
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.

Atlanta suburb
When you do OTC do your worry about her having a jealous boy friend or husband? Do you worry about him coming after you if he finds out?

I am about to enter an OTC liaison with a gal 50 years younger than me. I know that she is a mother and I did ask if she was living with a guy. She said "Yes but I still love you". Whatever that means. We have however known each other for several years and done recent VIPs ITC.

It's been awhile since my last rodeo and the thought has entered my mind that there could be dangers. I don't own a gun and have no desire to purchase one.

After much deliberation I have decided "Fuck It". I'm 77 now and there is probably a bigger chance of having a heart attack during coitus.


  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    I’ve never even thought about a jealous boyfriend or husband. I wouldn’t worry about it. Just don’t pollute your precious bodily fluids.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago

    You have me by 7 years and were I single I'd be right with you. I have my SO that needs my attention, so I wouldn't risk it for her, not for me.
  • bubba267
    5 years ago
    zero risk of "him" coming all the way down here to mess with you... besides, tell him you know me and I do carry one on occasion and am an effing redneck. :)
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    Thanks bubba. :)
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    I think the youth-friendly term now is "yolo".
  • Spillthebeans
    5 years ago
    If you are really concerned, just meet in a higher scale hotel with inside entrance. Pick her up at another location, then drive to eat before hotel.
    You will be fine as long as she keeps supporting his video game habit.
  • CJKent (Banned)
    5 years ago

    To answer your questions:




    Stop wasting time worrying and become more comfortable with the situation; she already told you that she loves you. So she will be careful and discreet.

    All you have to do is be a gentleman, take good care of setting things up in a safe place, I used to take my ATF Stripper to a really nice hotel in a nice are, until she saw someone that she knew and asked me to change the location, no problem, usually girls want to keep OTC discreet too.

    "you don't know what will happen tomorrow so live for today"

    Concentrate on making the OTC experiences the best for her (and you), give each other massages, buy her sexy things to wear and take pics, take showers together, wash her back and ask her to wash yours, get some interesting toys, talk about trying new positions, make her orgasm and squirt, etc etc etc.

    Make it a GFE and as you continue a PSE

    Please let us know the details, so we can live vicariously through you.

    Thank you.
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    I have not worried much about boyfriends or husbands. Maybe I should have worried.

    I have been threatened several times on phone calls and texts and on social media like Facebook. The threats were always something like "I'm going to punch you in the nose" or "I'm going to kill you." For a few weeks after receiving such threats, I made sure I was always carrying a pistol when I left the house. In my home I have several firearms handy. Nothing ever came of these threats.

    Looking back, I think I may have not been concerned enough. Some of the boyfriends were felons and drug users. They were significantly younger and bigger than me.

    This was the incidence that disturbed me the most. When I came to see my CF at the Flight Club, she told me that her new boyfriend had asked her why she had been at my house last Saturday. He had found my name, address and photo on social media. He had tracked her on her cell phone. She gave him some lie and convinced him her visit was innocent. She told me he was a nice guy and not dangerous, which seems to have been the case. He was a business owner of a security company, which was why he had been able to track her and identify me so easily. A few monthly later she quit dancing and moved in with this man. I still miss her OTC.
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    "Stop wasting time worrying and become more comfortable with the situation; she already told you that she loves you. So she will be careful and discreet."

    I just can't unsee this.
  • Electronman
    5 years ago
    Jackslash and others:

    "He had tracked her on her cell phone."

    Just curious. Was she aware that he was tracking her cell phone location and did she give her permission to track the cell phone? Or was the cell phone purchased in his name and he gave it to her?

    I know that cell phone locations can be tracked but I assumed that the tracking software required permission of the phone owner. I'm probably naive!

  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    I don't know how he tracked her. She had not given him permission and was surprised about being tracked. I think it's pretty easy to place a tracking app on someone's phone if you have access to it.

    What concerned me was that the boyfriend had my name, address and photo. She did not give him this info. He must have used the tracking data to identify the address and the owner of the house. The photo was from my Facebook page.
  • jmiddle30234
    5 years ago
    hmmm tough call I usually u go to dinner I got a holiday in express of clairemont for 90 I would suprise her after dinner and say I have a nice hotel in Atlanta

    Save your house for the second encounter after u feel safer
  • jmiddle30234
    5 years ago
    Shou say you usually go to dinner I think with the lady
  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    Nice knowing you Shadow. Hope you shoot your load one last time before he takes out his misplaced anger. I’m sure she’s worth it, but I’m even more sure that you’ve covered this angle before entering into your agreement about safety first with your escort.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    -->"I know that cell phone locations can be tracked but I assumed that the tracking software required permission of the phone owner. I'm probably naive!"

    One way is he could install tracking software on her phone. I installed anti-theft software on my kids phones when they were younger -- and it twice resulted in us getting their lost phone back. But as kids they never quite put two and two together : if I could use the anti-theft software to see where the phone is, I could track them at any time :)

    Beyond that, most carriers have some kind of family tracking plan that can be turned on by the account owner without permission of the phone holder. E.g., if the account owner turns on Smart Family by Verizon, now they know where you are, and the phone number of every incoming and outgoing text and call.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    -->"I have been threatened several times on phone calls and texts and on social media like Facebook."

    Jack, the fact that this has happened not once, but several times to you, makes me wonder if you are being particularly indiscreet or choosing strippers with particularly crazy boyfriends or something!

