Aww, farewell. Enjoy your life doing whatever. I can understand being hesitant on dancing though. It took me about three years of kinda considering it before I actually did.
"I don’t know why I’m still here anymore. So long TUSCL, it has been fun." - LolitaLove789
We wondered that too since you didn't wanna dance or watch a dance.
Wondered - but only for a minute - rest of the way we enjoyed you fabulous and sexy pics.
Dat ass shot is epic.
If you apply to work at a strip club or for a SI photoshoot or porn flick role - JUST SEND THAT ASS PIC and nothing else - with a signature saying "Are you ready?"
In the meantime you are welcome to drop by TUSCL anytime. Great stress relief.
last commentDamn
Oh no why?
If it's been fun, you wouldn't leave. I feel as though deep down we have failed you.
Missing you already Lolita.
uh huh
Thanks for showing us your tits - they are exquisite
It was fun having you here Lolita. You had some interesting opinions. Hope you change your mind.
Can I just say thanks for the mammaries;)
You should go out with a bang (a TUSCL gangbang that is)
Lol! Funny comments.
Well we know she ain’t no BBS type poster. Good luck! Feel free to come back and visit periodically to opine from a hot woman’s view.
I especially liked the pooper shot
She looks way better than BBS and isn't a raunchy ageing hooker trolling for tricks....
Too bad we need more of her and less of Stanky
I’m sad.
Lolita, I hope you will stay!
Damn, she's pulling a Pinksugardoll on us. Well, it was fun for the brief time you were here and thanks for the awesome photos.
Just one request: put that butt shot back in your avatar. Your ass looked phenomenal in that circle that distorted the image lol.
Fun chatting with you. Good luck.
Stay thirsty my friends ;)
Aw rats. I know this site is mostly made for guys. But I sure like the girls input. Well most of the girls. Nicole can take a hike though.
Lolita we all know you ain’t leaving anyway. Just admit it, You fucking can’t get enough of us. Where you gonna go reddit? Gurl plz.
Aww, farewell. Enjoy your life doing whatever. I can understand being hesitant on dancing though. It took me about three years of kinda considering it before I actually did.
Lolita thank you, that ass is a thing of beauty!
Best wishes. Live long & prosper.
Sad day at TUSCL
I think we should all individually send Lolita a dick-pic to show her how much she means to us and that may just get her to reconsider.
yeah... but at the moment my dick is limp and only 2 inches long due to the cold environment I am presently in.
So the cold environment makes your penis bigger than it normally is? That's odd.
She even removed all the photos. Sad day indeed.
I think she had removed the photos once before early on when she joined then put them back up
Thanks for the mammaries, @Lolita.
ouch flag!
Said "Goodbye!" yet still posted. Women, can't keep their mouth shut as they should!
Except for certain activities, and that isn't conversation.
Sad to see you go. Liked your comments and your pics you had posted.
Wow clubber is a hater
"I don’t know why I’m still here anymore. So long TUSCL, it has been fun." - LolitaLove789
We wondered that too since you didn't wanna dance or watch a dance.
Wondered - but only for a minute - rest of the way we enjoyed you fabulous and sexy pics.
Dat ass shot is epic.
If you apply to work at a strip club or for a SI photoshoot or porn flick role - JUST SEND THAT ASS PIC and nothing else - with a signature saying "Are you ready?"
In the meantime you are welcome to drop by TUSCL anytime. Great stress relief.