An above average round of full service with a 10 would be better than a great session with a 6. I have had plenty of great sessions with 6s - 8s and even a couple of 9s but I have yet to find a girl that I consider a 10 willing to do fs in a club. The only 10 that I have ever had offer fs wanted an insane amount ($3,000) to meet up otc.
I've always stated I'll take the 6 with the 10 performance over the 10 with the 6 performance.
If im getting a 10 performance, that means im getting everything I want out of the experience. With a 6 performance I'm not getting everything I want and how hot the girl is irrelevant to me.
Looks are important, but not the end all be all for me.
Give me the 10. I've found that my ability to call up pleasant memories of an experience days or years later is more often related to beauty than technical skill.
Depends on what you definition of a 6 & 10. My thinking is that to be a 10, she is going to not only be gorgeous and good in bed. And also in book, a 6 is still a cute, normal girl. So a cute girl with a lot of spunk would probably be better than a dead fish 9.
10 is the reason I go to clubs in the first place. I'm not paying for 7 and below FOR ANYTHING. The fact that you found a 10 in the first place should be celebrated.
I simply do not have any fantasies that involve paying good money for mediocre sex. I'll take the 6 almost every time if I know in advance that the 10 will be a cold fish. And if that's the case, she's not really a 10 for me.
Maybe if I had wads of cash I'd reconsider, but then I'd be able to afford a high end escort and take a pass on the VIP.
From my experience, typically the hotter the dancer/BG the less enthusiasm, thus the experience might be slightly disappointing because her hottness caused higher expectations.
Of my top 5 P4P experiences, one 9, three 7, and one 6.
Since most women are beautiful to me, I’ll the 6 with a 10 performance all day long! I’m kind of lucky in that I really see most women as beautiful works of art in all sizes, shapes, and color.
Of these options neither is optimal. I generally agree with not paying for below a "7". So I would probably go find the 7 and 8s that give 7 or 8 performance. They are out there. Just have to look harder.
And the idea of a 10 giving a 6 performance, you should count yourself lucky. Stripper 10s know their shit dont stank and act like it. More likely to get a 3 or 4 performance from a 10.
I would choose a 10 looks over any six, if the ten gave at least an above average. In fact here is how I would choose in order over a 10 looks, 6 performance.
10 any day but like most have said, getting a 6 performance from a 10 is unlikely unless you have different 10 standards than most. I tend to go for an 8 and wouldn't be spending much time with a 6 so not sure I'd ever be in the situation you outlined.
I'd go with the 6 girl and 10 performance if I had to choose. I've never had either though, so honestly I'd give both a try.
I asked this same question to some girls I know (not dancers) and they told me they would take the 10 in looks and 6 in performance. I guess they are used to mediocre sex and just want the hot guy!
one question... are you talking about the same price for the service from the six and also the 10? if so I'm definitely taking the 10 for the trophy fuck.
@Lone so true. My CFBG at HK is a 7 or 8 but service being a 10 makes her much higher in my book and the difference from 6 to 7 is a pretty strong line.
I keep looking at this question, and don't have an answer. If I don't have a good vibe going with a dancer, I might do a couple of regular dances to have some playtime with a 10 but VIP isn't happening. Not that long ago there was an absolute stunner who ended up sitting with me because I tipped her first, even though a line of other dudes tipped her over two songs. Including a known whale also seems like a world class dbag, but he's a big spender because the club puts up with him being an assclown in front of the entire club. I'm sure he loved his $20 or $30 in tips at the stage getting trumped by $3. Yes, I was counting. All the dudes weren't comparing notes, but I think it's safe to call her a consensus 10 for the room. Any stripper who's a 6 on my scale is firmly in charity dance territory. If she can work that level 10 lap magic may she gets a surprise VIP, but I can't remember the last time that happened.
But yeah, this barely legal dancer was spectacular. Latina with a slim top that was rocking perky natural D's, hourglass middle and perfect half moon ass. Flawless complexion and model face. Pretty, confident voice and solid conversationalist. This chick was lethal. I knew I was doing a few dances, a gimme hundred just to register once the crush started after I turned her loose, but was really trying to sort out whether this was a dancer to come back for. Like I said, her game was strong and pretty convincing. Like an Anna Faris checklist in House Bunny, she was hitting all the notes...until the manager couldn't help himself any longer and came by to drool and flirt. She made that little man dance like a marionette. And loved it. Second time the manager walked by she grabbed his tie to pull him down closer so she could say something to him.
