Why is it?

avatar for strippercutie404
That if a girl sleeps around or drinks or smokes weed or strips that she is "struggling with inner demons of some sort" or that she's doing it because she's going through something or any other number of reasons besides she likes it whereas with guys people take their motivations at face value? If you tell a lot of girls you're a stripper they often explain it away with things like you've got internalized misogyny, you get off on your own degradation, you are desperate, you have daddy issues, or any other number of things. Nobody seems willing to accept the idea that you just don't see taking your clothes off for money as that big of a deal. A lot of those same girls will still post skimpy bikini pics on Instagram and a lot of them frequently grind with random guys in nightclubs and at parties. What makes what we do so degrading and what they do normal? Isn't it a lot more degrading though to work for a company that pays you minimum wage and makes you clean gross toilets? Nobody ever tells those workers that they are getting off on their own degradation though.

Or sometimes if I tell guys that I like to take edibles before my shift, some of them will say something like "you shouldn't be using drugs to get through your shift." And I have to explain that I'm not doing it to "get through my shift" I just like doing it. But nobody questions a guy who takes edibles before going to a strip club on what kind of inner demons he is facing when he does it. Whenever a girl behaves in a way people don't like though they always try to explain away their behavior as a result of some kind of trauma or that they got manipulated somehow when its really just being condescending and not accepting them for the choices they've made. For guys, people usually accept whatever reason they give for doing something as the truth, with us we're always covering something up or not wanting to admit something.

its frustrating. Sorry, rant over lol.


last comment
avatar for pistola
6 years ago
No shame in liking the cock. We like gals like you that live your life. It's societal norms that can fuck off. This advice is provided of course if you can give and encourage a proper LDK. Otherwise NM whore. Haha
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
1) the ppl working minimum wage at least are not telling others they like it
2) I don't think enjoying stripping is something that should be criticized because of assumptions about females which ppl sadly do, but rather because of assumptions about human nature..I think stripping is different than working is a stripper. Stripping can be emjoyable but its hard to see how working is a stripper is enjoyable bevause you don't who you strip for..and therefore strip for men who can sometimes seen as ugly or creepy just for many.while some girls might not strip for creepy guys, the majority of customers women strip for are jot who they are attracted to
3) it's different when women grind on men in nightclubs bc theyre grinding who they are attracted to..not just any guy for money.I am not saying that this distinction justifies calling strippers sluts..im just saying maybe a different analogy would be better lol
4) while you may claim that you dojt need to be attracted to ur customer to enjoy stripping for him, that would be hard to believe ..usually the reason a person would day this is precisely because whatever negative condition they are in makes them enjoy it.however , if you actually do enjoy it, youre an exhibitionist..and the vast majority of dancers who do dance are not exhibitionists .
5) while it could be true that u Actually enjoy it..thats hard to believe..I enjoyed showing myself off too and did it online for a while but that was because I was not in a proper mental condition.even if you do like it and are an exhibitionist ..an exhibitionist itself is someone who gets off of attention..
5) I don't think dancers should be criticized because the money helps them survive and I guess u gotta do what u gotta do..but if youre gonna criticize a stripper..I wouldnt do it because of gender but because of basic human nature (I feel that attention whore is a valid criticism )
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
I must comment on one of your statements.
While many people may have a double standard on the issue, guys that partake of edibles are losers.

I'm not judgmental, just stating a fact.
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
I try to judge men and women equally. I don't judge social stoners, I do judge 420 24/7 regardless of gender.

Same with alcohol. A guy or girl who puts back 3 to 5 drinks in 30 minutes and is just getting their night started is likely facing some inner demons.

Sex? Honestly I'm cool with women who sleep around. Not every woman wants a life partner to raise kids with. But I get a lot of guys are insecure. Also, other women judge "sluts" very harshly, while guys are just jealous of those of us who get laid more easily.
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
6 years ago
You are right we live in a patriarchal society, where we define:
Slut: (noun) a woman with the morals of a man.

This society still raises girls to aspire to marriage and they can’t be sexual beings in the same way boys are because in their case is bad, this double standard disrespects females and their sexual choices.

This is a clear example of the classist society we live in, woman are second class citizens that at one point in our history, were property of their fathers and then their husbands, couldn’t vote, etc. etc. etc.
Things have improved, but now the pendulum goes too far to the other side in some cases, but still keeping the double standard.

We all have been made to believe things that might be wrong or ridiculous; Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Boogie Man, The Evil Empire, Heaven, Hell, etc etc etc

Belief often times cause the death of reason; you might believe that you are behaving in a way that is your choice, but you might discover later that that wasn’t the case, like when you learned there is no Santa or Tooth Fairy.

