How many happily married or engaged strippers must want to have thier cake and e

avatar for Djscudmaster
If female isn't wearing ring and wants to cheat thats one thing but If shes just a tease till MR gq hansome comes along and convinces her why not cheat just once reguardless of consequencies where is the drawing line. If patrons egg cq hansome male to have sex with her if shes a dime piece or a nine and when rumours swirl that best looking stripper has cheated and they harasss her to kingdome come should cq handsome male have to lay low.

Because of this I have been banned from strip clubs before or had to law low


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avatar for prevert
6 years ago
How many of those cookies did you eat?
a Strip club owners wife a dime piece video vixen a bouncers fiance a night mangers wife/stripper
want more
I agree with prevert and gsteph but I get what you're saying and I agree. If you're "gq hansome" I dont blame you for fucking that scandalous ho. If you're gq handsome you can have your pick of the litter. She is married but obviously a ho(all women are) so she she should be harrassed to kingdome come. Doesn't matter whether they are a dime or average. They are all hypergamous and will want to cheat with a better man(better looking, more money, higher status). Doesnt matter if you're Jeff Bezos. Women will never be satisfied. As for consequences, well there are very few for females...
Fuck you
Troll, bot or person with untreated schizophrenia (henceforth the word salad)

You be the judge!
Shit I thought Djscudmaster was generating mnemonic keys with a digital wallet and posting whatever it came up with.
Oh right... this guy.
So if one of these females whom I didn't know was married becomes addicted to Me or lets say I become addicted to one whose married.
I had a dime piece whom I had to give her money once so she could take home to hubby after barely making house fees house mom and dj/bouncer fees
and she was coming from out of state
avatar for prevert
6 years ago
Could you speak English please?
avatar for kingcripple
6 years ago
I seriously doubt strippers will wear a wedding/engagement ring while working. But then again, i never tried to notice
If I fucked a married dime piece 9 times in the vip room during the day shift and at night we met only after she ended work
smells like addiction or liasion
avatar for lopaw
6 years ago
Some of us PL's are happily married or engaged and we want our cake and eat it too so why shouldn't strippers? Fair is fair.
I know but If shes a tease to all non cq handsome females what then
I meant males
avatar for lopaw
6 years ago
Then she's a tease. If you're gonna condemn her for that then she's got alot of company with all of the other women out there, gay & straight, who do the same thing. They are grown ass women who make good or bad choices just like the rest of us. Once you recognize the games that she's playing then it's on you how you want to proceed. You can't change her - you can only change how you react to her.
avatar for rl27
6 years ago
I have noticed the opposite in several clubs, where the GQ customers are treated like VIP's and the bouncers lead the hottest dancers to them.

While for the dancers it doesn't matter. Most strippers don't care how good looking a customer is as long as he is willing to pay. Heck it doesn't even matter the sexual preferences of the dancer. I have gotten extras in a strip club from several self professed lesbians, towards the end of shift while her significant other was waiting in the club to drive her home.

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