I've seen this guy with other dancers, and she literally and figuratively had him bent over where customers could see it happening. She glances over at me while he's doing a George McFly, to see if I'm taking in her power move. I give her the reaction she's looking for, because for a 19 or 20 year old she had her stripper shit together. But I also cut three dances down to two in my head, because I'm only going for the queen bees these days if there's something that comes off the bucket list in the process. Those two lap dances were actually pretty amazing, but cutting her off at two (when she knew she was dishing out quality lap time and auditioning for all the dudes peeping my show) was where I wanted to leave things for next time.
If there is a next time. Yeah, so it's a coin toss for me.
It seems to me that my MO in stripper navigation would make the OP’s question pointless. In my world, in order to have a 10 experience, the girl has to be turned on by me, and I have to be turned on by her. A 10 in appearance probably won’t be turned on by me without some long-time (3-4 meetings) cultivation, and a 6 would never turn me on. So what I would do is avoid the 6, but cultivate a friendship with the 10, being generous to her in VIPs, complimenting her genuinely, tipping her just for sitting with me, etc., and if the relationship grows to where she is turned on by me, then I’ll have my 9-10 experience with a 9-10 girl. I have been using this MO for years, and while expensive, it works rather amazingly! Over the years I’ve had numerous over-the-top experiences with many memorable ladies, and I currently have ITC and OTC relationships with about 4 girls who all would agree are 9-10s
last commentIf im getting a 10 performance, that means im getting everything I want out of the experience. With a 6 performance I'm not getting everything I want and how hot the girl is irrelevant to me.
Looks are important, but not the end all be all for me.
It's what makes us human. We are different in what makes us tick and no one's beliefs are any more right than another. It's all just opinion.
Maybe if I had wads of cash I'd reconsider, but then I'd be able to afford a high end escort and take a pass on the VIP.
Of my top 5 P4P experiences, one 9, three 7, and one 6.
I strongly doubt this will be a surprise to anyone.
9 looks, 7 performance
8 looks, 8 performance
7 looks, 10 performance
10 looks, 6 performance
I asked this same question to some girls I know (not dancers) and they told me they would take the 10 in looks and 6 in performance. I guess they are used to mediocre sex and just want the hot guy!
If the choices were between a ten and a seven, I might have a different answer.
But yeah, this barely legal dancer was spectacular. Latina with a slim top that was rocking perky natural D's, hourglass middle and perfect half moon ass. Flawless complexion and model face. Pretty, confident voice and solid conversationalist. This chick was lethal. I knew I was doing a few dances, a gimme hundred just to register once the crush started after I turned her loose, but was really trying to sort out whether this was a dancer to come back for. Like I said, her game was strong and pretty convincing. Like an Anna Faris checklist in House Bunny, she was hitting all the notes...until the manager couldn't help himself any longer and came by to drool and flirt. She made that little man dance like a marionette. And loved it. Second time the manager walked by she grabbed his tie to pull him down closer so she could say something to him.
I've seen this guy with other dancers, and she literally and figuratively had him bent over where customers could see it happening. She glances over at me while he's doing a George McFly, to see if I'm taking in her power move. I give her the reaction she's looking for, because for a 19 or 20 year old she had her stripper shit together. But I also cut three dances down to two in my head, because I'm only going for the queen bees these days if there's something that comes off the bucket list in the process. Those two lap dances were actually pretty amazing, but cutting her off at two (when she knew she was dishing out quality lap time and auditioning for all the dudes peeping my show) was where I wanted to leave things for next time.
If there is a next time. Yeah, so it's a coin toss for me.
So what I would do is avoid the 6, but cultivate a friendship with the 10, being generous to her in VIPs, complimenting her genuinely, tipping her just for sitting with me, etc., and if the relationship grows to where she is turned on by me, then I’ll have my 9-10 experience with a 9-10 girl. I have been using this MO for years, and while expensive, it works rather amazingly! Over the years I’ve had numerous over-the-top experiences with many memorable ladies, and I currently have ITC and OTC relationships with about 4 girls who all would agree are 9-10s