Fuck fuck fuck - another CF lost to heroin
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
I think the title says it all. Today a beautiful and funny girl who I have enjoyed in the past was doing the nod off at the bar with me. She even went down for a full minute while holding a spicy wing half way to her mouth.
Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck!
Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck!
Understand now? ;)
She’s still available for dances - and her prices are highly negotiable!
These days, I just cut them off, with clear explanation as to why.
I also object to the theory that anyone would know that this was the first time a dancer used H. It is the first time, the OP became aware of her "hard core" drug use. I get being sensitive to the signs of hard core drug use, but many users can get over.
I hate to admit this, but Trapbaby has me chuckling with "gawker is jerking off right now." To him this must sound like a chance to get in on the ground floor. ;)
Some of you guys sound like the dudes on usasexguide who have these little group mourning discussions when one of their favorite providers overdoses. Not me. In fact, I tend to view it as Natural Selection in action. I have zero sympathy for someone who knowingly goes down that road despite being surrounded by examples of what that shit will do to her.
Besides, too many old dudes whop try to "help" these girls are still looking to get laid, which is not truly helpful. As I've said to gawker time and again, there is no such thing as the Noble Pervert. You can be the person who truly tries to help or the guy who tries to get into her pants, but not both.
If a friend of mine had a problem with drugs I'd be there to help them get clean (and I have helped a couple of them get into rehab), but if it is just a person I do business with I wish them luck but they are on their own.
Gawker never seemed to get this, even when she flat out told him that she thought he was just trying using her. Instead he would lecture her one minute about her lifestyle choices and then try to wheedle sex out of her the next, all the while never seeming to the contradictory nature of those behaviors. I see this same defect in understanding with certain people who post on usasexguide when they talk for one minute about the different ways they fucked a young drugged up girl, and then later in the story regal us with how noble they were at the end when they offered her their sage life advice.
Hey, I get it. Some guys struggle with the notion that satisfying their sexual drives may be adding to some young girl's problems, so they cope with that internal conflict by adoption the Noble Pervert self perception. But that is all in their own minds. In reality, they are getting what they want from these girls and causing as much harm as much as anyone else.
If you truly want to help a girl in a bad situation then just help her and resist your urge to leverage sex out of her. Otherwise, just own what you really are and move on.
But for a girl who has gone down the rabbit hole of drugs or other self-destructive behaviors, can you ever be the guy that helps pull her out of it and/or helps her turn her life around? No. First and foremost, you are the old dude who wants her pussy and you are a source of income that she uses to fund her bad behavior. If you believe that you can truly be anything more meaningful than that to a girl in this situation then you're kidding yourself.
Is it an absolute impossibility?... no. But I wouldn't take those odds in Vegas.
I have no idea if Gawker is in here. It's fine if he is. I've said the same thing to him both in threads and via private messaging.
Don’t sweat the small stuff Rick has no peers I mean he’s so far above all of us PLs here. ;)
I once stopped taking her calls. Would not give a penny. Stopped supporting in any way. Within a week she had left detox, was homeless, got raped by a coke dealer and attempted suicide. Terribly sad. Every story I know of addiction is sad. I’ve been dealing with it in many ways and forms for years and years. I’m fascinated by the stance Portugal has taken, legalizing ( or de-criminalizing) all drugs. Counter intuitively addiction rates have plummeted.
I’ve heard many addicts admit that if you tell me I can’t have something, then I want it more. We all want what we cannot have. There’s an organization that I know of called “Fuck the Stigma”. Addiction is stigmatized almost as much as stripping. Read the posts above. Think of the stigma attached to this medical condition.
As far as the specific debate about noble perversion debate between Muddy and Rick Dugan I come down in the middle between the two of you. Can a PL help a dancer with something in their life, absolutely. Can a PL help a addict dancer get clean, possibly. But a PL should never expect anything in return for their actions. And should be aware 99% of the time helping an addict is really not helping them. And I would totally agree with Dugan that taking personal satisfaction for helping an addict is delusional.