
When they talk about you in the DR

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
So the other day a longtime favorite walks up to me and asks, "Did you take that girl out of here?", pointing to the girl dancing on stage.

As a matter of fact I did, on a night that my favorite was not working. The girl is holy hot as fuck and I'd do it again if she had been more fun in the sack. But I gave my fav my standard response, which is "Don't ask me questions about what I do with anyone else. You know I won't answer those questions."

She responds with, "I hope not. I don't want anyone sticking something in me that was in her." And then she adds, "The girls are talking about you back there. Some of them think you're just a drinker who sits at the bar a lot and others are trying to figure out how many girls here you've fucked." I just shrugged it off with look of mild amusement and that was that.

I guess I now have a clearer understanding of why a few dancers in this club actively avoid me. This is one of the cleanest clubs in the city, which is exactly why I like taking out from this club, but I may need to mix it up a bit more.

Anyone else here ever catch wind that they were the topic of conversation in the DR? And for those in the peanut gallery who accuse me of humble bragging every time I share some unusual experience, nothing could be further from the truth this time. I try to stay UTR exactly to avoid this sort of thing and news that I was being talked about was unwelcome to say the least.


  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ Now that’s just paranoid, why would we accept you of humble bragging. We know there’s not a humble bone in your whole body ;)
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    Well all of the Cubans at Follies now avoid me so I guess the word is out that I don't buy dances from them. :)
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    @25: Ouch man, words hurt, lol. :)
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    "And for those in the peanut gallery who accuse me of humble bragging "

    How much are you paying these girls? Not so much humble bragging -- just another example of an aging TUSCL member bragging about his prostitution habit.

    Wow @Dugan, what a stud!!!!
  • Muddy
    6 years ago
    Yeah me and a former favorite were really tight. I would go in multiple times a week. I started to get known as “the boyfriend” We did eventually have a relationship anyway. It was when I first started getting into it but looking back I was a a RIL. She so was so fucking hot I miss that girl. After that ended I would get some serious interest by other dancers, they wanted that steady income bad. But that’s kind of what I was known for. But when your in the same club 3,4 times a week they are bound to talk some smack on you.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    One time I found that I was the topic of conversation.

    I'm fairly recognizable at my favorite club, but I generally stick to dancers I've gotten to know over the years or girls that are new to the club. There is another group of regular dancers that for one reason or another I don't interact with.

    This one day I didn't spend more than a minute alone at the bar. And just about every girl that came over was one that never gives me the time of day and I don't really have much interest in anyway.

    I didn't think much about it at first but it started to feel a bit like the Twilight Zone. A girl would come up more affectionate than I'd ever seen her and give a strong hustle for a dance, punctuated with a nice rub and tug usually with her hand snaking up inside my shorts.

    After about 5 minutes she would give up on trying to sell a dance and move on only to be replaced by another. This happened for about 6 or 7 dancers. I quite enjoyed it.

    Then I took one of my favs up to get dances. I was so well primed I lost control on song number 2 or 3 and made a mess of myself.

    As it turned out, the girls had been talking about the size of some of the customers and they were checking to see if the chat was true.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    I would have assumed you being the subject of dressing room gossip would have been by design. Especially from this thread three weeks ago.

    “I ignored the girl for the rest of my time ITC and then left the club with my fav. There is no doubt that she is well aware that I left with this girl - this is a small club with chatty girls.

    “So now she knows (1) that I am for real, (2) that I am generous, and (3) what it takes to get paid more seriously by me.” “

    Though I do have one question. How exactly is the OTC obvious with these dancers? Are you guys walking out hand in hand? Are you explicitly telling or implying to other dancers about your escapades when conversing with them? Or something else?

    If stuff like that is left up to the mere talk of dancers themselves, nobody ever fucks a customer for less than four figures.
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago
    The first time I went to an all nude club, I was approached by almost 20 dancers asking for a dance and I refused everyone because I was waiting for one dancer who was very popular, so I patiently waited.

    This one dancer who I politely turned down at least three times comes over and says "the dancers in the dress room are saying you are a broke ass and that's why you are not buying dances."

    Before she came over I considered buying dances from her if my top choice was still unavailable.

    Once she said that, I decided to wait for my top choice and I told her her" yeah, I'm a broke ass" as I pulled out my cash (probably $500) and gave her $1 to go away.

    My number one choice soon was available, we went to the VIP room to find out why she was so popular.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ lol you nailed it Spice
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    4 figures???
    I've never done OTC so I can't give any legitimate comment there.

    But ITC I've never been asked for more than the price of dances and never paid more than a good tip.

    Maybe she didn't realize how much mileage I was getting.
  • rockie
    6 years ago
    RD: I’ve found that many dancer’s make the same “flawed” assumptions about the cleanliness of their customers that many customers (all of us) use in believing that our choices ITC for sex are not high volume providers. Eventually you are pegged correctly (or incorrectly) by the generic known within a club and occasionally your “in club dynamic” changes in a good direction or another. I’ve learned to manipulate a new club dynamic, due to my past mismanagement in past clubs. It only takes 4 months in some clubs to be unknown all over again!
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ or maybe you didn’t realize how much mileage you weren’t getting;)
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^Was to flagooner
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ I don't do anal, nor do I want to.

