
Dirtiest strip club story?

California Girl
Monday, August 26, 2019 5:17 AM
Absolute dirtiest strip clubbing story you have. Spare no details


  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    Like the one that started out with the dancer asking me if I wanted to be able to tell my buddies “That you fucked a stripper in the ass?” But that ended up being more of a hotel room story than a strip club story.
  • AtAboy
    5 years ago
    I found out the one place I went had no soap in the ladies rest room that night, which the dancers also used. So no hand washing of any kind was happening between touching various patrons. And I imagine many penises were also being touched that night in the VIP. I think that’s pretty dirty.
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    I saw a pig rolling in the mud when they did mis wrestling
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
  • codemonkey
    5 years ago
    You told me to never tell anyone about that!
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Not sure if this is dirty but this is what happened. Go into one of my favorite clubs which is supposedly a non-extras club. I meet up with my favorite dancer of the week, she puts on a very sensual stage presentation then asked me to go to VIP. She’s a hot African-American 38 24 38 Natural DD. She gets me so fucking hard I can’t see straight because the blood is been diverted completely. She’s now got my cock swollen the size of a goddamn beer bottle. The bouncer walks in Takes a peak, turns around and walks out. This Chick then says, “he’s gone and you have a big cock”. She unbuckled me and pulled him out. She grabs him with both hands then starts licking. She pulls the rest of her clothes off and asked me if I want this sweet pussy. I asked her if that was a rhetorical question. She Then put her pussy in my face for a little tongue action. She slides Down my body, rubs that sweet pussy all over the tip of my cock. We play for a good 15 minutes after which I’m able to insert half of my cock. She fucked me every which Way but loose. This was the best edging session I have ever had because there is no way I was going to blow my wad inside her. That session literally took me by surprise. When we finished, we went out had some champagne. I went to my car to wipe my cock with every bleach Wipe i could find. One year later my cock is still attached and disease free.
  • lotsoffun201
    5 years ago
    Years ago when Olympic Gardens (OG) was still around, and the VIP booths were still private, I met this hot older dancer and she suggested VIP. Talked for a while first and she began her dances. Things got pretty heated, a little FIV and she was soaking wet. She proceeded to squirt everywhere which surprised her as she said she never did that. Frankly based on sheer volume I think she was lying. LOL Another club, ages ago called Tally Ho which was basically a brothel (miss those days), there was a girl they called Dirty D.....a. She easily soaked a booth every time.
  • maskedhero04
    5 years ago
    About 5-6 yrs back I stopped into the Purple Orchid in Philly. I saw a beautiful young Black spinner with a soft jiggle ass. I wanted to do my monger diligence, so I took her back to the regular couch rooms before going further. The minute my ass hits that seat she has my dick out and in her mouth and is giving me a sloppy wet nasty bj. Now this is in the shared room so anyone could walk in at any second. I'm a little nervous because of that and I'm having a hard time finishing. I pull her onto my lap and she says "you wanna fuck?" Of course. She finds a cover and starts. She's bouncing on my dick and her pussy is like a fucking nuru massage. Goes on for a bit and I still can't go. She pulls off the cover and goes with her mouth, I pull her up again and she's grinding on my bare dick. I'm at the point of no return, I'm about to do something insanely stupid... She asks me to stick a finger in her ass and I lose it and slide in. So I'm fucking her and I've got a finger in her ass and she's screaming at this point. Bouncer/Clockwatcher starts banging on the wall and she jumps off real fast. I'm spooked and scrambling to get my shit on because I'm practically naked in this room. Make it outside to the shameful look of the owner and bouncers, and the proud look of the gents on rail closest to the rooms. I know that those guys were plotting hard on how to get her to the back after me. I left right after and went to the video/adult store to get finished. I was single at the time but I remember thinking "I can't be the only dude she did that with, fuck my life"I read every article on the transmission of AIDS...jesus. I made it out unscathed but I've never been more scared and nervous after an encounter.
