my contact info was at the top (he had texted me earlier that day) and he had my real government first and last name as well as my current Facebook profile photo stored. It creeped me the fuck out and I refuse to talk to him and blocked his number and all of his profiles (we were never Facebook friends and I never gave him my real government name).

    Basically, if you guys keep notes like that, don't be creepy or weird about it. There's no reason needing that much info about an entertainer.
  • DenimChicken
    5 years ago
    That's incredibly creepy, Waffle. Yikes.

    I store the dancer name then club name as last name. Simple as that. If she has decided to give me her real first name I may put that - e.g. Mercedes / AllowishusDevondonderAbercrombie - Big Booby Club

    I know some dancers that gave me their snapchat and in the app they use their full real name. I considered it a sort of sign of trust so I've just never brought up that detail.

    It isn't hard to NOT be a creep, guys!
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Seems like I am the outlier here because in my home clubs or travelling I just show up; see if I like anyone and if I do, I get dances and if I don't I just leave. No texts; no "dates"; no appointments; no snapchat; no IG; no FB. These are bars with sports on tv and semi-naked women and thats all they are.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    @skibum. I am as you on this. Even if I get FS (which is about 70%) of time, I rarely even remember their stage name, much less their real name. Have no need for other info.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    5 years ago
    Waffle, get you a burner number, woman. No one will find your name then unless you associate that number with accounts online etc.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "Seems like I am the outlier here because in my home clubs or travelling I just show up; see if I like anyone and if I do, I get dances and if I don't I just leave. No texts; no "dates"; no appointments; no snapchat; no IG; no FB."

    Don't worry skibum, being an outlier in the tusclverse is not the same as being an outlier in the real world. Plenty of guys treat clubs the same way and plenty of others understand the transient nature of these girls enough that they don't bother going to these lengths, but just enjoy it when they can. Only on here do you read stories of guys going to these mostly futile lengths to track girls over extended periods of time.
  • georgmicrodong
    5 years ago
    @Clubber, 230. 😜

    Of course, most of those are no longer active now. looking down the list, I see at least 50 that are still working (though some have moved to bartending or house momming or managing or some such), and I didn't go down the whole list.
  • Lone_Wolf
    5 years ago
    When I first started this hobby the ladies were still selective who they gave their numbers to. Now, they'll give out like M&M's.

    This makes it difficult to make a connection with them as they quickly forget who they gave it to. I rarely take numbers anymore.
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    "This makes it difficult to make a connection with them as they quickly forget who they gave it to."

    There's truth in that, but that also means if you do find a way to "stick" you're in good company.
  • gawker
    5 years ago
    I don’t keep notes but I’ve had a running correspondence with another tuscl Er who haunts the same club. We share impressions, some experiences, and thoughts on some of the common dancers. This started about 10 years ago and it’s interesting reading .
    I do keep photos and screenshots from videos and have more than a thousand . I’ve just started discarding them and saving just the best in a password protected app on my phone.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    I think the truly great experiences are rare enough that I'll remember them but then again I haven't been clubbing for a half century like some on here.
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    "LOL ... man, do you meet soooo many dancers that you can't remember the crazy ones?"

    There's a range of crazy, and when the dancers become a sea of stripper names in my phone I do lose track sometimes. If a girl gets put on the no fly list, I always make sure to put a note so I can refresh on it later.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Note taking isn't useful for one-and-done guys.

    If I get a dancer's number and intend to use it, then chances are that we're going to see each other more than once. At that point, I will start jotting stuff down. Some of it being "fun time" related and some not. It's not great to ask "Hey, are you still doing X?" as small talk and have her respond that you're thinking of another girl...

    It happens, but it's not great.

    Also, my club reviews are written to be useful to me as well as other people.
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    "Note taking isn't useful for one-and-done guys."

    I don't really see it as an all or nothing thing. You guys don't ever go back to the same towns? I'm about to make an unexpected trip for a week to a town I've been to before. I've done call ins there before from numbers I picked up on previous trips. In recent years strippers I've met have gotten better about keeping the same number because it makes them money.

    There's transactional thinkers and there's holistic thinkers. When I used to hit every club in a town if I was there a few days, it wasn't simply to stockpile reviews. I haven't posted reviews for half the clubs I've seen. It was to get a feel for where to spend time if I ever passed that way again.

    There's also similarities between clubs and towns you pick up if you travel enough. Most customers aren't going to be on the road the way I used to travel, so I get that we're all coming at this through our own experience. I think it's cool to see what people are bringing to the topic.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    I have nearly zero experience as a traveling customer. Perhaps I'd change my thinking if I were traveling regularly.
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    Just for Rick Dugan:

    "Club name. I____. Latina. Hot as fuck. Tbd"...a little while later..."Blonde dye. Huge natural rack. Nude dances in VIP for $20."

    Sent messages to myself since she was being funny about her number. Ended up leaving my number (it's a play phone y'all. get one.) with her so she could text me when she was working next. Basic stuff. Who it was, what caught my attention, and where it happened. Maybe the number gets used. Maybe it goes nowhere. Costs nothing to cast that net, and sometimes you catch something. Hopefully that something is what you wanted to catch. Who knows what comes next, because strippers.
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    "Who knows what comes next, because strippers."

    Yes, I just quoted myself. What came next is I got a random text a week later from a number I didn't recognize, asking me if I'd left the club yet. An hour later she was in my car drunk and I was having a Vincent Vega moment of self-debate.
  • stripperlover777
    9 months ago
    Additional Kind Of Stripper Note:
    Cool Dancer Names I Posted In The Verified Section Dancer Names Topic. There Are Some Names Here In VIP/Front Page.
    Tuscl Cheersss
  • stripperlover777
    8 months ago
    Additional Kind Of Stripper Note:
    I Have Some Really Cool Music Groups/Songs Names Posted On Mi Profile & Some Dancer Goodies/Gifts Ideas On There As Well. Strippers Cheers!
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