
Strippers in the real world

Avatar for ndnman
ndnmanYou got some Indian in you? No? Would you like to?

Was wondering where, if ever, outside the club you've spotted your local strippers. My last sighting was a couple weeks ago as I was browsing in a Goodwill. I looked up and saw a huge pair of tits and that got my attention of course. I got closer and recognized a rather famous local Phoenix stripper. She looked the same except more worse for wear in regular daylight. Prior to that I've seen one in the Wal-Mart parking lot and actually said hey briefly. Another one I saw in Target. Did not say anything as i was with the wife. I also ran into a high mileage VIP specialist at a local breakfast hot spot. That one was weird cuz in the club she's GORGEOUS, but there all I noticed were big tits and the rest was very meh. Face wasn't a looker either. Those dim lights sure work wonders I guess. Also spotted another at Culvers getting burgers with her young kids. Now she's is as hot outside the club in street wear. Another I saw at an NHRA race. I did see a massage parlor girl I used to see at a SUNS game as well. Lastly I saw this scantily dressed girl walking into Big Lots one afternoon and like a real perv I followed. I got the nerve to talk to her and even asked to snap a few pics of her right in the big lots aisle. Turns out she was a dancer at a club I rarely go to and it was her day off. I guess they are people just like us. :)


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Avatar for Cashman1234

I’ve rarely seen strippers out and about. I saw one at a mall once. She was with a guy - and I was with my ex and family.

The general rule in this case is simple. If you notice a stripper out in public - it’s best to say and do nothing. The stripper’s family or companion may not know of her work - and having a strange guy saying hello can draw unwanted attention.

Avatar for DandyDan

I knew one who was a barista at a coffee shop (and not one of these bikini baristas someone mentioned here before). I have seen the one stripper at my current favorite club who lives in my city at the gas station I go to.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Once at the supermarket. She was with her kids. A little awkward. We recognized each other, but did not say or do anything. She actually looked good out of "uniform".

One other time at a job fair years ago. I was working the booth where she walked up to fill out an application. That was more awkward...

Avatar for JohnSmith69

I’ve never seen one of my strippers in the real world. But I’ve been on dates with strippers when we ran into her customers. The one I recall most clearly was when I was shopping with DS II and we ran into a couple that she had danced for. The man had a huge grin on his face and said hi. The woman looked at DS II like she wanted to kill her. DS II was light years more attractive than this girl.

Avatar for shadowcat

When the Columbia Platinum Plus used to be my favorite club I was always running into dancers from the club at the Waffle House and my hotel just 2 blocks down the street. Most of time they were by themselves but my rule is to never speak to them first. Wound up having sex with 2 of them that I met at the hotel.

I have never run into one in the Atlanta area. I guess because live too far from any of the clubs.

Avatar for flagooner

I was in Tampa a few months ago and went to Odyssey 2001 or whatever that club is called. I had 3 lappers that ended in a LDK.

The next day I went to Jimmy John's to grab a sandwich for lunch. Just before ordering I happened to turn around for no reason, just to look around.

My dancer from the day before was right behind me. I would have ignored it, but she flashed me a little grin. I gave her a quick wink and then went about my business of ordering, getting my sandwich, and heading out.


2 at their day jobs as CNAs, a few at gas stations, 2 at the gym, an a few food shopping.

Avatar for Warrenboy75

I can tell you from being the boyfriend/S.O. of one it's a royal pain in the ass. I thought about doing an article some time back but decided not to.

Most strippers ( even one's who are retired and trying to break away from the lifestyle) dread it. Especially if they were concerned about being found out.

Being seen by people who know or knew them from the club impacts their decisions from where they go to how they dress to spending inordinate amount of energy on what ifs.

I've run into a few working girls over the years most of the time if we make eye contact I nod and move on.

Avatar for Dolfan

I've run into them in a number of places. Some you might expect, like fast food/casual dining joints near the cub or bars downtown/at the beach. Some a little less likely, like a Polo Club and a Science Museum.

Reactions are decidedly mixed. Sometimes they see me and clearly don't want to be fucked with, other times they say hello like any other casual acquaintance, and others they act like strippers being all flirty and affectionate. I've never had an situation where its been an issue on either end though. We always seem to be able to infer the others intents and oblige.

Avatar for shailynn

Okay OP, going up to a stripper and asking to snap a phot is pretty creepy.

Avatar for azdd

ND that is a phenomenal number of chance encounters with strippers! I was once on the same flight with my ATF and her husband, but other than that I haven't seen any others.

