
Would you be a bit sketched out if some random dude bought you a drink unwitting

Friday, October 11, 2019 6:30 AM
A few years ago I did this for two gentlemen. I didn't know them. Wasn't looking (but happily accepted) conversation or any of the sort with them. The truth was, that I had to buy two drinks as a minimum to enter the club (strip club). However, I wasn't looking to really drink a whole lot and water costing more than a bottle of beer. So I bought two Heinekens and since I don't drink beer, I decided to just give them away (water coated $7 while Heineken only cost $4) to two heavy set white guys. Now I don't know whether it was because they never had it happen to them before or a random Young black guy was being considerate enough to give away his cheap drinks but whatever the case they asked well I sure and were awkwardly grateful. With the confusion was absolutely written all over their faces. Would you folks have taking a drink offer to you by some random stranger, especially one seemingly younger than you?


  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    I don't drink alcohol anymore so I would politely reject the offer. What I have had is guys buying me $10 dances with girls that I really didn't want any dances from. I just graciously accept the dance and then turn her loose.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    I don’t ever think about it. If I saw the bartender poor it and give it to me, I simply thank them.
  • samiel
    5 years ago
    I don't think much of it. I've had guys offer to buy me a drink (I don't drink alcohol, so I generally refuse). I still thank them though. Sometimes they just want to be noticed and sometimes they get pleasure out of being generous. I've also offered drinks to strangers and also the occasional dance. In fact, there's a guy at my home club I'm very friendly with now due to me buying him a dance. I thought he could use one, but it turned out he's a regular there and it was very normal for him to be sitting around by himself (he only likes specific girls and other girls seem to know not to approach him). In general I think it's probably strange for guys at SCs to interact if they don't know each other. It may be that we're all self-conscious when were there.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    I once bought a guy a drink for a fave dropping him and coming over to me to do a 30 min VIP. He declined it, gave it to my fave, and said that it was considerate and kind of me. I thought he was another regular of hers but in the VIP she told me he was just a regular that chats with all the strippers when he's in.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    No, because accepting it would confer an obligation upon me to return the favor and even be sociable. It's a guy code young buck. There can be exceptions for people like bosses, rich relatives and vendors who are treating, but for the most part when a strange man buys you a drink, you have an unspoken obligation to return the favor. It's a matter of male pride and self sufficiency. As a side note, I'd also be leery about the motives of someone who just wants to give me a drink out of the blue, which would just make the situation even more awkward.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    They probably thought you were gay, at least that's what I would think. Not that there is anything wrong with that, just wouldn't be prepared for it in a strip club. I know where your coming from though If you got a dancer a drink, they would probably want some stupid named mixed drink that costs your right arm.
  • gawker
    5 years ago
    I once bought Yoda a drink. Those veteran TUSCL members will remember him. There was a dancer that I invited for a one hour VIP. She said she had told another customer that he was next and could I please wait an hour. I told her that I couldn’t, but would see her another day. She said to wait a minute and she talked to him and he said he’d be glad to wait an hour. As I headed upstairs I gave the waitress a $20 bill to buy him a drink and to keep the change. Yoda was a frequent contributor here and was a moderator on Stripperweb. He passed away during a relatively minor cardiac procedure several years ago.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Your time of the month VH? Midol will help.
  • grand1511
    5 years ago
    In a variation of this question, I once had a younger black guy ask me (white dude at least 25 years older) if I wanted to hang out with him in the club and buy dances for each other. The guy was a complete stranger and I was "sketched out" by it. I think there were only 2 or three other customers in the club, so the guy was likely looking to crank up the party atmosphere. Still, not my bag.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    In general, I'm suspicious (at first) of any contact with another customer ... but tend to warm up pretty quickly. I would happily take your drink offer, with appreciation.
  • MockTruck
    5 years ago
    I buy drinks all the time for men. Helps warm them up before I asks to eat their sweaty hairy ass out. Yum! Mack rulz!!