  • K
    5 years ago
    So many to choose from. Do we keep it to during business hours or do after hour and private parties in the club count? Club Celebration about 30 years ago, The bouncer went to tell a dancer on stage she was getting too wild, she pull his pants down and gave him a blow job in front of everyone. Club Fahrenheit in Asbury park, also about 25 to 30 years ago. The club was in a hotel. Lap dances were in one of the rooms up one flight form the club. It was common for dancers and customers to go and take a dip in the hotel pool. On hot nights the pool area resembled a scene from Caligula. Me personally? I was dating a beautiful Brazilian woman. She asked me to come in to the club, had me buy a 15 minute dance and proceeded to ride me loudly moaning the and telling me to fuck her harder. She told me to leave after we finished. She says it was her best night ever. Guys lined up hoping to be next. around 1999 a Russian lady made a bet with me. My fifty against a blow job. She lost. I expected her to back out or make plans for later. Instead she squatted between me and the bar and gave me head . Dancers would come by behind the bar for tips. getting head while fondling another dancer's tits was an experience every guy should have. one dancer caught on and came around to watch. The bartender was a friend of mine and laughed when she brought me my drink. I have more
  • gawker
    5 years ago
    It was about a week before Christmas and I went to my favorite club where I was a regular customer. My ATF knew I was coming in and she was just inside the door when I arrived. After a quick hug and a peck on my cheek, she handed me a small piece of cardboard and told me it was an invitation to a private Christmas party downstairs. She said it was all waste haulers in the area and most were “connected”, but it was a hell of a good time. She didn’t want me going in with her so she told me to get a drink and saunter down to the party. John, one of the bouncers was at the door and he would let me in. Free food, free booze, and free extras according to my ATF. Sure enough I got down there and there must have been 18 to 20 guys and at least that many dancers. The music from the club was loud down there and as I looked around I recognized almost all the strippers and they were exclusively dancers who regularly pr.ovided a good time in VIP. As I walked in there was a small bar to the right a stage straight anead and a warren of rooms off a hallway directly below the regular club. Brandy, an old favorite was dancing on stage wearing nothing but a necklace of flashing lights. A big swarthy guy walked up the stairs to the stage took his dick out and Brandy dropped to her knees and started sucking. I looked around for my ATF and saw her walking with a big barrel chested guy towards the rooms. They went in, shut the door and left me to find my own fun. Emma was at the bar and appeared to be alone so I went over and put my arm over her shoulder and wished her a merry Christmas. She turned toward me, saw who I was, and kissed me hard and then her tongue ( which I’d seen tie a cherry stem into a knot once) wrapped around mine as her hand dropped to my crotch. Just to my left I heard a guy yell and it was the big guy on stage with Brandy cumming and he had a load and a half all over her face and in her hair. I turned to Emma and asked what the fuck was going on. She said each of the girls got $1500 plus tips and she said these guys know how to tip. I asked if she knew who my ATF had gone off with and she told me a name and I recognized it as one I’d seen on hundreds of dumpsters. I asked Emma if she’d like to go to one of the private rooms with me. She said sure, but let’s invite Candy. I know she’s always wanted to like your candy cane. The 3 of us found an empty room with soft lighting and Emma took her top off showing the most beautiful set of tits. I looked away and Candy was snorting a couple of lines within 3 minutes we were all naked and I was as hard as I’d ever been. Candy yelled at Emma, don’t get it wet! I had no idea what she was talking about until she started sprinkling white powder along the full length of my ramrod hard dick. A finger to one nostril and in one long snort the powder was gone. I wanted them to go down on me but Emma had settled back on the couch and Candy was eating her pussy. These two women were really into each other and it was hot to watch. After Emma shuddered and chirped they both turned to me , one on each side, like they were playing harmonicas running their lips up and down, back and forth. I’d never been with Candy before and when Emma sat back Candy started sucking on me slowly, mixing nibbles with her lips with long slow strokes and as she reached behind me she said how about a prostrate massage. I said He’ll ya, but you’ll never get it that way. I put on a condom and got between Emma’s legs and slowly slid into her very moist pussy just as a felt Candy assault my asshole. Damn, it felt like she was fisting me, but just like my favorite proctologist she hit my prostrate and I came. It felt like it came from my toes. I sat on the couch and took the rubber and threw it in the waste basket. Candy dropped down again and asked if she could clean me off. With her tongue. I got my clothes on and started back wondering where my ATF was and just as I walked by the room she’d gone into I heard her cry out. Unsure if it was in pleasure or pain, I opened the door and it was pleasure. She had the guy I’d seen her with on his knees eating her pussy and another guy with the longest dick I’ve ever seen in person, fucking her mouth. And it looked more like he was getting to her throat. When she’s high on heroin she loses her gag reflex and can do marvelous things with a large dick. I’ve paid other men to let me watch them fuck her and this scene was a huge turn on for me. When the tall guy came in her mouth it dribbled out the sides runn8ng down her cheeks and dripping on her tits. The other guy I learned later 2as the host and a fairly regular OTC date with my ATF. He then fucked her bareback and all I could hear were his balls slapping on her ass as he came inside her pussy. The two guys were exhausted but my ATF stood right up and gave me the biggest cum soaked wet kiss I’d ever had. It was a night to remember.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    Just think how dirty all of the money is that passes between customers and employees of any strip club. But it doesn't stop any one. :)
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    Gawker, you're definitely going to medal in this contest. Any story that's dirtier than getting finger-banged and tasting another guy's sauce ITC is going to a very bad place.
