
Do I take advantage?

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OK, so the other day I wrote about a chick who wouldn't stop texting me for favors. Well, yesterday she escalated by calling me twice and, after I blew her off, texting me yet again later in the evening looking to hook up.

Apparently the girl was fired from the club, which I heard about the other day from a dancer but was confirmed in the most recent text. The girl is in serious need of cash it would seem.

So the questions I am faced with:

1. Do I just keep saying No? After all, random OTC transaction hookups are not nearly as fun to me as combo club visit-OTC finish nights.

2. Do I see if I can squeeze a bargain out of the situation? I think it's pretty obvious that I could if she is blowing up my phone.

3. Or do I do the most humane thing and pick her up and pay her normal asking price?

Decisions, decisions.

What would you fine gents do?


  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    You know she’s desperate based on her calls, texts, and hearing about her firing.

    This is basic economics - and she’s not in a position to negotiate a high price.

    There aren’t that many times when a customer knows he has the upper hand. I’d recommend negotiating a lower price - and then make sure you work her hard.
  • BigPimp69
    6 years ago
    Oh do squeeze a bargain. And if she had any sexual boundaries, then go ahead to push her boundaries.

    Just throw in some crack into the deal to keep her from getting angry. I’ve got some I can sell you.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    What you should be doing is saying yes.... then after she gets used to it, cut her off and see what she's willing to do for you
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Cash, 99% of the time that is my natural instinct. Indeed, over time I've gotten really good at sniffing out need and negotiating accordingly.

    But my conscience, small though it may be, is nagging me with this one. Maybe there is such a thing as TOO desperate? IDK.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    RickiBoi why wouldn’t you take advantage it’s your nature?
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Rick - if you aren’t sure - it’s best to leave it alone.

    Are you thinking of paying full price for a desperate whore?
  • jaredlucas
    6 years ago
    I'm with cashman on this. I'd probably leave it alone unless she absolutely checks off all the boxes. Even then I'd think twice. A desperate hooker is likely to cause unforeseen complications.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Idk Twenty. I like to hunt the gazelle when she has a limp that she's trying to hide. But when she's lying on the ground with a broken leg, it just doesn't feel sporting - or particularly sexy for that matter.
  • jsully63
    6 years ago
    It’s not the kill. It’s the thrill of the chase
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Second thoughts about anything means don't do it.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Ski, if I reversed course every time I had doubts I'd be working for someone else instead of myself and easily half of my stripper adventures would never have happened. Skittish behavior is for the herbivores.

    Having said all of that, your point about listening to those voices was not completely lost.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Rickdugan, they love to suck on your money.

  • TrollWarnBot
    6 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

    san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate

    L1oydSchoene - alternate account of san_jose_guy

    PhatBoy99 - definite troll account
  • bubba267
    6 years ago
    3. Don’t see a downside.
  • Smalltowncpl
    6 years ago
    I found myself in this very same situation several months ago. I thought the girl was cute just my type but not much of a conversationalist. She lost her job and was desperate. I did visit her on a couple of occasions but it got to be a little much. She was just to desperate. I was afraid she was going to go full on crazy and start to cause problems. I hooked her up with a job waiting tables,but she didn't want it because she wanted to be paid under the table. I hooked her up with a bartending job but she obviously didn't need the money that bad because she never showed up after the third night. She didn't have a habit so I'm not sure what the problem was. She texted me a time or two after that and I let her know that I was pretty pissed.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    I don’t understand. How far away is the next best club? Why couldn’t she just work elsewhere?
  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    Oh, the humanity!! Will he or won't he? The fucking suspense is killing me.

    Another classic from the resident drama queen.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    If you read Ricky's posts he tends to be pretty dramatic nicespice.
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    What is she on the hot/crazy scale? Counts for something in the decision making process.

