
"No means yes, and yes means anal"

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Just curious what u guys think about this?
Curious to know if y'all think this rape perpetuating slogan is actually funny?


  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I don’t believe you give a shit what anyone thinks you just want an excuse to tell us what you think and I truly don’t give a fuck!
  • gawker
    6 years ago
    Is that from Dianna Ross? I think it was one of TheSupremes.
  • ATACdawg
    6 years ago
    No. It's not funny at all.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    I think if anyone has to ask for sex or any kind of physical contact then the obvious answer is no and if they push the person they're being coercive.

    If two people are attracted and ready it just happens. It has to be mutual.

    I'd add that its no different from coercing women with money, threats, pressuring them, anything.

    Ive seen the impact this has on women and its long term. Im sure gay men and lesbians go through the same shit too.

    In my view, having a woman be with you for any reason other than she wants to makes you less masculine.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    when she says ‘no’ in a particular way... putting up some sexy resistance... what can I say?
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    a current example is in the Latina song ‘sin pijama. ‘
  • JeffTUSCL
    6 years ago
    Why even ask this? You already believe it perpetuates rape. So anyone who agrees with you, you have nothing to say to. Anyone who disagrees with you, it will be an opportunity for you to argue with them. You're just fishing for an argument.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Either filter out the frats dudes you talk to, so that you can avoid the ones who think like that. Or just don’t talk to frat dudes at all (unless his daddy is a senator!)
  • Umm I don't talk to any frat guys at all cuz I don't know any.
  • No I'm not fishing 4 argument cuz I don't have time to do that on here which is why I've only respond dedicate to one argument towards me in the past 3 wks ..just fishing 4 some answers:)
  • Plus, please stop stereotyping frat guys.ive had them.in my previous classes and many of them are very nice and sociable to girls and guys

    It has nothing to do with frat guys..so many non frat guys think like this too, while many get guys dont think like this
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    If you want to make your thread about rape culture, and not talk about frats specifically, then don’t use that phrase.

    If you google “no means yes, yes means anal”—then headlines about Yale frats immediately pop up. And Texas Tech University follows suit.

    Yes, I’m sure there’s plenty of nice frat guys. But there’s a reason “no means yes, yes means anal” is associated with them.
  • Lmao :

    "If you want to make your thread about rape culture, and not talk about frats specifically, then don’t use that phrase"

    Lmao..honestly , first you don't order people. Secondly ,not only is ur approach rude as fuck, your advice is also logically flawed ..I dont like narrow minded people

    There's more than one way to frame an issue.the only way what u said would make sense is if using quotes from famous celebrities were used solely for the purpose of referencing the celeb itself as opposed to the meaning of the quote (see below for further explanation )

    For instance , while someone might use the title of this post to reference frats specifically, that isn't the only reason why a person would so

    This phrase is just an efficient alternative way as opposed to a paragraph to deseibez a problem that occurs by significantly more men not In frats than men who are in frats..since guys in frats are like .05% of the college population and cases of rape are commktted by men of all ages..

    So um yeah I can use this phrase and not talk about frats specifically because the implications of the quote and even the quote itself is applicable to something that goes on outside of frat houses to the same extent (if not to a larger degree ) than it does within frat houses

    Just because I quote oprah on life advice , does that mean I am talking about Oprah only as opposed to the content of her message (life advice) which might be applicable to everyone?

  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Id love to ass fuck you pooshee baby
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    “Lmao..honestly , first you don't order people. Secondly ,not only is ur approach rude as fuck, your advice is also logically flawed ..I dont like narrow minded people”

    Careful now. DC and I were the only ones even taking your thread seriously. If your goal is to troll, then feel free to get irritated all you want.

    But if you want to try to have a real conversation, then I’d be more careful about getting angry if I was you. Ah hell, I even messaged Sirlap not too long ago asking him to roast you a little less. He declined of course, but now you have given him material to message me back and laugh at me for trying.

  • Not really..cuz that was like only a fraction of my statement . my annoyance doesnt take away from thr content of my message, which is that ur advice was logically flawed

    If u gonna comment aboht what I said then do so.about the main poiny of it rather than something superficial.

  • If u forgot how I said ur advice was logivally flawed , this is me explaining why:

    This phrase is just an efficient alternative way as opposed to a paragraph to deseibez a problem that occurs by significantly more men not In frats than men who are in frats..since guys in frats are like .05% of the college population and cases of rape are commktted by men of all ages..

    So um yeah I can use this phrase and not talk about frats specifically because the implications of the quote and even the quote itself is applicable to something that goes on outside of frat houses to the same extent (if not to a larger degree ) than it does within frat houses

    Just because I quote oprah on life advice , does that mean I am talking about Oprah only as opposed to the content of her message (life advice) which might be applicable to everyone

  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    But on topic, where have you heard that phrase being widely used?

    I don’t hang out with misogynists in my day to day life. The only time I’ve heard “no means yes, yes means anal” is when people get pissed at a college frat group for using it. I’ve never heard anyone else use it.

    (And no, not all frats groups of course)
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Love my Hershey pooshee
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    Smashing that like button
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    That is a frat phrase. I'm so disconnected from college, but even I know that lol.

    In general though I think a lot of guys in their 20s early 30s are quite rapey and perhaps don't understand the concept of being "just friends".....
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @nicespice LMAO you can't have a "logical" discussion with Nicokeyes because she is so myopic in her thinking that she can't comprehend another perspective that might not be exactly per her thread topic but still might be relevant to a grander discussion. (The irony of course is that she's aspiring to go to law school.)