Avatar for RTP

Well, I guess running into a stripper I met in Florida on Backpage in St. Louis does not count? She told me that she is from Minnesota and stops in St. Louis for a night or two each way when driving back and fourth between Minneapolis and Tampa.

I recently ran into a Follies Stripper who was working as the assistant manager at a drug store (I actually did not know this stripper, she told me what else she did). I ran into one shopping at my local grocery store once. She offered me to go back to her apartment with her, but she seemed really nervous. I did not trust it at all.

I also saw one at a local pub and she was nice enough to try and buy an expensive drink and put it on my tab. Finally, I saw the bartender from a local club while I was pumping gas at a Quick Trip. She was with her boyfriend but gave me a big hug. Concerned me a bit as I was not alone.

Avatar for Darkblue999

Saw a dancer outside the club in parking lot. Nobody were there that time and I tried to say hello to her. She was so mad and signaled me to call.

Avatar for Huntsman

I ran into a “non-extras, non-otc” stripper once at her escort incall. That was pretty funny.

Avatar for Warrenboy75

Huntsman if you notice in my comments I used the term working girls...........I've actually run into more than a few escorts when out over the years, especially in DC.

Avatar for Huntsman

Warrenboy, I enjoy your posts and envy your travels. I think you’ve got have one of the broadest bases of experience on here.

Avatar for April9424

You randomly asked a girl at big lots if you could take pictures of her? That’s pretty weird and bold. How did that go down?

Everyone in my life including my parents knows what I do so it shouldn’t be uncomfortable but I remember one guy somehow making it awkward as fuck. I danced for a dude who owned a bar right by my house. My bf at the time was craving a certain drink from there, i told him why I didn’t wanna go and he said “oh come on there’s no way you’ll run into him”. Well, we did, and he checked on us about 10 times while lingering and staring at me. Bf agreed I was right and said let’s go. If you see a stripper in the wild please try and act normal lol

Avatar for Cashman1234

DarkBlue999 - are you talking about the time you approached a dancer who was in her car - about to leave after working?

That is still a very bad idea.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Local shopping mall, lingerie store. Fashion show put on by said store.

Another cutting hair, cut my hair.


Avatar for mjx01

once at the local mall, once at ihop, and once literally in passing while walking down the street. (not counting the 2 planned met ups)

Avatar for Smalltowncpl

I have recognized a couple of girls over the years but one meeting kinda stands out. I was at Master Cuts in the mall getting my hair cut and the girl cutting my hair looked very familiar but I just couldn't place her. I finally ask where she worked before because she looked familiar. She got this look on her face and said she had worked in a few bars. I smiled and finally I realized she was a dancer. She was cool with it and said she has had other guys that she thought recognized her but I was the only one that ever said anything to her. After that she was my regular hair cutting girl for a long time.

Avatar for goldmongerATL

Have one that cut my hair at a chain haircut place. Saw one at IHOP eating with what looked like her teenage daughter-- 25 years old my ass! Seen a couple in stores and malls. Ran into one on campus when I was in grad school - she was my go to regular for lapdances before i could afford VIP.

And, I ran into one when invited to a party at her parent's house. No, I did not bang her that night at the party.

Avatar for rockstar666

My ATF used to live in my neighborhood but I never saw her in public. She still lives nearby but far enough away that we no longer shop in the same stores. I've never seen a dancer I know in public.

Avatar for ATACdawg

@azdd: Hope he didn't ask you to "step outside for a word". Dang, that must have been an awkward flight! ;-)

Avatar for azdd

@ATACdawg - I wasn't seated by them. I had seen them in the gate area before boarding. It was a Southwest Flight, and somehow they were in the front row. When I boarded she gave me a look that said don't you even fucking think about sitting here, so I moved several rows further back. We've laughed about it since then, but it would have pretty ballsy for me to grab that third seat in their row.

Avatar for azdd

BTW, ATACdawg - love your avatar girl! Is she someone you know, or just a stock photo you found?

Avatar for ATACdawg

Sorry, azdd, I just WISH that she was someone I knew! Just a stock photo off of babepedia.com - a heckuva source for such things. If you care to browse, I'd suggest searching Shelby Chesnes, Jessica Ashley or Alexandra Tyler for similar hot brunettes. :-)

Avatar for azdd

Nice choices! My avatar pic is someone I used to know, many times.....

Avatar for ATACdawg

BTW, the girl in my avatar is Jamie Graham, a Playboy Cybergirl from around 2009. Enjoy!

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