If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be and why

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Your Friendly Neighborhood Average Guy
Whether it's having more money, being better looking, being younger, being older, or having a better job-- we all pretty much have something we desire. As for myself, I'd have to go with having more money so I can travel the world frequently


Being more of a glass-half-full person vs glass-half-empty person
More money. Better type of job that pays more. More education. To live in a better place than Arizona. Bigger dick, seriously..... And better parents. Mom stresses the crap out of me and Dad said some bad things when I was younger that have affected me a lot. Most of these are a given on why haha.
wiser. younger than 68. in shape. endless financial gains. new roof on the house.
avatar for FTS
7 years ago
Bigger dick... like just two extra inches. And bigger muscles. Both of which i’m Working on. And better skin.
^ How the hell are you working on a bigger-dick
The size of my wallet. I know money will not buy you happiness. But I sure would like to test that theory.
"Money may not buy happiness but the lack of it can sure make you miserable"

^ I think I heard that from Suze Orman
Nothing. I'm worried about the unintended consequences.
To be born on the planet Krypton with the name Kal-El ;)
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7 years ago
@Papi, apparently the tissues within the penis can be enlarged over a long period of time much the same way that a bicep muscle can be enlarged, that is, adaptation to a particular stimulus. There are two main sites that serve as a discussion place for men who practice Penis enlargement. One is called Pegym.com, the other is called thundersplace.org.
^ be careful with that - often times it's only the surrounding-skin and tissue (nerves, etc) that get elongated and not the penis itself, and it causes serious issues - one's penis may be longer but it can be mostly foreskin and nerves
I would have learned a simple truth much earlier in life. I would have found more enjoyment in the world around me - and I wouldn’t have spent so much time working to make $$$$.
I'd be the head agent of The Donald's Secret Service protection detail - and I would do a really shitty job of it!
I'll help !! ^^^
An obscene amount of money so that several generations of my family wouldn’t have to work.

With my luck I’d say that - get my wish then get terminal cancer a month later or get squashed by a semi truck in a freak accident in a parking lot!!!
avatar for orionsmith
7 years ago
I would like to be an anonymous winner of several million dollars tax free or maybe over a hundred million dollars. I could fix a lot with all the extra cash. Actually that much would likely be enough for myself and all my brothers and sisters to retire early and live with less stress from working a regular job. Would have to set up a weekly trust fund for one in law that can't manage anything.
Maybe being single from the get go....but its who I was made from this experience today so maybe not.

Your post got me thinking. I've lived a good life. I'm no spring chicken.

If a couple generations of my family would be exceptionally taken care of financially that would be a tradeoff I would seriously consider.

We all die sometime and that would be with minimal suffering.

Then again, my passing would cause extreme distress and you fuckers would get away with took much without getting properly patronized.

The definition of a conundrum.
The one thing I’d change if possible would be more time, don’t know how much I have but I’m enjoying it. I hope to maintain my health as long as I can that would be the reason more than any other that I have had a good life so far.
The one thing I would change is that I would never have become a Cleveland Browns fan.
Either that or I would have never read any posts by SJG or fishsticks.
"Love is never having to say you're a Cleveland Browns fan."

I think that was in a book and a movie once.....

"Love means never having to say you're sorry." -Love Story, 1970.
I'd like to be better looking

I forgot - the thing I’d change is I wouldn’t be afraid of flying. It scares the shit out of me. I still do it - but I’ve never enjoyed it or relaxed.
Easy. Money. Lots of it.
Assuming that good health is assumed and therefore not an option.
Money certainly isn’t everything but it cures a lot of ills.
No need for a better job, or any job, is you have money.
No need to be good looking if you have money. Amazing the number of hot broads that will get with ugly dudes who are rich.
No need to have a big cock if you have lots of dough because you can get pussy anyway and it don’t matter if you’re satisfying her as long as you’re satisfied.
A personal network. I don't need much money but access to the right people, right connections, right resources, etc. That way I could make my own opportunity. :)

What do you consider this group of TUSCL members, chopped liver?
Au contraire. You guys are about the best thing I have going. But I got your sarcasm.
Wished I would have grown up with a father or intact family.

Wished I would have started saving earlier or not been so pre-occuppied with money so early as an adult or worried so much about being broke.

Wished I would have come to grips with cheating or with hookers 20 years ago, as I ended up reaching the same conclusions as rick but tried to talk myself out of it for 20 years chasing truth that wasn't there, hence my thread topics last month.

Wished I would have stood up to my wife's boss early on when she first mentioned problems, instead of waiting for it to take a toll on her then doing something, just because at the time I thought we needed the money. No one needs money that badly. We didn't and we managed.
Things I don't regret.

Hustling odd jobs as a kid for cash.

Going all Natural Born Killers on my FIL the first time we met. Fkn pedo enabler. ;)

Losing my virginity early .. and often. :D
Discussion about working on a bigger dick = brilliant!

Seriously though, i believe the secret to happiness is not wanting anything you do not have. At least not wanting it too much.

Would I turn down more money? Of course not, but I’m happy enough with what I have. Same for bigger dick. Same for just about everything. Things in life could always be “better”, but if you have your health, a roof over your head, and enough money to live everything else is gravy!
The obvious stuff is obvious: lose a bit of weight, make more money, have more free time, etc. Who doesn't want those things?

I wish I needed less sleep. I require a solid 8 to 9 hours. Otherwise, I feel like hell and I'm disagreeable (more than usual...). I know people who thrive on 3 to 4 hours of sleep and I'm bitterly jealous.

I have stuff to do. I resent sleep. Or, the quantity required, specifically.
I wish I was dirt broke, then I could see if she loves me for me or for my money. Lol

People who say "more money, more problems" have never been poor. I'm not poor...but if I had 65 million dollars...I'd be living in a mansion in California, could have some horses, a Lambroghini, and more tail than I would ever be able to handle.
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