
Stage side negative comments by Strippers

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Thursday, November 29, 2018 2:24 AM
Usually I'm treated well but with enough volume you see the ugly side of things

It was a slow night and i was visiting to just have a few drinks and tip for the warmth of some soft breast to help my 80 hour work week feel worth it LOL.

I assume this lady was just frustrated because it was a slow night and i was only one of three costumer present and all just tipping with no dances but this is what transpired.

I see a gorgeous pair of breast i had to visit. I approach with about $50 singles rolled up in my hand with a dollar already taken out to tip.

She gives me some amazing time with her twins and i even get some pussy in my face... Honestly magical.

Then i tip her the dollar and she is like is that fucking it ? You have a wade in your hand and obviously enjoy me so why not make it rain ?

I reply I'm not a rain maker and I'm trying to make that last my visit.

She says then why even visit me on stage ? I choice not to reply to her ignorant question as to the simple and obviously answer

Instead i made a mental note to black list this greedy and cold bitch. I'll never share the good times with her since she couldn't enjoy my bad nights with me

In her future this has costed her thousands over the next few years at this club

For any stripper reading yes i get that any investment is a gamble

But at this club my reputation has been to go light week in and out then every other month drop $600 or more with the ladies that invested in my slow nights


  • Htxx
    6 years ago
    I had a shot girl be a total cunt to me once, cost her big time every visit to the club thereafter... that was the one and only problem I’d ever had in a club re comments
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Many people can make a sales pitch; very few can close the deal. Dancers suck at closing the deal.
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Damn right they are
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    I had tipped a number of dancers during their stage sets, and I had taken 2 of them upstairs to VIP. I was back at my table, finishing the last of my beer bucket, when a dancer I had tipped came up to me. Angrily, she said I should not tip her on stage if I wasn't going to take her upstairs. WTF?
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Lmao indeed WTF
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    This is a short-sighted mentality - that many strippers have.

    You enjoyed the girl on stage - got some FaceTime with her tits - and you tipped her a dollar. It’s all good. She should move to the next dude. A sexy chat after seeing your was of bills - makes sense too. When you saved your money - she should just move on and thank you.

    She may have wanted more money. You didn’t want to spend more (at that exact time). If she left it friendly - she may have had a chance in the future. But, she doesn’t have that chance now. It’s her loss. There are loads of hot strippers - and she’s not unique - or exceptional -
  • ime
    6 years ago
    Has the Juice mane lost his charm? Find out next week on how the trailer park turns.
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago

    Its just volume... Its mathematical impossible to always run good
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    If I get up to the stage to tip it means that I like what I see. So she will get more than $1 just based on looks alone. And if she puts on a good stage show with effort and good stage mileage I’ll tip her even more. This system works well for me. I rarely tip $1 because the $1 girls aren’t worth the effort of getting out of my seat.

    Juice in comparison follows the $1 stage tip system. I don’t know how it’s possibke but most girls love his single dollar bill tips. I’ve seen him get stage raped for one measly dollar. Sadly this particular girl was unable to immediately sense Juice’s overwhelming sexual prowess. It was probably because of drugs.

  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    LOL of course how did i not understand this
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    JS69 speaks from experience - and there is wisdom in his post. He’s experienced the “flies on shit” effect that Juice has on strippers.
  • -me
    6 years ago
    I would've tipped more than a dollar, and I wouldn't have the rest in my hand. Put that shit away till your ready to use it.
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Cssh lol fucker
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Me usually do but i guess i was a little sloppy with my system lol
  • AmeliaSmith
    6 years ago
    I’m going to be honest. If a guy came and tipped a single at my stage and got some pretty good treatment, I would feel a little hurt but I WILL be at your table afterwards. This is partly because I work at a make-it-rain club. But I would never be ungrateful to your face lol
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Smart Lady

    Usually with me it pays off because I'm a big spender on champagne rooms and the like

    With expectations to a few clubs i have left in my rotation just to tip and drink at. These clubs i try not to lead any girls on. I typically will give the heads up that im just relaxing and not buying

    I do try and be respectful of their times and efforts usually... I do have expections to this rule like when im curious and do experimenting
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    I can understand this girl's point of view... but there is an easy solution to this problem. Giving little to no mileage on stage ever or only doing it for bigger tips. I have seen girls time and again do a LOT for $1 on stage and they hope for more when there is no guarantee. The obvious solution is dont start out doing the most praying everyone tips a lot on stage. And yeah I've seen dudes that tip extremely little on stage but will do dances/rooms. But that isn't common ime.
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    I was always no to very low mileage on stage though so I dont really share these girls' exact frustrations. But I do get annoyed if someone is flashing cash but not really blowing through it. That can be taken as manipulative behavior especially when they dont blow through their stack on any girl and have it out for special treatment. I like the guys that tip 20s on stage or flash cash then make it rain.
  • wallanon
    6 years ago
    There's plenty of girls with a slightly better who can get a lot of customers who show their stack to peel off more. I don't ever show more at the stage than I'm willing to tip unless it's a bar crawl place. Then it's so I don't have to reach in a pocket every 30 seconds.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ Really???
    You like guys that stage tip $20 or make it rain?

    That's a shocker!!!!
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    How extraordinary!
  • jsully63
    6 years ago
    Generally if I’m sitting at the stage I’ll tip appropriately but will keep my money in my pocket to not set off the dancers radar. Making nasty comments is never going to help a dancer make money. If your not happy with what I’m tipping just don’t come back and I’ll get the point
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    You cheap manipulative fuck, lol.

  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    My general tip for the “dollar parade” dancers who don’t interest me, is $2.

    If a dollar parade dancer catches my eye, I’ll tip either a $5 or $10. If she’s a fave - and a filthy fave - I might slide a $20 in there to say hi!

    I have hit some run down clubs in NE Pa over the years - and stage tipped nicely. If a dancer seems unsure and less than confident - I will tip $10 or $20 to give her a boost. I’ll let her know that I appreciate her stage work too.

    I know it takes more balls than I’ve ever had to get on that stage! But, I may over tip, and that can be bad too.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    To elaborate on my comment and boil this down, juice walked up to that stage with a wad of ones visible in his hand, no doubt designed to give her the impression that there was more behind that first dollar. So she bites and gives him the full treatment. Then, after all of that, what does juice do? He hands over the meager dollar and then acts like the innocent injured party in the transaction. ;)
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    ^tbh this is exactly how I see this, yes
  • wellhungsac420
    6 years ago
    I think a dollar is a go-away tip.
    If I enjoyed any part of the interaction I give two minimum and suggest she shake it a little more if she wants to see me get generous. That puts the incentive to perform back on her.
  • Liwet
    6 years ago
    It's not that big of a loss for a stripper to ignore a guy who hasn't spent money on her. You can't teach a dog any tricks until the dog knows the taste of the treat he'll get for performing the trick.
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Ricky boy knows me 2 well lmfao
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Ive had bitches get pissed off at me for not spending money on them and just sticking with my own bitches. I let them go off and then calmly tell them I'll slap the shit out of them next time. It shuts them up
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    Fuck her in the mouth juice

    Funny how I destroyed an airplane shitter yesterday!
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    Fuck her in the mouth juice

    Funny how I destroyed an airplane shitter yesterday!
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    Fuck her in the mouth juice

    Funny how I destroyed an airplane shitter yesterday!
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    Fuck her in the mouth juice

    Funny how I destroyed an airplane shitter yesterday!
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    Fuck her in the mouth juice

    Funny how I destroyed an airplane shitter yesterday!
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    Fuck her in the mouth juice

    Funny how I destroyed an airplane shitter yesterday!
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