Dancers these days feel like they have scam you.

avatar for nickifree
I say that after reading a review here about how a strip club I used to visot in Austin Texas. The reviewer mentioned how all the girls were setting there own prices, above and beyond the regular $20/dance.

For the dancers these days it’s not enough earn $$$. They feel they have to get over you. Then they cry about clubs dying.

You should see what’s happening in places like Phoenix Arizona where good looking girls can’t even get $10 dances because they have this nasty get over mentality because customers are turned off from their street hustle attitude.


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avatar for MackTruck
5 years ago
Dey killin da god dam goose
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 years ago
The end is nigh!
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
I had to look up what you’re talking about. I saw a review of Palazio from two days ago complaining about that. Shrug. That is nothing new and has been going on for years.

If you wanna get can blast the club and the dancer on Yelp. They are pretty sensitive about that. And technically speaking dancers aren’t allowed to charge over twenty a song...thanks to previous customer complaints.

But when cabanas are in the higher upper hundreds for even half hours, and easily over a grand total out of pocket for a customer...and dancers aren’t even allowed to charge below $800 an hour, *plus* the customer has to pay between $180-$550 depending on which area he wants to sit in...then idk what they expect.

Dancers get forced into getting used to an all or nothing hustle are suddenly supposed to turn that off for basic floor dances?
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
But Austin in general has for a long time had a weird juxtaposition of some damn good out of towners...with the local area customers some of the most entitled demanding assholes packed in one place. Worse than other areas.

And Palazio was the leader in being first to have a business model that catered to the better clientele. So for that I do have to pay them respects. Yellow Rose followed suit to their success. And p10 is an oddball and I’ll probably pop back in in a few months cause idk how they are going to pull off the same thing when they are far away from the downtown or otherwise “hip” area of Austin.

That being said, it will be interesting to observe how sustainable the cabana hustle is in the long term. Cause eventually I suspect something has got to give but I could be wrong.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... But when cabanas are in the higher upper hundreds for even half hours, and easily over a grand total out of pocket for a customer...and dancers aren’t even allowed to charge below $800 an hour, *plus* the customer has to pay between $180-$550 depending on which area he wants to sit in...then idk what they expect ..."

As long as the custy is made aware of the price ahead of time then it's up to him whether he wants to pay that price or not.

Pretty-much every club I've been in there's been a set club-price for dances that the dancers adhere to - some dancers may wanna charge more than the club-price and if they tell me upfront I may accept or I may pass; but if they come at me with an above club price *after* we finish our dances then no dice and to me she's being a ROB.
avatar for DenimChicken
5 years ago
You have to always go to the club and treat it with some level of business/negotiation in mind if you don't already know girl and have rapport.

Stand your ground and be willing to walk away.
Don't negotiate with terrorists.
Remember - YOU are the one with the money. (this does not mean be an asshole)

I would also recommend avoiding the prime time hours - in popular Texas clubs you have too many girls working, a lack of seating options for the VIP/cabana hustle game often becomes the most practical option for them.

I was at Palazio recently and the daytime seems to be nice. Hoping to return and try it out more. Sure there are still girls asking for tips/upsell - but just make a mental note and move on. In my experiences these girls give the worst dances anyways so no loss there.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 years ago
heaving said "Admittedly, most of the time I just handout money without even getting dances."

Yeah... stop doing that.

[I acknowledge that the dancers here may have opposing opinions...]
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
I'm not trying to be an asshole by saying this (though I will no doubt be accused of it, lol), but I just don't have this problem. Maybe work on how you come across? These girls generally rely upon their instincts to tell them which guys they can fuck with and which they shouldn't mess with. Try to be more like the ones who don't get fucked with.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 years ago
I do a soft negotiation. I think that if you badger a dancer about pricing, even if you "win" the negotiation, then the dance will likely be poor.

I get to a price, and if it's more than what is standard or expected, then I'll say something like "That's more than what I'm used to paying here. For now, I'm going to say 'no', but feel free to come by and chat if things change for you."

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... I just don't have this problem ..."

It was my understanding from your comments in the past that you rarely bother with lap-dances or ITC stuff; so if you're not buying then unlikely you will get ripped-off/overcharged/over-counted
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 years ago
Well, if the only service you're seeking is conversation, then that's a whole other thing.

I generally go to the club for dances. If a dancer starts chatting with me and I'm not interested in dances, then I quickly and politely let her know. 90% of the time she peels off quickly to seek funding elsewhere.
avatar for pistola
5 years ago
I like the loners, they are less inclined to hustle and thus brag in the locker room to their herd friends about how they got one on someone. Same reason I'd imagine dancers like guys in groups like bachelor parties ie look at these idiots trying to impress each other by making it rain, let's get in on that!
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Heaving said—>”A dancer walked up to me and she only asked for 10$ per song, I think she was just trying to fill up downtime from all in hustling.”

Okay...don’t ever out whoever she is to me then. I...erm, kinda look down on her. 😝
Anyways, when I’ve been at Palazio I stuck with $20 for dances. BUT I treated the club like a lap dance factory and didn’t spend much time with any one customer either unless he took the initiative to spend enough on me.

If I had taken the cabana hustle more seriously, and sat with a customer for half a freaking hour or perhaps longer, and he rejected me on a cabana...but wanted to buy a couple dances’re god damn right I’d be charging 3/$100 too.