    I've never been threatened by a boyfriend. But I also never advise sleepwalking through life or not being situationally aware. I try to be aware of whether she has a bf, what their status is, how crazy he is, and to this day, at least with a brand new OTC girl, she typically doesn't even know the hotel, much less the room, until we walk into it.
  • K
    5 years ago
    Several apps suxh as snapchat track you by default. Any friends can see where you are by opening the app.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago

    Don't forget updates now that you have whetted our appetites.
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    "Jack, the fact that this has happened not once, but several times to you, makes me wonder if you are being particularly indiscreet or choosing strippers with particularly crazy boyfriends or something!"

    Subraman, it's probably both. Those strippers have sapped and impurified my precious bodily fluids.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I don't think one should be overly worried o/w one will not enjoy the experience.

    But - many of these girls often associate with shady people so I don't think it's kosher to completely let one's guard down when dealing with them including fully trusting the girl.
  • goldmongerATL
    5 years ago
    Knowing the club where shadowcat's girl works, if the boyfriend does not know she is probably screwing 4 guys a day then he is is so dumb he probably can't find his way out of his parent's basement.
  • ATACdawg
    5 years ago
    What do you mean goldmonger? There's no sex in the champagne room. Chris Rock said so!!! 😏

    And the (naive) corollary is that he's only worried about OTC liasons....🙄
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    goldmongerATL - FYI if she was screwing 4 guys a day, I would not be inviting her to my home or even doing OTC with her. Am I sure? Yes! in the last 3 months she has visited the club 6 times. 3 times to visit dancer friends. Twice to do VIP with me. She is a bored housewife rather than a stripper supporting her kids. Why me? We have history.
  • Uprightcitizen
    5 years ago
    I have been actually followed before on a "date" by a jealous suitor. I also was seeing an ex-damcer that was secretly seeing me on the side while she was dating a jealous bodybuilder. I don't carry a weapon as I prefer to not escalate the stakes. But I can understand those that do.

    Interesting. Shadow given your retrograde ejaculations you deny her your "Essence" just like Col. Ripper.

  • Clubber
    5 years ago

    Seems to young for who I thought she may be.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    Who did you think she might be? FYI she is 27 but looks younger.

    I hope Dorian stay the hell out of your area!

  • lurkingdog
    5 years ago
    “Subraman, it's probably both. Those strippers have sapped and impurified my precious bodily fluids.”

    LOL - didn’t realize that impure bodily fluids could do that to a person!
  • Clubber
    5 years ago

    See my PM.
  • gawker
    5 years ago
    When I was doing escorts on a regular basis I had a few instances of spouse/BF seeking them out.
    Of the strippers I’ve done a lot of OTC I’ve found that in every instance someone else knew where she was. The strangest was my ATF. Once I met her 30 miles from her house at a Holiday Inn. Her BF was a pretty rugged guy who had recently gotten out of state prison. I suggested that we get a drink afterwards and she declined saying her BF was waiting in the car. I brought her to his mother’s house once. I could hear women talking in the kitchen. Who’s the tall guy? Oh, that’s “Mary’s” John. So her “mother-in- law to be knew she was hooking.
    Night before last I had a dancer meet me at my house. I know that she has a 2 year old and it the time of the child’s birth her BF and I were doing the math. They decided T was the dad but the planned wedding never happened. When she came here I asked how much time she had. Well T(the baby daddy) is babysitting so I can stay as late as I want. I told him where I am and what I doing and he’s cool.
    The third frequent OTC partner I’ve had lives with her Mom. I’m older than Mom’s Dad. The last time I got a hotel with the girl, I’d been in talking with mom. As I was leaving she asked if I’d call her when I was done. She was going to get snacks, sleep at the hotel with her daughter.
    Every one of these has been a reminder that they live life in a different way than I. Not better or worse - different.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    It happens. I've had a couple of run-ins, including one with a husband who followed us from the club to the notel, where he pulled in front of the room and starting calling her a whore and threatening to take custody of the kids.

    Also shadow don't kid yourself about her motives or home situation. If she's doing this shit, it's probably because she needs the money. I'm guessing that she's putting a positive spin on her motives so that you'll think well of her. As charming as I am sure you are, if she had an SO really bringing home the cake, she wouldn't be fucking and sucking someone her grandfather's age for extra cash.

    If you want to play it safe the first time around, why don't you rent a room in a nice hotel, maybe even one where key card access is required in the elevator? In your shoes (old and unarmed) I might do the same thing. You could even make a night of it, with dinner in walking distance of a nice downtown Atlanta restaurant followed by a night cap in the hotel. Just a thought.

  • Daddillac
    5 years ago
    I've had one strippers boyfriend approach me physically... I think he over estimated his abilities. I beat his ass in the parking lot of the club. I was getting in my truck having just fucked his girl when he came up on me, I hit him with an ax handle I had behind the seat a couple times then he fell down. his arm was laying across the curb so I took the opportunity to stomp on it. Have you ever heard bones break and someone scream in pain. I left him there and walked back in the club to tell his girlfriend. I came back out in 10 minutes or so and he was gone. Fucked her a few more times, never heard from him again
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    I'm still alive. I even let her read this. Lol.
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    Daddillac is a bad ass.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago

    You are my hero!!!
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