Power & Division Among Mongers
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
The denizens of TUSCL have drawn the battle lines. Both sides think they cornered the market on wisdom while the others are juvenile posers some of whom have very obviously never even set foot in a strip club.
Conspiracies to block the junior league idiots abound.
It’s very odd behavior for folks who take pride in behavior that is probably illegal in their community and who congregate on this site to compare notes and tips regarding conduct they hope to keep a secret from their loved ones, from their coworkers and from law enforcement.
This not the MENSA discussion forum. This is the TUSCL open discussion site.
Criticize me if you want for my views on this.
I was once ejected and permanently banned from a Satanic cult for allegedly emitting “bad vibes” so I can probably handle any stinging criticisms leveled at me.
Fire away!
Conspiracies to block the junior league idiots abound.
It’s very odd behavior for folks who take pride in behavior that is probably illegal in their community and who congregate on this site to compare notes and tips regarding conduct they hope to keep a secret from their loved ones, from their coworkers and from law enforcement.
This not the MENSA discussion forum. This is the TUSCL open discussion site.
Criticize me if you want for my views on this.
I was once ejected and permanently banned from a Satanic cult for allegedly emitting “bad vibes” so I can probably handle any stinging criticisms leveled at me.
Fire away!
I have Iceyloco/Trapbaby304 on ignore because they don't know how to converse, bottom line. There's no conspiracy there, I simply chose to not engage them because it's a lost cause and a waste of time in my experience. What exactly are you saying? That my ignoring them is odd behavior?
Regarding that, there's really no division of mongers. This is basically about one guy who is an absolute asshat. I'm not gonna try to influence other folks to block him. I just know my reasons for blocking him and that's all.
Its ludicrous to argue in favor of racism, Islamophobia, xenophobia.... the merits and freedom afforded by human trafficking, etc... I'm positive the people supporting these anti social behaviors wouldn't be as vocal in person.
It would have been more impressive had you not misused the word “epistemological.”
Siri can’t remember that your name is “Icey.”
I'm disgusted by the hatred and constant whining and bitching about how well off white men are the victims in society and just the bigotry...
And I'm glad your healthy, unlike you and your cohorts I don't wish bad shit on anyone... I know what its like to lose an elderly family member.
We can still be niggaz but you aint bout that life....
No need for semantic games to make yourself look smart....its just an evasion tactic
The first rule you should’ve learned a long time ago but you obviously didn’t when you’re in over your head stop digging,
Boy on your smartest day you aren’t one quarter as smart as I am on my dumbest day
I’m finished for the day with you.
I'm done with you. But feel free to attack me ad nauseum and brag about how you have me blocked.
Lockn down the stripper you wanted
April 25, 2019
It’s more fun to block him, you can still fuck with him all you want, but he can’t post in your threads. I mean really, it’s not like he has anything legitimate to add to a conversation!
Troll me once, shame on you. Troll me twice...
3 Minutes Ago
She doesn't understand the concept of blocking someone. In this regard she's mentally retarded. (And I've got the receipts.)
The rest of you are fucking retarded.
The only real solution is the ignore function. Use it skillfully and TUSCL can be enjoyable. Use it aggressively and TUSCL discussions become boring.
If you only want to hear from people who agree with you, might as well just perch on the porcelain and text yourself.
I was at a high school graduation where the valedictorian said she was so proud that her generation was the first one that wasn’t racist.
It’s uninformed arrogance along that line that gets my blood boiling. I think it’s reasonable to ask someone to accomplish something in their life before telling me how to live mine.
It originated as an appropriation of "nigger"... But was appropriated as a term of affection. It means someone who is a real one....someone true to themselves and others. It’s sticking to the truth and your principles. Calling someone a nigga or your nigga equates to calling them a brother, someone more than a friend. However, a lot of young kids throw the word around like they would "dude".... but it doesn't mean that, its more like homeboy but they're to ignorant to get it.
That’s why virtue signallers roam college campuses looking to punch a nazi and shut down speech from anyone who doesn’t think exactly like them.
In reality, there are about 20,000 neo nazis in America and about 100,000,000 people who identify as conservative. Still, the meme of conservatives as fascists persists in the media.
Most conservatives believe in a smaller, less intrusive government that stays out of people’s lives and treats all people equally whatever their race, gender, or sexual orientation. What’s wrong with that ?
In the real world, people like you are the pariahs.
If you didn’t want me to fuck you over, you’d stop digging the hole before you were in over your head, even now if you refrained from calling me out I’d not waste my breath.
Again, quit playing the victim, troll.
Again, quit playing the victim, troll.
We're all just typing.
But some of us are more desperate for the attention and approval than others.
As obnoxious and annoying as some of the personalities on this site are, I do feel genuinely sorry for them. They seem desperately lonely.
If they are as annoying in person as they are online, they very likely are desperately lonely.
Attention, yes. Not necessarily approval. Take @IceyHomo for example. He just looks to get under everyone's skin.
Godwin's Law
He's a riot !
His majesty reverendhornibastard - Get back to writing reviews! What the fuck are you doin engaging in intellectual jousting on a naked titties site?
I have cut back on writing reviews because I tend to return to the same handful of clubs over and over. I figure readers are tired of reviews written by the same monger on the same approximately half-dozen clubs.
I have some unpublished “discussions” or “articles” about personal experiences in the sexual domain but am reluctant to post them because they are so obviously just stories “about me.” Even if they prove to be well-written, how many people really want to hear about how a youthful Hornibastard was horrified to the point of nausea when his daddy first told him about the birds and the bees?
Every time you get a chance to redeem yourself, you blow it like the pathetic whiny little bitch you are, another guy pointed out he wasn't white on another thread you called him an Uncle Tom. What a sick scumbag you really are.