How old was you when you popped your cherry ?

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
I lost my virginity on my 13 birthday to the school slut that was in the eleventh grade lol
Had some older friends from the football team hook me up
Had some older friends from the football team hook me up
If anyone is at my side it will be my xwife my high school sweetheart and best friend... Maybe the kids or grandchildren
But im not marriage again homie
Im riding solo cups and dirty underwear all the way
Remember when you tried to shut on nice spice
She had to explain it all to me!!! By the 3rd or 4th time I got the hang of it.
Are you saying you were 9.5 months and you consider coming out of your 42 y.o. mom's fuck shute a little late as losing your virginity?
That is demented!!!!