    Furthermore she accuses others of logical fallacies while demonstrating her own. For example, she first posts

    "Umm I don't talk to any frat guys at all cuz I don't know any."

    ^ But then LMAO a few posts later she posts this:

    "Plus, please stop stereotyping frat guys.ive had them.in my previous classes and many of them are very nice and sociable to girls and guys

    It has nothing to do with frat guys..so many non frat guys think like this too, while many get guys dont think like this"

    Clearly she posts yet another contradiction and logical fallacy which is ironically what she was accusing you of doing. Ergo, she deserves all the roasting she gets.
  • @DC: frat guys can be 3 times as likely to rape a girl, but that doesn't mean that the majority or even close to the majority of rapes occur by them, which is the important thing to consider in this post as it was about a societal rather than solely frat related issue

    first, I don't even know if it is correct that frat guys are three times more likely to rape a girl; not everything read is true

    but that doesn't matter, ill give u the benefit of the doubt: even if they were, still, the majority of rapes for college girls don't always occur in frat houses, especially in big schools like mine where they are only like 5-10 % of the population...cuz even if every one of them raped, they would still be in the minority of the undergraduate population

    moreover, so many girls these days use tinder etc and date guys off campus so many rapes occur outside of frat houses

    more importantly, even if the majority of college campus rapes occurred in frat houses, that still doesn't matter, because these houses would constitute only the small minority of where rapes occur, since rapes are also committed by men of other age ranges and in other countries where frats don't exist

    sooo..in conclusion, because rape is such an entrenching issue in both America and around the world, and because frat houses only constitute the minority of places which occur, rape is a significant issue outside of fraternities, and this slogan used by frats is a short way to summarize how rapists everywhere think, which is why I used it..@ nice spice this is my answer to your question, even though I already stated it earlier

    @nice spice I have never "heard it being used " anywhere. I've seen it being used on various internet forums, where frats have been discussed but also not discussed.

    even if you were to argue that you have heard if being used more among frat members, again that doesn't matter, because the meaning of the phrase is applicable to a significantly large amount of incidents(rape) which occur outside of frat houses, since rape is an issue concerning many countries that don't even have frats and is also a crime committed by men who aren't in college..

  • @nice spice, LIKE I ALREADY SAID LOL:

    if I use a phrase by oprah about life advice , is my point to reference oprah or the life lesson conveyed through her quote? obviously the latter; since this is something a lot of us do.
  • @nice spice, LIKE I ALREADY SAID LOL:

    if I use a phrase by oprah about life advice , is my point to reference oprah or the life lesson conveyed through her quote? obviously the latter; since this is something a lot of us do.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @Nicole just a simple question, do you hear the sound of one hand clapping? Refer to my first post if you don’t understand the question!
    Otherwise shut the fuck up already!
  • @DC lmao

    while I have been greatly appreciative of when nice spice has been nice, lmao her being rude in any way is a separate issue. being "nice" isn't gonna stop me from calling out someone who is rude, because I definitely don't care to be friends anyone who acts in such a way...that's fucking lame.
  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    "I don’t hang out with misogynists in my day to day life.'

    Well, except on here, right?
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    ^Lol touché.

    But there’s enough fun banter and also the occasional thought provoking conversation to balance it out.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago

    It’s still important to choose words carefully when leading a discussion, if you want to lead a discussion towards the topic you want. (Unless you’re trolling on purpose.)

    It’s not rudeness, it’s just constructive criticism. I’ve made the same blunder as you in the past. I’ll link you where I did that.


    If you skim through it, several commenters misinterpreted what I said. They thought I was trying to make a personal racial complaint. PaulDrake even said somewhere in there how I should have worded it differently. And he was absolutely right.

  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    I'm not capable of forcing myself on a woman. But I'm amazed at how frequently attempted rape occurs behind closed doors.

    I'd say there's about an 80% chance this supreme court nominee Kavanaugh tried to rape his accuser, Ford. I used to assume successful guys like Kavanaugh are decent people -- but many of them are fucked-up monsters behind closed doors.
  • 4got2wipe
    6 years ago
    It's brilliant that nicespice thinks Nicole1994 wants to lead a discussion. Nicole1994 wants to stir the pot. Not that there is anything wrong with that as long as something entertaining emerges!
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Nicole has it all wrong! I think txtittyfag knows that Yes means Yes - and No means Nostril!
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    “I'd say there's about an 80% chance this supreme court nominee Kavanaugh tried to rape his accuser, Ford.”

    I saw that. It’s really sad. :(

    “It's brilliant that nicespice thinks Nicole1994 wants to lead a discussion.”

    It’s a 50% chance, lol.

    Also, Cashman is savage! Lol
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    One response is when a guy is looking at a girl, she'll say he's raping her. Another response is a guys trying to converse with her or ask her out, she'll also say he's raping her. And that's just Mrs. 77's (these girls are nuts) response to the OP! I agree.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Dominic77- I think you should clarify your statement. I believe the correct statement is “He’s mentally raping her.”

    There are many times where the terminology of rape occurs. I think it’s highly inappropriate - as it’s a poor metaphor.

    If you paid too much for a car - a person might say - “I got raped on the price of that car.”
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    In the event that Kavanaugh fails to get that supreme court appointment, we should invite him over to TUSCL as an honorary member or moderator. With his history of drinking, sexual assault, hypocracy and misogyny he'd fit right in here.

    Good Christian boy!
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
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