
Why are some clubs open during the day...?

Off again on again PL
Wednesday, September 18, 2019 4:12 PM
So there are a quite a few clubs in my area where I totally can not understand how their business model works to stay open during the day. For a club that is totally dead during the day why do you need: Manager Door girl Waitress Bartender Chef Dishwasher DJ One club I was at today had 8 people on staff and never has more than a few guys come in during the day? Why keep the kitchen open? Why? So inefficient? There are even a few other clubs near me (spearmint rhino for example) that are open during the day but have literally zero dancers. They have been that way for years but persist in opening at 11am and keeping a full staff working...


  • chimera422
    5 years ago
    Whenever a business does something that makes no financial sense, I first think zoning/govt regulations and then lawyers/insurance
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Strip clubs are known for outstanding customer-service and they will be there for customers rain-or-shine
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    If there’s any connections to organized crime/laundering, easy way to sneak in “revenue” on the balance sheet maybe?
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ that's kinda the first thing that comes to my mind (money laundering)
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Can't speak about Paul's specific club, but many strip clubs do do well during the day. Some draw a big lunch time crowd, and this does account for most of their day time revenue. People have got to eat somewhere. And sometimes the lunch time service operates at the expense of the dancers. In some dives there is only one dancer at a time for the day shift. Guys come in for food, and expecting free groping. In other clubs they are more like brothels, especially in the day time, and guys come in for a nice back room romp. But still in others, like the now deduct Sunnyvale Brass Rail, they got a good lunch time crowd who tipped the girls well. Mostly stage, no touching, no private dances. And then others do decide not to open till like 4am or later. A club which opens at 11am is probably getting a good lunch time crowd. SJG Nazi Quest for the Holy Grail - Nazis & the Aryans [view link]
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    Many clubs out here open around noon every day and have done so for years. Overhead is kept low with only a bartender and a few strippers. Customers are usually a few regular drinkers and video gamblers and the occasional regular PL like me. It's probably enough just to break even but then there's profit during random surges of customers for whatever reason.
  • SonofaPreacherMan
    5 years ago
    I like the lack of customers, it gives a more private experience with the dancers. And this is like the small restaurant in my small hometown that had no customers yet stayed open for years. Rumor had it it was a front for organized crime. What crime was going around in a small town of 15,000 I don't know. But it was on the Texas gulf coast, so maybe smuggling? Ah the imagination of teenagers.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    @SonofaPreacherMan I'm the same way. The more empty the club, the better the 1:1 time with my stripper. Instead of her rushing to get to the next customer she's at my disposal as long as it's dead. I've sat spoon with my ATF DS with a hard boner between her firm ass cheeks for literally 2 hours continuously on slow days before we do some dances. And as I sit there I can massage her ass cheeks which in turn rubs my boner until I'm cross-eyed and edging. And she will have at most one drink and doesn't expect tips. It's awesome. We also go smoke some weed if we're in the mood. Dead clubs are the best when you have a hottie in one.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Daytime is for the hot milf's. At Sunnyvale Brass Rail, bikini because of our county's tough alcohol laws, its these hot dayshift milf's who would do lots of panty stretching and often be touching their covered snatches. All a very cheap experience, and the lunch food real good. :) :) :) FWIW, I have never heard of anyone laundering money through a strip club. Money laundering is for when you want to put money onto the books, and then pay taxes on it too. I have heard of money being laundered through restaurants. Partaken at AMPs where credit card charges are listed as a real sea food restaurant somewhere. In strip clubs, most of the money is just handed to women, no record. Strip clubs may also be outside of the law in other ways. Not sure how much money is laundered in them. Now in the famous Pizza Connection cases, heroin money was laundered though Pizza restaurants, and then it was handled by E. F. Hutton, while managed by Scott Pierce, the brother of Barbara Bush. SJG
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Honestly, I've wondered the same thing in some clubs. I appreciate the mellower vibe of a club with a good day shift. But there's a difference between mellow and dismal.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^ Some really do do well with food. SJG
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    SJG said "Daytime is for the hot milf's." There are plenty of younger dancers who work days. "FWIW, I have never heard of anyone laundering money through a strip club." Well, then you were raised in a ditch because strip clubs have had literal tons of cash laundered through them. In Providence, RI, a few weeks after the Foxy Lady opened up, the owner was having lunch at the bar when a group of dark haired, olive-skinned guys came in. The one in charge sat down next to the owner and said "I should introduce myself. I'm your new business partner." It was one of Patriarca's boys. It was also one of the worst kept secrets in New England. And that's not a one-off story. There's plenty like that ranging from Detroit to NYC to Miami.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    SJG said "Some really do do well with food." On the list of things I want a strip club to do well, food is down at bottom near "maintain a quality lending library of classical literature."
