Who here has met each other?

Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
Who has met someone from here? I know there have been meetups where some of the guys met each other. I know some guys have met some dancers. I have met people from here (and some have seen me but I didn't know until they talked about it here) so how is the tuscl family tree? Lol.
last commentI believe I hold the record. I have met:
Bones (Thisoldman played 1) trojangreg minnow Jepello XTommX shekitout JGB133 lousygolferdude vincemichaels catman988 joey2002 uscue13 Clubber rob0411 magicrat snowtime Timboatl StripShopper Chandler Bustanutz Ghostbuster360 Rod8432 Samsung1 Canny Joewebber jimmonroe SemiCrazy Ime VeryBigDawg Silkypants Coclubber Bubba267 Papi_Chulo Goodsouthernboy John 08753 Thekingof32 JohnSmith69 Jabberwock Gadawg30103 DroidX GACA Mistah Fetti Morbuxxx
Elemental23 Hamster80
Plus about 5 dancers but Eve Hartely is the only active on.
I've never knowingly met any fellow members.
I’ve met only a few, mostly just briefly ‘cause I like to club alone: Shadowcat, JohnSmith69, EastCoaster, Eve Hartley. Eve is the only one I have spent any substantial amount of time with as we have visited several clubs together. Why are you asking? I don’t know where you are, but if you’re interested in meeting more members I have some airline miles to burn.
Met a little over 20 fellow PLs
Have never met a dancer thru TUSCL
No one can beat shadowcat's tally, but since joining almost four years ago, I have met about two dozen TUSCLers, including a few women -- one of whom is not a dancer.
So far I have not (knowingly) met anyone who posts here.
Just a couple gents and a couple dancers. I normally fly solo.
I've never knowingly met any, but I'm pretty sure I've been in the same clubs at the same times as a few folks based on reviews/comments/discussions.
I've seen guys in clubs scrolling through TUSCL. So, it's likely that I've been in the vicinity of some members, but I haven't met one.
i've met 11 people. 2 were dancers. both were very attractive (duomaxwell and ilaniCashhh)
Met a few at a Follies Meetup. Spent a trip with just me and shadow.
I’ve met at least 20 including 2 dancers
Wow - shadowcast is almost at 60 (59) TUSCLers met.
Shadow - do you recall who was the first TUSCLer you met, what year, and what club? And who was the last?
I’ve met three that I know of. shadowcat, verybigdawg and snowtime. At least I think it was snowtime. :)
The only PL I’ve probably met is Rockie, but he doesn’t want me to know who he is. Probably embarrassed to be seen with me publicly.
I've met a couple TUSCL members in Phoenix, including rh48hr. Great guy. Still hoping to meet Lopaw if she's still around.
These are TUSCLers I have met. I may be missing a couple. The person I really want to meet is Gawker.
100ber Clubber JohnSmith69 Keepitbreezy1 (a dancer) Papi_Chulo Rech Silkypants vincemichaels Wallanon Wongy
My ATF and I have a love/hate relationship. This week has been 80% hate and 20% love. I’m quite sure she’s going to move to FL sometime this summer. If she does I’ll probably drive her there and I’ll fly home. This is the only chance I have to not die broke and broken. If we do a road trip I’ll try to get a meet up in Florida, somewhere near Cocoa Beach. I’d really like to meet many of you mongers.
I've never met anyone from here personally but later realized I was actually in the club at the same time as a couple of people and didn't know it
I've met 3 fabulous TUSCL gentlemen so far. All have been great company and I would see them all again in a heartbeat. Came close one to meeting a dancer that used to post here but has since disappeared (how unusual!). Both me & SlickSpic tried to hook up with her but she ghosted both of us. Hrmph. The nerve!
Yes I'm still around, Corvus! Someday we shall meet, and I can tell already that it will be a smashing good time :)
hard to realize it was four years ago i met you lopaw... at srcoi with olivia. i’ve met a few other tusclers in tj and socal.
Jeez, shadowcat, you get around!
My body count is like 5 or 6, some didn't tell me they saw me till on here, some don't post much and some have written reviews.
Awww I gotta smoke with one of the stoners. I'm so high right now.
I guess I'm a slacker at 8, including 1 dancer. I'll put Nina on my bucket list when I go to Detroit.
@justme62 - yes I have fond memories of that time with you & Olivia. I also remember dancing alot with Bo & Cameo around that timeframe. Do you remember Cameo? Damn she was fine as hell. I still visit SRCOI occasionally, but if I'm in the area I am more than likely to head to Synn instead.
