A local grade school teacher was arrested for prostitution.

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A local grade school teacher was arrested for prostitution.
I was really surprised. I've known her for 6 years. I had no idea she was a teacher.
A local grade school teacher was arrested for prostitution.
I was really surprised. I've known her for 6 years. I had no idea she was a teacher.
last commentLink to story?
^ Really ??
Teachers don’t get paid that much. Hope she gets off.
@musterd21. Sounds like she was paid frequently to “get off”.
It's all in the subtlety guys....good one there Jack!
@Nidan good one!
@Jack did she teach you anything?
I go to skol to learn
@grand1511, who is the lady in your avatar? I’m assuming it’s a porn star. My, uh, friend was asking. Seems he’s looking for new masturbation material.
JAprufrock, I believe that's Asa Akira.