Selling those things requires sticking your neck out and giving customers a bunch of attention up front, and he is given greater power to control the outcome, which naturally gives these men an ego stroke. Higher prices is more than fair.

Anyways @nickifree You want to be in a nice club without urbanization. Palazio fits that bill. This whole thread from you is just weird.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
@heaving you seem to be giving her credit for some master plan, the reality of it at least to me seems like the vast majority of dancers really are just winging it without any real strategy other than striking while the iron is hot.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^It wasn’t to any specific reply it was to the tone of your posts
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
I wasn’t giving you shit, I was merely pointing out a fact that you seem to be missing
avatar for PaulDrake
5 years ago
To comment on the actual original topic of this thread, dancers who really feel like they need to charge more. Personally I don't think it has anything to do with them wanting to scam you (usually). I think it comes down to:

1. First let me play devils advocate for up-charging. Although obviously the guys on this site hate it, up-charging can be a legitimate way to increase earnings. If a dancer has a inexperienced customer on the hook who is mad with lust there is a good chance they can get him to say YES to just about anything. So it can make sense to up-charge.

Here is a popular stripper training video that goes into the strategy:…

While I would absolutely agree with the girl in the video that up-selling works I don't agree at all that it works for the reasons that she states. Up-selling works because a customer is mad with lust and not thinking logically. Up-selling does not work because a specific dancer is a "maserati" and other dancers are "used toyota corollas".

That "maserati/corolla" fallacy inlies the issue for those of us who are experienced regular customers. We know that no dancer is really a maserati. Pretty girls come and go all the time. And almost all of my ATFs were not my "first pick" at the club the day I met them. The attraction developed over time and after emotional connection.

2. In my opinion a lot of the non-sense in the strip club can be boiled down to ego and adolescent insecurities. Some examples would be: When a dancer crying in the dressing room because of rejection. Or a customer who is angry that some girl didn't approach him. Or when ricky dugan posts about how superior he is.

Going back to the video that "maserati/corolla" fallacy is really attractive to dancers. Some of that is just the law of attraction. Believing you are attractive makes you attractive. But some dancers want to take it too far and find it is easier to delude themselves into thinking they are the hottest most desirable girl in the room even if that means ultimately making less money.

There will always be a percentage of dancers who "need" to feel superior to their peers. Those girls don't really have a set amount that they want, instead they just want MORE than their coworkers and would rather make nothing if they can't get it.

This actually provides an occasional opportunity for a smart customer. If you can find a dancer like this and play things right you can sometimes get them to do a 180. My success on this has been when spent a good amount of money quickly the first visit, clearly confidently and dominantly dictated what I wanted without giving them much opportunity to negotiate, and then I just stroked their ego a lot. The one time I found a dancer like this she would hang for hours and hours and even try to get me to stay longer. She wanted to look busy, and to appear to be making more than she actually was. To be honest she even fooled me at the time. Later when she quit and we met up as friends she confessed that she was actually making was less than she led me to believe.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 years ago
But... isn't it easier to just blame hip hop music and thug culture?
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 years ago
All marketing is about people and human interactions.

Also, a lot of dancers refer to us in far less glowing terms.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
@heaving you need to be mindful that most young women do not come at you with a master plan, unlike nice spice who is very intelligent Eve she’d be the first to admit that when she started it was just make some fast money and have some fun at the same time, most of our dancers that post here regularly have been at it longer than most strippers actually last in this industry as a result of their intellect have been able to smooth out the ups and downs of the lifestyle. The majority of young women don’t stay more than a year or two then they move on to other things, be it a career or get married have a few children and the like.
avatar for day_trader
5 years ago
Only once has a dancer tried to charge me more than what the house rate is. If the chicks in Austin can get away with it, great for them if they can get it. I would never pay more than what the house rate is.

One common scam that I've been running into lately is where the dancer will count the first song. Usually their is never a time when your walking back into the dance area and a new song is just about the start. Remember one time this happened to me, got charged for the first song and that song was only about half a song. Dance areas always seem to be pretty much empty whenever I'm at the club. lol.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
===> "It was my understanding from your comments in the past that you rarely bother with lap-dances or ITC stuff; so if you're not buying then unlikely you will get ripped-off/overcharged/over-counted"

True Papi, but I'm nonetheless spending real money on strippers, much of it OTC but also in private rooms in certain clubs. If anything, I would argue that the temptation to run a game goes up as amount of money at stake does.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ my argument that would counter that is if you are a dependable source of income the temptation to run a game on you should be lower not higher
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
^ That's because you're thinking like a customer service oriented business man. That's a different position to be in than a stripper living hand to mouth who doesn't know if she will ever see the guy again or not and might not care anyway. Also, unlike you, she knows that what she's selling is 100% discretionary entertainment, which is why guys ghost all the time, for countless possible reasons, once they get into her pants. 😉
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ Welp I guess my experience just is different from yours I have had some fairly long term relationships with dancers, not all of them P4p and I’ve very rarely encountered a scam or a out of order type of hustle.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
^Not having much experience with dayshift dynamics, I'd hazard that LTRs with long time dancers and older customers are probably not uncommon. The dayshift crew in one of my go to clubs has been fairly stable for a long time too and has a sizable following of regulars. Btu when the sun goes down you get a much more transient breed of cat working in the clubs.

But you may also be selling yourself short. Is it also possible that you don't get scammed because you come across as one who they shouldn't pull that shit on?
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