  • gammanu95
    5 years ago
    I was at Solid Gold at the old PB location, where one stripper was trying to wrangle up a male custie to have bisexual threesome with a gay male who was going to pay her extra for doing so. Her effort was enough of a failure that she finally asked a guy if he was holding any roofies to help her find a mark. So no, I don't accept a drink without knowing everything that's going on.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Not a strip club, but in a restaurant a guy tried to do that, speaking through the waitress. She was friendly with me, and she saw how sketched out I was and then blocked it. I thanked her later. SJG
  • Estafador
    5 years ago
    @muddy lol this guy gets it. Cost of entry to this club was 2 drinks so it was more of a spur of the moment since I just happened upon the two gentlemen. @rick male pride? Expectations? Its 21st century guys. Cant a man just be friendly and move along ^=^. You older gents are so stiff
  • rockie
    5 years ago
    VH_Kicks: Yoda was a Pats fan (Boston born and bred), while he may have agreed with you on occasion - he'd be blistering you about your Steel Curtain fixation. I've never bought a fellow customer (who was unknown to me) a drink at a strip club. I did however buy a customer (who was unknown to me) a lap dance ($20) just to shut him up one time! For an hour he had talked about 2 of his favs that weren't working that night. Well one of them was, but he was too drunk to recognize her in her holiday ensemble. I willingly hooked him up for a test drive wan extras lady a "7" in appearance and I took his unrecognized "9" to a different playground area in the club.
  • TFP
    5 years ago
    I had a good out of drinks bought for me at HKTJ last month, but it wasn't out of the blue. It was just random dudes I struck up conversations with. I didn't think anything of it, just thought they were being nice. Now if it was some dude I had no conversation with and all of a sudden he's offering me a drink, I'd be suspicious as fuck.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Esta, it's about being a man who gives when he receives. It;s about being a man who doesn't accept handouts from others. It;s about being the type of man who doesn't show up emptyhanded when he's invited to someone's home. Look, I don't necessarily blame you for not understanding this young buck. If you grew up without a father - or at least one worth a damn - then you might not have had a man around to teach you this stuff. It happens,
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    The other day I was sitting at a bar near a group that was celebrating something. At one point the guy next to me says “I need you to drink my shot”, which definitely got me feeling a bit sketched. He then explained that they’ve been pressuring him to overindulge all night. His strategy of holding on to a nearly full beer has been working, but now they’re ordering a round of shots. In face the bartender was pouring them right there in front of us. Time was running out. We quickly devised a plan where he would do the cheers, quickly put the glass down, then make the motion of doing a shot. The rest of the plan goes without saying. We executed it flawlessly. I felt like fucking James Bond.
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    I would not feel comfortable if an unknown male customer bought me a drink. Race doesn’t matter. My thought is that nothing is free in a strip club - and I would expect a free drink would have strings attached. I don’t know what the strings might be - and I’d rather not find out.
  • ime
    5 years ago
    It would be weird if it was out if the blue. But if it was soneone you were talking with or bullshitting with at the bar its a little different. One of my regular places is basically a neighborhood bar with strippers. If it was like hey i will buy the next round and it wasnt just a total stranger it might be ok.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    As others mentioned, if it's something out of the blue then yeah it's sketchy b/c IDK the reason behind it But if there's a reason to it; i.e.: + it's a 2-for-1 where you get served 2 drinks at once and the guy asks if I want the other one, then I might accept + if it's someone I've struck a convo with and he's trying to be friendly, then sure, that's not that uncommon About 2 years ago at my go-to small-black-dive, I had was engaged in some UHM bar-dances w/ a built-ebony for an extended period of time (about 30-minutes) - a couple of minutes after I'm done a dancer comes up to me and tells me a customer wants to buy me a drink - I told her I was good - most-likely there was nothing to it and it may have been a custy that saw me having a good time and was just being friendly, but I mainly didn't want any strings-attached as maybe the custy wanting me to socialize w/ him (never found out who was the custy that had wanted to buy me the drink)
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