Papi - They were the first and last names on my list.
Bones - circa 2002 at the Memphis Platinum Plus Trapdoor - Feb 2018 at Follies
I haven't knowingly met another member. Probably would make for some interesting PLness but I like to fly solo
I wouldn't turn down an offer of an experienced SCer to show me the ropes of their favorite SCs as I'm not the most experienced PLer
Considering I'm just a lurker and still relatively green, I haven't met up with any other PL.
I think its about 10 for me.
I dont visit most of the popular(on tuscl at least) sc cities that often.
7 or 8 for me. Monger meets are great. :)
None knowingly. I'm sure you guys are good chaps and all, but my cup overfloweth already with social interactions stemming from family and work obligations. When I go to the clubs, it is partly to blow off steam. I'm usually looking for as little interaction as possible with other guys or even civilian women.
Never went out of my way to meet or greet a fellow TUSCLer, and i hardly ever travel. I still prefer a semblance of anonymity as well as clubbing alone for various reasons. If i club with someone, it might be with coworkers that have this common interest, but not with more familiar friends where word can spread around more quickly in more intimate circles. The coworkers themselves also try to keep this a bit on the downlow as well. This hobby certainly hasn't reached acceptability levels where you can just openly tell people you know how often and how much time and money you regularly spend on it and the details of what you actually do, lol.
I've likely gone to a club at the same time as MrDeuce has based on how often he has frequented the same clubs (390, the former Club O and Skybox) as i have in a fairly similar time frame, and didn't know it at the time. Maybe something similar with chessmaster (PoleKatz on discount Tuesdays). I think i've gone to a club like a day after Sinclair went based on certain details shared. That's probably the extent of it. Nothing ever came of it, and i generally don't converse with other customers. So maybe a possible 3 passing of incognito ships and maybe a few other relatively inactive (in terms of discussions) TUSCLers that i have no idea who they are (their handle).
I went to the Admiral on a weekend night almost once every month for a couple years, or around 20 or so visits, not that long ago when it was once part of my regular club rotation, mostly for eye candy. Only go there once every several months, if that, now. Got very familiar with the dancer rotation there (nowhere near as much turnover as other clubs; after over 3 years, about half of them are still there off and on). Don't know when Nina worked there or what her name was there, but if she regularly worked weekends (both days) during 2015 and 2016, i probably saw her at least once.
I will say i do wonder what it would be like to experience a group of veteran TUSCLers working a club (besides Follies or Hong Kong) in their various ways. How much of a headache it might be for the largely unfortunate or fortunate (depending on how you look at it or on the TUSCLer) girls working that day trying to make easy money out of a substantial group with money to spend and more often than not finding it harder than getting blood out of a stone. I feel like i might be even more restrained about spending money if i was with such a group.
I've worked with/know Nina (btw, check your Facebook messenger ahole) and maybe two or three guys on here who don't actively comment, but were active on TwoSheds (rip).
I got together at the HL last fall with Chili Palmer and rh48hr, great guys. Met Richard Head many years ago at the HL. I've probably met dancer aperfectseal at the HL, but she's keeping her identity a secret, so far...... if SpillTheBeans is who I think she is, then I've definitely met her! Jondoe69 is also a HL dancer that I've known very well for years.
I often look around the club while in The HiLiter or Bourbon Street, and wonder if any of the other guys are TUSCLers. Would like someday to meet Corvus, ndnman, Lone Wolf, galiziabob, WetWilly, PHXHG, etsutwigg222. mark94.
No disrespect to anybody, but no. Most folks on here seem like good guys and I probably would find getting a drink outside the clubs aces. But a few posters are kind of psycho. I don't need male psychos in my life (or female psychos either, but at least sexy female psychos bring something!).
But when I do club it's to see tits and pussy and (if possible) good views of some sexy butthole. Remember, sexy girl butthole = brilliant!
I've never meet any fellow tuscl friends. There's been a few attempts but just never happened.
I usually club during the weekday afternoons and sometimes it's last minute.
Would be great to set up meet and greet at a club here in La during the afternoon time.
I'm going to be in Phoenix on June 7th and plan on visiting Bourbon Street in the early afternoon time. If anyone Elsa's of regular and wants to meet there for drinks let me know.
I can't believe I forgot to mention LegendAtLegends! I was only thinking PLs lol. Yes, of course, we've worked together.
And I responded to your FB message... Sorry... I really hate FB (you see how inactive I am on there now).