  • gawker
    5 years ago
    Deserscrub - My story is about 80 to 90% true. It was a night I loved and loathed at the same time. My ATF went home with over $4,000. I felt like a poker after only tipping my two companions $200 each. Normally, my posts are 95 to 100% true but with a request for filthy I added getting a cum soaked kiss. I’d really dodge that. Lol
  • maskedhero04
    5 years ago
    Whew. Gawker you beautiful, nasty mofo. That's some wild shit.
  • rogertex
    5 years ago
    desertscrub - all these stories seem true. even today. gawker is being his usual self. read his past stories. epic.
  • K
    5 years ago
    NaughtyHoney When do we get your stories?
  • Ferdinx
    5 years ago
    I actually arrived just after this "event", so I didn't get the full experience, but I think it qualifies: Rural WI club I used to frequent (20+ years ago) evidently had the owner's two Rotweillers running loose in the place during off hours as "security". Sure enough, one afternoon one of the dogs left a pile in a corner off the stage that nobody noticed until at least one dancer had gone onstage with dogshit on her shoes... Glad I missed that.
  • loverbear
    5 years ago
    Circa 2003, my buddy & I are both 21 and want to see some titties. We head up to Sinn in City of Industry. It’s like Tuesday at lunchtime so you can imagine the scene. We walk in and it’s a ghost town. One old guy up at the stage and us. We grab seats a row back from the stage. We were kids and our budget was minimal. I had just a few 20s on me. Looking back, it was dumb to even walk in there. This curvy black chick finishes her stage show and comes down and sits on my buddy’s lap. Latina milf sits with me. Now, it’s important to note we were in our work clothes, consisting of a blue button up shirt and light colored khakis. While I enjoyed a dance with my Latina milf who could have been my mother’s cousin for all I knew, my buddy’s girl offers a dance. I heard him say that he had spent his last $10 to get in the door and he was just here to watch me get dances. That chick was super pissed and cussed him out. And when she got up to walk off there was something dark on her thigh. There was also a dark smear on his pants. My dance wrapped up and we left. Moral of the story, bring an adequate supply of cash if you don’t want your pants stained with PERIOD BLOOD!!
  • loverbear
    5 years ago
    Synn btw, sorry
  • Uprightcitizen
    5 years ago
    My buddy and I were at the table by the stage and he was on his heels with his feet up. There is was...a condom stuck on the sole of his shoe. I laughed and he was grossed out. That's probably not the dirty you were looking for ;)
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    I used to frequent a filthy club in NJ - that has since been closed down. Evidently there were too many fights there - and that’s why the town wanted it closed down. It was more likely the owner stopped paying off everyone. The men’s room was awful - it was a toilet and sink - bars on the window - since the glass was shattered. I once pissed out the window - which opened to an Annie Sez store parking lot. I had an atf who was a Brazilian whore - with an incredible set of fake tits and a firm fit body. She was great until she got into the drugs. One night she tells me that I can fuck her for the rest of the night for $200. I was happy with that number. I take her to the champagne room - which was just a few stalls. We go to the back stall - and I fuck her on all fours (covered) - I cum and I pull the condom off and toss it. I had no idea where it landed - but it landed on the old radiator - and the radiator was hot. I was drinking - which means I was a true drunk. I told her that I was going to get some more drinks - and I’d see her later. After about 10 drinks - I found her snorting coke off of the video game glass. We go upstairs again - this time I bring a bottle with me - and go to the back stall. It stinks now - an awful stench that isn’t right. It’s the melting cum filled condom on the radiator. I fuck her again - and I can’t remember anything after getting it in her. I remember waking up in a stall - and being horrified - and passing out again...
  • K
    5 years ago
    Cashman, Stories like those make life worth living
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    And that, folks, is why Cashman only has one kidney...
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    I won't tell that story. And that's how you know for sure that it's a true story.
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    Wallanon - that would explain the scar...
