

Scanning the room from the back
Monday, October 21, 2019 3:58 PM
A rare non-bracket post from me. I love ladies in costume. Not cosplay, as I know nothing about comics, anime, etc. But the standard flirty costumes of most red-blooded American male fantasies: Cheerleader, schoolgirl, french maid, etc. So Halloween, being when ladies see going out and being slutty as a fun thing to do, has become one of my favorite times of year. The question, though, is when clubs will do their Halloween thing. With the 31st on a Thursday, I'm finding it's varying. One place is doing their big Halloween party Tuesday the 29th for some reason. A lot of other places haven't posted anything yet. The weekend before seems too early, but the moment has kind of passed by the time November starts. Anyone know if their favorite clubs have anything scheduled and when?


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    A club's Halloween party may be more crowded than usual, but those usually don't happen on actual Halloween. On Halloween night, all the mom strippers want to take their kids out in costume. And at least some of the married customers are expected to be at home handling out candy or taking their kids out in costume.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    As much as I love seeing sexy girls, I don't know, I have a purist view that Halloween should be dedicated to creepy things. The atmosphere should be eerie and dark.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    It's a strip club. Trust me. On any given night, several of the guys in there (and perhaps a few dancers...) are creepy, eerie, and dark.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Some costumes are sexy but for the most part I like seeing dancers showing as much flesh as possible and costumes often times cover up too much for my tastes.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    @CMI Lol I wasn't thinking about the strip club context tbh. I mean, a strip club should be a strip club regardless of what night of the year it is. In the strip club context, I guess the whole satanic orgy vibe would go well with Halloween.
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    I don’t attend club party nights - as I don’t want to deal with more customers vying for stripper attention. However, I love seeing dancers dress up as filthy school girls. I’d love seeing a dancer do a filthy pole dance dressed as a nun! I can’t help myself - years of catholic school turned me into a real fucked up pervert!
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    @Cashman Schoolgirl uniforms are one of the hottest outfits ever to grace this goddamn planet. Also, a lot of religious girls are super horny once you date and get to know them.
  • ancientlurker
    5 years ago
    Halloween, St. Paddy's Day, Mardi Gras - go to "normal" clubs, where the civilians are dressed up like strippers.
  • NeverEnuf
    5 years ago
    It's also the last day of the month. Rents due the next day.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    I’m thinking about going to the SC as a perverted flasher in a raincoat. Gonna make it real. Think the club will allow my Willy to sway to and fro as I open the coat?
  • AnonymousJim
    5 years ago
    The original question was if you knew when the Halloween party was happening at the club(s) you frequent. I'm trying to gauge when it might be at the clubs I frequent. Given many of you don't seem to see the club as a destination for it, I guess the answer is, "No." Some of us don't have kids and don't like kids, so trick-or-treat may be the best time to go to not have to deal with the annoying brats, though if there are no dancers, then it's no fun. I'm not really into creepy and dark, but I am into slutty costumes, so I guess I spin Halloween differently. One problem for those of us with SOs going to a "regular" club: You run into someone you know and they wonder why you're trying to pick up the girls in the slutty costumes when you've got someone at home. So yeah, that's not an option for some of us. I guess I'm in the minority here.
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    Lol everyone used up their self control trying so hard to stay on topic with the bracket posts. You make one non-bracket post and they’re like a bunch of kids running around with scissors. At least they’re talking about Halloween, so like 10% on topic.
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    Oh and for my vote I’m trying to decide between neither and both
  • rl27
    5 years ago
    It depends a lot on the club. Although most I go to are doing the Halloween party this weekend, as well as the 31st.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Yes I’ll do it. I know Gallagher’s 2000 is doing something if I’m not working I’ll go fuck it. Also the one day I could get away with wearing a white suit. I’m game.
  • AnonymousJim
    5 years ago
    @F_L_F: I'm laughing through my facepalm.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    I went to Follies during the day shift last year. I was the only customer that wore a costume but I had a really good time and enjoyed the variety of costumes that about 50% of the dancers wore. Their costumes did not change the mileage. I'll probably go again this year.
  • AnonymousJim
    5 years ago
    Yeah, I'm not really expecting higher mileage anywhere. This -- [view link] -- is a mere fantasy, not to mention I look nothing like that firefighter dude. I'd just really enjoy the visual of a woman in a costume like that one riding me. That enough would be good for me.
  • CJKent (Banned)
    5 years ago
    @CC99 “Halloween should be dedicated creepy things. The atmosphere should be eerie and dark.” I this Snow White creepy, eerie and dark enough for you? [view link] [view link]
  • CJKent (Banned)
    5 years ago
    Some strip clubs in Los Angeles will have parties on Wednesday night, before the real Halloween to give people the opportunity to celebrate Halloween with their kids.
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    I used to like the various costumes that were more prevalent 'back in the day (80s)'. Even when not Halloween. Nurse, French maid, school girl. Once I was at this club, it was real busy, 2nd stage was going, and two young hotties got up together with little pompoms and did their cheerleader thing together - you could tell they had really been cheerleaders. Once they were down to just their little thongs they leaned on the mirrored wall and basically swayed their perfect asses together, occasionally running the pompoms down each other's back and but. Highlight of the visit.
  • AnonymousJim
    5 years ago
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    Lol. Yeah, if I could go back in time, a number of things would be different, including my SC history. Like, what are those little rooms for? And, how can they be worth $10?
