
When you want to go to the club, but can’t.

Still learning to proofread
Thursday, August 8, 2019 5:55 PM
The reason doesn’t matter. Maybe you’ve got prior obligations. Maybe you’ve got a family and got shit to do. Maybe cash is tight. Maybe you got your dick stuck in you zipper and need to lay off till it heals. Doesn’t matter. This post isn’t about why. It’s just about that nagging feeling that I really want to head to the club tonight or tomorrow and can’t. I have a very small trip coming up in 2 weeks where I plan to visit some new places. But I’ve been in the mood to see some of my favorites from my main club and just can’t go right now. I’m feigning for a visit and it even puts me in a little bit less than pleasant mood when it’s been too long between visits and I’m jonesing for a SC fix. These are the times when I think clubbing can be addictive and not just a fun thing to do. Any of you all deal with this? Any of you living the dream and literally go whenever you want?


  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    For me, the bigger question is not how much can I go, but how much I should go. Every night I'm sitting in a club I'm diverting time and resources from other life priorities. As much of a strip club junkie as I obviously am, I've had to develop the discipline to set limits on how many dollars and nights I spend in them. This is, after all, nothing more than discretionary entertainment.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Oh and I've never bought the notion that they are "addictive" per se, but they sure are more enticing than most other entertainment options.
  • PaulDrake
    5 years ago
    I am in the same boat as rickyboy. I can pretty much go whenever but found that over a certain limit it's not healthy and takes away from making progress back in reality. I keep a calendar of every time I go (including which club and names of dancers) and a log of my spending. That helps keep things in perspective. It's also nice to remember a dancers name from long ago.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    IMO strip clubs are very good and pretty consistent at providing immediate gratification when you're horny or just have had a rough day or week; it's often a pretty-effective way to get away from the real- world and kinda like going into an alternate universe.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Being a bachelor I have flexibility - at the height of my SCing I'd be at home at night watching TV and the little SC-devil would pop up on my shoulder and I'd take a quick shower and head to the club - or sometimes I'd be bored and looking at some porn online and then get dressed and head to the club when I really didn't have plans to hit a club that day/night - not saying this was my normal M.O. but it would happen. Sometimes when I had hard-plans to hit a SC and something else would come up it would be a bit frustrating bc I had my mind set on that immediate gratification.
  • Musterd21
    5 years ago
    Stop clubs are always fun!
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    I can go whenever I want because I'm single and retired. But since experiencing German FKK clubs, I find American strip clubs disappointing.
  • prevert
    5 years ago
    I guess I’m mostly in agreement with rickdugan. It’s entertainment and if it becomes a necessity I’m probably doing something wrong. I’ve been disappointed at not having a chance to go but it’s not like I can’t go another time.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    If I really want to go but I can’t, it's bothersome but I don't lose sleep. I really like strip clubs, but there's plenty of things I like more than strip clubs.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    I go whenever I want, I live 20 minutes from LA and COI, and about 2 hours from TJ. I have few obligations but I have priorities, clubbing/mongering is entertainment and sometimes I go on a whim (like last night) and sometimes I plan visits and trips (like last weekend).
  • Prim0
    5 years ago
    I don't think I ever developed an addiction to t he clubs. Several things have kept me from going....prices were up to $35 a dance....never really came across any extras.....had a wife and kid who was getting older and time wasn't as available....and neither was the money. I need a side hustle or to win the lottery.....then maybe I'd consider going but the family obligations would probably keep it to a minimum. And with that kind of cash, I'd probably go for escorts who could start off a session like a lap dance and then take it all the way to wherever I want it.
  • nofuglies
    5 years ago
    Living the dream, baby! But I have way too many other hobbies and interests to get hung up on missing a previously planned strip club outing. I think once you hit that point you may have an addiction. For that matter, many of the posters here who spend hours a day replying to every discussion with long winded posts seem to be addicted as well.
  • AtAboy
    5 years ago
    Addiction may have been the wrong word. I was several drinks in when I posted that. I notice when I get a good buzz going and my friends aren’t available to head out (to the bar) I get the itch to go clubbing. So I guess maybe it’s out of boredom? No fuglies, I don’t post or read this board daily. But I do write very long posts so not sure how that checks out. Anyway probably going to head out tonight to the SC, if not, then tomorrow. I usually get the itch every 2-3 weeks and if I don’t satisfy it is does seem to be something that nags at me till I go again.
  • Huntsman
    5 years ago
    Clubs are a pretty small part of my life and I’d like to keep them that way. If in my gut sense they seem to be taking up too much if my time and or money, I scale back.
  • Huntsman
    5 years ago
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    I go to the truck stop
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    Time is my problem. "Free" time, more precisely.
  • Estafador
    5 years ago
    Sorta. But I don't get upset about it. Since I have a girlfriend, I forget all about it once I see her. Plus working hard to hit my cash milestone gives me the boost to hold off. After all, the more money you have, the looser your budget becomes. And I been wanting to have the ideal adult entertainment night. If you stay busy and are still obsessed, then you have a problem, possibly an addiction and should seek help
  • RiskA
    5 years ago
    I get the itch, but agree it’s more free time & boredom that trigger it. Maybe I feel a little “addiction,” which is more likely positive reinforcement from many good experiences. I also keep a calendar and expense log of my visits, as it provides an objective touchstone whether I’m losing my head/control. Next year should prove interesting, as job moves from AdultDisneyland to NoTouchLand....
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