Never met any fellow members. Although - the rules of the program prevent me from admitting anything.
I have met Executive29577, Shadowcat, Magricrat, EastCoaster, Snowtime, Joc13, VeryBigDawg, Bubba267, and Thisoldmanplayedone and an unnamed dancer. All seem like very solid citizens. Actually, the dancer meeting did not go well. I had tried to show up at her club a few times and it never worked out. I showed up one time unannounced to her, introduced myself, and she essentially turned and ran. I assume she thought of me as a creeper/stalker. I was a bit taken back by the reaction, but I guess I can see it...
I've never met anyone...I may meet up with someone from TER in aug and hit a club...I'd love to meet people from here. I could set up a bitcoin meetup as a cover event :)
i enjoy meeting fellow mongers and dancers. i have absolutely no problem with internet friends. maybe someday i’ll have a custom t shirt with the tuscl, tja and bonedin artfully displayed on them. and maybe even my handles. so far i’ve met easily over three dozen as it is. a fist bump with amigos is nice.
TUSCL t-shirts for all
Based on a review that just got published, I was at a club around the same time as another TUSCL member last night.
It is highly likely that TFP and I were at a club at the same time, though it was unintentional. I may have also been at another local club at the same time as a couple of other reviewers based off of the details included in their review. Again, all unintentional. That said, everyone here seems to be good people.
I think I've been in the same club at the same time as other posters but I don't remember meeting up and talking. I've always been very busy with dancers. Most of the time. Now I'm just too busy to even visit. I did have time to visit Twin peaks twice last week and enjoyed my first ever and second visits. Food agreed with me too.
Echopapa I think we'd have been a cool team had we met. When I went to GCC the next weekend I ended up shooting the shit with the only other black customer in the place. We got approached by way more women sitting together than I did when I was sitting alone at a table. Fun times! It's a lot more fun to get approached by hotties than to have to hunt down every girl you want to get a dance with, which I have to do most of the time.
Echo, we should plan a meet up at GCC sometime. Fuck, let's even invite SJG lol. Even if he's as annoying as he is online we can at least get a kick out of his attempts at front room make out sessions.
@ orionsmith
Twin Peaks is nice, but I’m still partial to Hooters. The white tank top with orange runner shorts is iconic and aesthetic. I’m also a fan of their burnt Daytona Beach Style Wings. Gauche, yet tasty.
Tag-teaming a club with a more experienced and knowledgeable person sounds fun. I have only gone with other people a couple of times, and they are casuals who get drunk then go to a strip club once or twice a year so they can brag about squeezing a boob. It will have to be in a couple of months or so though, because I’ve been saving up for my Hong Kong trip and I’m actually getting pretty close to my goal. Once I’m back from my trip I’ll need to build up my club funds a little bit, then we can have a night about town.
Has there ever been a time san_jose_guy didn’t post on TUSCL? He could probably be this site’s mascot.
Echo, gotcha. Save up for the sexy chicas, yessir! Maybe you can meet up with Tahoe Cruz or justme62 for your TJ visit. Those are two guys I wouldn't mind meeting up with since they have all kinds of TJ experience.
I agree with the other poster about maintaining some semblance of anonymity. I'm here for fun and pleasant stimulation. I'm not interested in drama. I've met you (Nina) and you were a total pro. It was a pleasure being in your capable hands, as I hope it was in mine. Good times. And Linzee is the epitome of charm and beauty. I would have liked meeting farmerart. We exchanged a few messages and the guy was brilliant, practical and compassionate. I've tried to meet other posters but life got in the way.
Never met any other tuscler but I would bet gawker and I were at our preferred club at the same time at least once in the past five years. Every time I seen an older gentleman coming down from VIP with a big smile on his face I always wonder, could that be the one and only gawker?
I have an ex who wants me to go to Atlanta w him soon. Not sure I’ll take him up on it, but if I do, I have to entertain myself during the days. Shadow may be the first to meet me also lol.
I’ve never met another tuscl member on purpose but I think I have been in clubs a few times where I was not the only Tuscl member present, based on reviews.
@Nina "Jeez, shadowcat, you get around!"
It's not so much that he gets around, but that he holds court in the best club in the Southeast (maybe the country), and every PL eventually makes a pilgrimage there to provide a tribute (bottled water, but everyone thinks "Dilly Dilly" when it's delivered) and benefit from his wisdom.
Probably about 10. Almost all of them were via Shadowcat.