  • ATACdawg
    5 years ago
    Cash still has a kidney left? Who says strippers don't have consciences? 😉
  • misterorange
    5 years ago
    Back in the 80's I got a job at a woodworking shop in the Hunt's Point section of the Bronx. At that time it was probably the sleaziest, most dangerous, high crime neighborhood in the entire tri-state area. The streets were full of drug dealers and hookers, day and night, conducting their business right out in the open without any interference from the police. I once saw a guy get stabbed on the sidewalk and everybody just looked the other way minding their own business. I was a clean cut college boy from the New Jersey suburbs and back then my idea of something "naughty" at a strip club was if a dancer flashed you her vag from up on the stage. The guys I worked with were mostly from the Bronx or Brooklyn. They had decent jobs and didn't live in the run down ghetto where this company was located, but they were very familiar with the area and the culture. So one night we were all working late to finish a job that was behind schedule. We finished up around 10PM and they invite me to go out for a few drinks at a local club right down the street. As the only non-Hispanic guy in the group, they told me to just stick close to them and I'll be fine. So it turns out we're going to a place known as the "Goat Bar" or as they called it, simply the "Goats." You never would have known this place even exists because there's no sign outside, just a plain door, but there were a few high-up windows with iron bars and a dim glow of neon light barely visible through the thick curtains. The place was larger than I expected inside with a rectangular bar, maybe about 35-40 stools all around, and it's about 3/4 full of men. On the stage behind the bar were about a half dozen girls who were all naked, all ugly as hell, and who had skinny bodies like skeletons, probably due to the years of Heroin abuse. Now, as me and my group of fellas are taking a seat at the bar and ordering a round of beers, you might be saying okay, misterorange, sounds creepy but what's so filthy dirty that it warrants this long story? Well, several of these girls were standing up on top of the bar, making their way around. They would stop in front of each gentleman and for a dollar would basically do anything the guy wanted. A common request was for the lady to squat and lower herself down onto a long neck beer bottle until she could stand and pick it up with her coochie. Then the guy reaches up and grabs what's left of the bottle sticking out, pulls it out of her pussy and continues drinking from it, to the wild applause of other nearby patrons. I saw one guy make the girl lie down on her back and pull her knees back so the beer would dump into her snatch, then he leans her forward again before removing the bottle, presumably re-capturing the beer which he proceeded to drink. Some of the girls would bend over so the guys could eat them out, then they'd move right down the bar to the next customer who would do the same thing. One girl laid down on her stomach, leaned all the way over the bar until her face was in a guy's lap, sucked his dick for about a minute, then kept going as long as he kept feeding her like a dollar a minute. He blew his load in her mouth and she made a little show by cum kissing one of the other girls. A few minutes later I saw the same girl DFK-ing a dude on the other side of the establishment. Obviously Guy #2 had no idea that by kissing that dirty mouth, he might as well have sucked off Guy #1 himself. I saw one of my buddies talking to the bartender, then he came over and told us to each give him a dollar. Other groups were also taking up a collection. When the bartender was satisfied with the dollar figure, he signaled the girls on stage and they went into an all out lesbian sex show for the whole place to watch. It went on for 10 minutes or so. They were eating each other out and there was dildo fucking. For the grand finale they pissed all over each other. Then it must have been time for a shift change, because the piss girls moved from the stage to the bar rotation to continue the one-on-one entertainment acts. When my turn came this hideous, piss-stinking creature squatted down and spread her legs wide open right in front of me. She looked at me with the drugged out crazy-eyes and encouraged me to finger her pussy, which I imagine must have been hiding somewhere beneath the wild hornet's nest I was looking at. I was afraid that if I had so much as a paper cut on my finger I might die, so instead I asked her how much to put this beer up your ass? She said "Dos" (two dollars). I gave her three dollars and then took my half full beer (the old fashioned long neck kind) spit on it, and shoved it right up her ass. Without even flinching she smiled, stood up on the bar and did a little go-go booty twirl... with my bottle of Budweiser hanging out of her asshole. When she squatted back down I grabbed my beer and bottle-fucked her ass for a good 10 - 15 seconds. Then I yanked it out and put it down on the bar. I must have attracted some attention because a guy from the group next to us starts shouting "Bebelo! Bebelo!" (Drink it!). With a friendly gesture towards the guy I said, "It's all yours buddy," at which point he came over and started sucking and licking the bottle before guzzling down what was left of my beer. Well there was some other sick stuff going on, but that's about all I can remember at the moment. I'll close with something that I did not personally witness but it's how the "Goat Bar" got it's name. Apparently "back in the day" (this was the mid 80's so we're probably talking sometime in the 70's) the most popular stage show involved one of these lovely ladies giving a blowjob and, I'm told, having vaginal sex with a live goat until he came in her mouth or creampied her pussy, depending on the preference of the audience. From the looks of these girls, I really felt sorry for the goat!
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    [view link] ^^ here is my dirtiest strip club story
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