As you grow older you might discover more about yourself, your real desires and not be influenced by the media in both sides of the arguments; sex is good/bad; drugs are good/bad; racism is good/bad; discrimination is good/bad; we are number one/not; we are the best country in the history of mankind/not etc etc etc.

I would recommend you to listen to all sides of the issues, and then listen to your conscience, your gut feeling, your heart, and make an educated, informed decision and act on it, and learn from your experiences and keep doing what is right for you.

Remember not everyone is going to agree with you and your decisions and life choices or lifestyle, just find your place in this life where you will be accepted and respected by those you care about.

“With your head full of brains and your shoes full of feet, you’re too smart to go down any not-so-good street.”

“Inner peace brings fulfillment.
Attain it.
And life works.
Give it away.
And Happens becomes elusive.”

Don’t worry be happy!
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
Edibles are great. Just another part of a great life. By the way we all judge others, all the time, about everything. Pretending otherwise is childishly silly. Btw college genius: Calling someone a misogynist is judging and like Flag's comment is simply a personal opinion and not a fact.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
A lot of people judge people by their compliance with social standards. We have a member who tells Welfare Queen stories, giving the party a name which suggests that they are a socially aware A.A.

I helped put a man into San Quentin, for sexually molesting his three daughters, and he was doing it with the full knowledge and support of his Pentecostal Church. To make the complaint and press the case, the girls had to charge head first into that church's denigrations.

In that church, most everyone has a scapegoat child. If the child is male, its drugs, alcohol, and joblessness. If the scapegoat is female it is also SEX.

The defendant started going on and on about his eldest daughter, and of course it comes to sex, and he is jumping up and down. I only needed to hear that once. In the dozens of communications which followed between me and the Prosecutor and the Court, I always prefaced my remarks explaining that the defendant never said to me anything which directly indicated guilt. But I was completely blown away by the animosity which he has for his eldest daughter. This indicates that that girl had to be growing up in an environment of abuse, and that this must go way way back.

Most of the people on this forum divide women into two categories. And when they say "strippers", that is a code language for that second category.

Here, I am looking at the Theosophical Society, which seems to be a continuing progressive force which works against such. Are their people on this forum familiar with such?

avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago

Most of the guys are not misogynists or creepy, some of them are assholes but if a guy is being an asshole towards me I just walk away from them and find somebody nicer to sit with. The sweet guys at strip clubs are incredibly generous. I do enjoy the attention and I like having a place where I can show off my beauty with no shame. I like feeling special, having all these guys spending hundreds of dollars to be with me. Coming back home with $500 or $600 in your purse because of how much guys enjoy your beauty is an amazing feeling. Strippers are trying to fight against stereotypes because we are constantly misrepresented by people.


Yeah somebody who is high or drunk all the time probably is. But lots of people just say anybody who does them is fighting inner demons. It is a shame how many women feel the need to attack other women for the choices they've made.
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago

The whole slut has the morals of a man thing is actually incredibly condescending towards men too. Saying men want sex so they are immoral and any girl who wants sex as much as a man does is just as immoral as they are. I do think men could benefit a lot too if women could cast off the double standards.


Omg was the guy like a priest or something? Why was the church supporting him?
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
American society judges everyone based on how closely they outwardly adhere to white middle class norms. Any deviation from them is essentially viewed as delinquent. Its a form of social control that baits people into participating in the racist system and gives oppressed white people a psychological wage.... that no matter what, they're at least "normal" coz their ideals are normative.

Nothing wrong with minimum wage jobs. An honest living is nothing to be ashamed of. Plus, most strippers try to get a job on the side just to be in the system. Usually, these jobs don't pay much based on their qualifications or lack of...

I don't believe strippers enjoy what they do. I've never heard of one coming home after work and talking about how great the guys were or how nice or about their regulars. Every single one I've dated has never mentioned the guys at the club. The girls look down on them. They'll talk about drama and their friends and management, but never the actual stripping part. Except if its something like how a guy ripped out her nipple piercing and she broke a glass on his head... And when they come home, the first thing is a long hot shower and just time alone to decompress....

Being horny and coming on to a guy you like is nothing like being a stripper and knowing you have to sell a certain number of dances to get the money you need for that night, or worrying about selling enough drinks to make management happy...

I've never known anyone who strips coz they like it or really want to. They do it coz its fast money and they don't have many other options if any at all. But basically it comes down to needing the money whether its for bills, drugs, whatever.

No one does drugs just because they want to. There's always a reason and its never a positive one.

I don't think its right to look down on strippers. But I don't think stripping should be sanitized....look at it for what it really is.

In my 10 years of being around strippers as a friend, business partner, dating them... not as a trick, I've never heard anyone say the things OP is saying... Those are things they tell tricks and customers "yeah I love my job, I'm very sexual and its like a party" lmfao
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
6 years ago

You are correct; this society has a distorted view about sex, because that view was influenced by the western cultures of Europe/England and the Puritanicals.