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    school girl uniforms are not just cute, they are extremely practical. SJG
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Schoolgirl uniforms are indeed practical. Practical at inducing a raging boner in my pants that is.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Panties are never recommended with such uniforms. Local swingers club promoted their event that way, "panties not recommended. SJG
  • ATACdawg
    5 years ago
    Two of my favorites sported some amazing costumes. The first, a tall, leggy, spectacular redhead, had a French Maid costume with a very low neckline and a very high hem line. Whew! My ATF once wore a Catholic Schoolgirl costume on stage, a white cropped button-up shirt and a very short plaid skirt. Oh, and she wasn't wearing any panties......
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    ATACDawg that’s a very hot way to dress for a club Halloween party. There was a club here that would run a back to school party at the end of August - where the dancers would all dress up in school girl costumes. It was excellent. I still remember a dancer asking if I wanted a dance - and when I didn’t simply say yes - putting her heel up on the stool and pulling her panties off to help me to decide...
  • AnonymousJim
    5 years ago
    All I can say is now we're talkin'.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    @AnonymousJim You say you know nothing of anime, but also that you love schoolgirls? Anime is an absolute haven of sexy schoolgirls. Like basically every anime has sexy schoolgirls in it. And anime writers are often horny pervy dudes who like to put the female characters in provocative situations/positions.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    5 years ago
    This year, it seems most clubs are having their parties on the 26th (Saturday) or on Halloween night (Thursday). Working Halloween night, itself, sucks. It is always slow and mundane (I've worked that night at a few different clubs, so I'm generalizing). Many Halloween costumes are not stripper friendly (for taking off, putting back on quickly) for stage or high mileage dances. My club in Pensacola is having a themed costume party on the 26th. The theme is White Trash. Seriously. My home club in Detroit is throwing their party on the 31st. My new club in FL is also throwing their party on the 26th.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    5 years ago
    Just because it's fitting to the city of Pensacola, I have to share the flyer with you guys. I like that club, so I get that their making fun of the city and not the club itself. [view link]
  • Musterd21
    5 years ago
    I love seeing the young moms dressed up for Halloween. Any of the ladies on here ca come to my house for trick or treat.
  • FishHawk
    5 years ago
    Remember the beer commercials with Elvira. Now that was a cool costume.
  • AnonymousJim
    5 years ago
    @CC ... I don't know what to tell you. It's never appealed to me. I have a non-dancer female friend who does cosplay. Don't get me wrong; the pictures she posts are all real hot, but she describes each character with each photo set and my brain just says, "I really could not care less." I feel like I have better things to do with my time than learn all the fantasy-filled plot details of sci-fi fictional worlds that have little to do with reality. If I'm going to geek out like that, the most useless thing I'll do it over are sports teams. And if I want to see ladies looking like that, I'll skip the details of plot and sci-fi and just get to what I want to see, anyway, by watching porn. @FishHawk: I've met Cassandra Peterson. Wonderful woman.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    @AnonymousJim I'm actually not all that into the sci-fi-fantasy settings either. I guess it depends on what you like from Western media. In the romance/comedy realm there's a lot of stuff that is not remotely fantasy. Some of it is more light-hearted like Tsurezure children, but there's more "realistic" romance like Domestic Girlfriend, Tatami Galaxy, Scum's Wish, and Schooldays. Since its Halloween though, one of my favorite animes was Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni, or The Cicadas When They Cry. Its a horror anime and honestly one of the best shows I've ever seen. The premise is that the main character moves from Tokyo to a rural village somewhere in Japan. At first everything seems alright, but there's something in the village that is making people insane, killing others and themselves. The show slowly reveals what's going on each episode and has a really interesting portrayal of insanity. Despite being animated, the show is surprisingly creepy. I've thought before that TUSCLers might find Schooldays particularly interesting but that anime is absolutely a love it or hate it kind of thing. The plot is basically a shy freshman who gets setup with a girl, but he wants to do sexual things with her and she's too shy to do it. So he starts cheating on her with other girls at the school, and becomes a sex addict who can't get enough and ends up having to deal with the consequences of his behavior. Domestic girlfriend is really funny. A guy goes to a mixer party where he ends up sleeping with a random girl, but it turns out his divorced father is marrying her mother and she's not only moving in with him but becoming his step-sibling. Hetalia Axis Powers is basically about all the countries of the world throughout history being people. So Italy is a person, Germany is a person. All the characters are hilariously stereotypical though. Italy is air-headed, weak, and obsessed with pasta, Japan is an isolated introvert, America is really loud, munches on burgers and thinks he is the center of the world. Shimoneta takes place in the near future and takes the 1984 concept to sexual materials. The government wants to completely ban sexuality, all photographs that are sexual, all nudity, all dirty jokes, they are even trying to make the high school teens forget what sex is. One character believes everyone needs to know about sex and tries to educate the high schoolers against the government's wishes and another character is unwillingly made to help her do that. Sorry I just gave a shit ton of suggestions lol. One good thing about anime though is that most animes are pretty short. Schooldays and Domestic Girlfriend for example are 12 episodes that are about 20 minutes each. Higurashi is longer, but its worth it. Just some suggestions if the fictional worlds seemed boring. I'm not too into that style either so I get that.
  • AnonymousJim
    5 years ago
    No worries, bud. Whatever floats your boat. I will be the last to complain about long posts. Part of the problem for me is I don't get a lot of regular, surf-the-channels TV time with as much as I work, much less time to find an obscure obsession other than the ones I already have like clubbing, so it's tough for me to settle in and say, "I'll get into that." It's tough for me to do that just with something on Netflix. But no complaints from me if it's something you like. Like I say, I wish I knew why my one friend enjoyed dressing in all kinds of sexy costumes and getting pictures taken. I don't, but I won't stop her, nor will I stop you from enjoying whatever you're into and geeking out over it. Enjoy.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    No worries, just something to think about if you're ever bored and don't know what to watch someday.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    As sexy Halloween costumes go, I thought this was pretty clever and not complex. [view link]
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