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Yes, but some of them do pay their expenses and make money. Sometimes though this does cause problems for the dancers. SJG
  • mark94
    5 years ago
    The incremental cost of keeping a club open in the afternoon is pretty small. Insurance, taxes, utilities, and rent are already covered. The dancers are a source of revenue, not cost. A few hours of wages for a couple bartenders and bouncers is quickly paid for.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    Meeting the competition can also be a factor.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    -->"Why keep the kitchen open?" Chimera got it in the first response, IMO: -->"Whenever a business does something that makes no financial sense, I first think zoning/govt regulations and then lawyers/insurance" Specifically when it comes to the kitchen, their liquor license may require them to serve food during certain times of the day, or all the time they are open. Obviously, they're likely making enough money during the daytime to stay afloat, more than what you're seeing. But generally, I'd say any nonsensical staffing decisions are the gubmint and/or lawyers and/or insurance requirements
  • mark94
    5 years ago
    Just spitballing here but at my favorite club, I estimate the club makes $1,000 off VIP, $1,000 off house fees, and $1,000 off liquor sales in an afternoon. Total salaries for bouncers, bartenders, waitresses, and DJ would be around $1,000.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    There are many reasons for an establishment to stay open during the slow periods, there is a need to resupply, things need to be repaired, changed, hiring needs to be done, and what you don’t realize is there are certain costs that are fixed, and must be incurred regardless so why not invite additional revenue and remain open. The problem is most of you are on the outside and I doubt that any of you know what the true costs are or really recognize the actual profit centers.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    A typical afternoon at Desires is busy.
  • rickthelion
    5 years ago
    As the mark ape said, you may simply be doing you’re back-of-the-envelope calculations incorrectly. Most of you apes clearly aren’t rick material; we can do math in our heads. Which is good because my forelimbs were made for killing zebras and wildebeest, not writing! However, none of you have considered the very logical option that the clubs were ordered to remain open by the council of ricks. If you find a club is well-stocked with really sexy hairless ape females but inexplicably empty that simply reflect a rick-order! I went by and said “make your club convenient for ricks!!! ROAR!!!”
  • rickthelion
    5 years ago
    That said, the partially boiled crab that claims to ski is probably just perceiving things incorrectly. Desires isn’t on the rick list. ROAR!!!
  • Musterd21
    5 years ago
    In my younger days one of the clubs I would visit had a free lunch buffet and another charged a few bucks for all you could eat. Most likely a way to account for money made. (Need I say more?)
  • RTP
    5 years ago
    There are many theories here, maybe a combination is true, but the club does not have to make money to decide to stay open, they really just need to cover their variable costs and make some contribution to the fixed costs. In Charlotte, a number of the clubs are open during the day, only one or two serve food. Mostly, the daytime crowds are not great, but I don't think any are thinking of curtailing hours anytime soon.
  • Dolfan
    5 years ago
    The incremental costs for the things you mentioned are fairly low, particularly in relation to the fixed costs. Also, a lot of places don't fully staff like that. Around here the slower clubs will have a DJ, Floor Guy, Bartender, and strippers. Also, most deliveries and services have significant up charges for after hours services, so they'd have to either pay those fees or likely pay someone to be on-site anyway to handle that stuff. If you've got a kitchen, you want a cook type around to accept/put away your food deliveries. You want a bar manager type to do the same with alcohol. The plumber who's pulling the tampons and condoms out of the toilet also charges more to come at night, so you'd have to have someone around to let him in during the day. You probably also want most of that shit going on outside of peak hours anyway. I wouldn't discount the "cash" nature of the business either. A lot of hospitality businesses run a portion of their shifts "off the books" so to speak, to generate cash to pay undocumented employees under the table and/or evade taxes. Running daytime off the books and pocketing the cash income, while counting the expenses on the books is often a technique used.
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Because the sun is up
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Desires isn'rt on the list of any stupid cum stain, including Rick.
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    I think there are daytime strip joints - and then there are night club strip clubs. The daytime joints in my area are less upscale - they are frequented more so by dudes who will guzzle a few beers - enjoy some hotties - and then go back to work. I think its less about making money during the day - as its less return overall. Its more regulars hanging with their favorite girls. Its generally less security and a better dancer to pervert ratio. You can get more services during the weekday afternoons. I'm sure there is money laundering at certain clubs. Its a perfect front - as its most all cash - customers are happy to remain anonymous - and the whores are paid directly by the perverts.