Our society view of sex is an example of two opposing viewpoints at the same time:
“Sex is the greatest, holiest, purest of thing”
“Sex is dirty”
What is it?

Sex is something that all animals do to procreate and make their species continue their existence and evolve.

Every other option is just that an option.

It would be nice if we all learn to respect each other and have a peaceful coexistence.

I just have learned to:
Accept the fact that there are things I can’t change.
And there are things I can change, mainly about myself.
I just need to identify each correctly and act accordingly.

Please be careful out there, be safe and remain compassionate.

I hope you are having a beautiful, nice day; as beautiful and nice as you are.
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
@IceyLoco Just because you haven't met any who have felt that way doesn't mean we don't exist. Some girls seem to hate it, I had one dancer confront me in the dressing room once and just say, so are you seriously telling me you're just fine with all this? And I told her I was and that if she was so uncomfortable with it she should probably find another job instead of doing something she hates. But there are girls who like the job and know how to make a good balance between their stripper life and their regular life. Right now I do kind of feel like I'm living a double life, one life as a stripper and one life as a normal high school girl. It can be weird at times but other times its kind of exciting.

Aw @CJ, that's so sweet thank you :)
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I don't believe stripping is degrading or that strippers should be looked down on. I just don't believe you. You're on here trying to portray a caricature of the "happy stripper"....
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
Right on, Cutie!
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
@strippercutie404 keep on keeping on don’t pay those haters no nevermind.
avatar for gentleman6555
6 years ago
Stripping’s a job like any other. Some people like their job, some people hate their job, but everyone is doing their job for the money, not for fun.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
"Omg was the guy like a priest or something? Why was the church supporting him?"

The church was supporting him because it is part of their core belief system that children need to be broken, and that they come to see sex as bad, something which has to be linked to reproduction.

Everyone there seems to have one scapegoat child. And so this guy got great mileage by blaming the whole thing on his eldest daughter.

avatar for Skippy10
6 years ago
what's an edible? I gotta get out more !!
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
I think the guys who divide women into two categories are really hurting themselves by their own thinking.

avatar for chessmaster
6 years ago
Women are hypocrites. Thats why they're comfortable shaming you for stripping then posting provocative photos on social media and grinding on random guys at nightclubs. As for people pointing out your drug habits, lots of people think they know whats best for others yet nobody else knows whats best for them. Again, hypocrites.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Chessmaster, I know some Southern Baptist Sunday School Teachers that are over 35yo and virgins. Want me to introduce you?

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Yes what he is posting is classic chessmaster, but no I do not agree with him at all, and this is why I posted.

I don't see this conflict with women about enjoying strip clubs.

Also, I would never talk about a specific stripper, or post any pictures of her without specific permission. Probably she would have been paid for the pictures.

How many people posting in the VIP Room, and about what sorts of things?

Posting about us here?

Chessmaster belongs in the VIP Room.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^^^ You chill out. You do not know what would interest me.

I'm not down on Chessmaster. He posted "Women are hypocrites."

That is misogyny.

avatar for Liwet
6 years ago

An edible is a food with drugs in it, typically marijuana.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Illegal in CA to ingest when driving a motor vehicle, or when a passenger.

avatar for Tyrion_Lannister
6 years ago
I'm not sure about your world, but in my world, it depends a lot on the brothel owner. Some brothel owners I know are fucking scumbags and mistreat the girls on a regular basis. I've met other brothel owners who used to be whores themselves and treat all the girls like family. I'm sure those girls are there of their own free will. I always try to give my business to those brothels when I can. People in my world often make fun of me because I actually like whores. I've maintained several friendships with them and dated a couple others. Most men fuck them but look down on them. Except for Podrick, that man is a prostitute whisperer.
avatar for Musterd21
6 years ago
I love to live and let live. I like naughty girls because I am a naughty boy! lol
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
LOL Musterd!

@Chessmaster they are being hypocrites. I think that they're just mad I can make lots of money doing what they do for free.

@IceyLoco I am trying really hard to be nice to you, but honestly, you do not have the right to tell me whether I am or am not happy doing what I do. I am not a caricature, this is how I feel and you are acting a lot like the people I was talking about when I made this thread. People who cannot accept what a woman says at face value. I don't intend to meet anyone here, why would I lie about myself?
avatar for Johny5
6 years ago
@strippercutie your a cutie ;). Thats off topic but id figure why not cheer you up with all these negativity goin on in this post! ;D

The world need strippers!
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
strippercutie... i like your attitude.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
"like Flag's comment is simply a personal opinion and not a fact."

