
Capping VIP benefits

If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019 9:45 PM
I really don't care much for the opinion of someone who hasn't been to a stripclub in the last 2 years, yet there are some people here who claim they have years worth of VIP on their account. It's possible for someone to post to the VIP section who hasn't been to a club in the last 5 or 10 years. Any chance we could cap the VIP benefits to one or two years so that the only people who have it are the ones who paid or the ones who've gone to and reviewed a strip club in the past year or two?


  • ATACdawg
    5 years ago
    Not really, particularly if those people have PAID for their VIPs. Those of us who don't pay founder are rightly limited to one month per submitted and accepted review..
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    No. Some people paid for the lifetime what are you gonna do about that. Or they PAY founder monthly. And honestly if wasn't that and they still have VIP from 10 years ago, your talking about someone that has like 200+ reviews are gonna tell them to get lost? I mean come on.
  • PaulDrake
    5 years ago
    Anyone who has years of free VIP banked is someone who I would trust more not less. Even if they took a little break from clubbing.
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    "I really don't care much for the opinion of someone who hasn't been to a stripclub in the last 2 years" The person may not have written a review in 2 years, but he could have been in a club last night.
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    How about we cap Liwets account as of now. Ban that fucker like the Palamino did
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    I don't write reviews for all my visits. Maybe 1 out of 5. Perhaps even fewer than that. Also, you won't break a sweat clicking through to the user's profile to check their contributions and history.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Right now my VIP runs to June of 2025 and I earned it by posting solid reviews that were consumed by site visitors over several years. The fact that much of that data is now stale is irrelevant. A debt is owed in the form of VIP access for the consumables previously provided and the debt is being paid. Besides, I don't think this is a particularly big problem anyway. Most people seem to struggle to post enough reviews to maintain VIP. Only a tiny fraction of posters are going to spend enough time and money in enough different clubs over any compressed timeframe to collect serious VIP balances and I question why you would want to do anything to discourage these types from posting reviews. If founder really wants to encourage posters with VIP balances to stay active, then he might consider giving us back our ability to influence club ratings. But I strongly suspect that this has become too valuable an asset for the powers that be to relinquish back to mere contributors.
  • gammanu95
    5 years ago
    Like others, I don't write reviews every time I club. Mostly it's only for my first time in a club, if it has been a long while while since the club's last review, or if my experience is starkly different from other recent reviews. I went to Diamond Dolls. A parade of latinas asked me for private lap dances. I made my pick, had the dances, and had the same result that everyone does in DD. I'm not going to write about that. If it was a tall, natural, European or Asian beauty who liked to sit and converse before the LD, I would write about that because it is such a departure from the norm. Here in Ft. Myers, the experiences don't differ much except for a recent remodel at Looker's. I'm not going to review every same trip I make.
  • NeverEnuf
    5 years ago
    Dammit. I want to know every time the price of beer goes up $.25. And btw, it's 4 weeks of free VIP per review, not a month. But you get no credit if you re-review a club in less than a month.
  • Huntsman
    5 years ago
    Experience and common sense matter more to me than how long it’s been since someone posted a review.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    man. IF i reviewed each sc visit... i’d be vip for one heck of a looooong time.
  • prevert
    5 years ago
    I don’t get why it should be limited any more than it already is. What are you losing by some reviewer having lots of banked reviews?
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    OP you really like to shit the bed don't you !
  • minnow
    5 years ago
    Ditto prevert, and 25. OP should find other windmills to tilt at.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    The Douchebag: "If founder really wants to encourage posters with VIP balances to stay active, then he might consider giving us back our ability to influence club ratings. But I strongly suspect that this has become too valuable an asset for the powers that be to relinquish back to mere contributors." More whining and weird conspiracy theories. What's wrong with this guy?
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ^DE I expected you of all people to be happy that I defended a non-cap, especially given all the shit drive-by reviews you've received credit for. 😉
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    I have well over a year of VIP and I will now only post when something significant happens or changes about a club that U have reviewed. Or if a significant amount of time has passed since any new reviews. Even though I may not be placing reviews every week or month, I can assure you that I am well informed on my circuit.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    Dear Douchebag: Thank you for approving my last two “shit reviews,” dumbass. Sincerely, DE
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    DE, congratulations on actually writing some decent reviews, but that has nothing to do with the tons of shit ones you've also posted. Be grateful that someone hasn't allocated your VIP on a pro rata basis. 😉
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    All that angry name calling too. It's a sign of a weak and over-emotional personality. Not at all what one would expect from a guy who so artfully negotiated a bathroom stall blowjob at Baby Dolls. Just sayin'.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "More whining and weird conspiracy theories. " Oh, and I never did address this menstrual cramp post. Believe what you will, but it's becoming pretty obvious for those of us who are paying attention.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    Yeah, all those shit reviews. I wonder why after almost 250 reviews written not a single one has ever been rejected? Well, I guess it helps that you’ve been approving them, dumbass.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    “Believe what you will, but it's becoming pretty obvious for those of us who are paying attention.” Yep, that’s what all of the schizos say.
  • founder
    5 years ago
    Spoiler alert: The new site is doing away with cumulative ratings. Nobody gets to influence club ratings, because there won't be any.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    ^The Douchebag probably just peed in his panties.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "Spoiler alert: The new site is doing away with cumulative ratings. Nobody gets to influence club ratings, because there won't be any." Interesting. Will it be replaced with scoring or any other cumulative metric? I ask because in areas with 30+ clubs the ability to sort by say, value, can actually be useful in narrowing down research efforts. When is the new site going live?
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Hay Liwet.... you have 18 trusts
  • Liwet
    5 years ago
    I'm keeping it at my highest trust rating.
  • founder
    5 years ago
    Liwet... Pro tip... Change your avatar. Trusts are going away
  • joker44
    5 years ago
    "The new site is doing away with cumulative ratings. Nobody gets to influence club ratings, because there won't be any. Liwet... Pro tip... Change your avatar. Trusts are going away" ...........founder What's next?? Whatever will we talk/argue/complain about? ☺☺☺
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