  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    Ricky boy, you showed dem who is da boss mane
  • lotsoffun201
    6 years ago
    I had two regular girls at my usual club and since I’ve been a little cold to them lately, they figure out pretty quickly you must be doing OTC with a different girl there. Damn, even the bartenders figure it out. I think it gets pretty obvious.
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    Why would anyone accuse Ricky Boy of humble bragging? This is just another attempt at a plain ole brag-brag from TUSCL's most self absorbed member. I bet they WERE talking about him in the DR. They were probably laughing about the retard at the bar wearing the three piece suit, pretending to be a chemical engineer, and telling the girls dances aren't his "gig." https://www.tuscl.net/article.php5?id=91…
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @flagooner, you da homo mane
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    Dancers talk about customers all the time. Once at my favorite club I took a dancer upstairs to VIP and I just asked for 4 regular lap dances at $25 each. After coming back down, the dancer sat at a nearby table talking to another dancer. I overheard that other dancer say, incredulously, "Jack just asked for regular dances?"
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"Though I do have one question. How exactly is the OTC obvious with these dancers? Are you guys walking out hand in hand?"

    In any of the non-extras clubs I go to, doing so would be grounds for firing. There is a "light extras" club here that, once I became a regular, it was no problem leaving with the girls (to take them drinking on their break, to take them home after their shift) or showing up with them (to walk them back after we've been drinking, and for one particular ATF, to walk her in for the beginning of her shift). Pretty unique situation, I always thought -- I've never heard of another club where no fucks are given about girls coming and leaving with customers, even if it was informally restricted to known regulars
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Methinks OP gets a woody from drama
  • goldmongerATL
    6 years ago
    It has been mentioned here before that Follies has a group of friends and family dancers. I was talking to one about VIP and she asked who else from her group I had taken to VIP. I told her and she made an excuse to go to the restroom. She actually went and found her friends that I had FS with before. She came back and was all smiles and ready for VIP. Rocked my world.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    I know they talk about me.
    The unfaithful whore that I am.
    and what I like.
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    They talk about the latest gossip about shit trucks dumping loads
  • wallanon
    6 years ago
    "Anyone else here ever catch wind that they were the topic of conversation in the DR?"

    Dancers talk about customers all time, especially ones they recognize. I don't really think about it, people are entitled to their opinions, but sometimes it's obvious based on what dancers I don't really interact with will say when they take their shot. I try not to be seen enough to register in one spot or another, but one club last year had a really deep bench so I got known pretty well there as I was shopping the roster.
  • EastCoaster
    6 years ago
    "Anyone else here ever catch wind that they were the topic of conversation in the DR?"

    Several years ago I reported a ROB, by name, here on TUSCL in a review. A few months later on a subsequent visit, I had a dancer ask if I had done that. Said the girls had discussed it at the time, and in the dressing room that night wondered if it was me. (That would explain why I was getting ignored.) I lied and feigned ignorance about TUSCL and denied posting any reviews anywhere. I learned a lesson that night about who reads reviews here.
  • goldmongerATL
    6 years ago
    I also called out a ROB here a few years ago. The stripper had a fake user ID as a customer here and just went after me in private messages, defending the "dancer". the funny thing from the "facts" she presented is that she thought I was some other guy that had a different ROB experience with her.
  • ATACdawg
    6 years ago
    They just talk about how sharp Rick looks in his white polyester three-piece!

  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    I've never even been in the Dominican Republic.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    @nice: I never talk about what I do with dancers to anyone, ever. Over the years, this has endeared me to some of my favorites, who worked in very clean clubs and needed absolute discretion.

    The post you are referring to was a very specific incident involving a dancer working in a club where OTC is more accepted. So yes, in that instance, she would have seen me leaving with the girl and there were potential advantages to that as it relates to that one specific girl in that one specific club. But even then, I said nothing to anybody and never would.

    But this was a different club. If I had to guess, I suspect that some dancers have observed other girls leaving early after sitting with me for long stretches of time and pieced it together. Maybe one or more of those OTC girls also ran their mouths - as we all know, it happens. I guess I've been hunting at this same watering hole for perhaps too long now.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Ah. Didn’t realize these were different locales. Makes sense.
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    @rick, sheesh there are times acronoyms are helpful, but DR in 99% of cases is short for Dominican Republic. If members start using PR to mean private room instead of puerto rico its going to make my head spin.

    Dancers gossip all the time. I once had a girl id always see and I always took her back for many dances and tipped well. She had a habit of playing on her phone in the back room and when i sat at the bar the other girls would always try to entice me for a few dances before she emerged. Thier dance quality all sucked so id just tell them maybe later. This would always agitate them and theyd walk back to the room and she'd magicall appear seconds later. She confided to me that they all had a nickname for me "guy with the red beard"
  • wallanon
    6 years ago
    "Several years ago I reported a ROB, by name, here on TUSCL in a review. A few months later on a subsequent visit, I had a dancer ask if I had done that. Said the girls had discussed it at the time, and in the dressing room that night wondered if it was me."

    This is one reason why I started posting reviews on a delay, since I was getting too lazy to make everything I'd tell dancers a lie. That and I'm too busy to keep up with it.
  • Liwet
    6 years ago
    I'd think that being talked about probably makes it easier to get what you want from girls that are willing to offer it.
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