    And this is a good lesson why you always use a burner number so when your done you zap that shit. I rec a diff number for each diff gal.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    I always love reading about the "gazelle" metaphor on TUSCL. Perfect metaphor for a john paying a desperate hooker for sex.
  • gentleman_scholar
    6 years ago
    Your previous discussion leads me to believe that you find her irritating and don't care to make it a long-term thing. I vote you take advantage of the situation and get as low a price as you can. The only time i offer more than I have to is when I'm really into the girl and want her to keep coming back. I don't view it as paying extra for that encounter. I view it as paying extra so that next time she'll stop what she's doing and schedule her day around my availability. I get the sense that you neither want nor require that form of dedication from this girl. So don't give her a penny more than you have to.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Never thought of you as a sporting type of guy, I always pictured you as more of an ambush hunter, with that three piece white polyester suit so you could just blend into the background.
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    I don't play games. I do everything on my terms. Some things are just buzz kills, including desperation. But to each his own. Good luck.
  • Liwet
    6 years ago
    Sounds like she needs the money more than her dignity but you don't need her. It's basic supply and demand. I'd go for a low price and go with some sort of sugar arrangement.
  • Mal2
    6 years ago
    Id go for a slightly lower price, but demand higher service for it. You might be able to adjust long term expectations.... but it depends on the girl and the vibe.
  • 4got2wipe
    6 years ago
    If only there was some sort of council rickdugan could consult. Perhaps one that included a lion, a vulture, and a barnacle.

    It would be brilliant is such an organization existed! ;)
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    I always thought one of the tenet of The System(tm) was paying fair market rates. I.e., we deflect her initial quote if it blows out the market rate, and confidently make eye contact, lean in, smile, and extend an offer that is more than fair for around these parts. So, I would think it goes both ways.

    The other tenet of tenet above, is we pay fair rates so that we aren't overspending so we can still provide for our family, because, even the top 3% of us can only live like a baller for so long before it catches up to us. But I don't think the way to approach that is a low ball her in her when she's negotiating from a compromising position. Not very sporting, dude.

    RE: enthusiasm. I know part of your deal is you like to make sure the girls are sufficiently motivated to fuck you enthusiastically enough (it's a meme on the pink site). So I get your concern that in her state, she might be more unenthusiastic than enthusiastic. So you might need to feel her out and or negotiate slightly on the price (you start playfully down, they *let* her negotiate it back up for the tip to get to 100%).

    I only mention that because unlike many of the others here, you and I understand *dealing* (a/k/a haggling) is part of commerce and no big deal. Nor takes much time or energy.

    I'd say, agree to it, pay her rate, but make her think she had to work a little to get it the full amount or close to it. It will make her feel better. White lies, remember? ;)
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    Fuck her but low-ball your initial offer
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I’d be interested to hear what Rick decided to do. Hopefully it works out for him.
  • JeffTUSCL
    6 years ago
    I don't get it. Desperate or not, she is guaranteed fucking some other guy for free (boyfriend or one night stands) so how is offering the least possible $ to a desperate girl taking advantage of her? If you feel bad for her, take her for a meal if you don't mind being seen in public with her. Or order food delivery before she comes over & feed her. Back in the day I used to get away with paying some very hot girls as low as $100 or $120 to come to my place for FS. Economy was bad and they were desperate. But they were all smiles. Sometimes I fed them and they seemed to be gesture that made them feel positive.
  • wallanon
    6 years ago
    "What would you fine gents do?"

    The second anything close to home starts going off script that bitch is in the wind. End of story.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    To close the loop, I ended up seeing her for what I normally give her. I held off for a while, but then I got the itch and she was a very convenient option. I'm already getting a decent deal all things considered, so I didn't have the heart to squeeze her for a few bucks that means a lot more to her than it does to me.
  • WillMunny
    6 years ago
    And what happened, then?
    Well, in Whoville they say
    that RickDugan's small heart
    grew three sizes that day.
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    Just go ahead and propose to her and then fuck her for free. She will be thrilled that you will pay all her bills for life.
  • wallanon
    6 years ago
    In many places there are laws against being married to more than one woman at a time.
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