  • loper
    5 years ago
    I'm with nicespice here. Also explains why there are so many horrible Chinese restaurants that stay open year after year. Probably some kind of money laundering, or gambling in the basement. Also, it is my understanding that even though there are few customers and few dancers, the customers that do come in spend lavishly on their favs.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Daytimes are usually older guys who spend money around here. New England is an early to bed, early to rise culture (bars in Mass close at 1:00 am, every day except 2 on Sat nites) andDesires being the best of all daytime bars is more crowded on a weekday than 90% of the clubs on weeknights.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    I'm a little bit skeptical that money is being laundered through strip clubs. Money laundering means that someone wants their money put onto the books, and that they are then going to pay taxes on it. And who ever is getting this service, they are paying money for it. So usually it will be some other kind of a business, a kind which otherwise is clearly within the law. And a business which does not do well enough to be worth much. Strip clubs are worth money because it is hard to open new ones. And they can do very well, and much of the money is already under the table. Now as far as a strip club being owned by organized crime, that is possible. Before DeJa Vu in San Francisco, everyone was convinced that Market St. Cinema and New Century were owned by the Italian Mafia. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Also, after 2008, lots of our clubs really cut back on day time hours. And we have lost 2 of the then 7 clubs to re-development. Buildings torn down. Local authorities like to do it that way. SJG
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    SJG proving his lack of knowledge of money laundering and strip clubs too (as he does each day). Strip clubs that serve booze and food must have on the books expenses. There are non dance staff at clubs who must be paid as well. Legit dancers will want to declare an income. They may declare far less than they make, but even waitresses are known to do that. Any business that operates as a primary cash business in specific industries - that can be a bit sleazy - is a target to be investigated. The government might not care about the shit that happens - but once a club (or manager) gets a bad rep, its much easier to start digging for dirt.
  • rickthelion
    5 years ago
    My God, I think the crab may be correct about skibum. I should have known that, as a rick, the crab would get things right! I mean really, skibum claims to be a lawyer but he can’t even spell “isn’t”! I am sympathetic to the difficulty of typing with claws. Hell, it is difficult for me to type because my forelimbs were made for eviscerating zebras, not operating iPads. The crab and I only manage our astounding level of erudition because we’re ricks! But what is skibum’s excuse? If he is a hairless he’s clearly retarded! Even if skibum is really fredothecrab his low level of intelligence can only be explained by the hypothesis that he was partially boiled. I guess we should refrain from criticizing the poor guy too much. I may enjoy going wildebeest on my prey but even I consider it tacky to abuse the retards of the world! ROAR!!!
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    If you got something going which skirts the law, or even breaks the law, and it makes good money. You don't fuck with it. Strip clubs are one of the more off the books games around. Now yes, some money is on the books, but it is not a good place for money laundering. That is usually found in other venues. And of the Ricks, with their own occult origins, the Ricks may look like they are in charge, but probably there are still darker forces behind them. The Ricks have a part to play, but its really just the unfolding of NeoLiberal Capitalism. SJG
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Fuck off Dougie you pussy.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    The Ricks are assholes, but given their own occult and genetic engineering origins, unlikely they really understand the dark forces which are behind them. They represent an occult movement which went underground in order to be able to withstand a military defeat. SJG
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    SJG said "I'm a little bit skeptical that money is being laundered through strip clubs." South Carolina Club Owners Sentenced To More Than Three Years In Prison For Money Laundering And Drug Conspiracy [view link] Strip club owner 'shocked' at allegations, insists biz one of 'cleanest'... Posner and his wife were collared Thursday night during a raid of his swank 7,000-square-foot loft in midtown and charged with promoting prostitution and money laundering. [view link] Gold Club Owner Among Those Indicted for Using Business to Operate Elaborate Money Laundering Scheme [view link] Milwaukee strip club owner indicted in California... The case, which includes Milwaukee strip club owner Jon Ferraro, involves allegations of money laundering and racketeering. [view link] Also, you're a moron.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Remember that LE often claims that getting money from prostitution, or from advertising for prostitution, constitutes money laundering. They charged the owner of SF Red Book with money laundering that way. Getting money from closely coupled prostitution is not what most people mean by money laundering. And real money laundering is very hard to detect. You Ishmael like to get argumentative and uncivil for no reason. SJG
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    LMAO san_jose_creep you just proved you are a moron by arguing against the legal definition of money laundering.
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