No, it's a fact, Loser Leaf users are losers by definition.
In the most recent version of the OED

Loser Leaf User (n.): Fucking Loser.

By the way, I also saw this recently added entry

GOAT (n.): Greatest Of All Time (i.e. LeBron "King" James)
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Strippercutie, it has nothing to do with you being a woman. You just sound like a caricature of everything strippers tell tricks. But if it makes you happy, okay, you love taking your clothes off and getting groped by unattractive men and you love being on edibles while doing it. And its fun and just like partying, actually fucking old men in the VIP for money is a lot more honorable than cleaning toilets for a living and much more ethical that getting drunk and fucking a guy you meet at a club. Happy now?
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
Why is it that my stripper persona farts a lot
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
“And its fun and just like partying, actually fucking old men in the VIP for money is a lot more honorable than cleaning toilets for a living and much more ethical that getting drunk and fucking a guy you meet at a club.”

Idk what’s up with this “ethical” talk...but forced to choose and I’ll take the average strip club patron vs nightclub.

Four years ago, I was in a social circle that likes to go to nightclubs and I’d go too. Tbh there was only two places I liked. A piano bar and an arcade bar. The rest of them, especially the males there, were annoying.

It was actually where I started seriously considering whether I wanted to try being a stripper, since I thought to myself “why am I dealing with these douches for free”

But plot twist, as obnoxious as SC patrons can be sometimes, they are nowhere near as bad as night club patrons.
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
It makes sense night club patrons are worse than SC patrons in terms of male entitlement. A short dress at a night club invites some assholes to grope. Although there are SC patrons who like to grope for free, at the end of the day most know how to behave well enough to not get kicked out and will ultimately pay.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I agree that male clubbers are worse in terms of entitlement.... That wasn't the point though. The point was that at a club, a girl chooses to grind on a guy and or leave the club with him and have sex......based on her own inclinations. Not on the fact that she's just doing it for the money she needs. Being sexual with a guy she finds attractive vs a nasty or socially retarded guy who is paying her. That's the difference that was being pointed out.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
I don't know what everyone else thinks.

I consider young ladies that enjoy fucking short, bald, middle-aged, white men who have small penises as quite discerning and confident.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
So she basically said she's an entitled bitch who thinks she should be paid to do anything and have everything paid for her.... That's not saying anything positive about tricks.

The advice about treating them like shit to get them is bs. The best way to get them is to make them realize that they need you.

P4P ethics are about commodifying women and viewing pussy as a product. Its cheap actually, when its more expensive what the trick usually pays for is a GFE. That's what makes it expensive ....her actually pretending to like it and like him. If you just want pussy you can get it for as low as $50..... $20 in coke or $40 in crack.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
the real opposite end of the spectrum is just the fact that sex is a basic human function that feels good, and what people who find each other attractive and like each other, do together. There's no monetary value placed on it.
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
I wasn't saying that fucking guys in strip clubs is more or less ethical than fucking guys in nightclubs. I don't think there's anything unethical about sex whether its in a strip club setting or a nightclub setting. I was just saying that a lot of girls will call strippers sluts and whores but those very same girls will still post sexualized photos of themselves on Facebook or Instagram and will still grind on random guys in nightclubs. The only difference is that I found out a way to make money doing what they're doing for free.

Most of the guys aren't the best looking but most of them aren't super ugly either, and it is a little weird at first but after you've given a guy several dances you just don't think about it much anymore.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
That's not true. Posting a bikini or lingerie pic online hoping to get ad deals out of it or something is different from getting naked for men and grinding on them to pay the bills.

Prostitution and casual sex are not the same. The psychological impact aside, fucking someone for money and catering to their needs isn't the same as mutually pleasing each other coz you want to.

Strippers think about how gross the guys are all the time, they block it out coz they know they have to hustle.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
^ What percentage of ladies who post provocative pics online are doing it in hopes of getting an ad deal? I don't know, but I'm guessing very small. That or there are a lot of delusional kadies out there. That is just a strawman argument.

That being said, I actually agree with @Icey's second paragraph.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
A lot of girls on Instagram think they'll get paid to post ads, or shoutouts, so they put up provocative pics to get more likes and followers.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^^^^^ It's in the parking lot that you find the most interesting of characters. In the front room, the music is too loud, and too many beautiful young girls are trying ram their tongues down your throat.

48CowBoy +10


Joe Jackson - Breaking Us In Two

To my ear this is an extremely sad song.

A lot of emphasis on minor triads

Breaks some of the conventions for guitar music, using lots of slash cords, and this F# Major. Black key music, okay for keyboard, but not common for guitar because it uses no open string notes. Are his people using an alternative tuning?



TJ Street

avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
OP sounds like he's projecting what he wishes strippers and hoes felt about being with him lmfao
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